Soul Evolution System

Chapter 4: Gaia (Part 1)[Edited]

I woke up after sleeping for a good time, feeling mainly mentally refreshed. I got up and stretched my body to see how its condition was.  I could walk better than the previous day so I don’t think I would need the crutch anymore.  On the other hand, my shoulder and arm though they have regained their sensitivity and the inflammation has receded and returned to normal, still had a feeling that one side is heavier than the other. The recovery has gone very well, More or less.


[Hp 95/120]

Correct, I can also see my condition numerically and while it is a bit strange, but it is still very useful and appreciated. As I thought, I am almost cured.

"How helpful of you"

I spoke to the system for showing me my HP when I was wondering how much I have recovered, although I knew it was useless since I would not get an answer.

[Don't worry, I will answer you if you ask me something Alexander, fufufu ...]

"I know Aurora, is there something I should catch up with?"

I asked her with a smile on my face.  It is good to have company even if I can only convey her thoughts, as I do not know what my situation would have been at this point without her supporting me, for which am I very grateful to the God for giving me a companion from the very beginning.

[There are some things, but you should first review the skills you already had and the new ones you acquired during the fight. You have to familiarize yourself with them so you can get more out of them]

New abilities?  I barely remember the ones I had before when I checked my status. Let's look at which ones they are.


This time the status was revealed in the holographic window, without a doubt this is very practical. It seems that I have an augmented reality device but much more developed that previous ones that I have seen.


Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Age: 12 years old

Level: 13

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 95/120 Source energy (SE): 0

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Will of the Worlds-SSS] [Soul of the Emperor-J] [Blessing of Origin-SSS]

[Interdimensional Inventory-SS] [Evaluation-SSS] [Fire Immunity-S] [Spiritual Vision-S] (New)


[Stealth-J] (New) [Light Feet-J] (New) [Cut-J] (New) [Thrust-J] (New) [Courage-J] (New) [Roar-J] (New)


[Multi-elemental Affinity (Sealed)] [Wings of the Sun (Sealed)]


[Luck-S] [Charm-C] [Swordsman-J] (New)

Wives: 0 Lovers: 0 Followers: 0 Summons: 0

Gold (G): 3,895 Crystals(C): 399

Current world: Gaia (Upper World) Area: Inimp


5 new skills appeared in the [Assimilated] section apart from the Light Feet skill that I obtained with the Skill Ticket. Also, my level rose to 13 ... isn't it the growth too fast for only 3 goblins? Well, let's look at the descriptions of the skills first.

[Soul of The Emperor]

Possessing a strong soul to rise above all others, with a strong will and a talent making others follow your mandates with only the pressure caused by your presence.


Great mental strengthening, Sense of danger, Emperor’s Aura.


Creates a domain of 100m in a diameter in which the user has a perception and a total focus of everything that surrounds him, also affects his enemies causing pressure directly to the soul.

Wow, a great skill without a doubt, I think this must be the one that affected my mentality when I fought with the goblins giving me emotional stability. But why do I own it? I do not consider myself a submissive person, but honestly, I have never considered being above others. Not that I complain, I just don't understand why that I have it as something innate.

[Many of the skills you have were granted to you by the Cross, but you can say that you gave it this to yourself along with others]

"Eh ... how is that possible?"

[It was because of your ability [Will of the Worlds]]

[Will of the Worlds]

As a person loved by the worlds and by their will, the user has the right to grant a Fate to others and can strengthen them.


Great increase of luck, it generates a favorable impression to all the beings of the worlds (Non aggressive and that do not have damages against the carrier from the beginning).


Influence objects or beings with power when naming them, carrying the will of the names from those who receive it (Unique use by object / Being).

"Haaa ... this sweet skill surely comes from Cross, God damn it, he could have told me about it. Although nothing bad happened because I chose a good name, if I had not done it, I don't know what would be thinking now. Come on, it's a single use per person, and if by chance I would have named myself John Smith, Martin López or Lee White? ... "

[In that case, you would surely be cursing Cross]

Well … I don't think I'd get to those extremes ... probably ... maybe ...don't want to think about that, I feel in danger of just doing that.

