Soul Evolution System

Chapter 307 School Days 2

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“T-That little sensei is a bit strange, isn't he? I thought he had come to stop us... I don't expect him to start placing bets with the other students who came with him... "


Well... it was clear that Alexander-kun was definitely not what a person would consider a normal "sensei"... in fact, I don't think he could even consider himself a normal person!

Besides, this isn't the worst thing he's ever done… I have seen how he made Daimonji-kun lose several of his teeth just because he didn't seem to like him very much! Even though he bullies me, I actually feel a bit of pity at seeing him always run away when he sees Alexander-kun...

“T -These are all the bets, sensei… d-did I a good job? "

" seems like you haven't tried hard enough, Alien-kun."

"E-Eh? I-I'll try harder from now on!! "

Another one who suffered from meeting Alexander-kun was Nijima-kun… he shouldn't have tried to extort Alexander-kun earlier.  I don't know how, but he had already found out that Alexander-kun had hit Daimonji-kun a few hours ago before he introduced himself as a teacher and, so as he usually custom to do, he tried to take advantage of that thing...

The next thing I saw was that the two of them went out for a moment to talk a bit... then when they returned, he by himself offered to be used as a footstool so that Alexander-kun could write on top of the blackboard! After that, now he acted more like a faithful follower of him!!

Seeing how scared he was, I think I can imagine a bit what happened when they go out a little… after all, Alexander-kun doesn't seem like someone who allows anyone to intimidate him! He even dares to call Sakaki-san, who looks like a huge ogre, as Tsundere-Ojisan constantly!!

H-Honestly, I think that's a good description for Sakaki-san, but… of course that I wouldn't dare say something like that out loud to him!

"Well, then let's start this"

“ W-Why do we have to fight, Takeda-senpai? Neither of us has any resentment against the other... "

“Well, more than a hate fight or things like that, this is more to put our skills to use a bit… I was a boxer before, so I liked to test myself with other people.

Now that you practice martial arts, isn't it the same for you? "

"T-That is…"

…Until now, I had been practically forced to fight against others. Besides, those people could be considered school delinquents! So it was a bit strange to fight Takeda-senpai who seemed to be someone quite calm.

"Fine... then let's fight, Takeda-senpai!"

But listening to what he was saying, I couldn't deny that a part of me wanted to see how far I had advanced in my training with my Masters. It really wasn't that bad to be able to put everything I've learned to the test!

Also, since I didn't feel the animosity that the people I've fought with so far usually had, I could be calmer now. This was a bit similar to my clashes at the dojo with Alexander-kun… no, in a sense, he still scares me more than even the delinquents at school!

…I still can't forget the time we fought for the first time and that accident happened! At that time I thought he was a girl, and a pretty beautiful one too! So a part of me thought that those hits that I took were still a little worth it for being able to touch her a little.

Sadly, I soon discovered that those blows didn't have anything of value… after I had practiced and went to the bathroom to wipe my sweat that time, he went right in, and then I discovered that he was indeed a man! 

By the way, it seemed that I was not the only one who thought he was just trying to hide his gender... after that, several Masters asked me if it was true that he was a man!!

…So sadly I could only nod to their question. For various reasons thanks to that, I could only be depressed for several next days...

Curse! The world is so unfair!! How can someone who has such a beautiful face also have something so big between his legs? Is he really only 13 years old?!!

"That is spirit, Kenichi-kun! Let's go!!"


Trying to forget all of that, I focus all my mind on Takeda-san who throws himself at me. While it had been a great disappointment that Alexander-kun was a man, there was still Furinji-san who I didn't want to think that I was pathetic. So I wanted to strive and give my all so that she could see my improvements!

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(POV Alexander)

"Hamtaro-kun !!"

"Ah! My extra income!! "

The fight between the boxer boy and Kenichi takes place in front of an audience that had accompanied me, so when the latter seemed to be winning, the fence that covered the rooftop gave in without warning and both of them are hanging from the ceiling now... this was bad! If one of those two dies, then my profession as a teacher would be very short!!

I had also been making bets on Kenichi's fights until now… what can I say? Being a teacher can be a bit boring and so I had to find a way to make the work more interesting. Besides, a teacher's salary isn't that great after all... so I couldn't let my new source of income die either!

About why I am a teacher now, I had previously asked Aurora to create a background in this world and, in the end, I had decided to become a teacher at Kenichi's school. There was also the option of becoming a student as Miu-chan had said before, but... I didn't really want to go back to my student life this time.

