Soul Evolution System

Chapter 297: To The 4th World 2

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After Revy drove for a few minutes through the streets of Ruananpur, we had reached our destination. Now we were facing a mansion of considerable size... but unlike other mansions, this whole place seemed to be guarded by a good number of men dressed as soldiers.

I think the security in this place was even higher than that of some presidents of small countries...

Obviously, these men had already noticed us and were watching us, but until now they had done nothing more than that. Maybe that's a good sign to could get this over with quickly and then go to the next world.

With that thought in mind, I got out of the car and immediately walked to the fence where several Russian soldiers were guarding the place.

"Hello, I would like to see Balalaika-onesan"

"...she's not here in this moment, boy"


"...Did you really think that just by coming and asking to see their boss they would lead you directly to her?"

I really had a slight hope that things would develop in that way that Revy says while stands next to me carefully observing all these men... if not because I knew it was because she was careful that none of them tried to target us with the weapons they were carrying, then I think I would have been a little jealous because of her intense gaze on them.

“Well… that's a bit regrettable for you Onisan-soldiers. Things are going to get a little bad for all of you now… "


[Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang]


"Sh-Shit !!"

Well, if things couldn't be settled quietly, then I don't have another choice but to fight to make my way to see Balalaika personally. So I kick the soldier in front of me, and right away after taking him as a shield to prevent others from shooting at me, I start to shoot anyone I can get in the sights of the weapons I make appear in my hand.

…The most annoying were the snipers who were positioned in high places, but as in the car graveyard, they are the first I try to get them to leave the game. I must say that thanks to the increased of Rank of my ability to shoot and aim, this had become much easier...

[Boom !!] [Boom !!] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

“ W-Where the hell did go that about solving this peacefully of before?! Throwing bombs is not exactly the best way to knock on a door to talk to the owner of the house!!

Damn it… I knew this would happen in the end!! "

“… Didn't you hear that at first I kindly asked this onisan-soldier to see Balalaika? It's not my fault they didn't let me see her.

That aside, try not to kill someone, Revy. Also, stay close to me "

"Fuck you! Damn Alexander!!  For being by your side, on several occasions I finished full of shit up to the neck!!"

Although she complains, the first thing Revy does after seeing me drop several bombs to "open" the fence is to get behind me as she also begins firing at the Russian soldiers. 

In truth, is a bit cruel that her first thought was to take cover behind a child... although since that was precisely what I wanted, then the better is to think that it is because she wants to protect herself too with the soldier that I had taken as a shield.

I was confident in Revy's abilities, but I must admit that our situation was not very good at having people shooting at us from various points... also, to make matters worse, moving forward while trying not to kill these men made things even more complicated ...

So I had been using shield-BIMs to protect us and make things easier for us. Shooting without having to worry about getting shot was something that actually made things very simpler. Also, at some point when we entered the mansion, the Russians stopped attacking us and then we headed straight to where Balalaika was after I doing a little search with my domain.

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(POV Balalaika)

Like any other day in this city, I quietly spent my time doing my work in my office… it was a fairly normal morning until I received a report that the red-haired boy had left his mansion.

…After what happened before, it was obvious that I would put some men to watch that boy. So when one of the soldiers informed me of that, I quickly knew that this would not be a peaceful day as I had thought.

I was hoping that by denying him entry, then he would decide to leave… I was actually a bit surprised that he suddenly started attacking us! I didn't think that brat had the balls to do something like that... it seems I had underestimated him.

Besides, I should have listened to my instincts and not intervened with that brat again...

“Captain, the boy and Revy continue to advance while taking down our men… they just can barely slow down their steps. The men report that there is something strange that prevents the bullets from reaching them... "

"Boris, give the order to our men to stop attacking them... otherwise, then we will probably end up with all our men on the ground."


It was not necessary to listen to Boris's report... I could clearly see how that boy along with Revy advanced as if they were simply entering his house... maybe the only good thing was that they seemed that were not aiming to kill our men.

Even so, I could still see how others dragged the wounded while they complained in pain... this just looked like one of those battlefields where we have been and not our base. No… it was even worse since only two people were responsible for all this… was something similar to those American movies where the protagonist makes his way through countless enemies without even breaking a sweat! Something quite unreal.

