Soul Evolution System

Chapter 288 Misunderstanding

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(POV Alexander)

After leaving the church, our car heads straight for our building. Lately, I have felt a bit like I am captive in that place... I also wanted to see the tourist places in this city!

I have complained to Revy about this, but it's a shame that her argument that my appearance was simply a magnet for trouble in this place had some truth on that… no, it was probably totally true.

Haa ~ Damn it! Even though I accepted the deal of waiting 3 months for the weapons to be delivered to me, I don't feel very good about staying here doing nothing! Well, I only have to wait a couple more weeks to be able to use my grimoire again and could to return to Gaia... or maybe-

"... Someone is following us, Master"


" Damn Alexander! Who did you bother now?!! "

“…That's very unfair, you know Revy? If you ask any person who of us is the one who seems to be a troublesome person, then surely they will first point out you two who look like criminals. "

"Fuck you! That's just because they don't know you!!"

While I was thinking about some things, Leona alerts us that several cars were following us closely… although it is true that I said that I did not want to stay in that boring building because I could not do anything, this was not the type of entertainment I wanted!

"What do we do?"

"... it might be some kind of misunderstanding and they just want to talk, right?"

"" ... ""

Since I was sure I was innocent this time, I say that to Vin once he gets his eyes on me. Sadly it doesn't seem like he trusted my words and then, with an expression as if he thought that was asking the wrong person, he directs his vision towards Revy instead... that hurts my feelings a bit, you know Vin? If I get something for baldness in Gaia, then I won't give it to you...

"Do you have any idea who they might be, Revy?"

"D-Damn it! I think they are Balalaika's group... "



When one of the cars line up to the side of us and we can see the people inside it, Revy quickly recognizes them. I was hoping that when they saw us then they would leave since surely we were not the people they were looking for, but... contrary to my expectations, I can see how a blonde woman points directly at me and immediately they hit our car with theirs and causing us to stop.

So without wasting time, one man after another gets out of the car and stands in front of us as if waiting for us to also get out...

"Revy and Dutch, I didn't think you two were involved in all this..."

“You see? I told you that I was not responsible for this! It was you two after all!! "

"" ... ""

I was actually kind of happy that this time I wasn't the cause of the problem, but since Revy is also involved, then in the end I'll have to get involved in whatever this is too.

“Balalaika-san… I don't know what you're talking about. Could you explain things better? "

“It's true, Balalaika-san. We have had various business deals with each other before and I think we have all carried them out in a way that both parties were happy with that... "

When the two of them ask what this was all about, we all got out of the car. Staying there was too dangerous since, if they start shooting with their weapons, then we could not help but stay there and wait for it to resist the hail of bullets...

I was a little curious about what these two had done, but I also hoped to be able to solve it in a simple way... if possible, then I hope this will be fixed with some gold since I really did not want to fight against this woman that I now saw for the first time.

I had seen her in the anime, but I must say that it is more intimidating to see her personally… as Revy had mentioned, it was Balalaika who was the leader of the Russian mafia in this city! And without a doubt, this group was one of the biggest and most dangerous to get involved with here in Ruananpur!!

When I do a quick scan of all the men in front of us, then I can better understand why this was so. All of these exceeded the 7th limit... besides, there were also some that reached up to the 9th!

No… what surprised me the most was that when I analyze Balalaika, then I have to blink several times because it was a bit difficult to accept what my eyes were seeing… this woman had a level of [99]! She was at the peak of strength in this world!!

… Well, I've seen even stronger people, so my surprise is because I didn't expect someone to reach that level of strength here. It seems that I still underestimated the people of this world...

Once I recovered from the shock of seeing her level, I wasn't overly concerned either. My strength shouldn't be much different from hers, plus, Revy and Leona are now on the same level as her too...

