Soul Evolution System

Chapter 312 Fight With A Master

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Renka-chan's visit was very short, but in the end, she had decided to stay with some relatives of Master Ma until she could convince him to return to their country. It was a bit unfortunate that she did not stay also in this dojo ... since this was not my home, I could not intervene in this or offer her to stay.

It seemed that again everything would return to normal, but before she got out of the view of us, she had given Master Ma some information that her brother had come to this country as well. From what I understood from their little discussion about this, and from what I also remembered from the anime, that guy must have committed some crime since he was a man wanted... both by the legal systems and the sect of this family.

This seemed to have affected Master Ma a bit... anyone who knows him could see that he was a bit distracted for most of the day.

Since it was a family affair, I thought it best to stay away from this unless Master Ma himself got me involved in this. Besides, it was certain that this guy was a Master level too! With my current abilities and the fact that my strength is sealed, and also adding that I can't use the weapons in my storage now, then I don't think I could be of much help in something.

…In fact, I would most likely become a burden if I got involved in that matter.

Unfortunately, it seems that my thoughts were not the same as the system's… as I watched those Renka-chan's hips moving rhythmically as she walked away, a notification rang in my head.

[Mission / Optional "Fight a master (Ma Sogetsu) - G "

On the path of martial arts, disciples must not only learn the teachings of their Masters but also need to overcome various challenges and experiences with which they can gain even more experience than just practicing.

Objectives: Resist in a fight against Ma Sogetsu for 3 minutes. (You can receive the help of colleagues)

Prevent Renka from being hurt

Watch the two brothers fight.

Rewards: Skill [Fighting Technique: Chinese Kenpo ] Rank up

1 M x Crystals

10M x Gold ]

Damn it! The system was almost forcing me to fight someone Master level! Well... at least it's true that doesn't seem to be something as extreme as this one asked me to defeat him. Also... it was something optional.


When reading the content of the mission, there were two things that instantly caught my attention! The first was obviously the reward. The faster I can move forward in learning the disciplines of these Masters, then the better it is for me.

That was good, but... what bothered me the most was one of the objectives of this mission! It seems that Renka-chan will be hurt at the time of those two brothers' fight! 

According to my memories, nothing bad happened to her during the anime... unfortunately, I was not totally sure that this world was following that story! Maybe the story in this world is a little different! Or maybe the simple fact of my presence here may have changed it!!

After all, in Emilia-kun's world, I had obtained proof that this could happen! So this was very likely to happen again!!

Therefore, I no longer had the option to decline this mission. If something happens to that girl, it would be a great tragedy for this world! No, for all worlds!!

"Alexander-senpai, I have lost sight of Master Ma!"

" " ... " "

Because of everything from before, very early in the morning I, Kenichi, and Miu-chan had started to follow Master Ma. Since Kenichi was a very empathetic guy and Miu-chan considered Master Ma as someone from her family, I didn't even have to ask these two to join me on this little trip.

…Since I had to fight someone on a master level and also the system was practically telling me not to do it alone, I don't hesitate to make these two join me as well. Miu-chan's strength is higher than mine right now, and Kenichi... Kenichi is good at taking hits… he can be a good shield if necessary.

“ Mooh~ He must have noticed us! It's all the fault of this guy who can't hide himself well!! "

"Gueh! I-I'm sorry, Renka-san! "

Also, since we had entered Chinatown of this city, it didn't take long for us to meet Renka-chan who vents her frustration by having lost sight of her father on Kenichi.

...I don't know if it was inevitable that we would meet her since according to the mission she would also be involved in this... or if the reason that she gets involved in this was that now we are here!  

Fuck, could the system fool me? If I hadn't accepted the mission is it possible that Renka-chan wasn't in any danger? Don't tell me that the cause of her being in danger was that I accepted the mission?! Now I believed that the second option was very likely!

"I think he entered that place!"

"W-Wait, Renka-chan!"

Renka-chan chooses a building from the place at random and then starts running towards it. She really was quite an energetic and impatient girl! So, with no other choice, I quickly run after her while the others follow me.

