Soul Evolution System

Chapter 3 Subjugation of monsters (Part 1)[Edited]

"What should we do first Aurora?"

While asking, I examined the environment, because of the appearance of my surroundings it seems to be a forest, not so dense because the sunlight easily reaches the ground or it may also be that it is on the edge of it.

Because of the position of the sun, I guess it is early in the morning, probably around 10am. For now, I’m not seeing any difference from my previous world, as there is still only one sun, the gravity seems to be equal to Earth and I’m not experiencing any discomfort from the atmosphere. My new body may also be adapting to the environment...


[Mission / Principal] "Goblin subjugation"

They are creatures considered plagues in most of the worlds, exterminating those who are in your way is a custom to prevent them from increasing their numbers too much, since in considerable quantity they can decimate small towns.

Objective: Kill a goblin monster for the first time

Reward: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

System function unlocked: Map

System function unlocked: Store

Failure Condition: Death of the user.

Time limit: 2 Hrs.]

[It seems that you already have a goal to accomplish. Although a goblin is a low level monster, in your current state it could be a challenge. It’s a monster almost your current height, can throw stones or use rudimentary tools to attack. Individually they cannot be considered to be a treat for an adventurer with some experience, the problem is that they act in a group and for your appearance you would surely prefer to die than fall into their hands]

Listening to Aurora's explanation, I concentrated so as not to lose any detail, but when I get to the last part, my face became more and more pale after every word, I felt that the blood was going to my feet and also a chill ran through my spine. I remember that certainly in the fantasy stories in my world they were little perverted monsters and bastards, who captured women to use them as a breeding instrument. Just thinking about it, I squeezed my buttocks by reflex, without a doubt death was a better choise in my opinion.

Although I felt that my legs were shaking, and not for fear of death, I decided to prepare myself as best I could. I took out the [Weapon Ticketl-I] to use it, by putting it in my hand and thinking about using it, a couple of options appeared in my mind like the type of weapon that I wanted.

Thinking about which weapon to use were the option that caught my attention with the spear, sword and bow, I think these would be the most common and easy to use. The first, although it allowed me to attack at a medium range, its length with the size of my body would be disproportionate or it would not make much difference that a sword losing its greatest advantage. The sword also had similar problems, also adding the fact that I have zero experience in combat would make things difficult for me, because the first problem could be solved with a short sword to make it suitable for my size, for the second problem I could do nothing. As for the bow, my experience with it was 0, and without arrows it became almost useless. Its advantage was the long range with which he would avoid the danger to a greater extent and if things got difficult I could easily escape.

Reason told me that the bow was the best option, the safest. It is not considered coward choosing it to fight with, since a certain degree of skill was required to take advantage of it. It was a respectable weapon, but the problem is that I don’t possess that ability, I have never taken one in my hands and with less than 3 hours I don’t think I can practice enough to hit the target ... also, a part of me believed that the determination from a while back would be a lie for putting me in a safe place. Yes, I did not regret not being able to use a bow and certainly my thoughts about that I should have taken some classes in my original world just because it was always better to know than to not know how to, were also whiteout regret... it was that. Clenching my teeth I select the option of short sword and single edge.

The scroll in my hands shone and when the parchment disappeared it was gone and it was replaced it with a short sword. I quickly use evaluation to identify it.

[Black Moon-I]

a single-edged Short Sword, very sharp. It was created from black metal bathed in moonlight for years. Its bright black shine is the creator's desire to resemble the glow of the moon.

Skills: [Quick Cut-I] [Durandal-I]

Now let's move on to [Skill Ticket -J], it would be great if I could get the swordsman skill, but unfortunately it seems to be a development skill and this scroll doesn't seem to be able to grant it.

After looking at the list of skills for a while, two of them caught my attention, they looked simple enough and good for the situation I was about to face. 

[Light Feet-J]


Increase agility and dexterity in feet movement to avoid attacks and put yourself in a good position to counterattack.



