Soul Evolution System

Chapter 282 Arriving At Ruananpur (Part 6)

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“ Damn“ Chinglish ”, did you join this too?!! "

"Fufufu, the pay was pretty good after all..."

“ Damn Alexander, do you see the problems you've created? Damn it! I'll really shoot you once I finish with this bitch!! "

“ Are you here too, bitch ?! Shouldn't you be cleaning somewhere now? !! There are quite a few corpses outside, you know? !! "

[… I came to get a little more money this time… those corpses probably won't go anywhere, I'll clean them up once someone pays for that too ]


"The gold is mine !!"

"... I'm sorry but I highly doubt that someone dead can claim my gold"


"W-What the hell is-Hyaa!!"

While I was watching a bit of Revy and Eda's interaction with those other two girls, one of the guys who had entered the building also charged straight at me. Noticing this, I simply throw one of the BIMs that created a black hole, and without being able to know what was going on, half of that man disappears.


[Objective: Kill assassins or thugs in the 8th limit (4/5)]

“So that guy was also in the 8th limit… well, he was too careless or his greed ended up blinded him.

It seems that this mission will end much earlier than I thought... I think I should have set only a few hours as a limit to get the gold and not overnight... "

... I really don't know whether to think that my plan went quite well or it got a bit out of control now. Well, probably even if I only set a couple of hours as the limit nothing guaranteed that these people would stop after the time was up, surely the only thing that will make them give up is seeing that it was impossible to get my gold from the beginning...

On the other hand, I must say that these people have a pretty strong mentality. Although they were surprised by the fact that suddenly a man lost half of his body without knowing very well what happened, this simply makes the people who attacked us more cautious while frowning... I do not see any creating a fuss over this.

Also, as I said before, some of these have quite considerable abilities and so I can't let my guard down... the Chinese girl who spoke with rather broken English could follow Revy's movements quite well and evade the bullets that her pistol fired without much difficulty.

If you also added that the window through which that girl entered was close to Revy and so she could reach her quickly, that girl put her in a little trouble. While Revy was a full limit higher than that girl, sadly for her, Revy was at a disadvantage in a direct confrontation.

…Previously when I saw her fight with a man on Gaia, I was able to realize that despite her almost becoming a level 2 Soul, Revy was very dependent on her guns. Contrary to her, the Chinese girl was good enough at physical combat to even fight on equal terms despite being a lower limit. Now I can see why Aurora and the system insisted so much about I not to depend on firearms... without a doubt, it is better that I go to that other world as soon as possible.

The other two girls were also in a somewhat stagnant fight… Eda repeatedly fired to keep the goth yandere girl who was covering herself with her chainsaw from the bullets at a distance. Perhaps since they were both at the same limit the one who seemed to be a bit at a disadvantage was that girl since she having a weapon that needed to be close to her adversary to could damage him... although if she managed to get close, then I think Eda would be the one who would be in trouble.

…It really is a bit scary to face someone with a chainsaw. She reminds me of a bit of that annoying character that made me let out several screams when I suddenly found him in the game "Resident Evil 4"...

Well... she certainly seems an angel compared to that man with a bag over his head... also I can not decide if that scar on her neck by which surely she had the need to use the microphone to speak was a demerit in her, or was a benefit given their appearance and personality.

"Dutch, help me !!"

“ Stay behind me, Benny !! "

[Bang !!] [Bang !!]

"Oh, now you indeed look like Vin Diesel..."

"B-Boy ... you'll have to pay me extra for this!"

"What are you talking about... I thought that when making deals in this city with someone, that already included a protection fee... otherwise I don't know who the hell would someone want to do business in this city."

"Damn it! Not even an organization that specializes in protection would agree to take as a client someone who turns all the murderers in the city against them "


Benny who had been running back and forth trying to avoid the people that coming in, finally he took the direction of Vin who mysteriously pulled out a shotgun from somewhere… that really seemed like a suitable weapon for a tough guy. I would really be a bit disappointed if he took something like a teaser or a pepper spray instead...

On the other hand, I had nothing with what to refute the complaints that Benny does while Vin killed someone who was following in his partner's footsteps. Having spent almost an hour since this started, this place really had turned into a mess...

