Soul Evolution System

301: Ryozanpaku 2

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“Well, I don't want to learn for free. Maybe it is not much, but I am willing to pay for all of your teachings from everyone "

"I don't think your allowance is enough to make us change of min-"

"" E-Eh? ""

…While it is true that some of these Masters do not like the idea of putting a price on their teachings very much, I honestly do not think that the cost of learning martial arts in this world would be that high.

Also, my words were simply a courtesy since what I had taken out were gold coins! I didn't want them to think that I looked down on them, and so that's why I acted humbly as I took a seiza position and put the coins on the table.

... it really seemed that some of them did not like the idea of teaching someone just for money, but... before they could say a complaint, their words get stuck in their throats when they saw the glow of this metal. 

Surely they couldn't even ignore this...

"G-Gold! These are gold coins!! "

Unexpectedly, the first one to act was Miu who quickly came to my side and took the coins as if trying to see if they were real. Of course that since they were, a big smile appears on her face as she holds them. fact, she turns to look at me as if asking me if I had more of these coins... I think that the amount I gave her should be enough for a wardship of someone, but for that intense look of her, without any alternative I take all the ones that still were left in my interdimensional storage setting there a quantity of about 20 on the table now.

With this, all the gold I brought from HOTD was gone... damn it! Before this had been a little mountain, you know? Buying big guns is not cheap at all...

Well, a part of me felt that these coins were more worth using them for could see Miu-chan happy than to buy weapons. Although... she really had an aura of a housewife who cared about the finances of the house!

"Sakaki-san, you will teach Alexander-kun martial arts!!"

"" E-EEh?~ Why do I have to teach / learn from him?""

"...Brat, do you have any problem learning from me?!! "

Then, the one who ends up deciding if I could learn martial arts here was Miu who until a few moments ago had remained silent observing everything that happened...

So hearing this, the guy named Sakaki and I complained at the same time about her decision… besides, he doesn't seem to like me complaining about Miu's decision too. He should be happy that we have the same opinion!

“It's not that I don't want to learn from you, but... I prefer that she teach me first! I think I have paid enough for more than one of you to teach me! "

As I said before, the truth is that I preferred to learn another style than Karate... furthermore, above all I wanted to first deepen my relationship with the ninja girl!!

"U-Un ... I-can teach A-lex..."

“T-That is… I think that first I will introduce you to all the people here so you can better choose who you want to learn from...

He is the master of the 100th dan in  Karate, Sakaki Shishio. Although he seems quite a rude person, the truth is that he is someone quite kind."

" W-Who's kind?!!"

"He is Akisame Koetsuji, he is a Jiujitsu master and a philosopher. Surely you can learn a lot from him since he is also a very calm person!"


It seems like Miu wanted that one of these two to be the one to teach me since she spoke as if she wanted to highlight them above the others… in fact, from what I remember from the anime, it is true that learning from these two maybe would be the best.

Despite Sakaki complaining, I'm sure that if Miu "asks" him for this, he would end up teaching me for sure. Also, I don't think he does it in a bad way even if he is forced to do it, and... since he is someone with the level of [128], then I couldn't deny that it would be very good to learn from him!

Instead, since I had come to this room, from this man named Akisame I felt a strange sensation... it was not as if he was oppressing me with his aura or he disliked me... it was simply as if he was trying to see through me all this time.

…Although that's not bad, it certainly caused me some discomfort. Not only that, I think he and I don't have very good compatibility...

But… there was something about him that I definitely wanted to learn! It was not so much his martial art, but more well how to physically train!! 

Among the other masters here and with a level of [132], the aura around him was the most stable. It was as if his body and aura were totally in sync… even this man in that aspect surpassed the old man maybe!

Also… being honest, I didn't want to be a pile of muscles either! Not only for aesthetics, I felt that a body like Akisame's was more optimal and balanced for fighting. Therefore, I wanted to learn how to create such a body.

“E-Emmm… this is Ma Kensei, Master of Chinese Kenpo. He is a pervert, so the best thing is that you do not learn from him "

"U-Un... Ma per-vert..."

"T-That's cruel, Miu-chan and Shigure"

" That's the truth, all the time you're trying to take pictures of me with Shigure-san in the bathroom!! "

… I don't think any of the men here can blame him for that! With the bodies of these two girls, it is even more surprising that the other men can keep calm!! Although, of course, I could only defend Ma in my head...

