Soul Evolution System

Chapter 284 Living In Ruananpur

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“Well… what do you want me to do? Do you want me to accept the deal or not?

But… Don't ask me to do something crazy, I still want to continue serving God in this world. "

"To accept? Who the hell would accept those conditions?!

…Although what he showed caught the attention of several of our scientists, what that boy asks is crazy! Seriously, who is that damn brat? Where the hell did he come from? "

Even though the boy had asked for something other things than nuclear weapons, these other things he asked for were not toys either. So I was expecting the response from headquarters to be negative or else I would have been really surprised.

I don't know if we will be able to do any business with the brat in the end, but what I'm sure of is that now that boy had completely caught the attention of several people with a high position in the government. Unfortunately, I couldn't answer the questions this man was asking me. In fact, I was hoping they could tell me something about him instead...

“… Don't ask me. If you don't have any information about him, then how the hell do you expect me to know anything? All I can tell you is that apparently, his name is Alexander... or some people called him "John Wick" too. That and the information I sent you is all I know about that boy. "


It was certainly quite unpleasant not having any information on that person… we were the CIA! Not some little one investigative agency to look for infidelities. Someone developing that kind of technology or wanting to do deals with weapons of mass destruction should have been detected for our radars a long time ago!!

…The only way to hide this is that this boy belonged to another world power, but… from our previous talk, it seems that this is not the case. I do not believe that this boy belongs to another power, I do not see the reason why to exchange advanced technology for things that those countries can develop themselves. It would be stupid to do something like that...

"Oh, it is true. There is something else... "

"…"…What is it? Did the damn brat also want an airplane carrier as a gift to transport those things?! 

"No, but... We should probably give the boy a quick answer or otherwise, then he said that he would start negotiating with other countries... he threatened to go with China or Russia to do business if we weren't interested in doing business with him."

"Son of a bitch!!"


I think the best thing for this subject would have been if my next words after his questions would have been an affirmation... I think that sounded a little better than the boy delivering advanced technology to countries where we do not have such a friendly relationship...

The frustration of the guy on the other end of the phone seemed to have reached the limit and so I can hear how he seems to vent all his anger on the things he must have in front of. Then after he calms down a bit, he finally speaks again.

“If so, then maybe it's best to eliminate him… if we can't get that technology first, then it's better if no one does. We might even get lucky and that guy carries this with him as his precious treasure and so maybe we can get it in the end... "


"…What's going on? Do you feel bad because the other party is a child? "


Of course it was not something like that, after spending so much time in this, I know very well that sometimes for a greater good it is necessary to even sacrifice some innocents. It's not a pleasant thing, but not doing it is sometimes something worse ...

If the agency could really eliminate the boy, then maybe I would just feel a little sorry for Revy since it seems that she is close to him... it would be a shame since you could say that she is like the only friend I have here and so if that happens, then I probably have to kill her. Otherwise, then she will be the one to kill me.

The only problem is…

“… I don't think that's a good idea. That boy... for some reason I feel that it is best not to bother him ... otherwise, maybe then we can regret it "

Hearing that they would try to eliminate the boy, I can't help but think of the moment when I would point a gun at him myself. At that moment even though I was the one with the gun and he was unarmed, I felt that I was the defenseless person... that aura around him that made me feel like I was at the bottom of the sea, not even at the talking to some mob bosses I felt it.

In his eyes for a moment I saw that he really did not care about anything about this world... it was not like he hated it or wanted it to this one be destroyed, that feeling in him was not like madness or resentment. It was more of disinterest in this world... as if he were stranger to this world.

…Maybe that was the reason by in the end I decided to only pass on the information and let the boy alone. Also, it seemed that he did not intend to use these weapons to attack a country or someone. Who knows? In truth that brat may just want them to decorate his house...

"Hmp~ Did that boy threaten to attack us or something if we tried to kill him?"

"No... he said he would completely ruin this whole world and not just our country."

"Haa? All the world? Hmp~ Really seems that the brat thinks he is the center of the world. I don't know what organization he belongs to, but not even a world power will dare to say that they could destroy the world by themselves.

They are simply nonsense, nonsense that a brat like him usually do."


I already expected a similar answer for this, after all, to understand what it felt like to see that boy, then you probably have to be in-person to understand it. Still, this bad feeling didn't go away and so I decided to keep talking.

"Then... what if that boy was not of this world?"


I really didn't want to mention this as I didn't believe it myself, but during the shooting last night, I heard a few things there. If someone else had told me a story where he hears similar things and I had not seen everything that happened that night myself, then I would only think that this person was too naive, an idiot, or simply drank too much.

...there have always been stories of UFOs and stuff, even within the agency rumors about that were not few. I always believed that those rumors were simply weapons projects or some kind of secret plane by the government, after all, that was much more logical.

Now listening to that group talking about things like other worlds and showing weapons that our scientists say are much more advanced to do them with our technology, I couldn't help but start thinking of little green men...

I honestly thought that after my words the other person would start laughing and making fun of me, I can even feel a little bit that my face flushed when I said that! I thought his next words would be to get me out of this place and then I'd end up in a fucking madhouse, but...

Contrary to all that, silence returns from the other end of the phone... Shit! Don't tell me that all those rumors are really true?! Fuck! Apart from terrorists and crazy people, now do I also have to worry about little green or gray men appearing next to my bed?!!

“…For now we will try to investigate that boy. You don't need to do something, just delay an answer for him for a while if he contacts you again. "

"Haa? Well… as long as I don't end up getting screwed by this, then no problem. "

Finishing him saying that, the call is cut off. Unexpectedly from trying to kill him, now things had changed to watch him... Fuck! I really don't know what I got into now... 

