Soul Evolution System

Chapter 272 Trouble In HOTD ( Part 7 )

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(POV Revy)

"" ... ""

“W-What do you mean, bird girl?

…Are you talking about food again? "

With the words of the little Harpy, everything falls silent for a while until the brown-haired girl called Rei asks that... previously when this topic came to light, the boy was here to divert everyone's attention. Unfortunately, this time it is not this way since he is in another place.

"Hmn? No, Vrana is talking about the meat stick between the master's legs, roock~"

Without being able to be even more specific, the Harpy clears any doubts there may be about this. I knew it! That brat had done that kind of thing with this girl, although...

Whether it's because there are only pure girls here right now, or because they probably knew that sort of thing would happen sooner or later, most don't take this badly. At most, it just makes some of them frown over at thought some things.

Well, probably being one of the most inexperienced in this subject, Emilia's face flushes completely and she acts nervous... although is perhaps due to this subject make arousing some memories in her mind.

Then as if confirming my suspicions, when she sets her eyes on me, her nervousness grows even more. She's probably afraid that I would bring up that the boy had performed oral sex on her as well... it even seems that she was begging me with her eyes to be quiet.

"Scythe-chan... you're drooling"

Although there were also girls who seemed to not understand or care a lot about this thing... the girl with the scythe starts to drool a little when she hears the words "Master's meat stick". As far as I know now, this girl was a zombie... I don't know if she just took those words literally.

...I really can't understand how Alexander can keep someone who seems to want to eat him by his side...

Other girls like Mary, Leona, and Saeko seem to think that this is not something too important. Probably if the boy asks to any of them to do the same as the Harpy, no one would hesitate much to do it...

"So Alex-kun has come to do that with Vrana-chan~..."

"W-Well... since she only looks a couple of years older than him, then that wouldn't look like a crime."

"T-that bra-… My lord will surely make me do that kind of thing to him now that I'm his slave…"

“Hmp~ You think highly of yourself, don't you? Why would Alexander-sama want to do that with an old woman having girls more beautiful than you by her side? B-Besides, I am Alexander-sama's first slave, s-so... "

“Y-Youuu… it really seems that you are happy with your new status as a slave, Celi. Maybe I should have turned you into one much earlier! "

The firsts to speak were the girls who seemed to be a similar age to me. They just blush a little probably from the kind of topic we were talking about, but they didn't seem that surprised by this either.

Then the girls who became Alexander's slaves begin to argue with each other... in the end, it seems that this merchant woman could not avoid her fate of falling into the hands of that boy.

"T-That perverted brat… I can't believe he took advantage of this girl, surely this silly girl didn't even understand those things!!"

"Hmn? The Master didn't anything wrong, fat girl! Vrana just wanted to make the Master happy and that's why she did it, roock ~ !!

Also, even though Vrana didn't understand it much about these things at that time, now Vrana knows! Master wanted Vrana to lay the eggs that Master fertilized with his seed! Vrana is not stupid!! 

You are the fool, fat girl!! "

Well, it seems that not everyone accepts this calmly... the brown-haired girl from before, after processing what the Harpy had done with Alexander, gets angry and starts screaming complaints about him.

On the other hand, the girl responsible for all this does not find her words very pleasant, and while defending her Master, she also begins to insult Rei. It seems that when they did that this girl didn't really know much about these issues. Although… maybe because of that, now it seems that she awakened her instincts about such things.

"E-Eh? E-Eggs? S-Seed? "

"" C-Children... ""

Then the Harpy takes things to the next level... now even older girls get a little nervous and those who stayed away from this conversation turn their eyes in full attention to the girls who were talking...

Oh, this is really fun… it's like watching a drama in the flesh! So while I enjoy my food, which is actually a very good thing in this world too, I watch the reactions of all these girls.

"I-I think it's too early for Vrana-chan to have children…"

"I-It's true, for those things we should all wait a bit~ After all, Alex-kun is only 13 now"

“B-But the things that boy did with this girl are also something too early for them to do, right?! "

"Rei... I think that's the decision of each girl... me too als-"


Then the military leader girl, Rika, and the Cow Mother talk to try to calm things down but it seems that the girl Rei didn't want to leave this like this yet and so she continues with the topic. Then the pink-haired girl also intervenes and she reveals another bomb... 

