Soul Evolution System

Chapter 289 Misunderstanding 2

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“Stop fucking with me, brat! It is obvious that it is impossible that you are the father of those two who are almost the same age as you!! "

"I-I'm sorry Balalaika-san... this boy is a bit 'special', so please forgive him "

…I'm sure Vin wasn't referring to the fact that he saw the things I did before and even make people appear and disappear when he referred to me as special, clearly I felt that his words have another connotation…

[Bang!] [Bang!]

"The truth is that I was a bit precocious when I was young, so things happened that way..."

"Stop shooting them, damn Alexander!"

Not caring much about Revy's argument and complaints, I continue to shoot at the Russian mafia along with Leona who joined me. So, this making Balalaika look at me quite resentfully... I had already made up my mind, so I intended to continue with this until the end.

"To the car! Come on!!"

Damn Alexander! I'll make you pay for this!! "

“ Boy… we were already out of this mess! So why do you want to continue this now?!!"

Seeing that we did not intend to stop, the group of Russians resumed and divided their fire towards us and the two brats who also begin to fire again. So while paying attention not to get hit by one of the bullets, I open the car door and we enter while I ordering the others.

"Go where those kids are!!"

"Damn lucky I have!!"

Soon we are all inside and without wasting time I point in the direction of the boys so that Vin who had gotten behind the wheel begins to drive towards them. I was a little worried that those twins would point their weapons at us once we got closer, but perhaps because their attention was totally directed towards the Russians or because they did not consider us their enemies, then we can reach them without problems.

…Well, no more complications than we already had since Balalaika and her men had never stopped shooting at us, thus adorning Vin's vehicle with more holes.

"You two, quickly get in the car!!"

" Who are you, one-chan?~"

"You also want to play with us?~ "

"Leona, take the other girl!"

"Yes, Master!"

"" Hmn?~""

Upon seeing us arrive, the two little girls dressed in a gothic style cocked their heads in confusion as they asked us that. Unfortunately, I did not have time to explain to these two that I was saving their fucking lives, so without paying much attention to their gestures that could undoubtedly be considered cute, I get out of the car and approach the one that is closest to me while also asking Leona to help to take care of the other twin.

Since I was close to them and I move quickly, then I can prevent the twin who was holding the shotgun from pointing this one at me when I get to her side, and then in a slightly abrupt way, I start to drag her to the car.

Damn! These kids really just looked cute!! When Leona follows my example, the other girl pulls out a big knife from somewhere and tries to stab her when she sees that she couldn't use her big machine gun Gatling!!'s good that Leona was not guided by appearances and was always attentive to what that little girl was doing even when she was carrying her in one of her arms while with the other hand she was shooting in the direction from where the bullets continued to come towards us, so she was able to disarm her without a problem.

"Hehehe, you tickle me one-chan~"

"Damn Alexander! Are you already groping a girl you meet for the first time?!! "

"Fuck you, Revy! Didn't you just see that the other one took out a huge knife earlier?!! "

On the other hand, it seems that I was lucky that this twin was not as aggressive as the other... even so, I did not feel comfortable with the possibility that she could do the same as her sister and so I started looking for some other weapon that she had in her body.

…Seriously, I think this girl's body is less developed than Vrana's, so I can speak with one hand on my heart to say that this was completely without an ulterior motive! Therefore, I had to speak to defend my honor.

"" Hyaa~""

"Leona! Take us to the place you prepared before!! "

"Yes! Get aside!!"

"Sh-Shit, woman! Can't you just ask me to leave the place for you?!! "

[Boom !!] [Boom !!]

Throwing the little kids into the car, I take a couple of BIMs that explode on contact and throw them near the place where the Russians were to give us time to get out of here. Meanwhile, Leona practically kicks Vin into the back seats.

"Follow them!!!"

"Y-Yes ..."

"Captain... what do we do with the black lagoon company group when we reach them?"