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(POV Alexander)

It had been a couple of days after the “Black Lagoon” building become in ruins. I had to put up with Vin and Benny's complaints about this for several hours after that… it also didn't help when I told them that now the building would have more ventilation and no it would get so hot since several walls collapsed.

Well, it was logical that this place would remain that way after detonating several bombs that Leona and I had previously placed around the building on some walls while we avoiding the building's support points so as not to be buried by it.

It's always good to be prepared after all. So, as a last resort in the case that for some reason things got bad, I had turned the building into a minefield… just that I didn't expect to have to use it so quickly

…It seems that offering 100 gold bars for my head was really too much.

Well, what's done is done. Also, it can be said that my purpose was splendidly fulfilled and I finished the mission to eliminate various assassins and thugs. I was able to get the reward for this, and it seems like the system now gave another quest after completing this one...

[Mission / main "Eliminate Criminal Organization - G"

After gaining a certain reputation, people will surely be warier of trying to go against you. Now the only problem is that this will not apply to people with a great influence behind them. So the next thing to do to stay safe in a hostile place is even these organizations stop to think twice before attacking you.

Objective: Eliminate a criminal organization in Ruananpur

Killing the criminal boss of an organization personally.

Failure conditions: Death, take more than 1 year, Criminal boss escape

Rewards: Development Skill [ Hero ] rank up

500x Energy Channel Restoration Pills

5Kx Limit Break Pills

25 Million x Crystals

250 Million x Gold]

…After what happened a few days ago, the truth is that this mission does not seem so difficult to me either. Well, if I were to just take out an organization, with the weapons I have then I could probably do it in a few days.

There is only one problem with this... the larger organizations here are just branches of a whole large criminal organization, so surely they don't take it too well and they will surely send more men for a settling of scores. These organizations take an offense or their reputation very seriously after all.

Also, the other organizations may not like this much either... sure they don't care about the organization disappearing, but they may think that I am someone who is ambitious and also wants to take away their territory or customers and that they may be the next ones. So to prevent this, then they may also end up attacking me...

So it is not as simple as just going against an organization. The result of completing the mission may end up becoming me in the enemy of several of the large groups in Ruananpur!

Well… it's not like I have to complete it now, and I have plenty of time to think about how to do this. Given the reward this quest offers, not doing it is not a choice after all.

“Whaa~ Damn it… I actually slept very well! This place is much better than that old sty, I don't know why Dutch complains so much"

While I was thinking about these things in my bed, Revy who was lying next to me wakes up. She really seems to like this place… well, having lived in the mansion on Gaia, I think it's normal for the details of her old home to stand out even more.

To be honest, I wouldn't have minded sleeping in that place… obviously that I'd sleep in Revy's room, and I think sleeping the three of us in that little bed wouldn't be so bad either! It certainly wouldn't be the most comfortable thing to do, but having to be practically on top of each other from time to time wouldn't be so bad...

Unfortunately, that place looked like it would collapse at any moment and so the next day we had to find a place to stay. So to stop Vin and Benny from continue complaining, I bought this quite spacious building for them.

…The truth is that I didn't want to use gold for a while. It's no longer like most assassins are coming after me, but yet I or Leona sometimes had to use our weapons. Although… it could also be guys attacking me because of my appearance and not precisely because of the gold.

So since I didn't want to use gold or jewelry now, I remembered that I had taken several money cases from Emilia-kun's world. So when I handed them over to Revy and Dutch, they didn't seem to notice any difference with the money used in this world, probably this is because these are very similar parallel worlds.

I would get rid of things I didn't need, Dutch and Benny's complaints would stop, and Revy was happy that she could live more comfortably. So you could say that we all win because of this.

"Well, I think it's time to continue with the next plan."

After Revy lets go of me as she had taken me as a hugging pillow for the past few days, then I was finally free to get out of bed. You might think that our relationship had come a long way since we met, and I also indeed think that was true to some degree. It was a pity that in regards to this, in truth she only used me as an object to sleep better...

Only the first time when she woke up in this position did she get a little embarrassed and hit me, the following times she did not seem to care much about this and in truth I felt like a pillow that was thrown after having fulfilled its function...

… Well, since I could sleep hugging her too, so I don't have many complaints about this either.

If you are wondering it, it is sure that I could do that with Leona, the problem was that since she is completely immobile while sleeping in a position as if she were the body of a person who others are given him the last goodbye in a coffin, so I felt like I was hugging a dead... although the warmth of her body was present, I couldn't get that image out of my head and so it was quite uncomfortable to do it.

"Good morning, Master!"

"Good morning~"

"You two finally wake up... most of the things you asked for from the list have already been brought and placed in the warehouses of this building."

Leaving our room and arriving at what was a much larger living room than the one in the other building, where we met the other people who resided in this place too. As usual, Leona was standing next to a table with several dishes served, Benny surrounded by several computers that he recently bought, and Vin trying to mold the new sofa to the shape of his ass...

It really seems that everything had returned to normal with the only difference that the place where we were now was much better. It also appears that the items on the list that I asked Vin for, most of have already been delivered by the Church. I also hope my other request will have a response soon.

"Then I think I'll go first to collect those things... I think it would be bad if for some reason the fire reached those things and they ended up exploding"

“…That's what the person who blew up our old building says. I will accompany you to show you everything. "

"I'll stay here... I don't want to be around things that explode for a long time..."

"Now we have a better building, so that's fine. Don't you think so, Dutch?"

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