[… Probably if she was in Gaia, then she would have already crossed and reached a level 2 of soul… although it can be considered that she has been blessed by this world, this one also represses her by not being able to continue advancing her soul level]

Well... that's her misfortune Aurora. On the other hand, while their level doesn't matter much now for me, sadly it's not the same for the weapons they're all pointing at us. So I still think that it is best to solve this peacefully.

… It's a shame that things seemed to be much more complicated than I had thought. Balalaika stops paying attention to the two who were looking at her with some doubt in their eyes, and then she immediately places her gaze on me… I have a bad feeling about this.

"So you are the little 'John' right?

…little one, if you had such a wish to die, then you would have come straight to me and I would have fulfilled your wish… you needn't have done that of before."

"Eh? Sh-Shit! "

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Clack] [Clack]

Unable to understand any of the words she was saying, she suddenly points a gun at me and shoots me! Also, following her example, the other guys who were next to her do the same!!

Of course, I wasn't stupid enough to stay directly where she was pointing her gun and so I take cover behind the car.

"W-What the hell is wrong with that woman? Why did she shoot me out of nowhere? "

"Damn it! I knew that in the end it would be your fault, Alexander!! "

“ My car… boy, I just took it out of the mechanical workshop, you know?! "

"Master... what do we do? Do we also return fire? "

It was obvious that the others weren't that stupid either and soon they were by my side taking cover from the bullets while two of them complain to me...

"Isn't it obvious that this is a misunderstanding? Who the hell is John?

Besides... if your car was in the mechanic, then it shouldn't be that good at first, Vin "

" Isn't that the damn nickname you wanted before?!! "

"Oooh... it's true"

… Since that happened several days ago, I had completely forgotten about it. Also, now that I think about it...

"This is bad, Revy…"

“Of course it's bad to have Balalaika's group against us, fucking idiot. What the hell did you do to her? Don't tell me you harassed her too... "

" Well ... that's bad too, but... what worries me the most is that now that I think about it, really it's not so good to have someone else's name as a nickname... it just seems like they're calling someone else, don't you think so Revy? "

“ Who the hell cares about that?!! "


Since she would surely get angrier if I said it, I can only answer in my mind. Leaving that aside, our situation was not very good either, having to face a group of heavily armed men with enough experience with these, really is not something good...

"Woman! The time I made the offer to have someone kill me I was a bit confused and emotionally unstable, you can attribute it to puberty problems! 

I am no longer offering anything for my head and I have withdrawn that offer a time ago!

… In fact, I already spent that gold!!"

I did not think that the offer I made before would attract the attention of large groups, but well, if the greed of these organizations were not so big, then surely there would be no wars between gangs and each one could divide up the territories and businesses.

“…What the hell are you talking about boy? I'm here to make you pay because you killed one of my men! "

I thought they were here for my gold, so I try to make them desist by telling them that. I know it surely wouldn't work, but I had to try... besides, it was true that I have already spent almost all of the gold at using this in my dealings with the church and giving a part to Gloterus too.

After I spoke, I expected to hear things like "stop lying and hand over the gold", but then, I realize they weren't coming for that...

"What?! I haven't killed any Russians so far! …probably.

Also, if I did, then it was his fault for going to our old building to try to kill me!! You can't blame me for killing someone who tries to kill me, right?!! "

"I'm talking about the man you killed at the motel!!"

...I can not be 100% sure of not killing a Russian among all the people who attacked us before, but I think it is a bit unfair that they attack us now if it is that I really did...

"Damn Alexander! Why did you have to kill one of her men?! Didn't I warn you not to mess with them? !! "

"Damn it! Do you really think I'd meet another man at a fucking motel, Revy?!! "


After answering Revy, I was about to yell at Balalaika to stop raise false comments about me, especially if it was ones that could be misinterpreted by other people! But then before I could speak, things unexpectedly get even more complicated...

[Turururu] [Bang !!]

