Soul Evolution System

Chapter 313 Unexpected Rewards

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"Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai / Boy !!"

These last 10 seconds were literally torture for me! Little by little I could feel my conscience becoming more and more cloudy... seeing the counter approaching number 1 more and more was the only thing that made my mind a little distracted and gave me the strength to resist this!

"Well... I think that we already played enough"


Damn it, just a couple more seconds and I can complete the mission! But... Why does it seem like he also knows about this counter?!! After his words, Ma Sogetsu concentrates even more energy than before and then he prepares to end this.

"That's enough!!"


"Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai / Boy!!"

Apparently, the luck had not completely abandoned me. That last moan that comes out of my mouth instead of being due to Ma Sogetsu's blow, it was because I had fallen to the ground since he has to back down due to the person who had arrived.

"Ha ... kohon! Kohon! Kohon! Fuck... you're late Master Ma!"

After coughing up the blood that had gotten stuck in my throat, I have no hesitation in complaining to the man who finally decided to show up! Yes, finally this pair of brothers had been able to see each other's faces again!!


[Mission / Optional “Fight a master (Ma Sogetsu) - G”

Objective: Fight Ma Sogetsu for 3 minutes - Completed

Prevent Renka From Being Hurt - Completed]

Well, the following notification of the System makes it feel like all of that before was worth it! Furthermore, I was also quite happy that because of this fight I had finally obtained Ki control ability!!

“You did well so far, Alexander-kun. I saw how you tried to protect Renka just now, it was quite brave. 

Now you can leave it to your Master. "

"Y-Yes… thanks for helping me before, um… Alexander"


[Ma Kensei Affection +30]

[Renka Affection +20]

[Mission / Main " Become a disciple of Ryozanpaku"

Objective: Become an official disciple of Ma Kensei - Completed]

Ooh! It seems that the good things for my effort were not over! Finally I complete the first objective of that mission! Well... I believe that the other objectives also I will be able to do it soon. Perhaps it is only necessary for them to break a small barrier of their affection towards me like now with Master Ma.

…The only thing is that I hope I don't have to go through a similar situation again for could accomplish that! Only for Shigure-san could I be willing to do this again!!

Well, that Master Ma's affection surpassed the digit of 100 was very good and all, but... there was also something in his words that I couldn't put aside!

“Master Ma… if you saw that I had helped Renka-chan before, then... that means you have been here for a while, right?! Why are you showing up until now?!!"

"E-Eh? W-Well... "

"Fufufu... so you used me a bit to train your disciple, Kensei."

Undoubtedly Ma Sogetsu's words were correct! Surely seeing that his brother had no killing intent, he must have thought that it would not be bad for all of us to experience fighting against someone of Master level in order to gain a little experience. 

I can understand that, but...

I don't think it was necessary for me to turn into a punching bag or log to practice punches! He certainly could have appeared before that happened!!

“…So you've really come, brother. It's been a while since we've last seen each other. "

Avoiding answering me or just agreeing with Ma Sogetsu's words, upon hearing him speak, Master Ma turns his attention back to his brother while having a complex look when he observed him.

Then, both begin to discuss a little about things from the past of both. As we watched them, anyone could tell that the truth was that these two did not have a bad relationship or some kind of resentment between them. Perhaps it was even the opposite, both seemed to feel some affection for the other...

Well... they were brothers after all, and as I said before, Ma Sogetsu didn't give me the feeling of being a bad person. They probably only had small differences of opinion on some things but nothing extreme.

…To be honest, the truth is that I wish Master Ma was a little more upset that his beloved disciple had been mistreated! It would not be bad if he wanted to take revenge for me at least a little!

But even with all of the above, in the end, this pair of brothers conclude up fighting. I think that since they are both martial artists, maybe they can understand each other more and also fix their differences better in this way than otherwise... 

[Pan!] [Pan!] [Pan!]

So the next few minutes was a pretty good display of ability from two Chinese Kenpo users. Each blow of each one of them produced a sound even greater than the clash of my fist against Ma Sogetsu from before. Well, even though Aurora mentioned to me before that my body would accumulate a greater amount of energy than compared to another person of the same level, the difference with someone of a level 2 soul did not seem to be small either...

