Soul Evolution System

Chapter 280 Arriving at Ruananpur (Part 4)

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"... W-Who the hell are you?"

After recovering a bit from the oppression that Eda felt for my dominance and with her gaze fully fixed on the large book that floated behind me, she manages to ask me that question... well, besides her, Vin and Benny were waiting impatiently for I to say something.

...even perhaps out of impatience, they turn their gaze to Revy as if asking her to begin to explain who the hell she had brought to this place.

“ Well… that doesn't really matter, right? The only thing that should matter to you is that I can fulfill my previous words… "

“… Since we have gotten to know each other for a while Eda, I'll give you the advice that if you don't want to do business with the boy, then it's better than you and your organization… or the country that supports you stay away from this.

Otherwise, then you would become something worse than the terrorists... you would be responsible for this world going to shit... well, more than already it's now. "


After listening to me and Revy, Eda frowns again as she seems to think things through... also, things got a bit tense as she seemed to be struggling with the idea of looking for something in her habit... she was probably looking for a weapon. I really doubt that she wants to show me what's under it...

In the end, she relaxes a bit making her position now not seem like she wanted to attack me. Although... I don't know if it was because she saw that Leona and Revy were also on guard, or she took our advice seriously.

"Boy... what you ask is still very difficult, but... I promise that I will give your message to the right people... you will have to wait some time for an answer "

“…Well, I'm a busy man, so if you and your people can make a quick decision, then it's better. If not, then I will also start negotiating with other people..."


Having finished this discussion, I withdraw my domain and then hand the camera over to Benny so he can transfer it to a suitable memory stick so that we can hand it over to Eda. Unfortunately I could no longer appreciate Eda's playful side as she was totally serious while watching me at times after that talk.

...well, although when we met she seemed to show an attitude somewhat similar to Shisuka's, I understood perfectly that in her case this was totally a performance. When she touched me at that time and I could see her affection, this one was only 30 (Distrust)! Plus, that was before all this happened, so her distrust of me was that low from the beginning!!

…Damn it, How can she distrust on someone with a face like mine?

Well, this is probably due to her job profession. She must have been trained not to do ties with people… after all, this way she could eliminate anyone her superiors considered a threat without hesitation.

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

"We have come boy!!"

"I hope you have prepared our gold!!"

"Hehehe, you really made a lot of people come together to please you to kill you!!"

Suddenly as we watched a bit of Benny operating the computers to do what I had asked him, several screams were heard from outside this building. I had forgotten about this because of before things...

"W-What the hell did you do, Alexander!! Why the hell there are a large number of people outside here and it seems they want to tear this place down?!! "

"A-also... it seems that more and more are coming."

"... boy, have you given this information to someone else?!"

Hearing the screams, all but Benny moved near a window to see what was happening. Well, I already knew it... the things out there was just like what Revy described.

“Well… I did several things, but probably the most important is that now my head has a reward. Also, I haven't given this information to anyone else, Eda. I'm not stupid to go telling anyone these things, you know? "

" W-what? !! W-What the hell did you do to for someone put a reward in your head with just a few hours after arriving in this world?!!

"…this world?"

" To understand this, we should go back in time a few hours when I was walking in the streets of Ruananpur peacefully while exploring the place"

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“ This is the best camera I have! With this, all the women and men than you film will highlight their attributes 2 times… no, 3 times !!

Well... the girl next to you is probably difficult to make her look more beautiful... by the way, if you make movies of her, then I can assure you that I will buy you many copies at a good price!

Although for that you will first have to have the necessary equipment! And with this camera, you can make movies as if you were a professional! If you buy it now, then it will only be xxxxxx!!"


At this moment, I and Leona were in a store that seemed to sell electrical appliances, and the owner of this store was talking animatedly about the camera that I was holding in my hands. The truth was that it was the first time that I heard someone promote this article the way he did it... well, together with the purchase, he also offered me several hard drives full of porn videos to take "inspiration" or "references" from these... maybe in this city that is the only way that people use these cameras.

