Soul Evolution System

Chapter 302 Ryozanpaku 3

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(POV Miu)

Leaving the institute, I run quickly to return to the Dojo. I was a little worried about that boy who had come to the Dojo today… I know the people in my house perfectly, and even though they are not bad people, I know that without a doubt they can have a common sense “a little” different from other people!

…Besides, the ones that worried me the most were Apachai-san and Shigure-san! I-I don't want to think about it, but seems like they could kill a person by mistake!! I hope that when I return to my house the place is not surrounded by policemen...

W-Well… that kid, Alexander-kun, didn't seem so normal either… when I saw him for the first time, he seemed quite strange to me. The aura around him was similar to mine who had practiced martial arts from a very young age, but upon closer examination of him, his posture was full of openings that contradicted this.

For a moment I thought he was trying to get me to lower my guard too, but... I also didn't feel like he was trying to do something wrong to me.

Also, looking at his appearance, I think he was quite a cute little boy... so he seemed very harmless. Well, he didn't look so childish since looks like a middle school kid, but... surely he was still at an age where he could be pampered a little, right?! I really wanted to do that, and if it hadn't been for that I instantly felt when saw him, I probably would have tried to hug him and caress his head!

So, being able to contain that urge, I tried to ask him who he was since given his strangeness, I was almost certain that he had specifically come to our house. Well ... since he was already inside our house, then surely he had some matters to discuss with someone here from the Dojo.

Interestingly, this one only answered me while holding his stomach that he was hungry! Then since he was quite cute and I felt a little sorry for him, I couldn't help but invite him… besides, surely inside we could talk more calmly and I would find out why he had come here.

After all of us eating, then I was finally able to discover some things about this little guy. The fact that it seemed to be full of openings to attack him was simply because he apparently hadn't practiced martial arts ever... although the truth shouldn't be possible because of the aura around him, it didn't look like he was lying either.

It even seemed like I wasn't the only one feeling this and I could see how the others here in the dining room were watching him curiously all the time. Not only that, some still went a bit far and tried to intimidate him with their aura to see how he would react, like in Akisame-san's case...

Strangely, he just turned to see him without changing his attitude much after that... more and more this little one was stranger, so it was not surprising that others rejected or wanted to know more about him after he saying that had come here to learn Martial Arts.

Since I think it was reasonable that these Masters were the only ones to make this decision about whether if they wanted to teach him or not, I tried to stay away from this... even if I will feel a bit sorry that he was actually rejected for them...

But then that changed when Alexander-kun took out several gold coins and he put them on the table! After all, our Dojo had some "little" financial problems... among these guys, only Ma-san and Akisame-san are the ones who contribute with some money so that we can all eat! In fact, that's why I'm a bit lenient and I put up with Ma-san's actions!!

So… Seeing that gold for me was the same as what a person would feel after several days of walking in the desert and suddenly someone showing a bottle of ice water to him!! So before I knew it, I had already taken the coins and immediately hid them in my apron... n-now that I think about it, it sure seemed like I was stealing from a little boy!

... I-I hope Alexander-kun didn't think of me as a thief. Also, maybe I should give him back some of those coins... surely no one would think that it is necessary to pay gold to learn martial arts after all!

W-Well… s-since he doesn't seem to know the value of those coins very well, I should keep them so that someone else doesn't steal him… s-surely that would be for the best!

...I wonder if he's a rich kid?

"Girl! I am talking to you!! I tell you to come with us to play… we will surely have a great time! "


As I walked quickly home while thinking about those things, I didn't realize that a couple of guys had come up to me. Since I was dressed as less conspicuous as I could to go to school, things like that were no longer so common. Although it seems that it is still not enough my effort not to stand out too much...

"... sorry, I have some things to do and so I'm in a hurry"

Seeing the way these two were looking at me, I knew that they had no good reasons for me to accompany them... in truth they were very unpleasant eyes, much more than those of Ma-san and Alexander-kun had when they saw me... that little one too seemed a bit perverted, so it would be best if he didn't learn a lot from Ma-san.

In those two, the feeling I had was that they only liked to contemplate and appreciate women a lot, although without aggressiveness... 

