Soul Evolution System

Chapter 315 Vacation 2

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The one who interrupted our date was a blond boy... to define him better, he was one of those pretty faces that is the envy of most men. Furthermore, he was a member of the Ragnarok and disciple of Master Ma's brother... and also a student from my school.

Well... I remember all that about him, but… what was his name?



As I tried to remember his name and watched those two who walked away, the girls yelled with concern for our companion from the Dojo. Well, since we were on a pedestrian bridge and that guy suddenly appeared throwing Kenichi over it so that they both fell on a public transport bus, I think it's normal that they were worried.

"T-That wasn't Tanimoto-san?"

"Oh, true! That was his name!"

" W-What do we do, sensei?! "

Miu-chan seems to have recognized him too, so I could finally give it a name to that face. Now as Izumi-san says, there was the question of what should we do... I don't think they would agree if I told them to just finish our ice cream and then go back to the dojo. After all, this certainly no longer classified as a simple fight between two boys...

"Apapa~ That wasn't Kenichi?"

"…It is true. What is that boy doing on top of a bus? "

“…It looks like he's fighting someone. The boys of today really like to have fought in a showy way."

As I ate the last piece of my ice cream, I suddenly saw Apa, Sakaki, and Master Ma that coming from the opposite side of this pedestrian bridge.

"Let's go!"

"" Y-Yes!""

As I speak, I run towards these Masters making the girls follow me. At the very least, I think I avoid the hassle of running after a vehicle! So, when I got to them, I jump onto Apa's shoulders and then I speak while pointing out the direction of the public transport bus.

"Apa, follow it!"

"Apapa~ Yes! "

"W-What is happening now?"

"Sakaki-san, Shirahama-san is fighting that boy, we must help him!"

"Eh? But the masters must not interfere in the fights of the disciples... "

"Sakaki-san! That is not a normal fight!

...if you don't help him, then I won't buy more of the alcohol you like!! "


"Well, although we should not intervene, we can at least observe them so that none of them get hurt"

Unlike Apa who was a man with a simple mind and quickly follows my instructions without even asking, the girls take a little time to convince the other Masters to follow us too.


...although Miu-chan had started to run by herself behind the Masters, for Izumi-san would surely be impossible to follow a vehicle by her own feet. So, Sakaki had taken her with one of his arms carrying her while following us.

I understand a little what she should be feeling now... although it seemed like a good idea at first, it was not comfortable to travel on someone's shoulders while they are running! And more if he did it at a speed that surpassed cars!

…Maybe because I had gotten used to being around them I had forgotten that these guys had exceeded the limits of a normal human! Thus, Apa had quickly reached the bus and, while I was holding tightly to Apa's hair, I could now see that those two were fighting.

"W-Why are those two fighting?"

“…The truth is that Tanimoto-kun has always been in love with you, Izumi-san. So he must have exploded with jealousy when he saw you with Kenichi! 

Now Kenichi must be trying to be making it clear to him that he will fight for your love at any cost… even if he has to fight on top of a bus to make this clear to Tanimoto-kun!"

"E-Eh? A-Are they fighting for me? "

I thought it would be a good idea to further enhance this girl's impression of Kenichi, but… to be honest, don't expect her to believe me! Without even doubting my words a bit, she returns her eyes that contained a lot of emotion to the fight!

Unlike Kenichi, this girl doesn't have a little too high self-esteem?!

...well, they say it is easier to believe a lie that is about positive things of one person, than a truth that is something bad.

"...that boy is from a group that Kenichi has had some conflicts with, so the fight is because of that."

Miu-chan tries to tell her the truth about what was happening, but she no longer seemed to be able to hear any words coming out of our mouths now. She was just concentrating on watching the fight with those bright eyes while her hands covering her mouth...

Following the lead of this girl and putting my eyes on those two again, both of them have a bit of an intense fight now. Even though Kenichi had always fought at the disadvantage until now, his opponent was simply very bad for him now... that boy was a 7th limit while he had only recently opened up his energy core!

While it was possible that Kenichi countered to be the weak by having a greater knowledge of fighting techniques with his other opponents, in this case...

“…It seems that unlike Kenichi, that boy is quite talented in martial arts... he probably won't be able to defeat him now. "

"... it's true, it seems that Hamtaro-kun needs to try harder in his training from now..."