It seems that she did it without thinking since she covers her mouth with her hands in the next instant as if she tried to prevent more words from coming out of her mouth, unfortunately, it was too late for that and practically her words had exploded in the ears of the others.

Well... maybe since everyone had discovered that the boy had had oral sex with the Harpy, this is not so shocking. Although this continues to surprise the others a bit.

If you ask me, I agree with that pink-haired girl. I don't think the fact that any of them have put the boy's penis in their mouth is a big deal… although I personally find that unpleasant.

Somehow I feel that if I did that, I would be denigrated by the other part... although it is probably because instead of where I was, more than something sexual, that was more used to humiliate and despise the person who does something like that.

…So maybe doing it for someone you like isn't so bad.

“I-I have to continue checking the organizations that want to settle here and also see the progress of the inn and the store. S-So see you later "

Since all eyes were now focused on the pink-haired girl, she has no choice but to escape... if she didn't, then she would probably have to answer a lot of questions now. Although… she was probably just delaying the inevitable.

Well, I think most accept her words about that each girl was responsible for how far to allow the boy to move forward with each one, so after she leaves this conversation does not take long to be settled. Then right away all the others start heading somewhere to do the things they had to do as well.

...I think I'll just enjoy my time in this place, Or maybe I should go with Saeko and the others to understand more about this new ability that I gain? Well, now I hope that boy comes back soon to see how he deals with all this, hehehe.

Unfortunately, it seems that the boy took his time in the place he went and the things of that day seemed to have gotten cold... also, they probably found it more difficult to talk about these things with him in person... tch.

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(POV Alexander-HOTD)


[Mission / Optional "Land Recovery" -G

5 Cities with less than 10 million zombies (1/5)]

After I returned with Yuriko to the camp, we arranged for some teams to take care of any zombies that might try to escape from that city. It was a busy couple of days for the soldiers, but it was certainly a lot easier to deal with the fleeing zombies than having to go into the city to eliminate them.

Although most of the zombies probably went up in flames along with the city, it was not a few who tried to escape... well, it could simply be said that it is because this world is full of these.

So after the city burned and the flames finally died down having consumed all they could, other teams entered while had to walk through the ashes to eliminate any enemies that had survived and still remained in place.

The good thing was that these cases were very rare since most of the zombies were eliminated either by the flames or the bullets of the teams that prevented them from fleeing. Only a few buildings were lucky enough not to burn and be able to protect some of these...

So soon and without a hitch, the system finally notifies me that the city had been totally cleared of zombies. So it was the turn to collect the winnings, although they were mostly just crystals.

Perhaps because the zombies were indirectly eliminated with a scroll, the reward boxes were very rare... although surely most would have been low rank if I had made the soldiers fight more directly, so I don't complain too much about this.

I was quite happy with just collecting the crystals! After all, there were more than 7 million zombies in this city! So in the end, I managed to fill my pockets with over 40 million of these!!

Also, those that the camps had collected during the period of a few months before I arrived were not few either... I received more than 60 million in total counting these too!! Well, I have to save some for the operation of the camps, so I will only take 50 million… but indeed this world seems to be taking shape from my own crystal mine.

I have high hopes for this world for the future! Surely the next time I return I will be able to get even more of these. Now Yuriko-san and the other leaders are discussing which would be the best cities to take over for the moment, so when they use all the scrolls in those cities, what will remain in these will be a large number of crystals to collect!

It was a shame that because I was busy now I couldn't spend much more time with Yuriko… besides, she was probably avoiding me a bit now…

Well, I think I've already made it clear how I feel about her, so for now the best thing is to give her time to process things for herself. Also, whether she wants to or not, she has to completely clear things up with Soichiro, or else she will never be able to move forward… because of that, I think the best thing is to give her a little space.

So with nothing else to do, I decided to see a bit how the other camps were. I was glad to see Kinato's crops growing well and they will probably have to be harvested soon. Furthermore, the rats and sea creatures seem that they will not end no matter how much people hunt or fish in those places...

When I went to the camp led by Shiro, there Iruka-chan showed me the monster she kept in her pokeball... this pair seemed to constantly come here to help fishing... or also to the monster come out a little to get fun with its little master.