Trying to get that out of my mind, I checked the skills learned during the battle against the goblins.



Reduce the presence of the user when performing an action.



Increase strength in linear attacks with a weapon.



Increase speed in Thrust with the weapon



Increases the user’ will and pain tolerance in compromised situations.



It increases the user's strength and intimidates the opponent by expressing the emotions contained in a loud shout.

What can I say, they may be simple, but they are a great advantage, I also got them within few hours of arriving in Gaia? Undoubtedly, a growth in which even I would be scared of, maybe without realizing it I’m some kind of genius ...

[Sorry to break your illusions Alexander, but that's because of a skill, although you can see it that way too, you're a genius among geniuses for your [Blessing of Origin]]

[Blessing of Origin]

The source, where emptiness, time, forces, matter, energy, everything was gathered in a single point. The place where everything that exists and is about to exist comes from.


User can understand skills 10 times faster than average, Bonus Exp when killing enemies, Worlds language.


People who the skill owner considers are reliable are given 2x understanding in skills, Small bonus Exp when killing enemies.

... Please Aurora, don't kill off my self-esteem. Besides, this skill is mine ... although it was surely given to me by Cross as well. But it still belongs to me, and aren't all the talents given by the gods? This is the same, so I can consider myself a genius ... right?


Yes, we all need to feel that we are a little special in something, don't you think so? , I wanted to squat down and with my index finger make circle in the floor, but I resisted thinking about the advantages of [Blessing of Origin]. Although I already have skills that many would consider unfair, I must say that this is going a bit overboard.

I also think that I haven't paid enough attention to things, I should have evaluated my skills from the beginning.

[That's true Alexander, you're too careless and surely didn't notice that when you named me as we are united, a part of the power of your ability [Will of the Worlds] was redirected to you giving you another innate ability]


Did I get another skill for naming Aurora? I quickly look for it, and as she said, there was an ability that got unnoticed.

[Spiritual Vision-S]

Extrasensory perception: see the truth of all things without being hidden from the possessor of that ability.


Immunity against illusions, vision improvement.


Visualization of auras, See through magical barriers.


[All beings due to their actions and mental states emanate an energy that usually surrounds them in a thin layer. You can see that energy in different colors caused by the predominant emotion that individuals have]

To confirm it, I placed my hands in front of my eyes and activated the ability. I could clearly see a layer of blue energy and a few shades of orange and with some golden strands between them. Somehow, I knew that the blue part meant that my mind was serene and stable for the most part, with the orange being a bit of emotion and the golden strands are a manifestation of the [Soul Of The emperor].

With this, I will be safe when interacting with other people while providing me an advantage when dealing with them, seeing their true intentions from their emotions. Also, although they can hide it well so that it does not show on their face, but they cannot change what they are thinking inside them. Thus, I can avoid being deceived or betrayed easily.

[With this ability, at least you won't accidentally help someone count the coins he got for selling you, Alexander. Now we should talk about this world Gaia, you remember the map, right?]

"Hahaha… you're getting a little tough Aurora. Yes, it seems quite wide and with many different areas, but how big is it compared to Earth?"

[The area shown is actually only ¼ approximately if we compare it to the dimensions of the planet Earth, the world where you come from]

"... What? ... So small? Oh, it must be because there aren't many individuals in a higher world, since these people are very strong and an extensive expanse of land is unnecessary isn't it?"

[You're wrong Alexander, this is only an area of Gaia and here all individuals cannot exceed a soul level of 1, otherwise in the best-case scenario, they would be expelled to another area and in the worst-case attacked by the laws of the world]

"You mean that this map is not all of Gaia, but only a part of it? If so, how big is it?"

[If you want me to give you an approximate diameter of the entire Gaia extension, it would be almost infinite. This space is connected to other areas and in turn is connected to others and thus continuing to unite areas between areas. In addition, within an area such as Inimp, there may be forests that at first glance appear normal in territory, but as you enter the space can be distorted by expanding the space, even becoming larger than the place to which it belongs. Or there may be doors or space cracks that lead to different dimensional planes of the same area. And above all, new territories are constantly being created naturally or artificially.]