It was quite impressive when the fists or kicks they dodged and hit the walls left considerable marks on them! Also, both were quite even in strength, so... surely this building would collapse first than either of them!!

In the end, my prediction comes true. Due to the damage that they do to this place, this caused the building to be on fire and therefore we have to get out of here! Not that his fists produced fire… they must have just hit a gas pipe or something like that.


[Mission / Optional "Fight a master (Ma Sogetsu) - G " - Complete - A

On the path of martial arts, disciples must not only learn the teachings of their Masters but also need to overcome various challenges and experiences with which they can gain even more experience than just practicing.

Objectives: Resist in a fight against Ma Sogetsu for 3 minutes. (You can receive the help of colleagues)

Prevent Renka from being hurt

Watch the two brothers fight.

Rewards: Skill [Fighting Technique: Chinese Kenpo ] Rank up

1 M x Crystals

10M x Gold 

Additional Reward: 1x Technique Scroll [To choose] (Soul Level 1-2)

1 M x Crystals

10M x Gold ]

"M-Master Ma, this..."


The fight had to stop because of that and that apparently Master Ma managed to land a good blow on his brother. That blow seemed to affect Ma Sogetsu quite a bit, but... after all, neither of them wanted to take the life of the other and things stopped there.

Pitifully, Master Ma's brother had refused to leave the place on fire in the end… it was a bit sad that such a strong person didn't seem to have much desire to live. 

For this reason, then Kenichi looks at Master Ma with a little sadness in his eyes...

“…I don't think something like a fire could kill someone who could only knock down a building with his fists. We will surely see him again."

Noticing how a somewhat depressing atmosphere had formed, I spoke trying to cheer up Kenichi and Master Ma who was watching the building burn too.

While he wasn't immune to fire like I am, I don't think he would have a hard time breaking down a few walls to get out of there. Perhaps the only problem was that Master Ma's brother did not seem to continue living... so if he did not try to leave that place, surely he would die cremated.

But my words weren't just to try to cheer up these two, when Kenichi did talk to that guy a bit, something he said seemed to make his eyes show a bit of motivation for a second. Now that I remember, Kenichi had met a blond guy who should be this Master's disciple recently… besides, he was also a member of Ragnarok.

That guy didn't seem to have much interest in fighting Kenichi at the moment… well, given the levels of both of them now, my little Kohai probably doesn't have much of a chance to win against him. And I'm not very interested in fighting him either… besides, I think he's one of my students at school... so if I hit him, then my job could be at risk! So, Kenichi should take care of that guy.

Well, the point is that Master Ma's brother now had a reason to continue living. Therefore, it is very likely that we will meet again. 

Honestly, that makes me a little happy… I don't hold a large grudge against him as to want that him die in that fire, but... I would definitely like to hit him a bit once I reach his level!

“Well… we better get out of here. Technically, you are one of those responsible for the fire in that building and... I don't plan to pay for it! 

...Kuh! "

" A-Are you okay, Alexander/ Alexander-kun? "

"E-Eh? T-That's ... let's get out of here! "

"M-Master Ma?"

"...I'll tell Grandpa about this, Master Ma!"

When I start to hear the sound of sirens, I take that as a signal to get out of here. So when I take a few steps, my legs wobble… damn it! It seems I took more damage than I thought!

Seeing my state, Renka-chan and Miu-chan approach me and the first one lends me her shoulder to support me to walk... so, during our way back, I can feel the softness of her breasts press against me while Miu-chan seemed a little disgusted by this.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

Several days after the fight against Ma Sogetsu, we had had a short vacation from training at the dojo. The reason for this was as a punishment for having fought against Master Ma's brother, and also for me to recover from my injuries.

After Akisame checked me out, the internal damage to my body was not small! It's not as if I would die or something, but it was best to rest for a few days. Although the truth was that perhaps I did not need that much time. Thanks to Akisame's treatment and some potions that I had, my recovery should be quite fast.

It was good that since what happened in B-Tooom I had always left various potions and pills in my clothes in case I had to use them in an emergency. I just hope this is not repeated constantly or else I will have to rely on Akisame solely as my storage is locked and I cannot replenish them now!