But as I had thought before, it seems that sea creatures develop fast... I could see how Iruka-chan's monster dragged a huge shark that was a 6th limit to the shore while the girl happily encouraged this one. Without a doubt that thing was several tons of food...

Well, since Iruka-chan's monster was now a level [69] thanks to some pills I had given her to increase the trust in each other, then this monster can probably hunt off huge prey for the sustenance of the camps.

At least I think this monster seems more useful than Haruna's dog and cat… the dog is now in the peak of 7th limit, and the cat is a 7th too. Although they seem to spend most of the time in the camp near Haruna sleeping...

Since they will accompany Haruna to Gaia, I will have them hunt in the forest to make them stronger and also help Haruna to level a bit.

The good thing is that surely I will no longer need to worry about getting food for the camps, it does not seem that they have a problem with this issue for now and there are enough reserves even in case for if some reason they cannot harvest on Kinato or the population increases twice about it is now.

According to some sheets of documents that Yoshioka gave me before he returned to Kinato together with Soichiro, the approximate population we have when counting all the camps that recently joined us is about 150 thousand.

Also, following the pattern that we had used until now, 10 percent of these are now soldiers… it would be about 15 thousand. This would probably be considered a huge organization in Delna's kingdom… no, I'm sure this would surely be closer to a sect like the princess too.

Well, since most of them are new soldiers and these are between the 1st and 3rd limits, so perhaps it cannot be compared to large organizations on Gaia. Only about 1 thousand soldiers have a strength between the 4th and 6th limits... so this group of soldiers is not a small thing either.

Also, if we add the weapons of modern times, this group would probably have no problem maintaining their own space on Gaia. Although it does not make much sense to think about this since I do not plan to make our soldiers migrate to Gaia... it can be said that this force for the moment is to make my crystal mine work, since without this one, then surely all the camps would fall into disorder or they would be left defenseless.

"Alex, will we go back to Gaia now?"

While thinking about the progress of my camps in HOTD, Kurisu walks over to me. Apparently she also finished doing the necessary things for BIM's production lines... it's good to know that now I don't have to worry about the shortages of these.

Now that I had delivered most of the BIM's and Robots, food that I got from some nobles in the Delna Kingdom, and also the tactical scrolls, it could be said that I no longer had anything to do here.

Surely with Yuriko and the other leaders taking over the most troublesome cities around the camps, I don't have to worry much even if the zombies seem to be more active. Also, it is not that they are totally out of ammunition from artillery weapons, so they should not have problems protecting themselves for a few months.

Haaa~ Although it does not mean that I can take things easy either... now I have to think of a world where I can get artillery weapons with the gold they managed to collect during these days.

About this, it can be said that things went too well. Since the city where the zombies were recently eliminated was a large one, the banks there had a fair amount of this golden metal. Also, because it was announced in the camps that gold or jewelry prices would be exchanged for food or some privileges, I ended up storing a good amount of these in my storage.

What can I say? Many people during the beginning of the apocalypse collected these things probably thinking that they would have the same value as before the rise of zombies... unfortunately these objects only became pretty things but without any real value.

There was a time that not even people wanted to exchange something like that for a piece of bread... although, with the safety and comfort of the people in the camps, these once again had a bit of value as gifts or things like that, although not in the same way as before. I can only say that maybe that was human nature or maybe just custom.

The good news is that I will probably have no budget constraints to buy weapons in the world I choose to go to.

"Well, let's find Haruna and the little girls to return to Gaia."


Moments later the people who would accompany me to Gaia were all gathered, and some who had come to see us off as well. So while Haruna and Iruka-chan say goodbye to Komuro and the others, I put my eyes on Yuriko who was staying a bit away from me as if she was afraid that I would do something to her...

"The next time I return, you will have to give me an answer, Yuriko."


I approach her who seems to want to run away when she sees me walking towards her, but perhaps in the end thinking that if she did that it would also seem strange, she decides to stay where she was. Since I didn't want to push her too hard, I just said that to her while moving closer to her ear.

So after that, I open the portal using my grimoire. Then while Kurisu gives me a slightly angry look, we all enter it.

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