It was a bit annoying, but it did not cause me as much repulsion as the eyes of these two other guys which only had lust and bad emotions reflected on their eyes, so I only try to get away from them by accelerating my steps and walking next to them. Unfortunately, one of them prevents me to do that by taking one of my arms ...

"Let me go…"

"Come on girl, it will only be for a while!"

"Yeah, don't be mean and play with us a bit!"

I wanted to leave quietly since I am still close to school, but... it seems that I had underestimated the insistence of these boys. So I have no choice but to teach them a little lesson.

"Kuh! B-Bitch ... h-huh? Gkuuh !! "

"Wel ... if you don't want to join us in a good manner, then you will do it in a hard way! H-Huh? Kueh!!

When one of the guys tries to touch my chest while speaking I lightly hit the one that held me on by the arm to he let me go. So while they showed their true personality by leaving behind that mask that showed a smile while acting friendly, I had made a small jump out of the vision of these two.

So I using the face of one of these boys as a pivot to jump back until I reach an electric pole on which I lean to jump again in the direction of the other boy who was still standing and then kick him...


I-I think I overdid this a bit... because I really wanted to end this quickly so I could go home and see that nothing bad had happened there, I didn't control my strength very well and kicked a little too hard ah that guy... h-he practically flew off hitting a car and damaging it!

T-This is bad… m-maybe I'll have to pay for the damages! Alexander-kun's gold could disappear because of this!!

I-I quickly turn around to see if anyone had seen me. If I could leave here without anyone seeing me, then the only responsible for paying for this would be those guys! I-It was their fault in the first instance, so this was okay… right?

“...Awesome!!! Incredible!!!"


... it seems that luck was not on my side and there was another boy who witnessed all this. Nooo!! That gold should be for food for several months!!

I wanted to run and get out of this place, but it seems that he is wearing the same uniform from my high school and so it is very likely that he could have recognized me!! I can't escape now...

“Y-You are amazing! D-Do you practice martial arts? !! 

Y-You're Furinji-san, right? !! "

...honestly, even though I knew it was wrong, I could not stop the idea of eliminating the witnesses that passed through my mind constantly. Unfortunately, as I had guessed, this boy seemed to have actually recognized me...

“E-Emmm… I-I'm not with them… in fact, I was watching everything that happened from that place. I-I wanted to help you when I seeing you in trouble, but... m-my legs didn't move no matter how hard I tried… I-I'm pathetic, am I?"

Probably feeling that I was on guard against him while I was trying to decide what to do, the boy begins to speak. Haa~ Since he didn't look like a bad person and he even seemed a bit regrettable as he was about to cry while speaking, the thought of knocking him unconscious to escape and thus perhaps also he forgets what happened due to the shock, disappears.

…Besides, it was a bit difficult to turn around to leave while I leaving him in this state. So, with no alternative, I speak to him so that we can discuss this elsewhere.

"This... you are?"

"E-Eh? I-I am S-Shirahama Kenichi... I-I'm in the same class as you, Furinji-san "

E-Eh? Seriously? W-Well… since I try not to stand out too much, I don't think I have paid too much attention to people who are in the same class as me. I-It's not because he doesn't stick out that much that I didn't notice him.

"Well... let's go somewhere else to talk, Kenichi-san"

Being the only person who had seen me do this and since he didn't seem like he cared about the car that now has the windshield broken, we'd better get out of here... I hope the owner of the vehicle can get a refund on those two from before.

Since they are very likely to remain unconscious for several hours, then that is very likely to happen. Therefore, I don't have to worry about having done something wrong... 

"Thanks for trying to help me before, Kenichi -san"

"E-Eh? I-I didn't do anything ... I-I just got paralyzed seeing how those men attacked you... what the other people say is true... I-I'm a coward... "

“…The desire to help me seemed very sincere, so thank you. Emmm... I think that showing the desire to want to help someone already makes you a much better person than many, so you just have to find the courage so that you can fulfill that wish another time."

After meeting some bad people, it really felt good to see that there were still others who were trying to help others and so, my words expressed my true thoughts. These weren't just to make him feel good as he looked a bit down.

I was glad that he seemed to perk up a bit after listening to me, but... then the situation gets a bit complicated.

