Soul Evolution System

Chapter 300 Ryosanpaku 1

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“ You didn't need to cover your food like someone was going to take it from you, you know? "

"...the portion you were given didn't seem to be enough to support the huge bodies of some of you... so you can't blame me for that."

"W-What do you mean, brat? Even if I'm still hungry do you think I'll take food from a child?!"

After having contemplated all these master-level people… well, mainly the only woman among them. Then we all sat down to eat waiting for the blonde girl to start handing out the dishes.

I had unconsciously protected my plate while I was eating, and that's why the rude guy's complaint... well, although I tell him that in my defense, I think they are all good guys since they didn't complain about a stranger joining in to eat despite their portion would be reduced.

"To all this... Who the hell are you, brat?"

“Umm… it's true, who are you? "

"Eh? You didn't know she either, Miu-chan? Y-You shouldn't just pick up a little girl off the street, you know? After all, here are some people who have an appearance that could lead to misunderstandings... "

...although I should be in favor of the blonde girl for her kindness, it cannot be denied that what this Chinese man says is totally true.

" Who are you talking about, Ma ?! If there is someone dangerous here, then that would be you !! "

"U-Un ... Ma per-vert..."

"E-Eh? T-That is cruel, Shigure~"


…Now I feel like I am a dog picked up from the street. Well, that has some truth to it and so I can't say anything about it. Also, the food was quite delicious, so I don't mind very much being seen as a bum.

Either way, I think now I should start discussing the things that I had precisely come to this place for.

"Hi, I'm Alexander. I recently came to... this city. I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I caused you and thanks for the food, it was delicious. "

"E-Eh? H-Hi… I'm Miu. D-Don't worry, I'm glad you liked it "

"Looks like you at least have manners, brat... although I also think you are making a presentation too late!"

After putting the chopsticks on the plate, I turn to Miu who was trying to calm the discussion that some of these people had started. She is a bit surprised by my sudden introduction, but right away she seemed cheerful by my words.

"Alexander… isn't that a man's name?"

"...I am a man, old man."

"" ... ""

… As usual, it seems that my gender surprises them even more than the fact that suddenly a stranger had joined their breakfast. In fact, lately I just tried to filter that topic when it reached my ears so as not to get mad because of this...

Well, one of the reasons I came to this place was also to finally put an end to it! I can probably put some muscle in this body so that nobody will mistake me for a girl anymore!!

“E-Emm… are you a foreigner? You were lost? "

Perhaps seeing my discomfort over this topic, Miu speaks to change this discussion. Then since she has brought up the main topic that I wanted to talk about, I decided to answer her by making my request.

“No, I was actually looking for this place… I want to learn martial arts! I heard from someone that some Master lived in this place and therefore, I came to learn from them!! "

"Eh? L-Learn martial arts here?... th-that's a little... "

“ I don't want to teach someone! Especially a scrawny little brat like you!!"

"Apa ~ Apa ~ Apa wants a disciple... ~ "

"U-Un... I s-o Th-at will be grea-t..."

"" ... ""

When saying why I had come here, all these masters react in different ways... the guy who had a horizontal scar on his nose like a cut, it seems like he was reluctant to teach me martial arts...

Well, to be honest, he wasn't my first choice for someone to teach me about that. It's not that I despise karate or something, I just believed that other disciplines would be more useful to me. Although... that was the point of view of someone who had never seriously practiced martial arts, so I am aware that I may be wrong and perhaps in the end it would be one of the best options to learn.

On the other hand, the young tanned man and the super sexy young woman seemed quite willing to teach me! About this, I was completely happy and also somewhat terrified by hearing these two...

The reason for my happiness of course was because my dream of becoming a disciple of that goddess was now at my fingertips! In fact, just for hearing her say that and even if all the other Master refused to teach me, then that wouldn't have affected me greatly!

So while those three were saying their opinions about teaching a person, the other 3 older men in this room keep silent while watching me closely. This continues until finally the old blond man decides to speak as well.

