Soul Evolution System

Chapter 306: School Days 1

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The school of these two was not far away from the Dojo, so we quickly reached this one after a few minutes. About this one, there was no special thing. It was just one of those schools seen in anime and that wasn't so different from the ones in my previous world.

“T -Then... should we go to our class, Furinji-san? "

"E-eh? Yes… emmm… why did you want to come to our school, Alexander-kun? "

“…I need to go to the Headmaster's office, but before that… Hamtaro-kun, go find the guy you're going to fight today so you two can do it now. 

We should resolve that matter first..."

"E-Eeeh?!! B-But I thought I could still live until the classes finished!"


...his morale and self-esteem really are on the ground. Before doing the things I had to do, I thought it was good to move the story I know from this world forward so that the group called Ragnarok would appear faster... not that I especially wanted to see how that other guy beat Kenichi... well, at least it is not my priority.

But seeing how this guy was shaking at the thought of fighting, I have to push him a bit to do it. So after Kenichi did what I asked him, we move to what looks like the Karate club.

"Hahaha, don't expect you want to die so fast, you damn coward! 

Well... as faster you are banned from this club, then that is best for me. Really bothers me that someone like you to join this club!! "

... I didn't remember this guy well, but Kenichi's opponent was someone who seemed to be the stereotype of an abusive guy from a school... someone who takes advantage of having a superior physique and enjoys annoy others.

…I wonder if there is any kind of Law in the world for boys like these to appear in all schools? Well, the solution against these guys is also the same for all worlds, the best thing is that they do not see you as easy prey to bully you.

Also, it seems that there is only him... it is much more annoying when these people have a small group. So, surely this guy will stop bothering Kenichi once he faces this idiot...


"You will be fine... probably. Just do what I told you and get this over with quickly, Hamtaro-kun"

“…Who is this red-haired kid? A weak fellow of yours? "

…Seriously, these people's personalities just make you want to beat them up… if it weren't for his great physique, then he would probably be the most boy bullying in this school for that character he has.

"..if you lose, then I can assure you that I can make you suffer 100 times more than that guy."


After giving him a little push kicking Kenichi's butt and some words of encouragement, the two of them met head-on and begin to exchange a few words.

" seem to care a lot about Hamtaro-kun, Alexander-kun "


Miu-chan who sits next to me, says that with a smile. Well, as I said before, I didn't dislike Kenichi. Besides, the other guy was really annoying me... every time I heard him laugh, I really wanted to switch places with Hamtaro-kun so I could hit him a bit!

But, for me, that would not bring me any benefit. Kenichi who was now level [27] and that guy having an [30] on his head, surely this would be a more suitable fight.

On the other hand, it was a bit surprising how Kenichi was able to level a bit with just a few days of training...

[Well, apart from the fact that the energy of this world is higher, most Masters must have some abilities that benefit a bit the people they teach.]

...Seriously? Shit, doesn't that mean that now that I have my power sealed I am losing that benefit while training with Sakaki since I might as well level a bit? That is not fair…

[Fufufu, surely the system will make up for that a bit when you complete the mission.]

… I hope so, Aurora.


"Whaa~ Hamtaro-kun was beaten..."

While arguing with Aurora a bit, it seems like those two's fight had started. As Miu-chan says while making an expression as if she had received the blow, Kenichi was now on the ground complaining with a little pain.

It is normal for a person to be afraid of pain... unless they have a masochistic fetish, people would try to avoid it. So it's not that I don't understand that Kenichi doesn't like fighting.

Besides, I think that the emotion that goes behind each blow also influences a lot to cause fear in a person... it is not the same when you receive a blow knowing that it is only part of a sport than when the person does it with bad intention and only does it for bothering someone... after all, the second case apart from causing physical harm, it also does it psychologically.

...unfortunately for Hamtaro-kun, the blows of that guy were more in the second case. Without a doubt, that big guy sees this as a way to legitimately hit another person rather than a sporting match.

Well, while I can understand Kenichi's situation a bit, wouldn't solve anything that I only felt sorry for him! Besides...

That guy... even though the big guy's strength is a bit higher, that Kenichi was losing now it was more because he had been paralyzed without doing anything! 

"Fuck, Hamtaro-kun! Get up now!! "

"B-But ..."

