Soul Evolution System

Chapter 299 4th World 2

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The house I lay my eyes on, it looked like one with ancient Japanese architecture… well, it wasn't just the style. Given how worn this one looked, it really seemed like this house had been built in that ancient time in Japan rather...

Well, it wasn't like this one had the appearance that it would collapse at any moment, it just looked old due to the passing of the years. Also, if you think about how important space is now in this country in these times, then instead of a house, this was more of a small mansion.

Although... I must say that this place really gave a bad feeling! It had the classic look of a haunted place where ghosts appear!!

Well, since I knew that this place should not be a haunted mansion or a door to hell, I immediately approach the great doors of this house.

No... I think that in a sense, these gates really were a direct door to hell... although probably it was a hell full of physical torture with strange machines if I remember correctly.

Taking a step forward, I realize that the atmosphere in this world was indeed a little different. How to explain this? It was as if the air around me exerted a little pressure on me...

Strangely, despite that pressure, this was not a bad feeling... if I have to compare it to something, it would probably be like a fish which despite the environment with greater pressure and resistance from the sea or lakes where it lives, this one should still feel very comfortable there.

This is how I felt right now… even though the surroundings felt a bit more oppressive, I still felt that my body was much more adapted than in other places. It was certainly a slightly strange feeling.

[It must be because your body is in the 8th limit now. It could be said that this environment is the most suitable to continue your development...

Undoubtedly, if you brought a person in the first limits who has not grown up here getting used to this environment, this one would only feel discomfort, and surely it would not be the same as what you feel.]

While I was not expecting to level in the world of Black Lagoon, even so, I still managed to reach the level [75] thanks to several of the missions there. This was a pleasant and unexpected surprise. 

Because I also came to this world with another goal to level, also it was not bad to hear Aurora say that this world was very suitable for I can gain more strength here.

Also, if we add that at any moment I can take a Limit-Break pill, maybe it is not impossible to achieve a level 2 soul in this world... well at least I think I can be optimistic to reach the peak of a level 1 soul! The only problem is that perhaps in this world I cannot increase my strength thanks to obtaining a little of the energy from a person I kill...

Shit! Indeed maybe the best was to come to this world to try to I could relax a little... I do not think it's a very good thought to try to be stronger by killing others! Especially if they are people with whom I have no enmity.

Shaking my head to erase the idea of becoming a genocide from my mind, I raise my hand to knock on the door of the house in front of me. Then my hand is suspended in the air because suddenly as if the big gates were automatic, these open by itself making a screeching sound that would cause a chill in anyone...

Fuck! Couldn't they at least oil the hinges a bit?

No, that was not the main problem! These doors should not have that automatic opening system!! Damn it, this place more and more gave a bad feeling to me...

It really felt like the house by itself was inviting me in... only that there was a certain feeling that if you walked into this one, then you might never be able to leave here! Possibly if instead of me the person standing here was someone normal, then it's almost sure that they would run away thinking that this place was haunted while crying loud!!

…In fact, even though I don't consider myself a believer in those things, I still hesitated to take another step forward! Well... thanks to the things I've been through, I wouldn't find it so strange that things like ghosts really existed... now I think about this, there should be worlds where they maybe roam freely.

I wonder if I can fight something like a ghost by my strength now?

You could say that this was the scary thing for me... in a way, the existence of these would not scare me so much, but rather scared me more that I could not do anything against them!

Well... at least I know I don't have to worry about that here... probably. Although I did not see it clearly, the person responsible for opening the door was a gigantic man who while trying to hide above the door, then he used one of his feet to open this one.

…Our views crossed for just a second, and then that huge man seemed to turn into a black blur that disappeared entering the house! I could barely follow his movements, you know?! I couldn't even properly evaluate him with my eye skill!!

Although… I must admit that, somehow, this scares me more than if he had been a ghost! Now, this house no longer seemed like a haunted one to me, this place gave me the feeling that it was more like a trap to capture helpless little children!!