“Hohoho, well everyone calms down. I think we should first hear why this little guy wants to learn martial arts, then after that we can decide what to do.

Little one, martial arts are not something to take lightly. If this is used in a bad way, then this can cause a lot of harm to other people… so it is the responsibility of a Master to see that the person is someone that worth teaching.

So tell me little one, what is your desire to learn martial arts? "

With the words of the old man, the whole place is silent again and everyone focuses their gaze on me... in truth at having so many people with this level of strength watching you create a bit of pressure!

"Umm... I really think that my reason for learning martial arts is something very reasonable, in fact, you can say that it is to change a misfortune of mine, you know? 

I know that you will understand and even feel sad about this when you all hearing it... "


With that as a prelude, everyone's face here turns serious... it was as if they really expected now that the story I was going to tell them was something quite sad. So after a little pause while I watched them, then I continued telling them my story.

“The truth is that even though I seem like someone quite cheerful and happy, I have experienced a great misfortune and injustice… in fact, you should probably already be able to imagine it because someone even mentioned that already! 

I just don't want other people to keep mistaking me for a woman anymore! Every time someone does it, I really feel like my heart is stabbed, you know?!! "

"E-Eh? I-Is that why you want to learn martial arts, brat?! 

Damn it, I was thinking that you would say something like that you were bullied at school and you wanted to learn how to defend yourself or something! It's a waste of time teaching someone martial arts just for that !! "


“ Nonsense! How can it not be something cruel? You just don't understand this because you have that problem!!

Imagine that for some reason I wear a skirt and go out like that, surely there would be very men who would approach me to try to flirt, you know?!! "

That was not the main reason why I came to this place, but I also couldn't say that I wanted to learn martial arts to finish off my enemies more easily! Surely if I do that, then none of these people would teach me something!!

So I decided better to talk about the second reason I was here, but... then seeing how the guy with the scar minimize my problem that, even though it was not my main reason to learn martial arts, it was still something quite important to me and so I couldn't help but get a little excited while answering him!!

Well... maybe it was more than a "little" since I hit the table while yelling at him.

…shit! The table now has a mark because of that!! A little concerned about damaging someone else's property, I make a pause while I move my plate to cover the mark discreetly… if they discover it later, then I'll blame any of the big guys… it seems like they constantly break things in this house anyway.

" You don't get it... if the tanned guy wearing a skirt, then surely it might just be something other people find a bit curious but they wouldn't mistake him for a woman!!"

...that tanned man probably had the least aggressive aura in this place. So I think that if someone saw him wearing a skirt maybe they might even find it funny, but that would be all.

"Or if you put a skirt on you, then people would run scared as that could only cause fear!!"

“ W-Why the hell would I wear a skirt, brat?!! "

… Seriously, if I walked down some dark alley and came across this man wearing a skirt, then probably before I knew it I would find myself running with the only thought of why I wasn't born with one more pair of legs to run faster!

Also, that wasn't so much because it would be strange for this man to wear a skirt... it was rather because if you combine that with this man's aura, then I don't think you can think of anything good happening from that encounter!

“It was just an example… you don't need to get like that, man. If you don't like this one, we can use the old man. If he wore a skirt, then people would think that because of his age and all the things he's experienced, he simply wanted to experience something new… but I'm sure no one would mistake him for a woman. "

" " ... " "

With my words, now everyone has their eyes on this old man ... it seems that when they wanted to try to imagine him with a skirt, immediately they all look away as if they were afraid of something.

…I can't blame them for that, that was understandable since, for various reasons, this old man looked like a monster!!

If I didn't know that this man was the oldest person in this room and he told me that was 30-40 years old, then I don't think I would doubt his words! This damn old man even looks like he has a more jovial body than some of the others here!!

…Looking at him, I'm sure that his "friend" hasn't died yet In fact, I think that of the people here, he is one of the main ones from who I would like to learn his secret techniques… it is my deepest wish that when I reach that age I would have that same vivacity throughout my body!!