"Haaa ..."

I had no words, I could only remain with my mouth open as an idiot while my brain processed everything Aurora said. It was like the concept of the expanding universe of my world, only that instead of empty space as predominant, here the lands extended infinitely.

[That's a correct comparison]

"But you said there were only level 1 souls here?"

[In this area. Just as the worlds allow a certain level of soul, there are areas that are equal in that sense, each space allows up to a certain level of soul. In others there will surely be souls of different levels. This is good for you, since this prevents suddenly encountering opponents that from your perception, would be considered invincible and omnipotent monsters. Your way of thinking about getting stronger is correct, if you don't do it, you will find yourself at the mercy of the whims of the strongest]

"Fuuu ... is there no laws or civilized people in this world?"

I asked rhetorically something exasperated to feel like the one at the base of the food chain.

[Fufufu ... Alexander, you shouldn't be naive, with such a wide world, you can have places where people live in a very primitive way, those that are based on technology like your world, others by magic or other energies or that the predominant population aren’t human. With so many different environments and ways of thinking, you shouldn't believe that what you classify as good or bad is the same for them. The only constant in all areas is that the weak submit to the strong or depend on them, there is no way it would be otherwise. Those who have no power must pray that whoever is above them will not be ruthless]

"You mean this world is ruled by tyrants?"

[You still don't understand, each strong person has different mentalities so they will create different environments. They can create kingdoms that have peaceful or warlike ambient, there may be places that are governed by a group of powerful people forming something like a council, there may be clans that are strong but remain isolated from the world, sects that only defend an ideology, cults that seek to help the weak or simply seek worship as gods.

Anything you think, you can surely find if you look here. In the end, being heroes or villains depends on the point of view of other individuals. But with the same constant, they have to be strong to be able to back it up]

It sounds hard, but at the same time logical, I wouldn't even mind becoming a villain if there are people who force their ideals and restrict my freedom because they and others people think it's a good thing. I can show tolerance and understanding or you can even call it disinterest in how someone thinks and wants to live as long as it does not affect me and those around me.

"I will live as I please. I would prefer my body being torn to pieces along with my soul die than submitting to someone else, I will remain with my back straight and my head up in front of others."

Suddenly my voice came out in the form of a scream, stating each word with conviction and strength, with a fierce look and a shining glow in my golden pupils. The aura around my body stirred with the golden strands vibrating inside and as if they were living cells were divided into new ones.


[Soul Of The Emperor –J > I]

The sudden sound in my mind ended with the atmosphere that filled the cave and restored my emotions to normal. Why was the skill leveled? I thought that would it be through battles or practice.

[The mentality of a person is very important for the development of a skill, especially for innate ability's since they come from the soul of the individual. Many times, they can remain stagnant without increasing their level no matter how they train or fight, on the other hand, it may also be the case that even if they do not practice and fight, with a change in the way they think they can level up. Those known as geniuses is nothing other than a person with an ideal conception for a skill to develop]

"I see, thanks Aurora for explaining it to me. Is there anything else that I should know?"

[It's nothing Alexander. You just have to check the items you won]

"Fine, but before that, I have to prepare the food because I think it will take me a long time ..."

Then I left the cave, I had already thought about what I was going to eat.  I would also do it as a way to get revenge on him. Yes, I’m talking about the wild boar, I have heard that they have a very strong flavor but are very delicious so let's try it out.

First of all, buy a large plastic system for a cost of 50 Gold.  Honestly, I think it is a bit expensive but it was necessary. I spread it on the ground a few meters from the entrance of the cave and once I’ve arranged it, in its place I took the boar from the inventory onto the plastic.

Seeing it again... it is quite large, it surely weighs more than half a ton and without the inventory, it would’ve been impossible for me to move it, which meant that I would’ve had to leave it for someone else to enjoy.

Now where do I start ... or rather how do start?  I have no idea what to do to process this thing.


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