“Those damned bastards… it seems they want to meddle in this too. Well... if that's what they want, then kill them too!! "

Hearing the screams of Balalaika who obviously hadn't taken this very well, our car again starts moving through the streets of Ruananpur. Haa~ Looking in the rearview mirror, I could see how they also started to board their cars to follow us… without a doubt, this will also be a long day.

" Damn Alexander! Why did we have to get involved in all this? !!

They are Balalaika's group, you know? !! They are not the same as the guys who attacked us before!! "

"…I was bored"

"Fuck you!!!"

Of course I was not a person who was looking for trouble to kill the boredom, if possible, then I would rather be bored than have an armed group following us! The problem was…

"Where we go? ~ Are we going for a walk?~ "

"I still wanted to continue playing with Balalaika-onesan~ ...if we don't, then surely Verrocchio-san will get even more angry~"

The two twins when placed in the car and at being stripped of their weapons, they had remained in the back seat quietly... watching them in the rear-view mirror act as if they were just a couple of little girls who were happily going for a walk with their parents, that made me want to sigh a little.

I know very well that appearance is just a hoax and these brats could probably be as bloodthirsty as the worst criminal in this city... or maybe even more! But… damn it! Why can't I let these two children alone?

Well… I think the vast majority of people would find it difficult to watch children suffer. I think that somewhere I read that it was an instinct of all species to try to ensure the survival of the younger generation even at the cost of adult lives...

Besides, from my point of view, perhaps the people with the most right to ask for a second chance are the children... and if to that we add that probably this pair of twins can be said that they were raised to be this way, then I could not simply abandon them or watch them die while I doing nothing.

…From my memories, in the end after a life totally full of madness, they still continued to have a bad ending. So, if I could change that, then I would try to. After all, if I didn't, then this may haunt me for the rest of my life...

That was the real reason I had to get involved in this, but since I knew that if I told Revy this she would still not accept it and probably she gets even more furious about this, so then I just tell her that it was a whim of mine.

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

"Shit! They have already reached us "

"Lower your head you fucking brats!!"

As expected, soon several cars are behind us, and then the bullets that had stopped for a few minutes while the car was moving through the city again make the metal of the car click when hit.

The good news is that despite Revy's complaints, she was not cold enough as to throwing the twins out of the car, and instead, she forced the head of one of them down while returns fire.

[Boom boom boom!]

Meanwhile, I also drop a couple of bombs to make it harder for them to get close to us. Then, continuing in this way for several more minutes, I could see how people went out into the streets with curiosity to see what was happening... if it was another place, then surely now I would be hearing screams of fear and anxiety.

Seriously, I think that in this damn city the number of explosions in a month is much higher than those that others do at the end of the year festivities...

"We have arrived, Master!"

In the end, after all this chase, what it was in front of our car turns out to be what appeared to be a junkyard... besides, I really couldn't see if ours was in worse shape or those that were here as junk were better. Well, at least Vin will surely be happy that he doesn't have to pay for his car to be towed to this place... probably.

" seems like the end of the road, your luck ends here"

“ Yeah, this car probably wasn't very lucky… Vin says it just got out of the mechanic, and now it ends here. "

"Poor car~"

"Yes, it was not very lucky~"

"" ... ""

"I'm sure she wasn't referring to the car, Alexander."

We had practically reached a dead end, so we all got out of the car again to see Balalaika's entire group spreading around us. I could see how even some snipers had sought a higher position to target us... that is scary.

So looking at all this, I think it was normal for Revy and Vin, who gives me a sharp look when I speak, were nervous. Although... on the other hand, I was even calmer than when they attacked us the first time… after all, I still felt like I could afford to joke around as I do now.

" ...little" John ", since you and the others were lucky not to cause us any casualties and I don't dislike you much either, just hand me that brats and then we'll say we're even for having attacked you before"

Well... It's not that her group was lucky that none of them died or that our aim was so bad that we didn't kill even one person, it was rather that I was careful not to. Throughout the shooting, I had told the others to only shoot to keep Balalaika and her group away, so there were only a few on her side who had been wounded and they would surely recover soon.