" seem very concerned about Renka-chan whom you just met, Alexander-kun"

" ... "

Miu-chan who quickly catches up to me and stands next to me suddenly says that to me while showing a bit of disco,mfort in her eyes. It seems that she is a little jealous...

“Of course she worries me, Miu-chan. By her words, her uncle was someone dangerous wanted by the law! 

But of course it's not just her the one who worries me, you know? I also care a lot for Miu-chan!"

“E-Eh? ...W-well, it's true that Master Ma's brother seems dangerous. Also, he might recognize Renka-chan since he is her uncle... so, if he sees her, then surely it could be troublesome."

"... h-how can you say those words without embarrassment you, Alexander-senpai?"

With my answer, then Miu-chan gets a little nervous. She actually looked pretty cute acting that way. Also, more than a question, Kenichi's words seemed more like a self-criticism. Sadly, I couldn't help him much with that... it's just a problem that all teens must overcome on their own. Only time can help him to don't feel nervous when talking to girls.

Although… due to his past where he was bullied, he was probably a bit shyer than most people are in this matter at that age. Probably as long as he continues training with those Masters he will gain more self-confidence, after that, I think he would not have much problem getting a girl. After all, I still think he's lucky with women...

...the proof is that Miu-chan pays a lot of attention to him... and he has even called Renka-chan's attention a bit too! Well... it may not be for good reasons with the latter. So, although I can speak more relaxed with these two girls, I can not think that I am the victor to win the affection of them. 

But... to be honest, I think I have the advantage a bit!

It's a shame that I can't enjoy teasing Miu-chan a bit more or trying to cheer up Kenichi a little, when we entered the building after Renka-chan, things had developed much faster than I had thought.

“Ma Sogetsu, I'll stop you! You have to take responsibility for all the things you have done so far! "


Renka-chan taking a position according to her style was already in front of a big man who was holding a wine container and who was looking at her a little curiously...Curse! This girl is quite impulsive!

Although perhaps I should also praise her for being able to speak like that with that man who was her uncle… this man's aura was the same as the Ryosanpaku masters! Also, above his head I could read the number of [130]!!

So it was not strange that just by feeling this now Kenichi's legs seemed to shake a little... also, Miu-chan had recognized this person as a strong enemy since she instantly put herself in a defensive pose while looked carefully at Ma Sogetsu.

On the other hand, as I  also placed myself in a pose preparing for the fight, I couldn't help but think for a bit that if indeed he and Master Ma were brothers! Comparing them in my head these two were just totally opposite!!

The physique of this man did not lose to those of Apa and Sakaki! He was a large man with bulging muscles all over his body. It was as if this man had been lucky enough to inherit all the best genes from his family while Master Ma was not so lucky in that regard and only received the worst...

Well… if you think about it, Master Ma's body was more in line with the martial art he practiced. Chinese Kenpo, more than muscle development, largely focuses on internal energy control.

So if you ask me, this guy didn't look like someone who did Chinese Kenpo! Well... this one indeed has a lot of styles and varieties, so I shouldn't jump to those conclusions so fast. What I am sure of is that I should ask Master Ma to teach me the style that his brother trains!



While the three of us were evaluating Master Ma's brother a bit, Renka-chan wasted no time and had already started attacking his uncle with a barrage of kicks. It really seems that the way of greet from this girl is like this...

"Let's go"

With her starting to fight, a 3 minute counter pops up in my head and reminding me that the mission had started, so I couldn't allow him to hurt Renka-chan! Of course, this wasn't just to complete the mission.

…While I start attacking him so that he doesn't focus all his attention on Renka-chan, while I was a bit careful and tried not to miss any moves he made, for the first time I felt the pressure to fight against a master who could seriously hurt me!

… I may have received several strong blows from Apa which were quite painful, but… it could be said that behind his blows there were no bad feelings. Rather it was the opposite, you might think that these were loaded with good emotions since he only wanted to teach... unfortunately, those good feelings hurt a lot too!

Also, now that I didn't have my domain, I could feel the pressure that his aura exerted on me! Maybe now I understood a little more the people that had fought with me… this was not pleasant at all! I just felt my body become heavier by only stay close to him!!

But maybe I was still a bit luckier than those guys that fought with me... since my dominance was even stronger than a Master's aura, then they must have had a harder time at having to resist a greater pressure on them.