But having seen the strange things that this boy had done at the base of the Italians, I was no longer so surprised. I only regretted not having followed my instincts...

“Ooh~ So here you were Balalaika-onesan. I missed you and was kind of bored, so I came to play.

Emmm… were you busy? Maybe I should come back a few minutes later? "

"...are you really telling someone that you can wait a few minutes more after you've made your way here with bombs and bullets?!"

"Well... I don't expect to find Balalaika-onesan doing something persona, Revyl!"


After these two have a clear path, I immediately see the smiling face of that boy who immediately sets his eyes on me when entering... strangely, when he sees the screens behind me, he seems to make a face that said he had done something wrong and then he tells me that...

I could only grit the teeth as I felt my face blushed because of the rage and also because of what was concluding this brat at seeing these screens behind me... even so, I try to calm my anger and then spoke.

" Little" John "... I can't say it's a joy to see you again. Also... this was the work I was doing before you arrived and it is not what you are thinking!! "

I had been editing some porn videos which was my job... although probably none of my soldiers would complain, I did not like others to think that they worked hard while I was idle, so I also sometimes helped in some things other than giving orders.

I was never embarrassed for doing this kind of thing, and I didn't care that others saw me doing it, but… strangely, it really bothered me how that brat looked at me now! And especially that he was thinking that before I was pleasing me sexually or something like that!!! So before I knew it I was justifying myself.

“…Don't worry, I'm not going to judge you for that Balalaika-onesan. Although I must say that if you are not careful, then that can become a serious problem... even I usually settled for watching a single video, and I didn't need to have several at once like you... "

"Fuck you damn brat! I told you it's not that, this is just work!!

...Better spoke and tell me what the hell did you come here for, or otherwise, I'll really shoot you now!! "

…until now no one I know would dare to hint at something like that, and probably because of that his words caught me off guard enough to make even the anger I felt be replaced by shame little by little.

"Whaah~ Look Alex-chan, that woman is getting" it "by the ass! That's pretty hardcore… "

"Well… I think this can still be considered light, Revy. Although Balalaika-san likes to watch multiple videos at once, it seems that she still has slightly above average tastes. "

"…really? That seems quite strange to me... "

Without worrying about my words, both of these two damn bastards start to discuss something that almost makes me spit blood... Fuck, I really wanted to shoot to that damn brat!!

Even the soldiers who were with me did not know quite how to react to this situation and their comments now... I could only see them looking at me and then direct their eyes to the porn videos on our backs which the boy and Revy still looking at curiously!

Also, the most annoying thing was that this damn brat does not seem to care much about my threats while I point a gun at him... other people would be begging me for their lives simply by seeing me frown a little, fuck!!

"Brat... what do you want, speak up now... please"

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When I got to where Balalaika was, I quickly put my eyes on her, but then... the fact that she had a variety of porn videos in the background made my thoughts stop for a few seconds.

...I really thought it was a bad time for me to come, so I kindly decided to give her time to finish that matter first. If someone bothered me when I'm with a girl, that would really annoy me. So understanding that, then I didn't want to ruin someone else's moment.

Although if you ask me… I also think it's a bit surprising that while a war is raging in her own home she still calmly continues with that.

Well, apparently, this was a job for her. So maybe I 'm a little wrong with my first deductions... probably.

"Brat... what do you want, speak up now... please"

"Ah! ... I wanted to see if that woman really didn't rip her ass off..."


Probably realizing that it was almost impossible to speak while we had those screens on, Balalaika turns them off. Although finding this leader of the Russian mafia watching those videos was surprising, the truth is that the enthusiasm that Revy showed when seeing them was not something to underestimate either... I can even see how she stares at the control that Balalaika had in her hand as if she would like to take it off her to solve her own doubt!

I wanted to tell her that if she wanted to, I could help her resolve that question in her own flesh, but... since she would surely be quite upset, then I decide better to talk to Balalaika. She can really shoot me if I mention that to her with so many people around now... it would be a disgrace if after getting out unscathed from several shootings an ally would be the one to make another hole in my body!