…what can I say? The porn industry has always been quite competitive and lucrative.

Well, I did not intend to make a career in this industry, so declining his "reference" material, I decided to take this camera since it seemed to do well what I wanted it to do. The only problem is that, due to his last words, I realized a problem...

"Well, I'll take it... but you'll have to bring the receipt for it to get paid at the company" Black Lagoon ""

"...sorry boy, we only sell to people with money in their pockets"

Hearing my words, the attitude of the salesman changes drastically and he tries to snatch the camera from my hands. Damn it! I had forgotten to ask Vin or Benny for some money! Not that I didn't have, the problem was that I only had gold bars and precious jewels now...

"Well, you decide... Either you take the receipt to the company "Black Lagoon", or I pay you with lead here and now. The truth is that at this moment I am quite upset, I have already had to kill several subjects since they wanted to use my ass or sell this one to someone else... so it is better that you accept my first offer "


Before the salesman can reach the camera, he stops his movements by having my revolver pointed directly at his face. Surely this should look like a robbery... well, since no one passing on the streets seemed to care about this, then no problem.

My words and actions weren't just for the guy to let me go with the camera, I was actually quite upset... besides, he did the things even worse for him by looking lustfully at Leona when he asked me for porn videos of her.

Although perhaps he was also somewhat lucky since she did not seem to care about this man's words… probably if he instead had used me as a reference before, then now his head would be on the ground.

So after this little negotiation, the seller happily agreed to take the camera ticket to the Black lagoon company. So, finishing our business in this store, we left for another place after asking the man for some directions.

Not long after, I and Leona were in front of a three-story building with a large neon-lit sign with the name “Yellow Flag”… this place was none other than the iconic bar from the anime Black Lagoon. Perhaps its most striking feature is that this place was like the X-men mansion... this place was destroyed every season!

Well, I think this was the right place to carry out my next plan, and this is why I had come here. So after taking a detailed look at this bar, the two of us walked in.

Upon entering the place, Leona and I instantly became the center of attention of the entire bar, but regardless of this, we kept walking until I reached the bar where the bartender was.

"Give me two orange juices... also an empty bottle"

"Aren't you too small to enter a bar? Well, who cares, you're not the strangest person I've ever seen come in here... "

As I take a bench at the bar, I ask for something for myself and Leona. The truth is that the smell of alcohol made my mouth salivate a bit, but since I had promised Haruna that I would not drink until I was fully grown, then I have to resist the temptation of this and ask for something else. As for Leona... probably if I told her that if she wanted something specific to I order for her, then she would say something like “The same as the Master” or “It is not necessary”, so I just ask the same thing as me.

I must say that this bar has great service... or it depends on how you see it, a very bad one since I am here now sitting in on the bar without any to mind this. 

The bartender is just a little surprised, but without saying anything else, he starts pouring two glasses with what I asked for… he even gives me the empty bottle without asking anything... for me, this is a good service.

"You have faces that I see for the first time, are you two new here in town?"

"That's right"

"Well, I am Bao. As it is the first drink you have in my bar, then the first drink I invite as a welcome to this hell.

So... are you here on business, or running away from something? "

"...first thing, now I'm waiting for someone"

"Hmmm... if you want, then you can tell me who he is and I can tell you if he has been here "

While giving us our drinks, Bao, like a bartender, begins to talk to us. Since the things he asks weren't too invasive, I just decide to answer him. Then before I can answer his last words, another man approaches us...

"Hehehe... this place is quite dangerous for a little girl and a woman to walk alone... well, you seem like a pretty good girl... if you can make me have a good time, then I wouldn't mind helping you and the little one"

“…It is not necessary, it seems that the person I was looking for has already arrived. 

Leona, subdue this idiot "

"Yes, Master!"

I wasn't looking for a specific person and I was just waiting for some idiot to decide to make an appearance, but this was faster than I thought… I didn't even have time to taste my drink.


