Soul Evolution System

Chapter 279 Arriving At Ruananpur (Part 3)

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Probably even though both of these girls seem to have their differences, they should still be considered friends. So it's not hard to imagine why Revy was chosen her to do the deal… 

Well, I have no complaints about this. I know that in this place there are 3 influences that can carry out my request since they must have certain ties with their respective countries.

One of them would be the Rusian mafia ... honestly, I would have rather preferred that Revy had chosen this side. That organization should have a lot of contacts on the military side of that country, and so maybe it is more feasible to get the bombs with them.

Another organization would be the Triad, but contrary to the Russians, on this side it is possibly much more difficult to get weapons from them. As far as I know, China was always a very closed country, not to mention military matters... in fact, I think that the countries that sell the most weapons are Russia and the USA... or at least that's what I had heard in my world.

The last one was the church faction. From what I remember from anime, they specialized in selling weapons here in this city, so that's why I had included this side in my thoughts. The only problem with them is that perhaps they only trafficked "small" arms... unfortunately I did not remember if they had close ties with the US government.

But then seeing this blonde woman named Eda, my doubts were cleared. Above her head I could read [Agent] [Level 79], and the first word could only mean that this woman belonged to a government organization, probably the CIA or the NSA!

I was partly glad to see this, although... it also made me a bit hesitant to do business with her. Who knows if she could put me on a terrorist list or something like that after we talk...

“… Business? "

Well, to get somewhere you first have to start walking down the road... until then, we can see how bad this was.

"Yes... I need weapons... quite powerful weapons"

"Well... if you have the money, then surely with the help of the Lord we can get you whatever you want"

"…that would be good. But I think that instead of money, I will exchange those weapons for technological information... this may even be more valuable than some gold bricks, right? "


Hearing my words, Eda just frowns a little and keeps quiet. Since she doesn't say anything, I'll take her silence as approval of what I was saying. I highly doubt that any government will trade those kinds of weapons that I want for something like just a few gold bars, so I can only hope that the technology I'm offering will get their attention enough.

…I think they are more likely to be willing to make a trade than just selling me those weapons.

So with that as a prologue, I take from Leona's hands some things that I had achieved during my walk through this city. It was just a tripod with a video camera.

"Oh, so you also are here Eda... I just go to your church to do some business"

"Hello, Eda-san"

While preparing things, Vin and Benny arrive at this place again. From what the first says it seems that he also chose this group to get the things I asked him, Eda's organization has a good reputation in this city from what I can see... if I had known this, then perhaps I would have made that deal myself without no middleman. Well, it's not that it matters much to spend a little more of something I don't need.

"What do you want to do boy? 

Hehehe... Don't tell me you want to film a Gangbag now that the others have arrived? "

“…If that's the case, then you should be worried, right? 

She and Revy are my women, so the only actress left would be you, you know? "

“Hehehe… well, surely a nun doing a Gangbag would be a big hit, don't you think Eda? This video would probably sell as fast as bullets here. If you do a good performance, then we could give you a share of the profit. "

"Fuck you bitch!"

"Tch... you were the one who suggested it"

Seriously… I wonder why when people here see a video camera, then the first thing they think of is the porn industry? Even the person I got this camera before, how he sold it was the more strange way that someone sells me a camera until now!

…Who the hell promotes a camera saying that it can record women's breasts and butts so clearly that when you see it on a screen they will look as in flesh! Also, who the hell cares that this thing makes a man's penis look bigger?!!

"Well, this will be enough."

With things in place, I stand in front of the camera lens, and then in the next second I have a BIM in my hand...


"...a magic trick?"


This time I was not very worried about making the BIM appear directly from my interdimensional storage in my hand, in fact, I think it was better to give a greater impression to the people who would see this video.

Then seeing the surprise on the faces of Vin, Benny, and Eda, in the next instant I activate the BIM in my hand and causing their jaw to loosen to leave their mouths open.

Well, what they were watching now was probably only saw in science fiction movies or the like by them, so their reaction is not unusual. At this point, I was covered in a layer of bright pyramid-shaped light that the shield BIM had created.

"I-Is that real?"

"W-What is that?"

"...Some kind of energy shield?"

With curiosity and even some fear, those who first saw something like this begin to examine it. Benny who surely had more knowledge about this even starts hitting the Light barrier as if he wants to put it to the test.

"The technology that creates this object is what I offer you, also..."

When the BIM finishes producing its effect, without giving them enough time for them to assimilate what they have just seen, this time I move away from the recording point of the camera and also ask the others who had stayed in the place where the shield had been created to examine it to follow me. So when they are behind me, I throw another BIM a few meters away from us and Leona who was holding the camera.



“W- What did you do now?! "

"W-What is that?"

"Damn Alexander! You also had to use that bomb here?!! "

This time it was not just a surprise that caused this bomb and everyone got quite alter... even Revy who knew about this, complaints and cursing me. Well... I think this little living room was not the best place to display the bomb... in my defense, I must say that it was much more problematic to do it outdoors for now.

This time the bomb I used was the one that created something similar to a black hole that sucked up everything close to where it detonated. Also, I don't know if it was because we are inside a closed area or if I should have thrown it further, but the suction it produced seemed stronger than before... because of this I have to hold Eda since this had caught her off guard, and also to Revy in the hope that doing this would stop complaining.

…Leona seemed fine, she just squats while holding the camera and records everything as I had asked her to do it before. As for the two guys... they should be able to put up with this for themselves too.

"…How was it? Do you think your bosses are interested in this technology? "


Seconds more later, everything returns to normal... well, almost. Several things in this place had disappeared and thanks to this Vin and Benny were still looking at me with complaints in their eyes. Avoiding those eyes, I decided to focus my gaze on Eda who was in my arms now and was looking at me very differently than when we met.