The only thing that gave me the courage to step forward was that I could recognize that man a bit… I think he should be harmless to some extent. So, ignoring the warnings of my senses that this place was dangerous, I walk inside this ancient Japanese house.

Thank God that inside it is not as if a mist or black aura covered this place... in fact,  it was the normal patio that this type of house should have, only that like the house, this has also deteriorated... although I no longer felt a bad feeling by the environment, I could only think that this definitely indicated that the people living in this place did not have much money.

[Tzun] [Tzun] [Tzun]

Suddenly, when I relax a bit while taking a look at the surroundings, I hear a hissing sound and feel something passing quickly next to my head... then when I turn slowly, there were several ninja stars that had embedded themselves in the wood...

Fuck! Those damn stars looked like bullets!! No, it was even more dangerous since I didn't even have time to react! I only heard them when they buzzed at passing my ears and which would probably be too late if I had wanted to avoid them!!

The person responsible for this was a shadow smaller than the one before that moved quickly from one tree which was planted in this garden to another!

But... strangely, instead of having the urge to run out of this place or be afraid of that presence, I wanted to run and kneel in front of this one!! There was only one person who used such weapons in this place, so it must be her!!

"Breakfast is ready~! You two, if you don't come quickly then the others will take your port-...

Emmm… who are you~? "

The only thing that prevented me from going directly to where that person should be, was that suddenly a door of the house opens when sliding to the side and then a pretty girl wearing an apron and a wooden spoon is shown herself coming out from there...

Since she didn't disappear the moment I laid my eyes on her as the other two, then I could see her clearly... she was a young girl about Saya's age when we met, with the difference that she was blonde and with a mole under her eye right that gave her a little touch of sensuality.

…Well, it wasn't just the mole. Because she was wearing something resembling a purple leotard, her curves that highlighted a totally exuberant body was totally visible before my eyes!

In truth she not could lose about nothing compared to the most voluptuous girls in my mansion… no, thinking that she should still be on developing, then I could only feel a chill run down my spine! She was also a fearsome person... although in a different sense!!

Also, contrary to that dynamite body, she showed a totally sweet and gentle attitude… if you compare her with a certain girl who uses two guns, it was a difference like heaven and hell!

Besides, if you compared her with the presences from before too, then anybody could only think that she was an angel who was caught and imprisoned by the demons of this house! No, knowing a little about the situation of this place, then more than a guess maybe that would be something quite real!!

Although… that could also be an appearance to deceive you! This girl couldn't be underestimated either!! Upon evaluating her, the labels of [Body Domain-S] [Seikuken-D] [Peace of Mind-S] [Housewife-D] [Level 83] appear above her head...

That almost made my mouth open involuntarily! This girl has a little hight level than me! Also, the abilities that I could see that she had were comparable to some that the girls specialized in fighting on Gaia had!!

...well, recalling the anime of this world a bit, I think it would be more surprising if she had abilities similar to Kurisu or Shisuka which were not specialized in the fighting.

"Umm... excuse me..."

Oh, it is true! When she noticed me, she had quickly turned all her attention to me… well, if someone strange shows up at your house, then I think that's quite normal. In fact, I think I can't blame the woman who threw those ninja stars at me so much… well, I probably wouldn't have been able to complain to her either-even if she had done it for no reason.

"…I'm hungry too"

"E-Eh? T-That is..." that I think about it, even though the giant had opened the door for me, it would have been better to knock and not enter directly here...

Because lately I have been able to enter any place as if it were my house and without having to worry about anything, then I had just ended up entering this house... I think I have lost the etiquette and common sense that I used to have a little too...

Well, I was already inside the house and, furthermore, it could be said that I had been "invited" to pass and so now I should explain to her the reason why I came to this place. Unfortunately, smelling the scent that came from inside the house this girl had come from, before I know it, those words had already left my mouth.