There were bushings all over the place, the furniture was now all leaky from being taken as objects of protection from both sides, and pools of blood were still being created from the bodies that were on the ground... this place would probably need more than a little remodeling, so maybe it's true that I should make up them for it a bit.


[ Mission --------- Complete] seems that I had finally completed the mission. Since from a month to a few hours it was a big difference, then I really hoped that the reward of the system for this mission would take this into account! ...It's a shame I didn't have time to distract myself to check this as I had to be vigilant or I could end up with a new hole in my body...

"Damn Alexander, help me !!"


Because apart from having to fight with the Chinese girl Revy also had to be paying attention to other people who wanted to join that fight, it seems that she reached her limit or probably the bullets she had with her were almost finished so that she had no choice but to ask for help.

The truth is that I don't like having to hurt women, but between someone I consider my woman and another girl, logically I had to support the first one. So when I heard Revy's voice that positioning her pistols in a crossed way blocking the sword of the Chinese girl who was pressing her, I quickly pointed one of my Revolvers towards that woman.


"Tamade! (Shit!)"



Seeing me aim at her, that girl quickly stops paying attention to Revy and focuses directly on my pistol that had the barrel directly at her. To be honest, part of me was glad I didn't kill her... and the other part was a bit surprised.

That girl had managed to position her two swords right in the path of the bullet thus preventing it from going through her body... of course, even though she did that, it wasn't at the cost of nothing. Her two swords that were similar to the ones I gave Leona had come loose from her hands and it even seems that these were smashed. Furthermore, she was propelled backward by the impact.

“You are cruel enough to shoot a woman, little one… ( AN: She speaks with Chinese and English mixed, so since it would be somewhat difficult to mix the two languages when writing, I will put  her sentences in English, or if it is only some words like before, it may be Chinese ) "

"I want to see what you do without your beloved knives, bitch" Chininglis ""


[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!] 

Being able to take a breath and seeing that girl without her weapons, Revy does not miss the opportunity and begins to shoot at her until she empties the cartridges of her weapons ... it seems that this woman had really bothered her a lot.


" that she doesn't know how to use the doors?"

Without weapons and being shot by Revy, she begins to run until she reaches a window through which she throws herself out of the building... seeing how grumpy Revy seemed to see this, I think that girl is probably still alive.

"Boy, this has no end!!"

"...You weren't fighting chainsaw-chan?"

“Oh, she… during the fight it seems that one of my bullets hit her communication device and after that, she started to act like this. I don't have rancor against her, so I no need to kill her. "

When I was secretly praying a bit for the safety of the Chinese girl since she was a girl with quite an attractiveness, Eda approaches me... then when I saw her, I couldn't also help but be a little worried about the gothic Yandere but when I saw the corner where she points out, there was this girl crouching and looking quite depressed.

Well, I had already completed my mission, so it would be a regrettable thing to kill those girls. Although… Eda's words are true and it still doesn't seem like the other assassins gave up trying to get the gold.

“Well… then there is no alternative but to do that. Leona, we'll use the alternative what do we prepare in case things got too bad "

"Understood Master!"

Leona, who was not far from me, answered me quickly and placed one of her hands on several bracelets that she had on the opposite wrist. The truth is that it was a great choice to bring her here, thanks to her you can say that my situation wasn't quite difficult compared to others. Furthermore, she was also one of the main reasons why the mission was quickly completed by taking down several people who were trying to reach me to kill me with their guns and knives.

The most remarkable thing she did this time, I think it was taking care of a guy who used a flamethrower... as soon as she saw him, probably thinking that it would be very bad for him to set this place on fire with me inside, then she practically blew the guy with several others around him before he could set foot inside this building...

"Everyone, stay away from the walls!!"

Then shouting a warning to the people in my group, I give Leona a nod to continue with what she was doing...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(POV Lucky Surviving Killer (Latton) )

"Damn it… why did that guy have to explode when I was going to make my big appearance?"

Well... even if I complained about that, if I had been more closer, then now I would be on fire like the bodies of all those guys from before...