"E-Eh? S-Shirahama-san going to lose? "

Yes, as Master Ma says, apart from already surpassing Kenichi in level enough, that boy also did it in technique... practically only the defeat awaited him. 

Shit! I just hope that if Kenichi loses, then I won't be involved in the way these Masters blow off steam when someone they teach loses!!

…I still have to wear this "M" suit until now! I've actually been pretty scared that someone at school will find out I'm using this one, you know?!! If that happens, surely I won't be able to go back to that school!!

Well, leaving that aside for now… while what Master Ma says is true, he really has no mercy in saying that! If Kenichi hears it...

"That is cruel, Ma-Shishio! 

Yes, that's right, I'm just a boy with no talent in martial arts!! I can't even defeat someone who is several years younger than me!! "

Oh! It seems that he hear that... it is very likely that before his body it will be his heart the first that reaches the master level due to those constant attacks of these Masters towards him.

“ That boy's movements are… boy, who taught you that style? "


The person who taught me is who you are imagining... it wast Ma Sogetsu. Unfortunately, that old man asked me to defeat your disciple so that I could continue learning from him... although this is weird, he said that I probably couldn't do it.

...I think that old man underestimated me as this doesn't seem to be a test for me. I thought this boy was hiding his strength at first, but... he really doesn't seem to have a talent for martial arts. "

... b-boy don't follow anymore! You're going to break the poor heart of Hamtaro-kun! Do you know that hamsters can die of depression?! Also... surely the disciple Ma Sogetsu was referring to was me... that old man must have been more specific since now there are 3 people who are disciples of the dojo!

It was already a bit weird to me that this boy suddenly wanted to fight Kenichi… until now he didn't seem so motivated to fight him after all. Well, I didn't plan to fight that blond boy, therefore… don't look at me with those eyes Kenichi! This is simply your destiny and so you need to accept it.

At the end of it all, Kenichi managed to give that boy a good blow. Unfortunately, at the same time, the other boy had also attacked him. Also, because of this, they both get thrown off the bus...

Seeing how the blonde boy can manage to balance himself and adjust his fall while Kenichi was rescued by Master Ma since he now had eyes rolling, it was obvious who had won.

"S-Shirahama-san! Are you ok?!"


“…We will arrange this another time. It seems I have underestimated you, Shirahama Kenichi... "

Well, it seems that he is quite a proud boy… it does not seem that he was satisfied with this victory. It was a bit difficult for him to stand and his feet wobbled as he walked away from here… that blow must have affected him quite a bit.

“It's true that you don't have much talent in martial arts, Kenichi. But… you make up for that with your effort. Besides, it seems that now you have a good rival to defeat... "


After Master Ma helps Kenichi to his feet, then he says that to him while giving him a rather fond look. Finding out that his brother was still alive and that he now even had a disciple, that must have made him very happy.

Also, now that Kenichi had been a bit praised, it seems like it was time for something else...

"Hmp~ Looks like you still need to train a lot more, Hamtaro-kun... otherwise, that boy's difference with you will only get bigger."

“Hehehe, well, that is also true. It would be a bit unfortunate if one of my disciples loses against my brother's. "

"E-Eh? T-Train even more?! I-I will die!! "

…You see it? I knew this would end like this... Kenichi's dark days seem to continue. and these vacation days probably won't last much longer...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

The next day after the Kenichi fight, I thought that we would surely receive some hellish training from these Masters, but… contrary to my expectations, things were not bad at all!

Somehow, the discussion during the morning of this day turned to if the Masters wanted us to relax a little, then a dojo was not the right place for that! When you think of days off or vacations, so of course it had to be beaches, swimming pools, or whatever that involved girls in bathing suits!!

This time, even Kenichi strongly nodded to all of my words while I yelling at the others in this house!

So after both of us insisted a bit, things turned out as I had hoped. They had agreed to go out to a beach to have a little fun! 

Yes, the place was none other than the island that this old man had shamelessly appropriated... he had even named it with his last name!

The truth is that I had some doubts about whether he would fight for this one if the government claimed it as their own... honestly, I think that old could defend for himself as long as they do not use weapons of mass destruction...

Well, now we just had to make preparations to go there! And of course, I quickly went to the restaurant where Renka-chan was staying to ask her to join us! The reason for this was just plain math, the more bikini girls there were, the more fun it will be!!