Lately, I have only been eating food from fast restaurants that were in Ruananpur… since no one of the people in that place cooked, that was the only solution. Also, because I was transported to this world very early, it was still not the normal time when we ordered breakfast… so yes, I was hungry.

If you add to this that the aroma from inside the house was of homemade food, I couldn't help my mouth salivate a bit. I missed Saeko-chan's cooking a little...

"E-Emm… d-do you want to eat with us? It's not fancy food, but you can fill your stomach at least..."


Interestingly, of kicking me out of this place like perhaps most people would have done by heard my words, she actually offers me to eat here! I'm sorry for doubting you even for a moment! You really are a pretty sweet girl!!


Well, for now, I'll fill my stomach first and then talk about the important things with this girl. I think she was the right person if I wanted to fulfill my purpose for which I came to this world! So after I nodded to her invitation, I began to walk behind her into the house.

The state of the house inside was much better than outside, it looked like a cozy place. Passing through several corridors, then immediately we were in what looked like a Japanese dining room... also, there were already several people there.

"Who is that brat?!"

"She's a pretty adorable little girl."


"Hohoho, do we have guests?"

In that place around the table, 4 men were already seated. The first one to speak with a rather loud voice that seemed to scream was a man in his 30s with an impressive physique, he was also someone big and who had around him a rather aggressive aura in accordance with his way of speaking... well, maybe half of these guys had this type of complexion...

Only the person who speaks after that man, who looked like a middle-aged man and was holding a camera with which he photographed me while he was speaking was a short person. 

Furthermore, the man of a similar age to that other and who is keeping silent while just looking at me and who was wearing what looked like traditional Japanese clothing seemed to be the most normal-looking person here.

The last to speak was a man who, as far as I know, should be an old man and a relative of this girl that I was following since he was also blond. He even had an even more impressive physique than the two giant subjects from before ... although, at first glance, this one had a gentler aura compared to the aforementioned big guy.

"Apa ~ Apa ~ I'm hungry too ~"

"U-Un ... food ..."

Then while I was observing these men, suddenly right on my back a great wall of flesh that seemed as hard as steel appeared... and another one with a more tender and voluptuous aspect too!

Taking a second look at them, they were a pair of a man and a woman looking somewhat younger than others in their mid-20s or even a little younger… plus, these two should be the shadows that I had seen previously.

The man had a somewhat childish attitude very much in contrast to his appearance... although... I don't pay as much attention to this one since now my vision was totally focused on the woman who appeared next to him!

If the girl from before had an impressive body, then this young woman was pure dynamite!! It just seemed that her clothes, which looked like ninja cosplay, could not contain her large proportions that overflowed through this one!!

“ L-Little one… you're drooling, you know?"

"I-I'm sorry... it's because of the smell of the food... I'm really hungry "

When I was practically reviewing the perfection with which this young woman was created, the short guy speaks to me and interrupting my detailed observation. Feeling that the others were looking at me a little strange for this, I quickly look for am excuse while I wipe the saliva from my lips and I swallow all that had accumulated in my mouth.

…To be honest, this young woman had really greatly awakened the hunger within me… although it was not exactly for food! Perhaps the only thing that prevented me from receiving a critical blow was that despite the enormous sensuality that she exuded, her attitude was a bit similar to that man next to her. She also seemed to have a bit of a childish character...

This house really seemed to be one where the strangest people in this world had gathered... and I wasn't saying it just by the looks of all these people, when I evaluated them, I immediately realized that all these people from before had a level 2 soul!!

As if that weren't enough, next to this indication, I could also read in each one of them [Karate Master-C] [Chinese Kenpo Master-B] [Jiujitsu-B Master] [Furinji style Master-S] [ Mue thai Master -C] [Weapon Prodigy-SS]… also, each from them had other remarkable abilities apart from these!!

...well, since before I entered this house, I had already seen the large wooden sign above the door that said "Ryosanpaku", so I was already aware that this should be this way a little... although, despite being prepared mentally, meeting these Masters personally was something that I couldn't help but remain quite surprising!!

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