After use charge in straight line whit great speed and force.

This time I will have to choose something that will give me a better way to survive in a fight by avoiding being hurt. It is useless to have powerful skills if I collapse with a simple attack.

Having made preparations with everything I had available I began to walk in the forest in search of the first enemy in this world. With the sword [black moon] tied to the left on my waist and the [knife] in the center in my chest with straps that were included I continued walking forward.

There were left 1:40 minutes to complete the mission and I was a little nervous, I don’t want to start with the wrong foot and fail to start my adventure in this world, I’m worried that I had no experience fighting let alone killing something, I haven’t even killed a chicken in my world. But I was motivated that by doing so I could unlock system functions that would be of great help, giving me another reason not to fail and although Aurora told me that system functions would appear again in other missions if I could not complete this one, it would take time and they will surely be of a greater difficulty.

The most important thing is that if I try to do only things that are in my comfort zone the level of my soul would grow very slowly. Aurora did not mention it, but could have the idea that the challenges between more difficult and more pressure reciprocally caused me to advance in the soul faster, being this way, in moments of life and dead the development suffered would be exponential.

Seriously, it's just a damn goblin, what can I be afraid of? With caution everything should go well. It can't be that hard right? I just have to find one, cut it and I'll be done. I'll be able to boast about it later ... well, maybe that would be too much, but I can feel proud of it ... no, in no way is worth as little as a single goblin, that should be when I meets bigger goals. Let's leave it in that it is a good cause to exterminate a plague for this world.

I had spent about 30 minutes going into the forest and wandering inside looking for a goblin while encouraging me to avoid restlessness. Suddenly I heard a shriek, I quickly hid behind a tree looking for the origin of the sound, as I could not see anything that produced the sound should be from later on. Trying to control my breathing and putting myself on deck among the trees I advance.

After about 100 meters, I found the origin of the sound and from what I saw my goal too. They were 3 little green men, growling at a wild boar as they surrounded him and threw stones at him to distract him and then approach him and hit him with a thick branch or using his nails and teeth to tear his skin. It did not look like their attacks caused great damage to the wild boar, they probably wanted to tired him out and then finish all the work in one go.

And here I was, starting to worry about not finding a goblin, but some God must have listened to my wishes and sent me three as if saying "Why just settle for one, really that's very easy, I'll send you another 2 more so have fun " While smiling and raised him thumb ... damn, one was enough. Whatever, I should be grateful that it is not a dozen.

Leaving the jokes aside, I should have guess it, if I remember correctly Aurora mentioned that they move in groups, thinking that everything would be in my favor is not correct. But on the other hand it could also be said that my luck was not so bad because they seemed too focused on the wild boar haven’t to notice me.

I approached them and when about 10 meters from the one that was closest to me, I drew Black Moon slowly to avoid causing noise due to friction. With the sword in my hand I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly several times to calm myself since my breathing it had accelerated because of my nerves without me realizing.

At the moment when the goblin I was aiming at was completely focused on the wild boar, I ran to the maximum speed that my feet allowed, focusing my vision on his back. As the distance was not much, I reached in a couple of breaths next to him. I moved my hand with the sword horizontally around his neck, looking for the weak point, it was fatal, cutting off a hand or a foot does not kill quickly, his squeal and grunt would have confused me and with two other enemies here could not let it happen. The torso and the head were not good choices either, I didn’t want my weapon to get stuck and lose my greatest advantage, now that I think about it I should have tested its edge with something to see how sharp it was, another proof that I didn’t thought things clearly. Maybe it was better to take a risk and aim at the chest because there is a chance that I will fail cutting through a smaller area...

" Aaaaaaaah "

All kinds of thoughts passed through my mind during the few seconds it took to bring my sword to the goblin's neck. I screamed to give myself courage and clear my insecurities, I saw the edge of the sword reach the neck of the monster, and due to the sound of my scream turned its head back in the direction of the blade as if it wanted to give me a better angle to cut it.

