Soul Evolution System

Chapter 296 To The 4th World 1

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(POV Leona)

...after solving a small problem, I get to the living room where my Master was talking with the blonde woman who bears a nun costume. Not caring about that, I stand next to him and decide to inform him about what just had happened.

"Master, again someone tried to kill these children... what do you want me to do?"

“ Damn boy, didn't you say just now that you had been calm and you had don't causing any more trouble here?! "

" is true that things have been quieter, but still I can not avoid feeling like someone watching me on my back..."

“…Eda-san, it's not my fault that other people are looking for trouble, you know? I can't control what other people do...

Also what you feel, Vin, it is due to another reason... well, it is true that there should be some assassins like this one waiting for the right moment to attack us, but your case is a little different from that, Vin... "

He had already noticed my presence since I entered here, and after giving me a look as if want to tell me that I didn't need to say these things now, he replied to that woman who became quite annoyed immediately after hearing me.

…I think I should have waited to tell the Master this. No, my duty is to inform him of anything that happens immediately! Even if the master decides to punish me after that!!

"Alexander-onisan, Leona-san won't let us go out and play~"

"It's true~ Besides, she doesn't let us play with this person either "

Right away after me, the next to enter was the little kids that I'd talked about while dragging the guy who tried to kill them. I tied him up to see what the Master wanted me to do with him, so that guy is no longer a threat to anyone.

…Since the Master had put me in charge of these two kids, then as I have done so far with others, I tried to make these girls useful to the Master. Unfortunately, it seems that I have failed him this time... I don't want to make an excuse for don't be able to carry out that, but these kids had a much more broken mentality than the other girls I had trained in Gaia.

Even though they seem docile with the Master, I fully understand that these kids will not completely follow his orders… in the head of these girls seems that their own wishes are still a priority.

In fact, because of this on several occasions, I have had to go after them since they escaped to "could be able to have fun". Thanks to each of those escapes, some people who are probably murderers have tried to kill them in those chances. 

"Master, what do you want me to do with this person?"

“P-Please… I-I'll give you the information of who hired me! I also have enough money that I will also give you, so please don't kill me!! "

"" Alexander-onisan, let us play with him~""

“…No, you can't 'play' with him. It's not okay to torture other people... you know? Leona, use that guy as food for the fishes or something like that… 

I really thought the assassination attempts would stop, but this is the fourth time already… maybe I should do something"

""Eeeh ~? Why that is something bad?~ ""

“B-Brat… please don't look for any more trouble in this city!  What you should do is get rid of those kids!! "

"Noo!! Gueh"

"Yes, Master!"

Picking up the two twins in each of my arms as they had started to pull on the Master's clothes, I kicked the guy who was now screaming after having smiled upon hearing the first words from him.

The truth is that this time I agreed with the words of that blonde woman... these kids are probably just problems instead of providing any help to the Master. Not only that, it seems like he gets a little disgusted every time he sees them...

Also... even though these girls seem willing to please him sexually and have even tried to get into his bed, he refuses to do it with them. So, they can't help him with that matter either.

To be honest, at first I found that a bit strange... maybe it's not right for me to say this, but... since the Master seems very interested in those things, then I had thought that these girls could at least do that with him.

Although… after observing them a bit, even I began to think that there was simply something that felt wrong… I couldn't detect that they were doing it out of desire or because they liked the Master, and seemed more like they did it only because it was a custom for them... also, being rejected by the master, they only went with the other men in this place asking the same thing...

In the end, they got the same result with these men... if even their attitude seemed strange to me, then it was obvious that the others here also thought that something was wrong with these girls.

...I think now I understand a little more why the Master refuses to do that kind of thing with me even though I have told him that he could satisfy himself with my body if he wanted to. For him, that was probably not just satisfying his sexual desire… now I also think that doing it simply because of that will be something hollow and meaningless.

Well, if the Master tells me that I have to continue taking care of them, then I can only do that. Now I can only follow the Master's orders and see if things get better with these kids with more time...