…Honestly, even though there were some pretty girls at school, the only one I was interested in getting along better with was Miu-chan. So at being able to spend most of the day in the dojo with her, it didn't make much sense to also do it at school. The time as her teacher was enough for me.

Also… there was a problem that only being a teacher would solve! With my interdimensional space sealed, then my pockets are completely empty!!

… I didn't really like the idea of reaching out my hand to ask for some of the money that I gave Miu-chan before. On the other hand... there was also another advantage when she found out that I became a teacher! Thank to that, her affection rose from 70 to 85!!

...this girl really seems like one of her priorities is to find someone who can offer her a stable life more than anything else. Well, I don't dislike that thought of her either… in fact, I feel a little sorry for her because the other guys who live here forced her a bit into having that kind of mentality at such a young age!

"Ha... ha... ha... th-that was close."

"F-For a moment I thought my life was over..."

“ A-Are you both okay, Hamtaro-kun and Takeda-senpai? "

"" Yes... thank you both""

After helping them to return to the roof, Kenichi and Takeda collapsed on the ground while sweat dripped from their foreheads... surely this instead of being due to the exercise of the fight, it was more due to the fear of falling to the ground. Even my back sweat a little thinking that these two would fall!! I had forgotten that something like this happened in anime...

“Well, the axtra class is over. Everyone can go home "

"E-Eh? Was this a class? "

“…Of course, I follow the teachings of“ Great Teacher Onizuca ”(GTO). Everything can be learned in this life, not just from books! "


“T-That doesn't matter now, does it? Sensei, what about the bet?! "

"It is true! Who won in the end?!"

It is a pity that the children of today do not know that great teacher... no, maybe it is because this is another world! There is no way they would not know him if his great teachings had been transmitted in this world too!!

In fact, perhaps it was because of him that I decided to become a teacher in this world. I totally agreed with his philosophy of accepting some high school girl if she would spread her legs for you by herself!!

…It's a shame that given my appearance instead of being someone they admire and a possible sexual partner, the girls at this school only saw me as a pet of school… that is something very sad!

"About the bet, this one-"

“Sensei, it's okay, I lost. I admit my loss to Kenichi-kun! 

S-Sensei... why do you kick me?! "

…Shit! Since this could be seen as a draw, I was about to say exactly that! Nobody had bet on a draw, so the house could keep the money!! Unfortunately, before I could say anything, this guy intervenes...

D-Damn it... in the anime I remembered that Kenichi was who won, but... seeing as this guy had a level of [40] and since Kenichi was only [30] now, so I had bet on you, you know? I thought that maybe my influence in this world could change things a bit, but... it seems the downside of having a restricted arm was too much and this guy lost.

I didn't hold a grudge against you for that, Takeda. At the end of the day if the result was considered a draw, then I was still winning… no, I could win much more! But now you betray me?! Of course you deserved to be kicked a bit!!

"You didn't use your left arm, Takeda-san... so, I can't say I win either"

Oh! Good job Hamtaro-kun! Now I can say that this is a draw and it won't sound too bad!!

"Well, since you're both not satisfied, this is-"

“It's not that I didn't want to use it, it's that I can't. I have an old wound and that's why I can't use it, it's your victory, Kenichi… 

S-Sensei, n-now your kicks are really hurting me! "

"I-I win, Alexander-kun! Also, the odds were 10 to 1!! "

"...I-I'm happy for you, Miu-chan."

Why couldn't this guy keep quiet?! Well… because of those words from Miu, I think it was now even more impossible for me to announce the result of this fight as a draw… it was difficult to make that cute face sad after showing that smile for winning a little... a lot of money.

…Anyway, I'll have Alien-kun investigate some embarrassing facts from this guy and post it in the school newspaper or something kike that as revenge. This other guy was a little annoying, but he has his uses apart from using him as a footstool...

Maybe you could feel a bit sorry because I treat him like that, but... I think you can't underestimate him. The truth is that this guy has one of the personalities that I dislike the most!

While a person who abuses another because of their strength is annoying and, despite the fact that nothing justifies why they do it, at least it can be said that it is their own strength on which they depend. But also there are other people who are perhaps much more obnoxious since they depend on others or other things to intimidate other people... and Alíen -kun belonged to the latter group.

