Soul Evolution System

Chapter 271 Trouble In HOTD ( Part 6 )

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" So, what are you wanted to do here Alexander-kun? "

“ What if I told you that I just wanted to be alone with you, Yuriko? "

"M-Mou... then I'll get a little annoyed with you, little one... the problem of the recent zombie activity is not a joke, after all"

"Well, it's true that I'm glad to be able to spend time with you, but I also wanted to try some things."

After teasing Yuriko a bit, I search in my interdimensional space for the scrolls I recently obtained from Rozz's Area, and right away one of these appears in my hands. Since she had seen some similar ones before, she is not too surprised by this while I examine this one a bit.

If I have to describe a difference between the other scrolls that we had used until now, I can only say that the runes and magic symbols in this one were more abundant and had also a more complex design... on how it is used nothing has changed, so the following thing I do is take the necessary crystals to activate it.

Of course, the amount of energy to activate it was much higher than those of before, in fact, monster crystals with a level 2 soul were needed for this one...

Previously, it always seemed a bit curious to me that the crystals that I had in my possession could only be merged to create one with a value of 999,999, and it was no longer possible to add another crystal more... so it could be said that this was the limit of what a single crystal of these could be worth.

But inside the dimensional ring that had the adventurer's mummy in the Rozz forest, there I found several crystals that were worth more than 1 million each of these... according to Aurora, these belonged to creatures with a level 2 soul.

Apparently, when a monster enters that range its crystal undergoes an even greater qualitative change than when it enters in the 5th limit... probably something changes in its crystal and allowing it to accumulate more energy.

Besides, it is easy to recognize the crystal of a monster with a level 2 soul. The translucent glow that normal crystals showed, change and now these emitted an orange color...

Theoretically, a crystal of that level can be exchanged for 1 million of those that have a translucent color. Though it seems that no one would make such a deal and people with these crystals prefer only to exchange them only for things with a high value such as equipment or objects, or also keep it for their own use. That must be the reason why I hadn't seen someone use these crystals to make a payment in the Areas where I had been until now.

After all, there are things like these scrolls that even if you placed several crystals with almost a million worth, these would not work. It is probably similar to electrical objects which need a specific voltage to function, and those crystals do not have the necessary energy output for that.

It was a good thing that the guy who had these scrolls had prepared the necessary crystals to use these he had and I did not have to look for crystals of monsters with a level 2 soul. To do that, I would probably have had to go to an Area of the same level...

"Okay, then let's try this thing..."

With everything ready, I prepare me to activate the scroll. These things are worth over 100 million G, plus you need 3 orange crystals that would be supposedly 30 million G, so I hope they are really worth it!

With Yuriko's curious gaze on me, the scroll begins to emit an orange glow that came from the magic symbols and runes that seem to begin to absorb the energy of the crystal little by little... so then I found the first problem that these scrolls had.

These took a long time to activate! The only good thing I can say is that at this moment I was not in a hurry for the scroll to show its effect... it was then that until after several minutes after it began to shine, the indications of how to use it finally appeared in my mind.

Without wasting any more time, I put my eyes on the city that I could see when I opened the door of the helicopter, and then from the parchment, an energy beam shoots out to the place that I indicate as the center in my mind.

Right away, in that city where we could see a large number of zombies walking through the streets, what looked like waves spread all over the place. I think the scroll first checks the environment a bit, so we have to wait more time to finally see the effect of it.

If I'm honest, it wasn't what I expected. I expected to see the entire city burning in flames now, but what my eyes see was something a little different.


Well, it surely is still something quite eye-catching for someone like Yuriko. Somehow, the scroll seems to have chosen some streets of the city in which the flames begin to form spontaneously and soon zombies, vehicles, and other objects that were in these, burn...

[Boom!] [Boom!]

While it wasn't as if the entire city was burning now, as there was no one to stop the fire from spreading, soon it was not just the places where the scroll showed its effect that was covered in flames. Also, explosions that occurred sporadically and that became more and more constant helped this.

Seeing all this, I was no longer so disappointed with the scroll... although there are zombies with some intelligence, this is not so high that they order the other zombies to start taking buckets of water to try to put out the fire, so with some time, most likely the flames will spread throughout the city.

Also, I think I just had some too high expectations of these scrolls. If I think about it, as magic scrolls, these don't rank that high. So it's only natural that they have various disadvantages.

Probably a tactical level scroll that really sets an entire city on fire in seconds would not just be a [F] rank… there are surely tactical scrolls with higher levels, and logically these have to be stronger and not have as many defects like the ones that I just used.

Although perhaps it also depends a bit on the skill of the scribe who makes the scrolls...

" H-How many of those scrolls do you have, Alexander?! "

"Same as this one, I still have 4... I also have others, but they are probably not as useful as these"

“4… well, it's still pretty good. With these, we can at least eliminate the cities that cause us the most problems while you get the weapons "

"I have the same thought like you, Yuriko"

Seeing as the city began to burn slowly, Yuriko animated way and a bit altered, she took my shoulders and ask me that... if I do not say her something, I wonder if she will start to undress me to see for herself how many of these scrolls I had with me?

Well, anyway. Since I was in this position, I had to take advantage of it, and so while Yuriko seemed to start considering where to use the other scrolls, I pulled my face closer to hers and spoke to her.

“…I want a reward. I have done my best to help the camps, so I want a reward! "

"E-Eh? A-A reward? W-Well it's true that Alexander-kun has done a lot for the people here, so I'm sure the others will agree with this. The problem is that I don't think there is something that you can be rewarded with that interests you... "

"Oh, don't worry, Yuriko. There is, or rather, I don't care much what other people give me... I don't want a reward from them, I want a reward from you, Yurik!"

