Soul Evolution System

Chapter 316 Vacation 3

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Kenichi had fallen before me, and therefore just me had to move the oars for a while… I don't think it was just because I had more energy than him, without a doubt my motivation was bigger too! So, I hope this world takes that into account and decides to reward me a bit for this!!

Although… after all, even with a lot of willpower some things are impossible. I also end up succumbing to exhaustion and the hot sun of the sea… so, Apa takes my place and starts rowing hard.

After that, the boat no longer seemed to be sailing through the water! It was more like it had become a hovercraft creating an air cushion underneath it!! I-I shouldn't feel bad about this, these guys weren't normal humans anymore after all!!

…Fuck! It's a bit embarrassing to see the difference in speed with which the ship is moving now! It was as if I was the engine of a small Volkswagen beetle while Apa was a powerful V12 of a sports car!! No… at least I would be a V6 and Kenichi would be the V4!!

The good news was that due to this, we come more quickly to our destination! The bad, now me and Kenichi were exhausted and could only lie on the sand of the sea trying to recover.

It was a relief that we both decided to wear the swimsuits earlier... if we wanted to do it now, then we wouldn't even have the strength for that!

"We came back…"

"Y-You shouldn't stare at people so intently, Alexander-kun!"

"H-How do I look, Alexander?"

"S-Shirahama-san… do I look good?"

"Onichan and Onisan, let's play~!"

"" ... ""

When I lift my head when hearing the girls who had returned from changing their clothes, the tiredness that I felt begins to disappear at an extremely high rate! Now I even felt that I had more energy than before!!

All the girls were now wearing swimsuits!

Miu-chan was wearing a bikini with a blue and white striped pattern... although, since the clothes she normally wore perfectly highlighted all the proportions of her body, I must say that the impact of seeing her was not that surprising. Despite that, seeing her expose much more skin was a pretty good thing to thank that swimsuit for!

On the other hand, Renka-chan had surprised me a bit more. Because she seemed to be a bit more open-minded girl, I had thought that I might see her wearing a perhaps a bit sassy bikini. Unexpectedly, she chose a one-piece swimsuit for swimming...

I can't lie… my first thought was that this was a bit disappointing. Of course, I wasn't stupid enough to let these out of my mouth and just nod to her question instead.

Instantly she gets quite happy and then she starts jumping a bit on joy… at that moment I realized that no swimsuit could be underestimated! Because her chest area bulged out to a great extent and that red swimsuit was a single piece of clothing as the name suggests, then each movement of those breasts made the crotch part tighter!

My eyes were simply drawn to that place as it gave the impression that what that swimsuit should hide would be exposed at any time! Unfortunately... or fortunately for Renka-chan, the elasticity of this fabric was quite good and it only pulled those breasts down for these to try to return to normal.

Despite Miu-chan's complaints from earlier, I couldn't help but watch that swimsuit stretch and return to normal on several occasions... that swimsuit seemed like it had come to life! No, it was probably Renka-chan who had brought this one to life!!

Compared to the two of them, Izumi-san had a more normal body... there is no doubt that she looked good in that white Bikini, but... exchanging the look between her and those two girls from before, then the word "normal" would even become "lacking"... I think it was simply unfair to compare her with them, these girls were not equal weight opponents for Izumi-san.

Even so, Izumi-san seemed quite happy that Kenichi's gaze was focused on her. Although, I knew the truth of this… it wasn't because Kenichi had already fallen completely in love with her! It was rather because if he laid eyes on the other two girls, then he probably wouldn't find where to look!

Therefore, his only option was to set his eyes on Izumi-san which could be said to be a safe zone...

“Onichan and Onisan, you can't be fooled by those dairy cows~! You better play with me! "

Probably noticing that my and Kenichi's attention was totally on the girls, a little annoyed, Honoka begins to pull our hands for us to accompany her to play. She was also wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit, only unlike Renka-chan's, hers added to her just cuteness.