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(POV Alexander)

“Are you listening to me, boy! Give up on those brats before they cause you more trouble!! "

“… S-Sister! P-Please, help me!! "

Seeing Leona carrying the two twins and continuing to kick the tied guy, Eda again brings up the topic of getting rid of the little girls...

Well, while it is true that taking care of these little ones has been a bit problematic, not everything is so bad. Apparently, something in these twins has influenced on Leona! Her affection, which until now had been stuck at 70, has now risen to 85!! I really didn't expect it to this one progress this way in such a short time...

“Putting the twins aside, don't you think you should at least listen to that person's pleas? 

... It wouldn't be a bad thing if you at least gave him his last rites, you know?"

"Hmn? Right now I'm in my free time… if he wants a confession, then let him come when I'm in church. Although he will also have to be lucky that I feel like doing it. "

“ I don't think the guy will have a chance to seek god later...

Also… What are you, a worker in government offices? Well, it's not my problem either."

Since we would surely not reach an agreement about the twins, then I simply decide to change the subject. The murderer probably realizing that things would get worse for him soon, so as a last resort, he puts his eyes on "the servant of God" of this city.

Unfortunately for him, apparently in this place the "service" of believers of God for complaints and guidance only works during office hours... besides, their workers are probably not the best either...

Seriously, the only thing that was missing was to see Eda chewing gum and that she pulling out one nail polish to paint on them. No... it seems that she has a habit of chewing gum, so she only needs the last one thing and also for her sit behind a desk... seeing something like that, then is sure anybody would think that have arrived at a government office than the church!

Also... maybe if you bother her too much, then she ends up pointing a gun at you! So I think it's even worse than a government office!!

Well, it's not that I feel sorry for the guy from before... surely even if an angel comes down to confess him, then this would only be for this one to take him personally to the gates of hell. That guy wanted to kill a couple of brats after all! 

…the description of little monsters is indeed adequate for these kids, but... if you ask me, I would forgive these more than that guy.


"W-What is it? Alex-chan"

“…Vin, go to Leona and tell her that when I said to use that guy as food for the fishes, I didn't mean it literally. Just with getting rid of him as with the others is fine... "



Thinking of that guy, I remember the order I gave Leona… I said that since it really makes you feel like a mob boss, but the problem was that maybe Leona would try to take my words to the letter! I could imagine her starting to cut the guy into very fine pieces so the fish could swallow him! That would really be a hellish scene and also completely spoil the place where she does that!!

Although I have said that the twins seem to have changed her a bit, she surely is still one of the cruelest of the girls next to me!

After my words, the room fills with a little silence but Vin immediately follows her with quick steps. We've known each other for just over a month, so I think he understands that what I said is very likely to happen.

Watching Vin rush out of this place, then I also remember the matter of him... about the subject of Vin feeling being watched, that is totally true and that thing is not only his imaginations...

That's because after we blew up the old building, I had asked him to take charge of keeping the chainsaw woman off the walls. I would have done it myself, but… to be honest, I didn't really like the idea of getting too close to that kind of girl!

You can't blame me for that! Even Vin who was a tough and muscular guy, he was very hesitant to approach that girl!!

In the end, I think that was the best choice... if I had not done it, then I would be the one who would be in Vin's place! After that, it seems that this woman developed some kind of emotion for him and now almost every day I could see how she looked at Vin shyly from his back trying not to be discovered every time he left this new building.

...if it was only that, then I would feel happy for him, and maybe even with a little envy since that woman could be said to have her own charm. The only problem was... was that seeing someone dressed as a surgeon while she observes you from hiding, that also gave the feeling that this person was stalking you to steal your organs! a truth that in this city this possibility is even more plausible than that girl has fallen in love with Vin... but because the first reason still exists and I do not want to misinterpret or doubt the feelings of a poor girl, that's why I hesitated to tell him that...