"Balalaika-onesan...  you probably have the job that young boys most wish will be able to have at puberty."

“ Hell!! You came here to talk about those damn twins, right?!! Leave aside the issue of porn videos and start talking about that other matter now!! "

The angry face she had since we entered here had changed a lot now… she was still angry, although this seems to have been for completely different reasons than at the beginning. 

Also, I didn't want to bother her anymore, but... I had to say that! I just think that for a boy in puberty it was like a dream that he gets paid to watch porn videos!!

Well, it seems that thanks to that, now we were able to avoid the part where she would try to avoid the twin's matter, so I can't say all this was a waste of time either.

"Well, since you bring up that topic, I must assume that you are willing to discuss it and then we be able to resolve this peacefully."

"" ... ""

"…you know? I keep hearing screams of pain by the way we came here, Alex-chan "

"...and then we be able to solve this without anyone dying..."

Due to Revy's words, the gaze of the people in the Russian group, and the occasional yelling a bit far away, then I have to rephrase the way I express myself a bit.

“Well, the point is that I came to ask you to remove the reward for the twins' heads, Balalaika-onesan. I thought that we had previously agreed that this whole matter would be forgotten, I really don't want there to be any friction between our groups, you know? "

“… Brat, I can't just ignore that! They killed and tortured one of my men!!

How do you expect me to just ignore that? I can't ask my men to forget about that matter! I have to give them something so that they feel calm and satisfied!! "

As I didn't have many advantages to continuing arguing about the thing of now, so I decided to start talking about the subject I had come for as Balalaika also wanted me to do.

...when she listens to me, for a moment I thought she was going to hyperventilate with fury as I could see her chest rising and falling rapidly. Then, as if she couldn't take it anymore, she immediately starts yelling at me as she gets up from her chair.

If it weren't for the fact that my level is now not much different from hers, I think I would actually feel a bit oppressed by the aura I could see and feel around her...

It is not that I do not understand what she says, in fact, I think that if I were in her place I would also do the same or even be even more aggressive and I would not rest until I see the person who screwed me dead. Also, as a mob boss, she surely had to show others that no one could step on her head without consequences.

…On the other hand, being a military group, probably the companionship and brotherhood between them are even greater than in other groups here, so it was reasonable that they could not simply ignore the death of one of their people.

“…If you are so concerned about the nonconformity of your men, then I can make all of them have peace of mind. I wouldn't mind killing all your men so you don't have to worry anymore, Balalaika-onesan"

Unfortunately for her, if I have to worry about the problems of others or my own affairs instead,  I will always choose the second option. Also, they are still a criminal group, so the more weakness you show, the more they want to take advantage of it.

Therefore, it was my turn to oppress her. Bringing up my weapons again, I focus all my domain on the people in her group who were in this room. So, in the next instant, I could see how Balalaika's face went from showing anger to dislike.

Furthermore, the men I was aiming at were also beginning to form beads of sweat as they did the same and directed their weapons at us. This was not something that surprising, since we have had a little fight a few moments ago, they surely understood that what I was saying was not just empty words.

…I think without a doubt the most terrifying thing for a soldier is having to face someone or something that your weapons don't seem to do any harm to. 

I feel like now I understand a little more how Arnold felt filming Terminator... it's great to be able to walk in a hail of bullets like you're immune!

“Fine… I'll take the reward off those damn twins. Are you satisfied now, little John?!

Now get out of my damn mansion! "

So after a minute of watching us and Balalaika thinking things over, in the end, she gives the order to her men to lower their weapons. She had sat back in her chair and now had a slightly defeated expression… so not wanting to push her further, I just nodded and started walking towards the exit.

"Well then I leave you to continue 'working happily', Balalaika-onesan. I'll come back another day to play when you have more tim"


"Get out of here now fucking bratt!! Ha ... Ha ... Ha ... "

Before leaving the room, I finally turn around and try to say goodbye to her... unfortunately, she really seemed in a hurry to get me out of this place. Seeing her taking one of those screens and throwing it at me, I leave with Revy running quickly from this mansion.

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