"Wait, before you go to play, first you will have to do something... after that, you two can have fun all you want "

"Hohoho... it will just be a little training, don't be worry"

"Hehehe, it will only be for a moment, so you don't have to worry that it's for a long time."

When we started walking towards the sea with Honoka pulling us, suddenly Akisame, the old man, and Sakaki talking us... seeing the big smile in those last two men and remembering the anime a bit, I was sure that what they wanted us to do was not something good!

Unfortunately, it seems that if we wanted to spend time with the girls, then we had to do what they say... so, with no other choice, we walked behind Shigure-san, Master Ma who all this time took pictures of the girls, and those three from before that interrupted my fun.

Also, it was a bit unfortunate that not all the girls had put on a swimsuit… Shigure-san was still wearing the same short skirt kimono as always! Although… I really don't have many complaints about this either! After all, that Kimono did not lose in anything to the girls' swimsuits!!

Not long after parting from the other girls, we all reached a cliff... this place already had a bad feeling, but... to make it even worse, several misfortunes began to happen in this place!

The first thing was that suddenly the old man began to undress until he only had a small piece of cloth which only covered his private parts! Was the psychological torture really necessary?! Also, how come this old man doesn't feel a little embarrassed wearing that?

…Well, the old man is probably proud to have that body at his age, so it's not that I don't fully understand why he doesn't care about this. But... I think now I understand a little more the refusal of some girls to wear bikini type armor... sometimes it is more embarrassing to wear some kind of clothes than to be naked!

"P-Please Alexander-senpai, don't wear something like that..."

"Damn it! I'd rather be naked than wear a loincloth like that! "

"Noo! Please, noooo!!"

…I thought Kenichi was teasing me a bit, so I quickly replied that. Although, it was also true that my words were totally true. 

When he listens to me, while shedding some tears and clinging to my leg, he begins to beg me not to do that... apparently, the reason for his words was for another reason than to make fun of me a little.

“Well, now you both have to jump from this place into the sea. This will be a test of courage!"



The words of the old man in loincloth fully confirmed my assumption... I already knew that this will be ending happening since we arrived at this place!

"J-Jump? A- Are you kidding, Old Man? "

“…Old man, one thing it is to be brave and another very different one to be stupid! There are peaks down there! What if for some reason I hit one of those? ”!!

While Kenichi kept denying the madness that this old man was saying, on the other hand, I get closer to the edge to look down. Since I previously fell from a building, although it was not pleasant at that time, at least it did not seem as tall as that building... and also knowing that what was below was water and not asphalt, I thought about finishing this quickly so I can go back to the girls.

But... at looking down, that thought instantly changed. In that place the waves were hitting several crags that jutted out of the water! Besides, one thing was to think about it and another to do it! Now this place seemed even higher than that building... just by put my eyes there caused me to be a little dizzy!!

"Hohoho... surely you won't be so unlucky enough to hit a crag"

"Fuck you! I'm not going to leave my life to something like luck!! "

“I- I'll die! If I jump from this place, then I will die!! "

"Umu... well, maybe if you experience it once that will help you"



"Ho~ You really have improved a lot, little one... well, then Kenichi-kun will do it first"

“ W-What are you doing, old man? Nooo!! "

Thanks to all the training of these two months, my body had reacted before I knew it and I had already moved away from there before the old man could hold me! Unfortunately, Kenichi had stayed in that place still... I would also scream if an old man in a loincloth hugged me from behind!

...I really didn't know if Kenichi's screams were due to the old man walking to the cliff, or because he was feeling something in his butt...

"Ho Ho Ho"


As if the place was not high enough, the old man jumps several meters up and they both fall off the cliff...

“You see it, little Alexander. Nothing bad has happened.

Will you do it by yourself or do you want me to jump with you too?"

"... Kuh!"

…Several minutes later, the old man returns together with Kenichi. Seriously, how can he say that while holding Kenichi who looks passed out? What came out of his mouth I don't think is seafoam!

