Soul Evolution System

Chapter 278 Arriving At Ruananpur (Part 2)

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"... What do you want us to do?"

After seeing the gold bar on the table for a while, Vin was finally interested in doing business with me. Sadly, although he seemed ready for business, I still could also see quite a bit of mistrust in his eyes and aura...

Well, surely in this place the highest-paid businesses are the darkest or most risky, so I think it is very normal for him to show himself in this way.

"Don't worry, Vin. This is probably the simplest and most paid business that someone has come to bring to your company. I just need you to get these things, it shouldn't be too difficult, right? "


To remove his distrust in me, I give him a sheet of paper with things that Kurisu had requested from me for BIM's, and also another list of things that Hirano had done about the material needed for the production lines so that the soldiers can concentrate on getting them in their expeditions.

" just want me to get this only?"


When Vin and the guy with glasses looked at the list, they only saw things that weren't quite hard to obtain as I had said. I wasn't stupid to ask them to get the bombs of mass destruction after all. Also, surely if I gave them the list with the name of some nuclear or thermobaric bombs, then they would have kicked me out of this place for sure...

Well, the main reason for not doing this was rather than making such a purchase was impossible for this organization in the first place, so it was of no help to scare these guys by showing them that other list.

But it's a shame that even though it shouldn't be difficult to get things on the lists that I gave them, their suspicions don't disappear... they surely think it's too good to be true, so with no other option, they direct their vision to their partner who is had placed near me now.

“… What do you think Revy? Do you think we can trust this child? "

"I know well that the brat is not lying, but you decide to agree to trust him, Dutch."

“…Well, we'll take the deal. We will take a small commission for making arrangements with some providers of these things, and we will charge you for transporting these to the place you want.

Where do you want us to deliver things? "

After Vin thought Revy's words for a few seconds, it seems that in the end he couldn't resist the glow of the golden brick that I had taken again of the glasses guy off his hands...

It's good to see that things in this world are going better than when I initially arrived in Emilia-kun's world… just a few minutes after arriving here, and then I have been able to complete one of my objectives here! Also without using a damn bullet!!

… Without a doubt, this is something to celebrate in this city of death.

"About the rate and costs-"

“That doesn't matter to me, just you don't inflate prices excessively is enough for me. If you try to cheat on me, then I'll know right away Vin. After all, this girl here is my woman now. "

"" E-Eh? ""

"W-Who is your damn woman, brat? D-Don't confuse things just because I haven't put a bullet in your head still!! "

The gold that I now had in my storage was not very valuable to me and could only be used in this world for now, so I really didn't care much that Vin raised the prices a bit.

Of course, that does not mean that I would pay a gold bar for just one bullet even if that gold metal did not have much value to me... but as long as he will not as cheeky as what I said before, I do not care that Revy's friends benefit a lot in this deal.

Also, I think that in the anime these guys were the ones with a more "respectable" reputation in this city... even so, to avoid being tricked or scammed by them, I highlight my relationship with Revy while using my domain to put a little pressure on them.

I just ignore Revy's complaints and put my eyes on these two guys, but... I don't know if their surprise that they now show is due to the atmosphere that surrounded them or to my earlier words.

"... C-Could you tame this beast of there?"

"Damn Benny, what do you mean by that? Do you have a problem with me?!! "

Apparently, their surprise was more due to my words... since my domain has strengthened a bit, it is actually a bit surprising that this was what caught their attention the most. I wonder if these guys thought Revy would be alone for the rest of her life? Although she is not an unparalleled beauty, I think she is still quite attractive as a woman...

Also, more than a beautiful girl, she is probably a woman with character. So if you can appreciate her in this way, then she has her own charm.

Perhaps my only complaint about her is that when she tries to hide her shame, then she chooses violence as the means to do it... when I try to stroke her fleshy ass to reaffirm my previous words, she draws her gun and points it directly at my forehead and so I have no choice but to stop my hand.