I had come to this city recently to become the best hitman, but then things got a little difficult... the competition was not little, and it is also difficult to find a job if you do not have acquaintances in this place!

So when I heard that some madman had offered a bounty on his own head, I thought it was the ideal time to make my big debut… plus, the pay for this was pretty good and that money would not be a bad thing for me now.

Unfortunately, now I realize that this person was just a child... and the truth is that I did not like very much the idea of having to kill him, and that is why now I was a little undecided about what to do and I began to think if I should continue with what I came to do or better I hope another opportunity to do my debut...

But it was then that I thought of another alternative! If I can't kill that child, then I can ask him to hire me for his protection, right? So the only problem is… I don't think someone who put a price on his iown head would think of hiring someone for his protection…

Well, I won't know until I ask him, right? So, with that idea in my head, at this moment I was trying to find another entrance to that place. Also, due to what happened before, this time I was trying to go alone.


"Damn " Two hands "... that bitch really wanted to kill me! Hmn? You are…"

Suddenly a girl comes out of a window from inside the building almost right in front of me… besides, seeing that she was holding her side with one of her hands, it seems that she was hurt.

"I'm Latton," The Wizard ". I also came for the job for the gold bars... or so I intended at first "

Since the girl had set her eyes on me and from what I could understand from what she said, I quickly introduced myself by making a serious face and striking a pose to impress her. First impressions are always important after all.

"…who? Well never mind, you seem to be new here, plus… a quite naive person.

Let me give you some advice. If you were coming for the gold, then you better go. The people there are pretty crazy and pretty skilled too... especially a bloody mixed-breed bitch! So you probably end up dying before you can even see the gold. "

Well... the truth is that seeing the number of corpses outside, and also hearing that the shooting inside has not stopped after so long since this started, probably if I understood what she said correctly, then those words are true.

…It's probably not that easy to get hired since that little kid seems to have enough bodyguards now.

"Well, we better get out of here..."

"Haa~ Well... fine"


“… Don't worry, I just want to help you. I can't see a woman like that and leave her alone. "

“Ho~ You're quite chivalrous. Besides, you're pretty handsome too, aren't you? Although the boy from before probably when he grows up will be even more so.

Well, I think that probably means you will die soon in this place... putting that aside, I think you'd better look for another job since you couldn't even enter that building. You are quite handsome, so surely you can easily find another job. "

Seeing that it was a bit difficult for her to walk, I went over to help this woman.  Then when I touched her, I could feel something sharp touching my side... but probably when she saw that I had no ill intentions, she pulled her knife back and allowed me to help her while she spoke.

"... my dream is to become the best assassin"

“… Are you a damn kid? (Chinese)"

... although I couldn't understand what she said, seeing her expression, I know that it was probably an insult or something like that. Well, that wasn't new to me, so I just keep walking while helping her out.

Regarding what she said about getting a job, the truth is that there have been several people who at seeing me, have made the same proposal as her... and in fact due to my situation now, the truth is that I have been tempted to do so.

If it was just pleasing some girls, then I wouldn't care much. The only problem is that in this city there are many people with quite varied tastes...

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

"Kyaa ~"

"Sh-Shit ..."

Withdrawing a few meters from that building, suddenly the entire place seems to explode... although after the smoke settled a bit and seeing towards there, it was only that the surroundings of that place along with some walls of the building exploded instead.

“This was a bit disappointing, it doesn't seem like there was someone capable of killing me and helping me reunite with my beloved. Well… there are still a few hours until the sun rises, so the people who remain should try harder! "

[Boom boom boom!]

“I-I'm out of here! That damn brat is crazy !! "

"Damn brat if you want to see your beloved so much, then why don't you use one of those bombs and blow yourself up !!"

"F-Fuck! T-This was just a fucking scam! I'll kill the motherfucker who told me this would be an easy job! Well... if that guy is still alive "

Then out of the smoke and some flames, a small figure along with several other people appear… then, contrary to his words that seemed to motivate people to continue with this, one after another decides to withdraw.

Well, I can't blame them... seeing how that little boy was throwing small bombs anywhere and he didn't seem to run out of these, I think the decision they made was correct.

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