In an instant the sword pass through from shoulder to shoulder causing my face to lose its color for not getting the feeling of cutting its flesh. Did I fail? While that question formed in my mind my hands moved for another attack, but then I saw a red line form in the goblin's flesh and in the next second the blood emanated from the wound until the pressure was enough to move the head and fall due to gravity.

My hands that moved to attack again instinctively covered my face to prevent the blood gushing like a fountain from falling into my eyes.


[ Mission completed]

After having been bathed in blood I moved to see the other two goblins, which apparently thanks to the fact that they were also surprised, they stood still in their places watching what happened. They were like trees standing without moving, taking advantage of the moment I threw myself towards the second one, after noticing me charge towards him, he let out a loud screech causing the other one to also begin to run against me. But since the wild boar was between them it should take them time to arrive.

I can get the second goblin before the third reaches us. The little green man seeing me approaching more and more closer threw the stone he held in his hand in the direction where I was. I must say that he has good aim since if it continued in the same trajectory he would have hit in my head, but unfortunately for him I was focused on what he was doing, I could deduce the path of the stone and I move my neck to avoid it, although I avoid the direct hit it still rub my temple for the short distance between us.

This was not enough to knock me down of course and coming close to him I make a slash this time diagonally from his right shoulder below his left armpit, I no longer worry because the blade will get stuck this time since I confirm the sharpness with the first goblin a few seconds ago.

In truth, the blade passed through the body of the goblin like a hot knife cutting butter, only a little resistance was transmitted in my hands, almost imperceptible.

Well one remains, it seems that-

[Watch out Alexander !!!]

Almost at the time as Aurora’s warning was heard in my head, I felt a pain in my right calf. It's strange, the third goblin shouldn't be so fast to cover the distance in short time with its speed.

Clenching my teeth, I turned my head toward the leg that hurts to see the cause of my pain.

" Hahaha ... I really wasn’t expecting this, damn pig you should have run when you had the chance"

I wanted to curse the boar more, but with the last goblin running to where we were, I didn't have time for that, so I kept it inside of me.

I held the black moon alone with my left hand and drew the knife with my right. I lifted it over his head high and dropped it with all the force and fury I could gather on the wild boar’s skulls until I felt it was all inside it.

The wild boar had to open its mouth to let out a whimper, which I took advantage of to remove my foot from between its teeth, retreating and letting go of the knife which looked like a beautiful ornament on the pig's head.

" Guuoink "

While the wild boar was roaring and I was complaining from the pain the goblin was ready to attack by moving his club in my direction. I quickly interposed the sword of my right hand and take a few steps back trying to avoid it, but the action was stopping because of the pain in my calf. I could only squeeze the black moon and receive the approaching blow.

Unbalanced and receiving a blow with enough force, he managed to deflect my sword and his weapon reached my left shoulder transmitting its impact. As a result, I had to mitigate it by lowering and falling with one knee on the floor. I don’t think that my shoulder would fracture, but it still caused numbness in the whole area, I should be grateful that it was not the side with which held the sword or else I would probably drop it.

Now I was with my entire left arm motionless from the numbness and my right foot hurt by the bite of the wild boar, speaking of this, it seems that the wild boar had stopped moving ... hahaha, you deserve it damn it.

And in this situation I had to face the goblin, what I could do only as comfort was to make fun of the wild boar. There is no doubt that I am in a bad situation, I raised my head to see my enemy next movement but I was surprised by what I saw.

Instead of continuing to attack he was looking at me and panting and with the tent that was rising on the cloth that covered his waist in an instant I knew what this guy was thinking.

I was filled with rage and suddenly got the strength from somewhere to stand up, and without caring about the pain I took a few steps to the excited goblin that seemed to be in his own thoughts. By the time he noticed the sword in my right hand, the blade had already been embedded from the chin to the crown of his head with the tip protruding like a horn.


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