"B-Boy ... as a tip, I recommend that you look for another woman to fall in love with... this woman will surely shoot you, and since you are so young, that would really be a shame"

"Fuck you Dutch!!"

“Well, if we have reached an agreement, then each of us should do the things we have to do. I still have some things to do, and Revy will do others that I will ask of her too. So you two have to take care of the things on the list I gave you. "

"It's okay. For now, I will cancel the previous job… haa~ Damn, they will surely demand a large fee for that ”


"Hmp~ Why do I have to do what you tell me?"

Since Leona had drawn her knives upon seeing Revy pointing at me, I had to stop this talk. I highly doubt Revy will shoot me but if Leona makes a sudden movement, then she may accidentally pull the trigger!!

I slowly remove the gun from my forehead as I say that, and then at feeling me more sure, I get up to leave the company of these 3. Although Vin complains a bit, the business I offer must certainly be much better since if this one does not was so, then he would not be willing to pay that fee.

…It seems that I saved a poor office worker from being kidnapped now. I think I will get good Karma because of this.

[... well, at least I think that will make up for you taking someone else's woman]

What are you talking about Aurora? Since that guy and Revy never met, then nobody can't say that I've taken the woman from him. Karma shouldn't punish me for things that never happened, right?

[…maybe you are right.]

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

While I was having a somewhat philosophical discussion with Aurora, we reach the streets of this city, and so the first thing I see is someone shooting a subject who falls to the ground. Most likely lifeless ...

“Hehehe, don't be afraid, Alex-chan. You weren't the target "


"If you're new to this city, you should get used to these things, boy."

Hearing the shots, I almost throw myself to the ground and crawled on this one and looking for a place to cover myself. While my clothing protects me to some extent, I couldn't help but think that maybe a stray bullet would go straight to my head! Besides, he was not the only one to react to this, Leona had also drawn her knives and lowered her center of gravity while looking for the source of the shots.

Although I have been in hostile places and where I could die if I let my guard down, in truth this city gave me a very bad feeling... just seeing the residents of this one in the streets, Revy and the other two who made fun of my Actions and Leona included as well, at seeing them act as if nothing had happened, with this you could understand that death in this city was something that was very present for everyone here.

… In fact after the guy died, it seemed like the others completely lost interest in this and continued doing their things. Shit! It seemed like everyone here was in virtual reality and now they just waited for the guy who died to transform into pixels and disappear!

"Well... Revy, You should meet some important people in this city to buy the things I mentioned before, I will leave that to you. I and Leona will go somewhere else. "

“…Are you really going to continue with the idea of buying those things?

…Tch, okay, I'll just bring someone to you talk to her. I do not assure you anything about whether you can both do business...

On the other hand... are you alright going by yourself in this city? Well, forget it, I think I'll pray with the person who decides to bother you. Just try not to mess with the guys in religious dress, the guys in military uniforms, or the guys in expensive-looking suits like yours..."

Nodding at Revy's question, she starts to walk there somewhere while saying that to me. With her doing what she said is enough, from what I remember, she should have some contacts with some of the bigger organizations in the city, so we just have to wait and see who is the group that she chose, and if it is possible that we do some business.

Seeing that the others began to walk too, I and Leona also do the same. This place may be considered a door to hell, and although I appreciate the concern that Revy showed for a second before seeing the smile on my face, I am not afraid to move on my own in this place.

Well, it's okay to also follow Revy's advice a bit, so it's best to try not to upset the larger organizations for now. Plus, since they could end up being my business partners, it would be counterproductive to start a fight with them.

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"Haaa~ This city really sucks... it's even worse than a survivor camp in an apocalyptic world!!"

"Hehehe, it seems like you've met Ruananpur's charm, Alex-chan."