Listening to my words, Leona wastes no time and throws herself on that subject who had his eyes on her and ran his entire body up and down with them. The following thing was nothing strange since the guy was only 6th limit while Leona was 9th… besides, she also had pretty decent close combat skills.

So in some seconds she was already holding the neck of the guy to immediately hit his face against the bar where we were... since the blow was strong enough to make the man lose several teeth, I have to hold the glasses with juice so that these do not spill.

…It's bad to waste the free stuff after all.

The result of this short confrontation ends with the man sitting on one of the benches while he seemed to be seeing stars around his head. Well, I think now it's my turn.


Taking the empty bottle I had ordered earlier, I break this while using that man's head like a Chinese Gong after having stood on top of the bar.

"Well... it seems that now I have everyone's attention here"

"I think you two already had everyone's attention just for this girl to hit that guy... I-I don't think it was necessary for you to make that bastard suffer more"

...Bao's words were true but I had already asked for the bottle, and so I would feel stupid if I did nothing with it now... also it would surely become a mystery why I had asked for a bottle when I got here for those who listened to me before! So... let's say I did this for them. Also, the guy probably didn't feel anything now, so this shouldn't matter much to him… probably.

“Well, I'm… I'm "John Wick". I've had a life of crime for a long... long time and probably nobody here recognizes me since years ago I had totally fallen in love with a woman... unfortunately, she died due to an illness.

Because of this, now I am totally hurt and affected since she is not by my side... so, in the end, I decided to accompany her. But it's a shame my religion prevents me from doing it, if I kill myself I would probably go to hell and she should be in heaven now… so I couldn't meet her.

So after thinking for a long time, I thought that there should be good people to help me with this- "

"Damn it! If you want to die, then I will happily help you!! What are you making such a fuss for? "

"... T-The story is not strange?"




[Objective -------------- +1]

“Damn bastard… don't interrupt my emotional story… what if I forget?. 

...Where I was on?"

"You said there should be good people to help you, Master!"

"Oh, true…"

When I was telling the story of "John Wick" with some modifications, an idiot interrupts my words. Also, to make it clear that I didn't want any more interruptions, I pulled out my revolver I shoot him. The other guy who spoke and now looked at my weapon with fear I decided to forgive him since he only spoke because the other guy had intervened.

As a result of all this, that guy was dying while some were swallowing their saliva loudly in their mouths and everyone was turning their attention back to me… so now I could continue.

“So after thinking for a long time, I thought there should be good people to help me with this. Also, since most of the residents in this place could be classified as bastards, if I kill some of them in the process, that should be considered a good dee, right?

Of course, I am not asking for your free help. Ss I had a long criminal life, I was able to make a small fortune… they are a good number of gold bars like this. one... more than 100. So the person or people who kill me can get these.

As I said before, I don't want to make a mess involving innocents and go to hell so everyone interested in that gold, I'll be waiting for you at the black lagoon company. This offer will start from the moment the sun goes down and will end when the sun rises… if you cannot kill me in that period of time, then I will see that as a sign from my beloved to continue living and cancel the offer.

Thank you for your attention... then I will leave, feel free to invite people who want to do this, I will be waiting for you in the place that I told you "

With all things said, I get off the bar and start walking towards the exit of the bar… I thought someone would try to attack me now to get the gold, but.. now many seemed to be processing what had just happened.

Well... there were also some who seemed to start this but were stopped by others saying that no one could get ahead for that gold and that this would be a fair competition for everyone to get that gold.

...those guys probably don't want someone to take the gold before they do. Or they may think that if they took it now, it wouldn't change the fact that others would try to take it from them once they get it. So they probably want to do this as a kind of competition and so I can hear various people starting to make agreements and promises with each other.

Well... it seems that I have achieved my goal. Because I had to kill some people when returning to the place where the black lagoon company was, I thought that those guys had not wanted to wait for the gold, but... in the end, it turned out that they were just other idiots who were attracted by my appearance and Leona's.

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