Soul Evolution System

Chapter 283 Arriving In Ruananpur (Part 7)

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(POV 3rd Person)

The morning after what happened at the Lagoon company, it seemed that this had not affected the city at all. Perhaps the only thing different was that the name of this company was in the words and thoughts of various people since conversations about what happened that night were something common, but as if people lost interest in this, they began to talk about their own affairs too.

Well, in this city there were probably so many problems that everyone was more interested in solving their own. Or they just had their own business to run so that this would occupy a lot of their thoughts.

"So does anyone know who the idiot is that is trying to create problems for our organizations?"

"No... just keep turning up dead people from each of our groups"

"... it may be someone from outside this city"

"...or maybe it's a damn rat that hides pretty well"

At this time in a dark room, several quite well-known people in this city had gathered. For a few days, the men of these organizations had begun to appear dead without anyone claiming credit for this... well, probably if someone did that it would be because they had no desire to live since these people were none other than the leaders of the most powerful criminal organizations in Roananpur.

The first to speak after meeting was a mature blonde woman with long, slightly wavy hair. Without a doubt this woman had been a great beauty, sadly now there were several burn scars on her body and face dulling how attractive she once was.

Although... even if she retained her old appearance, then there would probably hardly be a man with enough guts to try to conquer her... the look of this woman and the aura she gave off was quite oppressive, so it was not strange to see that it was men who were the who acted shyly in front of her.

But who could someone blame those guys? She was Balalaika, the leader of the Chinese mafia branch called "Hotel Moscow" in Ruananpur! Also, probably the most terrifying thing about this group was that it was made up of ex-military men with a lot of combat experience. So, because of this, even other of the people present would think twice before making them their enemies.

Still, the other people at the table weren't simple people either, and they wouldn't flinch so easily in front of her. After all, if it were not this way, then these people would not be qualified to take a seat at this table.

The first to answer was a man in a black suit and sunglasses with a light and carefree demeanor. His character certainly seemed that of a quiet man, but no one here would dare to see this as a weakness since that probably only meant that this fellow would only kill you while he still had a smile on his face.

Everyone here knew him as Mr. Chang, leader of the Thai branch of the “Sun Yee On” triad, undoubtedly one of the most widespread criminal syndicates in the world. His group in Ruananpur was probably not made up of men trained as "Hotel Moscow", but since fighting him would mean opposing one of the most powerful triads, it surely wasn't one of the things these people would put on their wish lists for complying.

Then after these two, the other men at the table also started talking. They were representatives of the mafias larger in Italy, Colombia, and other countries, so they were not good people or benevolent either. Perhaps the only organization with the considerable influence that had not attended this meeting was the “Rip-off Church” that had ties with arms companies in the USA, but since this was an organization with few members and did business with everyone those present without meddling much in the affairs of this city, this was not very strange.

Given their reputations from all these people, each of them at first thought that the person responsible for them to meet was someone who was also at this table as probably no other person from this city would dare to do something like that. Because of this, the tension in this city had been quite high recently.

"... what happened the day before at the Lagoon company is not related to this?"

"From what I heard, it seemed that in that place they had an event with big fireworks"

" Dutch and Revy's company building was practically reduced to rubble... "

Suddenly, several of these leaders remembering what some of their men had reported to them the night before or in the morning, did not take long to relate their problems to what happened that night. But then Mr. Chan and Balalaika speak denying this.

"Surely that it was a big party... people still were trying to collect the parts for the whole area of bastards that were blown to pieces... but I do not think it is related to this. Until now, for the people who have died from our organizations the person responsible for this did it very discreetly and he was very careful... he did not give a whole show for the whole city to everyone find out about it "

“It's true… also, from the information my men gathered, the person responsible was a small boy or girl with long red hair… it seems that he calls himself“ John Wick ”. He seems to be a little deranged who came to do some business with the company of "Two Hands", so we can say that this time it seems that this group only had the bad luck to take as a client another crazy person who comes to this city. "

As organizations with enough time and a solid foundation in this city, the information obtained by these two were more detailed than the others... practically, in this city, everything that happened did not take long to reach their ears. People had to go to great lengths to keep something hidden from them, so for these two, the person responsible for the murders had to be someone with at least enough ties to the other organizations here.

"...the person responsible must be someone helped by someone who is here, and may even be the mind behind all this"

"What Balalaika-san says makes a lot of sense... the problem is knowing who is such an idiot to start a war between various organizations..."

"" ... ""

Seeing that those two began to put their eyes with distrust on the others at the table, quickly everyone also began to observe the people around them hoping to find something strange in them so that they could say it. Although they may very likely be wrong at accusing someone, it was better for everyone else's resentment to focus on that person than on themselves! Nobody was so crazy to be against all the organizations in this place, especially against those two!!

Besides... no one was such an idiot to point them out. Apart from the fact that those two organizations were the more influential in Ruananpur as they were the ones who had been here the longest, they had already fought a bloody war when Balalaika arrived in this city and so, they both knew very well the disadvantages of creating a conflict against the other now.

Since simply the losses from doing that were far greater than the gains, both sides decided to focus on doing their own business and leave the other side. So it didn't make much sense for Balalaika and Mr. Chen to start another war now.

“Well… until now it has just been people of little importance who have died from each organization, so it is better not to rush to point our weapons at someone for now.  Surely that person will turn out to be a scapegoat in the end.