"Hahaha, it's useless, this guy is a coward!!"

"If you do not get up and face that guy, then I by my own will break you both legs after he finishes hitting you!!"

"Hiii!!! Y-Yes, Alexander-sanpai!!! "

... unfortunately for Kenichi, the only way I knew for him to face his fears was by taking advantage of a greater fear he had of something else...


Well, it seems that this worked... looks like he remembered doing what I told him in our matches in the dojo. Probably the only advantage that Kenichi had was that the other guy would underestimate him, so the best thing to do was to attack him completely from the beginning of the fight... he would have suffered less if he just had done as I told him from the beginning.

"Don't stop hitting him until that guy begs you to quit... no, hit him until he faints!!"

"Y-Yes !!!"

"A-Alexander-kun ... that's not a bit... going too far"

As if Kenichi had gone into a trance ... probably out of fear, he charged towards the other subject hitting him directly on the chin. Although I don't know much about martial arts, from various animes I knew some weaknesses of the human body and one of these was the chin. So I had told him to go straight to that point.

Also, he was no longer the same one who threw fists at random as in our first fight which was a disgrace for both of us... thanks to Sakaki, now he could put some force behind that fist, and more than enough to make the brain of his opponent shakes causing his whole body to tremble.

I don't know if it was because of the euphoria of could see for the first time that he caused harm to someone who was bullying him or he was just too nice and worried about the other guy, but it seemed that he was going to stop after that blow and so I intervene again so that continues now that he had the opportunity. was true that I didn't have any concern for the other guy, but I also don't think Miu-chan should worry too much... at most, the other guy will only get a few bruises. Besides, Kenichi wasn't that ruthless... if it was me, that guy wouldn't have had time to get up since I would keep kicking him on the ground... tch, in the end, Hamtaro-kun actually was a too kind person.

Well, since the other guy would take a long time to recover after that blow to the chin, even though he managed to get up several times, he just made the match longer to get Kenichi to use and show some techniques that the masters had taught him...

Damn Akisame… even though he has groped me, he has not taught me anything and Kenichi has! That is quite unfair!!

"... you have won Kenichi"

"Ha... Ha... Ha... e-eh? I-I win? "

“ …It would be weird if the guy passed out was the one to win, right?"

"Congratulations, Hamtaro-kun!"

The end of the fight was announced by who I think was the captain of this club,  then I and Miu approached Kenichi who did not seem to believe that he had won. Then, by praising him a bit, he seemed to start crying… Haaa ~ Although I still think this guy's personality is too kind, it's hard to hate him for that.

"W-What happened... I..."

“You have lost, Daimoji. You will have to leave the Karate club from now on "

"E-Eh? Impossible! How could I lose to that weakling? If we fight again...

T-It's true! The moves he used weren't of Karate, so he must be disqualified!! "

Kenichi's opponent regains consciousness and immediately begins to complain upon hearing the result of the match. This guy was really annoying... at first, he wanted to challenge Kenichi again, but... then when he sees that Kenichi gets on guard when he sets his eyes on him, that guy quickly recants and just begin to complain.

…After all, he was just an idiot who likes to take advantage of people who he thinks are weaker than him. Therefore, in the end he resorts to trying to make Kenichi lose for something else thigs...

"W-Well… it's true that I used moves that I learned from Jiujitsu, so-"

“You see it, captain! He's the one who made-Ghueh!! "


"A-Alexander-kun, th-that was a little..."

"...sorry, he was someone very annoying."

…In the end, I couldn't resist hitting this guy. Also, I didn't really care that this guy was on his knees on the ground while he seemed to beg the captain from this club… in fact, I just thought he was in a good position to kick his face. So that's exactly what I do.

…Well, even though the kick was strong enough to make his body straighten up and fall backward again fainting, I don't think it caused permanent damage… other than the teeth that flew off.

[ ...wasn't that a little cruel, Alexander? ]

That... fights are a matter of life and death to me, so maybe I can't help but take them seriously, Aurora. I don't think this's cruel… probably… not much.

Apparently, the duel involved a bet to leave the club, but in the end, Kenichi decides to be the one to leave the club. The truth is that didn't matter much, so I don't intervene in his decision… only when the guy who seemed to be the club captain wanted to fight Kenichi, I tell him to wait a while.