…I was still hoping to fix this without it turning into a bloodbath.

"You are so cruel Balalaika-onesan... how can you ask me to abandon my precious daughters..."

"Stop playing, you damn brat! Realize what situation you are in now! …If you don't give me those twins, then you all will share the same fate as them!!

Revy and Dutch, you must not be so stupid as to play along this, right? ""

"" ... ""

Realizing that I would not change my decision, Balalaika turns to the other two who are frowning when they hear her. Looking at their faces, it seems that they wanted to accept her proposal, but in the end they just keep quiet while preparing their weapons.

"Well, well, well!! I thought I'd give you a chance for the times you've done business with us, but if you're that stupid, then die here along with those brats!

Finish with-"

"Wait, Balalaika-onesan..."

Before Balalaika lowered the hand she had raised to signal her men to start shooting at us, I interrupted her and stopping her order...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(POV Balalaika)

"Finish with-"

"Wait, Balalaika-onesan..."

The red-haired boy who until now had been with a smile on his face, speaks before I can give the order to open fire...

The truth is I wasn't soft enough to forgive Dutch and Revy for getting involved in this, but… every time I laid eyes on that boy, I had a bad feeling. I'm not sure why, but something told me that he was much more dangerous than the pair of insane twins who had created this problem.

...for the information I have on this brat, I knew that he probably was just as insane as those two... or may even be crazier. But at seeing him personally now...  I can distinguish that in his case it was not the madness that what full his mind, instead what I saw in his eyes was confidence.

I was actually a bit surprised to see him act with such confidence even though you could say he was more screwed than the cheapest prostitute in this city... just seeing him with his hands behind his back without being affected much by pointing our guns at him, that was something to praise him for his courage.

" Oh~? Have you finally reconsidered things, little one? "

“No… I still can't allow you to kill those two, but… why don't we just leave this like that? There is no need for people on our side to die, don't you think so, Balalaika-onesan? "

"Little bastard-"

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

Before I could finish cursing that red-haired boy, he shows his hands that he had behind his back and already holding two pistols which he fired and preventing me from continuing with my words...

As a result of this, all my men held their weapons tighter by making them sound and watching me waiting for the order to fire. If it weren't for the fact that when the boy shooting was aiming somewhere else and also the blue-haired girl pointing her pistols directly at me at that instant, then without waiting for my order they would have already opened fire...

"I'm sorry, the truth is that snipers make me a little nervous...

Well... then what will you decide, Balalaika-Onesan? "

“Brat… even though you may have an extraordinary aim that doesn't change things much… you're still covered up to your neck in shit. If you do not give me to those two twins, then you will all die! "

The boy's actions had not been at all, all the snipers who had placed between 50 to 100 meters from this place were now waving their hands from the impact of the bullets in their rifles, or the most unfortunate ones surely had several broken ribs at being hit on the bulletproof vests...

This was certainly a pretty good display of skill, but sadly for them, this didn't change very much things as they were surrounded by so many of my men. It would be a bit annoying to have to face this brat, Revy, and that blue-haired woman who also looked dangerous, then I'm sure in a few minutes they would all be on the ground in a pool of their own blood.

“Well… if these weapons were the only ones I had, then now I think I'd be in a little trouble. Fortunately, this is not so... Leona, do it "


"What you-"


When I see the girl that this boy refers to as Leona reaching for a bracelet on her wrist, in the next second I get the answer to the question that I couldn't complete… suddenly an explosion not far from where we occurred! Also, the most worrying thing was the boy's next words...

“ I didn't come to this place by chance, Balalaika-onesan… this whole place has turned into a minefield, you know?

Do you think you can kill us before we detonate all these bombs? "

"" ... ""

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