Besides, surely that is what the person responsible for this wants us to do, eliminate the competition using everyone else here... "

“Well... then let's wait a bit longer to see if that idiot makes a mistake. Surely that person will regret having created so many enemies... "

"... maybe that's for the best"


"It's impossible for that person to remain hidden forever after all."

So as if they understood that now surely all the leaders would start to accuse each other, Mr. Chen and Balalaika intervene before that can happen. Hearing those words the tension in the place drops a bit, and then people begin to relax approving of the idea.

With nothing more to discuss, each of the leaders begins to get up from their chairs and leaves accompanied by their men. Although nothing had been fixed yet, most were glad they had not become everyone else's target.

It is also not as if this meeting between various leaders was fruitless. Because surely no one wanted to become the first scapegoat as Mr. Chen said, men from all organizations would be more vigilant to look for an abnormality in other groups.

Therefore, surely the person responsible for all this will now be more nervous and that could lead him to make a stupid mistake...

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(POV Eda)

"Eda-san! You have a call!"

"... now I go"

After that long-troubled night, I had returned to Sister Yolanda's church. In truth what happened there was quite annoying, but due to the things that happened before, I did not have much time to complain about it. In my head the image of that little boy kept appearing constantly... or more precisely, the things that he had said or shown me.

So that, without missing a second more, when I reach the church had sent all the information in a memory Revy companion handed me to the headquarters of CIA. Seeing how quickly they responded, it seems I was not the only one who found those things very surprising.

"I'm Eda, what's happen?"


Regularly after receiving a call, they would simply tell me my mission which was almost always to watch someone, search for information, or eliminate someone. It was always a short and direct conversation to the point… well, not that I expected a greeting or a thank you for them.

But unlike other times, this time when I answer the phone in this room where I was alone, I can only hear the breathing on the other side of the phone... if it weren't because I knew that this was a secure line and how important the information I sent them to headquarters should have been, then I would have thought it was just some pervert.

“…What the hell did you send? Is it that you went to some damn magic show and since it seemed interesting to you then decided to share it with others? "

“…If that had been the case, then I would just have praised and applauded that brat. But instead... what I saw there just gave me a few chills"

Finally when the person on the other end of the phone says something, even though what I hear seemed like a scolding, I could also notice the seriousness in his tone. Also, if he hadn't really believed anything about that video, he had just ignored it, and then he wouldn't be speaking now to me.

...probably like I did before, or for anyone who saw that, it would be inevitable to think about it and say it...

“The video has already been seen by several of our specialists and they all agree that it is impossible to do something like that with our current technology! So it is simply impossible!! "

“… It's funny, that red-haired brat mentioned something about that technology being several decades advanced from ours… also if it were impossible, then that would mean that my eyes are deceiving me, and the truth is that I trust my eyes a lot!

I saw how that brat used one of those things to make half a person disappear! The entrails and blood of that man were very real to me at that time!! "

"... if so, then you should have subdued that brat, package him up, and brought him directly to the country!!"

" You think I didn't think about that?! What you ask is impossible for me to do alone! Last night I was watching how that brat along with 3 other people killed more than a hundred people in this place!

Also, most of those people weren't exactly petty criminals that you can find on the streets of any city!!

The only way to get that technology is for you to negotiate on his terms, or to send a whole squad fully trained and armed to capture him... although the last option is probably not the best.

Even assuming that the same did not happen with your men as yesterday, I do not think much that the organizations here like the idea of having so many people under the command of the country in this place. Maybe even before they can find that brat those men end up dying for another group in this city. "


It's not that I didn't think about taking that boy and bringing him with me, I just didn't see any opportunity during that whole fight to do that... That blue-haired woman never stopped taking her eyes off me every time I approached or just looked at that brat! Besides, there was also that bitch of Revy… I don't know what deal or type of relationship she has with him, but it would be quite annoying to have to face her too.

"...what does the boy want?"


After another long silence where that man must have realized that my words were true, then he decided to continue with the conversation. Unfortunately, now I was the one who found it difficult to say the conditions of that brat said to me...  it is just that he asked was as crazy as the things he showed that night! I did not even dare to send his requests along with the information that I send before!!

"...2-25 missiles with nuclear warheads"

"W-what? 2-25 what?!! "


"Damn it! Why that fucking brat better not ask for the president to kiss his feet in public?!! Does that fucking bastard want to destroy half the world or what?!!!"

I had to move the phone's speaker away from my ear as I thought he was going to make me deaf… well, I was expecting something like this to happen too.  In fact, I think it would be more feasible to do what he says than what the boy asks… that maybe can be arranged to make it look like the president acting magnanimous and understanding to avoid disaster. Instead, delivering 25 nukes to someone can only be seen as the stupidest thing to do for a nation... simply giving someone weapons to threaten or exert pressure against us!

"The boy said that if 25 nuclear bombs were impossible, then... then he would exchange the technological information for 250 thermobaric bombs..."

"Fuck!! Does that bastard collect weapons of mass destruction?!!

… If he asked for a few maybe we could consider it, b-but 250… that's just too much! Who the hell is that brat? Does he want to destroy a country? "

After I stop hearing screams from the other end of the phone, I tell him the alternative that that boy gave me... although it seems that this time his reaction was not as great as before, this still upsets him quite a bit.

Well... I think that was a normal reaction when someone talks to you about handing over so many weapons of mass destruction, so I can't blame him... I can just curse that brat for putting me in that place of being the middle man or messenger in here.

…Since this one is always the one who ends up getting fucked first, I didn't really like being in this position now.

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