"Hahaha, we finally found you, Balalaika-onesan~"

"Play with us, onesan~"

"Fuck! Who the hell dares to attack us now?!! "

Suddenly, on this street, two little girls dressed in gothic style dresses arrive too... these two were quite striking, but without a doubt, what made them stand out even more it was a large Gatling machine gun that one of them held while the other used a shotgun and both fired at Balalaika's group.

…I also think I remember these two a bit, but… weren't they a boy and a girl? Are my memories wrong? Well, I don't think it's time to worry about something like that now...

Although thanks to these two Balalaika's group had stopped shooting at us, I couldn't say that they came to rescue us… it was very possible that at any moment they would also point those weapons at us!

This thought is further strengthened when above their heads I read the information of the system that said [Insanity-A] [Level 78 ]...

"... Captain, I think we found the person (s) responsible for Ivan's death..."

"Shit!! So it was those brats?

...finish them off!! "

Well… as I thought, all this was a misunderstanding! Seeing those two children, then the weapons that were pointed at us until a few seconds ago change their direction towards them. While this makes me do a sigh of relief at know that we would not have to face the Russian mafia, seeing to those two brats, I could only frown now...

"Hahaha, this is fun~"

"You have good skills, Balalaika-onesan~"

"Damn brats! You two are dead!!"

Although by attacking Balalaika and her men by surprise they managed to make them take shelter behind their vehicles, which were now full of bullet marks like us, they quickly show their experience and make the two children back up a bit...

Merely for these two to attack this group by themselves was insane! It could be seen that they would quickly be at a disadvantage once they split up and tried to kill them!!

...although that did not seem to matter to those little kids who seemed to be twins and happily returned fire despite the fact that little by little they began to be at a disadvantage.

Well, I can only say that the attitude of these little ones was in accordance with their ability that I see before... simply their madness should be so great that they did not even seem to care if they lived or died!

"Haa~ Looks like we've been saved"

"Who are those two? Have you seen them before, Revy?"

“… No, but who cares who they are anyway? Let's just thank them for showing up now and clearing up this misunderstanding "


[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

As I listened to Vin and Revy talking, I just watched as those kids were slowly being cornered... then gritting my teeth, I got up from behind the car and started shooting at Balalaika's group...

"Sh-Shit! What are you doing, bastard?!! "

Revy who seemed to have relaxed after seeing that the Russian mafia had changed their target, when she saw me shoot them, also gets up and tries to move close to me to prevent me from continuing firing at them but since Leona gets in her way, then I can only hear her scream.

“… Little 'John', it seems like there was a little misunderstanding. Why don't we put this aside and let each of us take care of our own affairs? "

Noticing the bullets coming from our direction, it seems that that group then remembers us. They are not stupid and by tying up the dots they quickly realized that they had gone after the wrong person, therefore Balalaika speaks so all of us settle that previous misunderstanding.

While it was a bit annoying to be shot and now with just a simple apology she thought everything was easily fixed, it wasn't a bad offer either since it wasn't like any of us were hurt by this.


“I'm sorry Balalaika-onesan… the truth is that I came to this city in search of my two little daughters from whom I was separated after an evil witch took them away from me.

It seems that I have finally found them… little Hansel, little Gretel, come with daddy!"

"" ... ""

I remembered the appearance of these two children, but the name only remembered that it was from a children's story... after thinking for a while, in my mind the story of the two brothers who were attracted by a witch to a house made of sweets appears.

So after remembering that, with my words it seems that everyone stops shooting for a few seconds and silence reigned in the place... after having spoken, then I realize that my words were not heard very well... if you think about it, it seemed something a perverted guy would say to take custody of a couple of kids!

...I think that if a strange man appeared saying that in that candy house to snatch the children from the witch, then it is very likely that the children would cry so that the witch would not give them to him.

"Stop fucking brat! It is obvious that it is impossible that you are the father of those two who are almost the same age as you!! "

…Now that I think about it, there was also that problem. It's good that at least I didn't look like a pervert chasing after two little kids.

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