“F-Furinji-san, please teach me martial arts! I want to find that courage to be able to fulfill my wish to protect the people who are oppressed!! "



Right away from telling me to teach him martial arts, he also begins to tell me his story of how his teammates at the club annoyed him… furthermore, it seems that one of them had even challenged him to fight in a few days.

This is troublesome… after everything I said to him, I think it would be bad to just leave him this way. Also, since Kenichi-san seemed like a nice person, I wanted to help him a bit too...

"Well... I don't think I'm the right one to teach someone, but... I know some people who maybe can do it"

“ R-Really?!! "

“Y-Yeah… just… well, maybe now that they're teaching one person then they don't mind teaching someone else. Although I have to warn you that they can probably be a bit harsh... "

"I-It doesn't matter! I-I want to learn martial arts! I-I'll do my best!! "

"Well... then let's go"

"Y-Yes !!"

Today seems to have been quite a busy day for the Dojo… with him, he is the second person to appear asking to be taught martial arts. Also, I think that if this had been before, then most likely none of them would have wanted to teach anyone. But now… since Alexander-kun is there, they quite possibly agree with this... maybe.

...if they don't, then I'll help Kenichi-san a little bit to someone teach him. Thinking about that, both of us started walking towards the Dojo.

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(POV 3rd person)

After Alexander and the other 3 masters who lived in this Dojo moved to another place for Sakaki Shio to start instructing him, each one of the other three people in the dining room became deep in thought. Then, it wasn't until some time later that Akisame decided to speak up.

“Old man… is this really okay with you? "

"Hohoho, what's up Akisame? You seem a bit worried "

"Right, you don't seem to like the little Alexander very much."

With his question, the other two in the place direct their eyes towards Akisame, but unlike them that smile, he continued his speech with a serious face.

“The two of you must have realized that too... that boy's aura didn't seem as innocent as his appearance. That was the aura of someone who had taken the life of another person! Teaching martial arts to someone like that contradicts the reason we come together in this place"

Everyone here except for Miu was Master level people, and so just like Akisame, no one had overlooked that aspect. Without a doubt, Alexander was too strange for them in many ways.

First, his aura was that of a person who had practiced martial arts for years, it was not at their level, but it will certainly still be surprising that a person his age had that aura.

...unfortunately for them, this theory had to be discarded when they found out his motive for coming to this place. So, that just added to the mystery around Alexander for them.

So the first thought of all was that he was simply one of those prodigies that were born every century. Although, that was not the main concern of all these Masters. While that from before was surprising, it could be thought that it wouldn't harm anyone and that he was simply born to learn martial arts, so what had made them frown more was what Akisame had said.

This boy was certainly not someone harmless as he appeared... despite his young age, he surely had already stained his hands with blood!

“He certainly doesn't seem like a normal kid, but… letting him go without us doing something would be even worse. At least, in this way, we can observe him and perhaps guide him on a good path.

Akisame, I understand your concerns, but doing nothing further contradicts why we created the Ryozanpaku. "

"...also, we do not fully know the reasons why this kid has that aura. We do not know if he had no other alternative or perhaps he could also have been forced to do something bad... 

We with more years in this world know well that things are not completely black or white. So I agree with what the old man says. 

The best thing is to try to help the little Alexander and that way we can find out more about him.

From what I've seen, he doesn't seem to be a bad person who only tries to seek strength at any cost or someone deranged who kills for pleasure. 

Further… it scares me more to think if instead of us that boy would find another type of Masters."

“Haaa~… I understand what the two of you are saying, I think I was a bit surprised by everything. Thinking things over, I also think that's the best for now"

After Akisame's sigh, the atmosphere in the place relaxes and then everyone starts doing their favorite activities. The tranquility seemed to have returned to the place, but then a new problem appears at their doors...

"Grandpa~ I'm back~"

Almost at the moment that Ma opened a magazine Ero and the old man and Akisame started to play Shogi, the door of that room opens showing Miu... and also another boy was accompanying her.

...this being the second time that something similar happened on this day, the truth was that the first thought of these three that appeared in their minds was that spring for this girl had finally arrived and had begun to be popular.

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