Also, despite Miu's warnings, like Akisame this man excelled in one aspect and probably even surpassed the old man in that. This was something very attractive for me and that I certainly wanted to learn from him! 

No, it was not his perversion. The way he seemed to control his internal energy was much better than the others… besides, at having a level of [131], he was a great candidate to learn from him.

“Hohoho, you should continue with the introductions Miu. Also, we'll talk later Ma... "



…Maybe I'm a bit wrong and this old man continues to surpass everyone here in all aspects. How the hell he break old Ma's camera being so far away from him and without not even being able to see him make a move?!! This old man is very dangerous...

"... He 's Apachai Opachai... he's a master of Mue thai... b-but, I don't think it's a good idea for you to learn from him for now... you can die"

"Apapa ~ I can show you the way to the death, Alex-kun~"


… Miu really seemed to have doubts about introducing him, but as if she had no other choice, she finally made up her mind to do so. Although… here words were totally full of warnings! 

Also, that person didn't seem to care about that and continues after her saying something that a person would probably think of as a joke that went along with Miu's description, but... l knew it very well, this person was not kidding! If I train with him, then surely that would be like walking a path full of pain and where the end of it is most likely death!!

So, a large part of me totally agreed with following Miu's warnings, but... Mue thai was one of the disciplines that in my opinion was the most complete… I wanted to learn it, but just not with this Master!!

It wasn't something personal or that I disliked this level [126] tanned man, in fact, at first glance anyone would think he was a kind guy that you could happily learn from. The only problem was…

"Apapa ~ Apa ~ Apa ~"

"Sh-Shit... Kuh!!"


As if he was motivated to show his discipline so that I chose him to teach me, Apa throws himself at me while throwing kicks and punches ... I can dodge a couple of these, but as if that excited him even more, the intensity of these continued to rise until I am thrown by a kick!

…shit! My arms feel very numb!!

"Apapa~ Are you okay, Alex-kun? ~"

"A-Are you okay?"

"... somehow... for a moment I thought he would rip my head off... "

I was not kidding, if instead of choosing to hit my chest he had chosen to kick my head, now there would only be a body gushing blood streams from the neck like many zombies who had their heads burst shooting on HOTD!!

"Ho~ That wasn't bad, brat. Even though those were just Apa's warm-up moves you still managed to evade some. "


I wasn't happy with Sakaki's words, but I had to admit that I didn't feel any animosity from Apa… in fact, that was the only reason that now I wasn't complaining to him for suddenly attacking and kicking me! It was a bit difficult to get mad at someone with a childish face after they hit you...

"Well, that's the reason why maybe it's best that you don't learn from Apachai-san… (he can't contain himself when fighting).

So continuing with the introductions, she is Kosaka Shigure, a genius in the use of all weapons... (She is perhaps also one of the most dangerous people here, so you better think about it very well if you want to learn from her) "

"U-Un Yoros-ku(nice to meet you)..."

While moving my arms to remove the numbness from them, Miu sets her eyes on the other woman here. Also, after she introduces her, she leans close to my ear to whisper that to me.

...on the other hand, Shigure-san strikes a pose as if she was happy to be praised.

"Does not matter! I'm willing to take the risks if Shigure-san can teach me!! Please take me as your man… I mean, as your disciple, Shigure-san!! "

"Boy… it seems like you let your true wishes slip away before…"

"T-This is..."

"It's fine Miu-chan, I understand the risks very well but I'd rather have a beautiful and sexy one-sama teach me than having to hang out with a muscular guy!!"

" Damn it, brat! Now you don't even hide it a bit!! "

"Well said, little Alexander!"

Miu is a bit surprised by my "determination" and Sakaki complains about my words, but then Ma seemed to agree with me. Oddly, the person I was talking about didn't seem to care about this… no, I quickly realized that there was another reason why she doesn't react much to what I say.

"Am-I  se-xy and beauti-ful?"

It seemed that she was not aware of her own appearance! 

So as if she wanted to confirm it, she approaches me who was still on the ground and putting her hands on her gifted breasts enhancing them, and leans a little while asking that.

...just by see her like this I felt all the blood in my body going to two regions of my body at maximum speed! Although... in part this was a pretty good thing because if not, then it could only result in a huge erection that might break my pants or a total bleeding from my nose!!