Personally, I dislike the latter types of people more… although the first group is annoying at school, it can be attributed to their being young and idiotic. When they mature a bit, many stop behaving that way. On the other hand, the other type of people, even after high school many of them continue to act like this.

Unfortunately, in adult life, it is not uncommon to meet people with someone influential behind them who take advantage to continue to annoy other people... even in my other life at my work I even had to do someone else's work because a guy was a friend of the boss!

So when Alíen -kun tried to threaten me before, it can be said that to his bad luck he touched old wounds on me… so let's think of this as a rehabilitation process for his personality. Well, I think it can be said that things ended in a good way for both of us... after I told him that if he threatened me again I would release him from the window through which he was looking at the patio floor while I holding his feet, he ended being quite docile.

Coming back to the present, since classes were over and I paid everyone's bets, the three of us were going to go back to the dojo but we ended up going somewhere else. As Kenichi had told Takeda that perhaps Akisame could help him, this time the four of us are going to his clinic.

There, things develop the same as how I remembered in the Anime. Akisame tells him that his boxing career was not ruined and that he only had to participate in a few therapies to get back to practice.

I was a bit interested in learning Akisame's healing abilities, after all, this that modern doctors couldn't fix wasn't a complicated thing to him to fix. Maybe I was even more interested in learning that from him than Jiujitsu… it's a shame that he's the Master whose affection has remained almost totally the same as when we first met, so it was a bit difficult to tell him to teach me.

...I will have to wait a while to ask him that. Besides, I should have him teach me some Jiujitsu first!

Leaving Takeda who didn't seem to be screaming with joy from the treatment, the 3 of us returned to the dojo to continue practicing.

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Several days passed after Kenichi and Takeda's fight, and my stay in this world had turned a month. Kenichi and Miu-chan's school life continued, and the former one had to continue fighting against some people.

Outside of that, there weren't many changes to our routine. In the morning we would practice, and then immediately the three of us would go to school since I also had to teach to those students...

Because of this, I was about to despair and ask Kenichi to go looking for the Ragnarok guys on the streets to speed things up!!

Well... I think most of that group practiced one martial art for some time, so it would be quite unfair for Kenichi who has barely a month of training to meet them. Although, maybe it won't be so long the wait...

"Hyaaa !! I'm burning, I'm burning, Akisame-shishio!! "

…One of the changes in this time is that all the Masters had taken more seriously to train us. Even now Kenichi also lived in the dojo with us.

Unfortunately for him, it meant that his time of suffering had increased several hours more to the day. Also, while I feel like some of the Masters have some favoritism in training us, I can't be envious of that either...

Now Kenichi was doing sit-ups on a vertical position while Akisame lit some fire under him… fuck! If anyone else saw this, I'm sure they would think Akisame was a fucking cannibal who had captured a child for his tender meat and was now cooking it to eat him!!

"Apapa ~ You can't lose focus, Alexander-kun ~"

"Kuhaa !!"

Suddenly my conscience almost went blank. The reason was none other than an uppercut from Apa that hits right in my jaw! It really wasn't the time to worry about someone else's problems!!

While Kenichi was being trained by Akisame, it was my time to suffer against Apa! He actually seemed happy that the other Masters finally allowed him to train someone, but to be honest, I didn't share the same emotion as him!

While I was thanking God that he could at least hold back a bit from using his elbows and knees that are vital to his martial art, that had only lowered the risk of being near-certain death by sparring against him, to only end up with several bruises on my body!

Every one of his blows really put me in a bad situation! So now I could just wriggle and roll on the ground while holding my jaw to check for if this one was broken or I missing teeth! I-I think these are my permanent teeth, so if I lose them, then I don't think they will grow back!!

...I think that now I understand a little how that boy from the Karate club felt about my kick... I may have really been a bit cruel!

"A- Are you okay, Alexander-kun? "

“Apapa~ I am sorry, Alexander-kun ~! Apa still can't fully contain himself~! "

“… It's bad to be careless, Alexander-kun. And is even more so when you are in your time to train with Apachai-san. If you lose consciousness during the training whit him, then there won't be much time to teach you Chinese Kenpo. "

"U-Un... be neglect i-it's bad..."

… I'm really starting to question why Hamtaro-kun and I have to pay to receive physical torture in this dojo! 

Well… I can only think that this is something necessary to be able to be with Miu-chan and Shigure-san who approach me a little worried and remarking my carelessness respectively.

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