Unfortunately, it was not that she had fallen in love with me or something like that, her look was more of fear and concern more than anything else...

"...w-what do you want for those things?"

“… As you can see, it is technology that your country would probably need several years… even decades to achieve. So my request is not small either... "

After a few minutes, Eda recovers a bit, moves away from my arms and she asks me this. She seemed calmer, but she didn't have the same playful face as before since she was totally serious now.

So following her attitude, I also do the same. Now was the time to start the important negotiations and the main reason why I came to this place… haaa~, on this depends on whether or not I can leave this world quickly.

"... stop beating around the bush, boy. Tell me what you want "

"... I want 50 missiles with one nuclear warhead each"

"" ... ""

With my next words, the place is totally silent... I even think the atmosphere turned a bit cold. Even Vin who kept complaining about that he had taken a while to mold the sofa to the shape of his ass and also Benny who was checking that his computer equipment was fine, both of their bodies shake a bit because of my words.

Well, it wasn't just them, even Revy who was next to me had started to form a few beads of sweat as she looked a little nervously at Eda who was looking at me as if she had not understood what I said.

…By the way, Vin was killing the image I had of him because of his words! Who would expect a tough guy to spend his free time shaping a fucking couch?!

"W-What did you say that you want for the technology in those bombs? M-Maybe I misunderstood it... "

"50 Missiles-"

"Damn it! Are you crazy?!!! Do you know what just one of those things costs?! And you say that want 50? Also, who the hell does business with nuclear missiles?! What the hell do you want them for?!!"

"No, I have no idea how much they are worth... but surely I think it is still a fair deal for a few decades of technological advancement than the others, I even think I lose a little in this deal...

Also... what does it matter what I want to do with them? I want them to decorate my room, they would surely look great in this one"

" " ... " "

Without even giving me time to repeat myself, Eda intervenes raising a barrage of complaints to me… it's not that I don't understand this... it's not like you could order this type of weapon by request after all, but I had to try luck. Who knows? Maybe I would be lucky enough for they just happily accepted the deal...

If you think about it, the creation of these bombs is probably not that difficult since there are many scientists who specialized in this. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to get the materials and approval from several countries to make them... but even the latter thing is only relative as not many care to receive that approval.

Also, what did she want me to answer her question of why do I want these weapons? Logically I want these to use them! Unfortunately I couldn't say this, so I just say the first nonsense that crosses my head...

“ Well… if 50 is impossible, then how about 25? "

"Fuck! I want to see who is even so crazy to sell you one of these only!! "

Because the silence continued for several minutes, I had no choice but to lower my demands in order to continue this conversation… Haaa ~ It's a shame that it seems impossible to get these weapons even like this.

"Where did it go that" with the help of the Lord we can get you the weapon you want? "

"What did you expect?! To sell you those weapons, perhaps the lord himself would have to come down to speak personally with the president so that he would sell you those weapons!! "

“Well... then I want 250 thermobaric bombs for this technology, and this is my last offer. If your superiors don't accept this deal, then I'll have to go and talk to other people.

Who knows? From what I know, labor in China has always been very cheap… I maybe get more with them than if I make a deal with you. If not, I can also go with the people from Russia... many parts of that place have a rather cold climate, so they are probably very grateful for a technology that can protect them from it and they would give me more than I want."

“… B-Brat… are you threatening me? Do you understand who you are playing against? "

“…Threaten you? Don't joke, Eda. Since when is doing business considered a threat? I just want to sell my technology for what I want… who is the person I deal with doesn't really matter much to me.


When I change my order to Thermobaric bombs, things seem to relax a bit. Well, these things were still pretty dangerous so it's not like Eda's playful attitude is coming back. It was probably something similar to if instead of talking about the assassination of a president, the topic now was dealing with a deputy or senator... surely it was something still quite bad, but at least you would not have to face against the rancor and indignation of an entire nation.

Besides, I also brought up that her side was not the only one with whom I could make deals but it seems that she does not take these words very well. Her look of bewilderment and fear from before had now turned into anger as she watched me with her eyes.

"Your words in fact seem more like a threat to me...

Let me make it clear, Eda. I don't like being threatened or screwed up for anyone… we can make the deal peacefully or you can just reject this one and I don't will care what you choose it in the least, but... if you or your superiors choose neither of those two options and instead try to screw me, then...

I can assure you that not only your superiors will be the ones who lament about that... in fact, by this you could not only put your country at risk... if you screw me, then I wouldn't mind fucking this whole world! Believe me, I can make this city seem like a paradise compared to what would happen to this world if you play around with me!! "

I only wanted to come to this world to do a few businesses, but if the people here make things too complicated for me, I really had ways to make this world turn into hell...

Probably the easiest would be to bring in a zombie from HOTD here, an agility type with a high limit would be pretty cool, and then this simple rotten creature would create a huge mess wherever I decide to release it.

It would probably not be at the level of HOTD since apparently in that place what helped this virus to spread was the world itself, but without a doubt, in the best of cases any city could be turned into another "Recon City ”… At worst, an entire continent would be affected.

Well... the truth is that to do something like that, in truth the people of this world would need to have done something too bad to me... although I would not mind punishing those people that tried to screw me, I find it difficult to carry the guilt of ruining the lives of thousands of children, women, olds, or any innocent.

...I should be completely insane with rage to then do something like that.

But even if I wouldn't do something so extreme, it was not bad to warning it to this woman of the consequences of trying to make fun of me. So, to emphasize my words, I focus all my domain on her and even make my grimoire appear behind my back.

It was better that she understood this very well since I really did not want to end up becoming the one responsible for sending this world to hell.

"... W-Who the hell are you?"

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