"E-Eh? A-A reward from me… th-that's… "

You could say that all the camps we have control of are mine, so as Yuriko says, what one thing could I wish for from these? At the moment the only thing in this world that is useful to me is crystals, but I don't think there are people who would fight with me for these here.

So maybe the only thing that people here could do to reward me is something like a statue or things like that, but that doesn't interest me. I have enough with the statue that the guild girls "Servants of Alexander-sama" made me...

Therefore, from the beginning the only thing I wanted as a reward is something from Yuriko...

"...Do I not deserve a reward, Yuriko? "

"T-That's… w-what do you want?"

I keep pressing her a bit, and finally as her face flushes and she looks down, she mentions the words I wanted to hear.

"Just one Kiss! Just like last night, I want to taste Yuriko's lips! "


I couldn't ask too much because surely that would only be counterproductive, so I choose something that we had already done. Yuriko seems to think things over for a while, but then she by herself begins to bring her face closer to mine, and then my lips feel the quality of hers.


This was certainly something much less intense than what happened that night, but for me this was much more significant than that time! On that occasion, I was who took the initiative, and also was when she was emotionally unstable. Instead, now she was who did it and certainly she was much calmer!

From the emotion I felt, I wanted to throw myself towards her and kiss her more intensely, but I manage to contain myself and instead decide to make fun of her a little. While I touch my lips as if to emphasize what we had done, I look directly at her and say.

"Well... I just wanted a kiss on my cheek like the time you gave me a reward for the pill I gave you before... I didn't expect Yuriko to take my lips without giving me time to mentally prepare myself"

"F-Fool! I-It's obvious that this is what you want!! B-Besides, you were the only one who took my lips the previous time in an unexpected way!

H-Hmp~ Don't pretend innocence in front of me, little brat! "

“Heee~ I remember that time you told me that you wanted me to show you how I felt about you, so that's why I kissed you. I really don't mind showing you my feelings for you like that night again, you know?... "

“S-Stop playing, I-I already gave you the reward you wanted!

M-More importantly, now we should think about what to do next whit this..."

When I thought of giving Yuriko another kiss, she put her hand on my mouth to avoid it. Then at being somewhat nervous about this, she decided to change the subject pointing to the city that continued to burn little by little.

Well… it's true that we probably have to take care of this. Although the zombies did not put out the flames, surely they have enough intelligence to try to escape from that hell.

“W-We should go back… we must send some teams to take care of the zombies that try to escape. Also, once the flames are extinguished, we will have to examine if some things are useful to us still. "


Since I had practically cornered Yuriko in a corner of the helicopter and was about to climb on her body, I return to my place listening to her words. It's really difficult trying to contain yourself with a woman like her...

On the other hand, I don't think much can be salvaged from this city since probably all the food in this one will end up burning... although since we have no shortage of this, there is not much of a problem for this. As for the survivors of that city, perhaps they can try to escape now that the zombies leave the city for the fire... but they will have to do so before the flames prevent them from doing this too.

Well, actually, I think there should be very few people in the cities now, and the few survivors had to be gathering in camps to survive more easily. Also since the zombies have become a little more intelligent, probably the people who stayed in the cities have long ended up in the stomach of some zombies. So I'm not worried about burning survivors for this.

Thinking about this, the helicopter that had moved away from the city to avoid the smoke returns to our camp.

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(POV Revy)

The boy had gone to the world of some girls since yesterday, apparently, it had been screwed up and was full of zombies... if it were before, this would certainly have surprised me, but with everything that happened so far and I have seen, it is not so shocking anymore.

Alexander told me that from that world he would get my gold and so that he had wanted me to accompany him there, but I honestly don't want to go to a place that is worse than the city where I come from. Well, more than he needed me to accompany him, it seems that he did not want to leave me alone in this place... that damn brat must think that when he returns he may find one of his girls dead if I stay here... or that I will surely create some problem!

…Although I can't say that I get along with all of them, I am not so stupid as to become the enemy of all these girls. There are some that even I feel it would be dangerous to fight with...

Well, the thing is that this mansion is quite comfortable and it is much better to spend time here than in an apocalyptic world. Also, I have to say that the way the military girls treat me is quite refreshing… being treated with respect and seeing how they have a bit of envy towards me is not bad at all.

That's something I discovered when I went back on my own with some of those girls, but it seems to them that all the girls who live in the mansion are their superiors, and of course that includes me.

So being treated that way is something new to me, although... I can certainly get used to this. At least it is much better than being treated like a plague or a criminal...

"...How far have you come with Alex-chan?"

"" E-Eh? ""

By this time all the girls in the mansion had gathered to eat, so I decided to ask something that intrigued me a bit and for which I was a bit curious. It is obvious that the attitude of the soldier girls is not due to just the fact that we lived in the mansion, and rather to the implicit meaning in this... that all these girls were the women of that brat.

At first I thought that the boy had already eaten all these girls, but... knowing them a little more, then I realized that these girls seemed too innocent in that aspect. In fact, you can say that they stink of virgins!

Just looking at how most of them start to get nervous about this topic when I ask this, it pretty much confirmed my suspicions. This surprises me a bit, being with that boy for a while, I can say that he is not a herbivore… well, he is also only 13 years old, something that I sometimes forget.

So with my words, these girls begin to say the approaches they have had with him until it becomes a kind of competition... although all things didn't rise from the level of charisms and kisses. It seems that the knight girl from before has even gone further with him than these girls...

Or so I thought until little Harpy as if remembering something and not wanting to lose with the others, then she speaks and says something that leaves the others in silence...

“Master loves Vrana more! He even let her suck his meat stick, roock~! "

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