"Of course! ...Totally! ...I will kill anyone who opposes that!! "

As Shigure-san was waiting for my answer and with each of my hands slightly holding my nose and discreetly covering my crotch, I let out a voice that could probably be heard several streets away.

"" ... ""


[Shigure Affection +5]

I don't know if she was really surprised by the fact that someone thought that of her or my impetus with which I answered her was too much, but her face shows very slightly some joy and a bit of shame.

…Probably because she was quite expressionless, then you had to pay close attention to distinguish it. But just by looking at her like this, I knew that if I had a counter of affection towards her, then it was certain that it would have increased by at least 500 now!

Also, she seemed to be a girl who liked to be praised... when her face returns to normal, she takes a pose as if she is proud of it by puffing up her chest... i-if she keeps making them stand out even more, then they will overflow of her kimono for sure!!

"Hohoho, I understand your 'seriousness' of wanting to learn martial arts, little one, but I agree with what my granddaughter Miu said… you should learn from Sakaki first.

Hohoho, by the way, I am Furinji Hayato… and if you want to go out with Miu, then you will have to defeat me first!! "


…Old man, nobody asked you that! Or was that a warning? I can't deny that Miu was a very attractive and sweet girl, so I couldn't help my eyes slipping towards her on many occasions… surely this old man saw me do it!

"Tch... if the old man says so, then I'll have to"

Sakaki, I wasn't very happy about it either you know? But unfortunately... I couldn't go against the words of this old man either... damn it! This old probably was the person with the level most high in this world!!


[Mission / Main " Disipulo del Ryozanpaku "

Rank: " F " 

Description: If learning from someone's master level is good, then doing it from 5 is even better! Also, the Ryozanpaku Dojo is certainly one with the best teachers in this world, so you can't miss the opportunity to learn from them.

Objective: Become an official disciple of Sakaki Shio (Affection> 100  Current: 70 )

Become an official disciple of Akisame Akisame Koetsuji (Affection> 100  Current: 50 )

Become an official disciple of Ma Kensei (Affection> 100  Current: 75 )

Become an official disciple of Apachai Opachai (Affection> 100  Current: 75 )

Become an official disciple of Kosaka Shigure (Affection> 100  Current: 80 )

Rewards: 2 [Rank] up of the skill taught by the master who officially accepts you as a disciple

1 Reward from the world itself

1 Million x Crystals for each teacher who accepts you as a disciple

10 Million x Gold for each teacher who accepts you as a disciple

…Since I had no choice but to follow the Old man instructions, I started walking behind Sakaki who also looked noticeably grumpy from this, and then the system notifies me of a mission.

This one had taken a while to do this… after all, it usually gave me the main world missions almost the instant I get to this one. Well, you could think that in this world if you did not interact with any person level Master, then it probably wouldn't make much sense for a mission to activate. Surely it would be as useless as if I had gone to a place other than B-Tooom's Island of Death.

Furthermore, it seems that even the system is motivating me for chasing after Shigure-san! By getting her to exceed the 100th digit in affection will make me get several benefits more than compared to the other Masters!

Oh, it is true! By making a man's affection go over 100 is not as bad thing as I had thought before… earlier when I found out that this indicator in Hirano had done that, this seriously worries me!

For a moment I thought that aside from Asami, he would also try to act affectionate with me! It's good that Aurora cleared up this misunderstanding for me or I would actually try to distance myself from Hirano a bit.

When a person exceeds the digit of 100 it is not exactly that he develops a feeling of love towards me, but rather it was that he would see me as someone who he appreciates a lot, something like what a person feels for a direct relative. Well, if this number goes up like Kurisu's case which now exceeds the number of 500, then it's obvious that Kurisu feels more than just affection.

So now I wasn't worried about making these muscular guys raise their affection over 100, this would just show that they care about me.

"Miu, you will be late for school"

"Aah!! I had forgotten that!!"

Walking away from the dining room along with Sakaki, Apa, and Shigure who had decided to follow us, I hear Miu's screams and how she begins to move fast to get ready for school. Well, she was a high school girl so it was obvious she had to go to school… the strange thing maybe was that these guys don't seem to care why I'm here now and not at school.

I wanted to go back and see her act concerned since she would certainly look cute. Unfortunately, I had decided to take the lessons of these masters seriously... I really needed to learn martial arts and I couldn't just do it as a hobby!

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