When I came back together with Renka-chan who had accepted without any problem and actually looked very happy because I have invited her, Kenichi had also done his job bringing even another woman whom I was seeing for the first time... well, certainly she was someone of the female gender, but... it was one that had not fully developed still.

It was Kenichi's little sister. Apparently, when he went to inform his parents to tell them and ask his parents for permission to go out to the beach, his little sister had heard this and he could not prevent her from accompanying him.

"H-Hello… I-I'm Honoka"

…Well, it's not bad to add some cuteness to the group as well. With Miu-chan, Renka-chan, Shigure-san, and even Izumi-san, the level of sexuality in this group had probably reached the maximum level allowed! So little Honoka will help balance this out a bit.

"How cute!"

"U-n ... pre-tty..."

"...So you had a little sister, weak boy."

" S-She is your sister, Shirahama-san? "

Also, the happiest about this were those same girls who upon seeing little Honoka, they had surrounded her as if they were a predator who had located a prey.

" W-Who are these dairy cows?!! "

... it seems that the shyness that she showed at first when she introduced herself had disappeared when saws these girls... I think that, despite her young age, it is very possible that the sensuality of these girls awakened in Honoka her feminine instinct of rivalry against women beautiful.

Even though they only seemed to have good emotions towards Honoka, she looked like a cat with bristling hair showing her teeth... yeah, that is cute.

"Nyaa ~!! S-Stay away! I won't let you all fool my brother with those lumps of meat!! "

“Honoka-chan~ You are so cute~! Can I hug you? "

"He-re... a sw-eet ..."

"I-I am Izumi, n-nice to meet you, Honoka-chan. I am a classmate from your older brother and also a partner from him in this dojo"

"...She seems to have more talent than her brother"

…Sadly, Honoka-chan's defense actions backfired and only further fueled the desire of these girls to want to pamper her a bit… yes, in fact, she was quite cute.

Also, what Renka-chan says may be true. When Miu-chan tries to hug Honoka-chan, she can evade her several time's thanks to her reflexes...

"L- Let go of me, dairy cow!!

E-Eh? A candy!"

Although, when this one gets more serious, it was impossible for the little girl to escape from Miu-chan's arms while Shigure was also stroking the little girl's head and putting a sweet in her mouth.

" seems that she doesn't like that, Miu-chan."

"Eehh ~ But she's such a cute girl~ Hmn? Look, Alexander-kun, she looks a bit like Hamtaro-kun… she has the same eyes as him~ "

It was probably not something mature on my part, but now I felt a little envious of little Honoka whose face had been pushed to those huge breasts of Miu-chan... also, without a doubt, that same thing was the reason why her eyes now resembled Kenichi's… it was simply because those breasts looked extraordinary!

"Oh! A bishounen~!! O-Onisan, who are you?!! "

"I-I'm Alexander… a senpai of your brother too."

After she hears me speak, Honoka sets her eyes on me. Somehow manages to escape from Miu-chan and reach me with quite bright eyes… this little girl's enthusiasm to see me was quite high.

"Hohoho, now that we all that will go to the Island are here, we can leave"

As the old man says, now we were all here, and so we started a little journey until we reached the seashore in a place that seemed a bit hidden... then, there what awaited us was a ship that unexpectedly belonged to the Furinji family...

…If they had some financial problems, then I wonder why they didn't just sell it! This was like owning a Ferrari but without even having your own home! Well… probably not many people would have wanted to buy it anyway.

It was not in bad condition, and you could only say that it was somewhat rustic. In fact, it seemed something that was recently built. 

Soon, that assumption of mine turned out to be totally correct… when we got to the place, Apa had started uprooting some trees with his bare hands to start processing them... then the others had stopped him saying that it was no longer necessary to build another ship!

Also, it was an environmentally friendly boat… taking two big oars, myself and Kenichi became the engine of this boat! 

I had forgotten this… well, the effort is totally worth it! If I can see these girls in bathing suits, then I was willing to row to a fucking continent!!

"Come on~ Alexander! You can do it~"

"Y-You shouldn't push yourself so hard, Alexander-kun... you should do it more calmly or it could give you a heat stroke"

"O-Onichan... Bishounen-san, are you two alright?"

“ S-Shirahama-san, are you okay? "

So, with the concern and encouragement from the girls younger, I and Kenichi move the oars more quickly in order to shorten the time to get to paradise!

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