Although that's not the reason why I say that this old man was a monster… of all those who were here, his level was the highest reached a number of [149]! Furthermore, he even had an ability that sounded quite strong… [Super Man]!!

…About this, I understood that this ability was one that probably had to do with his strength, but… I don't know why but this one also seemed to have a sexual connotation to me!  If a woman says something like [Super Man] to you after being with her, surely that would be something it would take your pride to the clouds...

“Well, it might be annoying to be mistaken for a woman, but it's not something for a person to feel sad either.

Also, why the hell doesn't you just cut your hair if your feminine appearance bothers you so much… "

“…I've thought about it, but just imagining that after doing that things don't change is something that my poor heart couldn't resist!!

Also, do you think these tears are from sweat?! No, they are due to the pain in my soul for every time someone mistakes me as a woman"

"Boy, I understand... it is certainly something quite unfortunate that someone confuses you with a woman ... even is crueler if a girl rejects you for thinking that you're more beautiful than her!"

As I pointed to the tears that began to trickle down my face at some point, the man who wore Chinese clothes, a hat, and was short, unexpectedly he seemed moved by my words. I honestly didn't expect these guys to understand me and so it was a bit surprising to find that someone seemed affected by my speech...

...about my tears, unfortunately, these were not fake! It seems that even though I tried to ignore this, I was more affected than I thought about that problem!!

"Jo-shi Jo-sh..."

But then, before I knew it, the sexy woman was by my side as she stroked my head. Well... since she seemed to comfort me, then accepting her offer, I hug her waist as I also sink my head into her lush chest and rub my face into it to wipe my tears.

"T-This is..."

"D-Damn brat-"

“Don't worry boy, I'll help you! It may be a little hard to believe, but when I was young I had the same problem as you.

But look at me now, it doesn't seem like I have that problem anymore, right? So you can rest easy and trust me! "

I can hear the voices of astonishment from some of the other people here like Miu and the guy I was arguing with, it even seems like this woman is also a bit shocked by my actions but she quickly recovers and continues to stroke my head that now it was on her chest.

Also, before the guy that was surely dying of envy could say something, the Chinese man intervenes with greater enthusiasm as he did not miss the opportunity to photograph this magnificent scene... I understand you little man... and I also want a copy of that image!


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the heart" (???)

Rank: "D" 

Description: To maintain confidence in a person, it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater bond created will be.

Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100

Current: Affection 75 (Fond) Loyalty 60 (Neutral)

"Ma ... per-vert..."

Now that I remember, I think this man was a handsome boy when he was quite young… so his words had a lot of credibility and so, surely he wasn't just trying to comfort me. Furthermore, I was also glad that now another Master was willing to teach me!

On the other hand, I think this man is the one I can best get along with in this place… the way he ignores this woman's complaints while continuing to photograph her at really good angles, he's certainly someone in master level!

In fact, I can see how he also approves of my actions right now and gives me a thumbs up with one of his hands! Also, since I felt the need to return the praise but without this ninja girl does realize it, I do the same action as him while I trying not to get into her vision.

I didn't want her to think that I was similar to that old man after all... even so, the man understands my problem and instead of complaining about leaving him being the only one despised by her, he just covers his gaze with the hat and shows me a smile!

Without a doubt, he was someone who had at least one big heart! But... there was only a problem.

"E-Emm ... thanks, but... I don't want to be short and bald"

"E-Eh? T-That's something cruel Alexander-kun... "

"HAHAHAHA, it seems that the boy does not want to be like you, Ma"

I really appreciated his offer to help me, but... of all the other men here he was the only one who seemed to have a body more in line with his age! So when he said he would help me, then that was the only way I could think that he could help me!

Don't get it wrong, of the martial arts practiced by all these people here, his martial art was one of the ones I most wanted to learn, but... regrettably, I just don't think it's the adequate one to solve that other problem of mine.

Well, if we continue in this way it would probably take a long time for these people to decide whether to teach me. So, in the end, I have to use my last resort.  

With great force of will, I stop hugging this sexy woman, and then I reach into my suit to take my trump card that I know they won't be able to ignore.

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