That guy was level 35, a completely higher limit than Kenichi… besides, this guy seemed to view Kenichi very seriously as an adversary. If he fought Kenichi, it was almost certain that the latter one would lose… it would be a shame if all the trust he has gained now disappears because of that.

Also, the most important thing now was for Kenichi to seek out the people of Ragnarok so that I could complete that mission! 

...I only have to defeat two of them by myself, so I should think about which ones would help me the most when we fight. Kenichi and Miu-chan can take care of others.

We left the club telling the captain that we were busy now and better he should look for Kenichi in a few more days.

"W-Why do I have to fight the captain of the karate club?"

"Well, from now on, you will probably be popular Hamtaro-kun. So rejoice!"

"P-Popular? W-What do you mean, Alexander-senpai? "

“You will probably find out soon enough, so don't worry. Well, now I have to go to the principal's office"

" you plan to transfer here, Alexander-kun?"

"…something like that. You two will find out soon, but... I think you should both go to class now. "

"Ah! It is true! Hamtaro-kun, we'll be late for class. Let's go fast!! "


Seeing them running towards their class, I start walking towards the building as well. I think I should have asked them first to take me with the headmaster... 

Well, just I have to ask someone else for that...  Should I go back and ask the guy who fainted to take me there?

[You really want to annoy that guy, right?]


Well... probably when a person seems to me to be cruel and unpleasant, then it is true that I feel that it is appropriate to act in the same way with him.

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(POV Kenichi)

It had been several days after my fight with Daimonji-kun, and I really think that my school life changed a bit after that... now I had companions who trained in the same dojo as me! No, maybe I can consider them my friends!!

…School was a little more fun now. I had people whom I could talk to normally and besides, I was no longer intimidated by some people here!

"Well, place your bets! Now the odds of the fight are 10 to 1 in favor of the guy with blue hair in a ponytail!! Come on, don't miss the chance to make some money!!"

"A-Alexander-kun... th-this is a bit ..."

“At school you must address me as Alexander-sensei, Miu-chan. Also, what I win here will go to the dojo… well, part of this

Come on, Alien-kun!! Keep collecting the bets of others!"

“ R-Really?!! "

"Y-Yes, sensei!!"

Well, perhaps one of the most surprising things that happened in the last few days is that now I had a Sensei who looked like a child that was younger than normal students! No, he did not seem, without a doubt he was younger than everyone who attended highschool...

Of course, this person was none other than Alexander-senpai... after the fight with Daimonji-kun, suddenly during class he came to our class and introduced himself as the new language teacher...

This certainly caused quite a stir in the school, but strangely it was quickly accepted by both, teachers and other students here. The truth is that Alexander-senpai seemed to be able to speak a wide variety of languages, so I think his age did not matter much to the principal to hire him.

…I've heard from Furinji-san's dojo masters that he could be considered a genius in martial arts, but... now I realize that this wasn't the only thing he was good at. I'm a bit envious of him! Above all, because Furinji-san seemed very happy to discover that now there would be someone else who contributed money to her house!! She seems to be a girl who cares a lot about the finances of her house after all...

So, she now seemed to admire Alexander-kun for having a stable job more than because he was someone who also practiced martial arts just like her and me.

I wonder if I should get a part-time job? No... with the rigorous training that I have now in the dojo, then I don't think it's possible for me to do it.

“ W-Why do I have to fight Takeda-san, Alexander-sensei?!! "

“…It's for the sake of your training, Hamtaro-kun. Besides, also from my pockets... "

" Strive Hamtaro-kun! I' have bet on you~"

Well... taking my thoughts out of the past and going back to just now, now several people were on the roof of the school watching me and Takeda-san who was in front of me!

Alexander-kun's earlier words about that I would become popular have actually come true! When he told me that, for a moment I thought that finally my spring would come and some girl would notice me, but… all of that was just optimistic thoughts of mine!

The only ones who started looking for me were other guys who wanted to fight me!! Besides, each time I defeating one,  immediately another that seemed stronger coming after me! This was not the popularity I wanted to have!!

…Maybe my school life is even more difficult than it was before and it has not improved as much as I thought.

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