I don't want to be the one to get in the way of those two's romance… for various reasons. Although… if it was the other reason and that isn't love, then perhaps it would be best to warn him about her. 

Well... since they say that love is also a dangerous thing, then Vin will have to face that risk alone.

“Well, if you didn't come to tell me something like that the exchange between us will be sooner, then I have to say goodbye now Eda. I have some things to do…"

"W-What are you going to do? Damn it, Alexander! Don't get in any other trouble until we complete our deal!! You can't make deals with someone dead after all, you know?!! "

“…I just have to see a friend in this city, don't worry. Come on, Revy "

"…where we go?"

"...Let's see Balalaika-onesan"

"Fuck you, you damn brat! How do you want me to stay calm after you say that you're going to see Balalaika? And even more so after what happened between you two before?!!

Revy, make your little boyfriend reconsider that and don't just start following him as a loving wife!! "

" W-Who the hell is a loving wife?! I-I just think it's useless to discuss that, fucking nun!! "

I thought Eda would complain about making deals with Russians or something like that, but she seems to think that my purpose in going there is not to have a friendly chat...

Well, her senses are very precise, so I can't say anything. After what happened with the Italian mafia, several people have been watching our residence... 

At first I thought that the other organizations were only a little curious about us, but after several attempts to murder the twins, I had an idea who was behind this.

…The suspicions were completely clear after capturing one of those assassins and making him speak, then as I had thought, Balalaika put a juicy bounty on the twins' heads.

...what? Do you want to know what happened to those killers? Do I really need to say it? If after what happened in the old building there is still murderers willing to try something with someone next to me, then it can only be said that they were fools or that subconsciously in the depths of their hearts they wanted to die.

So I just fulfilled those people's wish… well, Leona or Revy were the ones who did it. I was busy trying to decide how to proceed with the matter of now...

I thought Balalaika would give up after trying about 3 times, but… at this being the 4th, I think it was necessary to talk to her again.

Since I had spent a month in this place and did not want to sit idly for another four here, then I had decided to use the grimoire. Also, since I had already told the girls that I could last a while in this world, then I decided to jump from this world to the 4th that I would visit.

I intended to go to that world alone, so the only problem now was that I would feel a little uneasy leaving Leona, Revy, and the twins here with Balalaika causing some trouble.

…The best thing was to be learning martial arts with my goddess in that world without being worried about other things! Well... it remains to see how things develop in that world. 

I would not want to be the enemy of her or the other Masters of that place, but ... maybe our concepts and ideologies for solving problems are a "bit" different from how I have treated things so far. In fact, I think my wayblue-hairedg was more similar to the people who would be the bad guys in that place!

While I was thinking about some of the things in that world, we boarded the car that the Italian guy had given to me, and then Revy starts driving to the Balalaika base as we continue to listen to Eda's complaints that she screamed while waving her hands in protest on the building entrance.

…I'm sorry Eda, I'll try to keep things from getting out of control so much. After all, I'm still thinking of Balalaika like a good woman which would be something unfortunate to killing... but surely if I say that, then she would start to shoot at the wheels of the car to stop us... and that's on the best of the cases. Therefore, I simply decide to leave in silence.

“…Shouldn't we bring that blue haired woman? Even those damn brats would also be a help if we bring them... "

… It really doesn't seem like anyone thinks this would end in something like me saying to Balalaika "Please remove the bounty from the twins' heads, Balalaika-onesan", and then she replies with "Okay".

Well... I don't even think something like that happens... so I'll probably have to be a bit drastic with her. Also, about bringing those three, I think it would be more problematic since two of them are Balalaika's target after all.

As for why not bring Leona, it is simply because it is better that she continue as a babysitter for those two... if not, then when I return from arguing with Balalaika those two will probably have already annoyed several other organizations in Ruananpur!

“… Just with the two of us is fine. Maybe that way they don't think we're going to fight them and then everything will be solved peacefully. "


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