Well, if I compare Ma's brother's aura to the other Masters, it wasn't the most aggressive either, possibly Sakaki surpasses him in that regard. Or it might just be because even though we had been attacking him for some time, it didn't seem like this man had taken us seriously!

…Until now he kept blocking our movements while holding that container that contained wine and drinking from it looking total unconcerned! Although that was a bit annoying, for me it was better that the time continuing to pass while I just watching for if something unexpected happens and thus being able to avoid that Miu-chan and Renka-chan were hurt.

As for Kenichi… let's let the world be the one who protects him a bit. After all, he still is someone favored by this one, right?


Ma Sogetsu suddenly frowns as he directs the nozzle of the wine canteen downward as if to check that his wine had indeed run out... unfortunately to us, this seems to have bothered him a bit!

So as if he wanted to vent his discontent over this with someone, he chose the person closest to him which this time was Renka-chan… I could clearly see how his next punch was concentrated with the greatest amount of energy during all this fight until now!!


"Watch out!!"





[[Ki Control] skill learned]

Whooh~ That was close! Moving as fast as I can, I push Renka-chan aside while also concentrating all of my energy that I can on my blow that collides with Ma Sogetsu's!

In my vision, I could see how these two colliding energies try to cancel each other out, and unfortunately, mine was the one that ultimately lost. Still, the force of that blow had been greatly reduced and I was only pushed back a little.

Although I felt it was a bit impressive, surely for the others this was simply two hits that made a great sound when colliding. It was also not like lightning and thunder or other things like that came out of the shock from our fist...

“Hoo~ You're pretty good for your age, boy. You even seemed to have more talent than that other boy...

It's a pity for you that now I don't feel the desire to continue playing... "

"O-Osan... if it bothers that much that you have run out of wine, then I wouldn't mind buying more from you, you know? "

"It's not a bad offer, but... I don't want to take money from a child, you know?"


Fuck you old man! You do not accept the wine that a boy buys you on goodwill but you have no qualms about hitting him?! Your damn ideology doesn't hold up !!

"Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai / Boy!!"

After trying to assuage this man's annoyance, the next thing I know was that I was staring at the roof of the building while feeling my body seemed to rise too… I don't even know if it was a kick or a punch! The only thing I understood is that I was hit since my nerves send the pain signal to my brain in the next second!

Shit, shit, shit! I felt my consciousness clouding little by little, but ... somehow I managed to keep it up. This is pretty fucked up! While I was quite happy about the notification from before of the System, it would be a total disgrace if the mission failed now that there were only about 10 seconds left for this mission objective to be completed!!


Even though I managed not to lose consciousness earlier, my situation had only gotten worse… after being lifted up by that kick or punch while the others screamed, Ma Sogetsu had held me with one of his hands putting my back against the wall. So the next thing I feel was how my body seemed to be stabbed...

For the first time I experienced what it felt like for a person's energy to enter your body to cause internal damage! It was a bit strange how even though he only seemed to be putting a little more pressure on my stomach, that could make practically all my body shake… it was something similar to the shock wave I felt for the bombs in B-Tooom!

…Damn, this just brings me back bad memories!

"Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai / Boy!!"

"D-Don't coming- Kuaaaaah!!!"

“Hmn… you have something of courage, boy. Let's see how much you can resist"

A-At least a couple more seconds, please! Then it doesn't matter if I faint!! 

While I was spitting up a little blood as I yelled at the others that wanted to come here to help me, I also focused all my energy on the part of my stomach to try to hold out longer. Now my only goal was for the damn 3 minutes to complete! I never would have thought that such a short time seemed so long...

The good thing was that thanks to the skill I had just learned, I now improved a bit in the control of my energy. The downside was that now I had to seriously consider whether this damn world and the system want to turn me into a masochist! After all, it seems that many Masters have a bit of a sadistic side! While resisting his blows, this guy smiled a bit as if this amused him!

It really would be so much easier to just pass out… I don't think this man takes things too far and kills me. In fact, his aura didn't have much animosity against us who had attacked him.

D-Damn it... j-just a few more seconds and then I can pass out without worrying about anything!

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