After several hours of walking in the city, looking for the place I wanted to find and doing some things there, and then coming back here, I and Leona had already killed 7 guys! Of course, it was in self-defense... the great majority. Since those people either wanted to kidnap us, steal us, rape us, or they just didn't like the way we looked at them and because of that hey wanted to kill me or Leona!!

…I think what I did before was a bit unnecessary by seeing this now. Some of the objectives in one mission now had (5/30) and (2/20) on its counters. Also, I just confirmed that the people in this city really have a pretty high level… a simple drunk in the streets can reach the 3rd limit easily!!

The good thing is that those people seemed just to be murderers or hooligans working on their own account, or the organization they belonged to was not that important. So I don't think more problems will arise because of that… problems will probably come in a few hours from something else.

“Hehehe, is this what you wanted to show me, Two hands? It this small and pretty cute girl? ...since you could not find a man, then you decided to change your preferences?

Hehehe, well... she's pretty cute, so I can't blame you~"

Well, apart from Revy who was sitting on a sofa while smoking a cigarette and living a glass of wine that she must have missed, not far from her was another girl with long blond hair and glasses... the people here must really like gasses. Well, the most striking thing about this woman was that she was using a habit of a nun…

Honestly, this woman should be considered a beautiful woman... maybe even a level higher than Revy... well, since the habit practically hides most of her figure, Revy continues to gain in sensuality. Although... if both would be naked now, then may be difficult to tell who would win.

Also, surely the fact that she is wearing church-related clothing would stimulate a certain type of people… and if you include where we are now, then fulfilling the fantasy of doing it with a church person is much more feasible too… probably. As for me, I'm not against doing some cosplay games in bed… no, actually that's something I want to do sometime in this life!

I remember this woman from the anime, but I don't remember if this woman was really religious and had kept her vows for God or if she was just cosplaying as a nun... although I think her organization is quite possible to be more of a facade. Even so, I do not think that many with that fantasy would dare to carry it out with a person from that church... surely those who would end up praying to God for help would be those people if they tried.

Just by seeing her aura and the things that my system indicated above her head, I realize that she was not someone to do those things without her consent... no, even with her consent it might not be such a good idea to do so either.

"Hyaa~ L-Little one... did you just touch my butt?! "


Oh shit! My hands moved by themselves!!

While that woman was talking to Revy, she had approached me, hugged me, and then... surely my doubts about what the body of this woman that was hidden by the habit was like prevailed over my other thoughts and my hands moved before I knew it!

Well... her ass doesn't have a bad feeling... although I think Revy wins in this respect compared to her. Although I am not very sure since the habit prevents me from touching it fully… so, with no other option, I have to use more force when supporting one of her buttocks.

“Nuuaw~ Y-Youuu… it seems that you really have those preferences. And also now that I think about it, it seems that you like to crossdress... "

“Not that he has those preferences… he's a boy, Eda. Also a pretty cheeky one... if you're not careful, then you'll end up undressed before you know it and tied up in a bed"

When I squeeze one of her buttocks harder, this time she moves away from me taking a few steps backward while releasing a slight moan from her mouth... haaa~ It's a shame, I still had some doubts about which ass was better... well, since Revy's one was still winning in the sensations from this one on my memories, then I will give the victory to her.

“… D-Damn it! It really seems that this brat is stripping me with his eyes! "

“Don't make such a fuss because he touching your ass. You always make fun that I don't have anyone, but you don't seem to have much experience in that regard either... "

"I'm a fucking nun, you know!"

"Hmp~ Maybe you're a fucking woman, but no one would believe you're a nun! Everyone knows that your only god is money!! "

"Tch... what's wrong with appreciating the charity of the parishioners?"

“Well, I didn't bring you here to talk about your ass. I brought you because this boy had some business with you... "


It was a bit curious to see someone dressed as a nun speak using curses... I must mention that this makes her gain points in her favor than demeriting her... without a doubt it is more exciting this way!

Well, it seems that the name of this “nun” was Eda… and also it seems that the organization that Revy chose to conduct business is this one.

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