Although I wasn't able to train in martial arts for now, a couple of good and curious things happened during this time. The good thing that happened is that since Akisame was helping me to recover, I was able to ask him a bit about his technique to heal people.

This was a bit surprising, the boxer guy from before had already fully recovered and now he could happily move his arm that had been disabled.

Also, it seemed that Akisame was quite motivated for me to tried to learn something that was to help people and so he did not hesitate to talk about the technique that he used for this.

The truth is that it's not as if I want to dedicate myself to something like treating sick people, but since the girls and I will live in Gaia, to my regret, it is very likely that they could be injured and therefore would be good to have another way to help them if that happens.

Well, since it's not like I'm going to take advantage from this to become rich or something like that, and...  although I may be somewhat selective, you can still think that I want to learn this art to help others. So when he asked me why I wanted to learn this and I replied that to help people, I was not lying to him...

The name of the technique was [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki ] (Rising Sun Pressure Point Massage)… it had a rather flashy name but, according to Akisame, it was a rather old technique that was lost over time. Well, the most important thing was that this had effects quite good!

Unfortunately, it was also too complex an art! He had begun to learn this even before Jiujitsu and he had barely mastered the basics of it...

Well, after he started explaining a bit about this technique to me, I couldn't doubt his words… in this technique there were many many many pressure points! Also, this seemed to be divided into 7 stages!!

The first stage had to master 27 pressure points. In the second 54, and 108 in the third. These three stages could be said as the initial ones and it is as far as Akisame was able to go on this.

After this were the 216, 432, and 864 pressure points that would be considered to have an intermediate mastery of this technique! That is too much!

There was only one high-level stage where you had to master mix 1,728 pressure points, but… just by hearing that number I could already understand the difficulty of this stage!

Although apparently, at that stage there were only two techniques that could be learned, [Assumption of the rising sun] and [Restoration of the heavens]. Given the names of these, I don't think the effects of these are negligible...

As for the last stage that would be that of an expert, there was only one technique… [Soul Annihilation]. Probably the first thing that happened in my mind when reading this in the great mountain of documents that Akisame had given me was the same as anyone who interpreted those words...

Fuck! Wasn't this supposed to be a healing technique?! How on earth was there a technique with such a dangerous name here?!

When those words came out of my mouth and Akisame heard me, he only replied that it was probably because it was only a guess from who created this technique since that man could never put it into practice...

Although it probably wasn't because this involved killing someone... no, maybe killing isn't the right word, it was more like annihilating a person's existence! Well, the problem was not that but that probably it was impossible for a person from this world to perform this technique... in fact, those of the previous level could not be performed either.

The reason for this was not so much the difficulty, it was rather that a person with soul level 2 could not do it since they did not have enough energy! Maybe not even a person with a level 3 can do it!!

Every time you started to apply the [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] technique, you had to inject a little of your energy into the body of the other person! And even for Akisame who had a Soul level 2, 108 points was his limit before he ran out of energy!!

So doing a combination of 3,456 pressure points that were necessary for the latest technique should be almost impossible !!

Yes, the reason why Akisame could not continue learning this technique was not that he lacked the talent, it was simply because it was impossible for to him continue learning this technique!

…This technique intrigued me a bit, maybe this world was previously 3rd level or even a 4th one! Or maybe the one who created this technique was more than just a genius! Those were the only conclusions I could come to after knowing a little about this ability.

Well, it seems that I had collected an unexpected treasure from this world! The important thing was not how the hell this technique was here, but that it was now in my hands!! This was certainly a very pleasant surprise.

Now I just had to practice it to have a better domain of it... unfortunately, I did not have someone for this. After all, using Kenichi as a guinea pig would be a very cruel thing...

It was good that Akisame offered to teach me about this while I helping out at his clinic. At least I wanted to achieve mastery of the second or third stage before I leave this world!

So now he had added something else to learn in this world. Also, when I return to Gaia, I must share it with Shisuka… of course, I will teach her everything I know in a practical way! After all, they say that one of the best ways to learn is to experience things for yourself!

This was the good thing that had happened during my vacation days. The curious thing was...

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