Sadly, I can only groan to see that the alternative that the old man mentioned sounded much worse! I'd rather jump alone than in the arms of this old man!!

"It's al-right... it won't ha-ppen... no-thing bad... A-lex"

Seeing my doubts, suddenly Shigure-san takes a step forward, and then she turns this hell into heaven! She begins to remove garment by garment of her clothes! So, in a matter of a few minutes, now Shigure-san was almost completely showing her white skin in front of me while only wearing some bandage-like fabrics to cover her chest and also a loincloth similar to the old man's.

…It's amazing how the same thing can look totally different depending on who's wearing it! Those just didn't appear to be similar objects!! One, for me could only be an infernal item while, on the other hand, the one that Shigure used was something divine!!

My eyes could only follow those long legs and fleshy buttocks that were divided by that divine article... it was a shame that she threw herself off the cliff and because of this I could no longer observe her!

“Even Shigure has jumped by herself now, boy. Now you do not have... h-hoy, are you listening to me?!"

The truth is that now I couldn't care less about Sakaki's words since at this moment I only had one goal in mind, to follow that divine image that my eyes had captured!

"Oh~! He Jumped... "


Since I can't bear to be so far from that white ass, I just keep behind it!

"U-n... well do-ne... A-Alex"

“S-Shigure-san… I-I got a cramp! Help me! "


Soon I was next to her again! Also, as I look up, it seems that Kenichi had woken up and was crouching looking towards this place now… I think I heard his voice earlier. Furthermore, looking at there from here, that place no longer seemed so high. You just have to find your motivation to be able to jump...

Leaving that aside, although I liked being able to see Shigure-san wearing those clothes and I would probably never get bored of that, the truth is that this was no longer enough for me! Therefore, I looking for an excuse to be able to be closer to her! So I start to pat the water a little to make it look like I'm drowning...

I don't think you can say that this was totally a lie… I was actually drowning! Although it was not due to the water! What was suffocating me was the immense desire that she awakened in me!!

"Hmn? A-re... you fi-ne ... A-lex?"

I already knew her personality a little bit and therefore, I knew that she would not ignore me! Then as I had thought, she comes up to me and holds me!! Just because of these occasions I could bear to have a slim body… thanks to this, Shigure-san had no problem in being able to hug me and continue swimming so as not to us drown.

"A-lex... you're ma-king me... ti-ckles..."

…If it weren't because it would be counterproductive and make it harder for her to swim, right now I would be stuck like a leech to Shigure-san's body! There is only one thing better than contemplating the beauty of a woman and that is precisely being in physical contact with her!

"A-lex ... ti-ckles ..."

"...I'm sorry... I couldn't find where to hold onto..."

…Although it was a bit difficult for me to take advantage of Shigure-san due to her somewhat childish personality since for me she was like a goddess who could not stain, it was also true that if I did not take this opportunity, then surely I could not call me a man! So my hands had started to caress her waist a bit the moment she hugged me. 

...I think she had 0 experience in these matters as her reaction to just this was something quite remarkable...


As we started to swim towards shore, suddenly a loud cry from Kenichi draws our attention to the cliff where he was. He had a rather worried face, and there was a quite justifiable reason for that... looking at the same place as him, Honoka could be seen on a small lifeboat while was surrounded by sharks!


…All the fear that Kenichi showed before completely disappears and in the next instant he throws himself off the cliff. Well, I also couldn't continue to play with Shigure-san while a little girl was in danger! So I also started swimming towards Honoka.

To be honest, I had to praise Kenichi for this… the sharks around Honoka were 5th limit and although they probably didn't classify as monsters, these creatures were still quite intimidating! Not to mention that they were in their natural environment and people were at a total disadvantage in the sea!

...if it weren't because I had fought against worse things and also had some confidence in my abilities now, I really don't know if I could act in the same way as him.

Well, seeing as he threw punches without thinking much at the sharks, more than courage, I think that Kenichi's action was more something reckless and desperate...


Contrary to him, taking a shark as an objective I focus my energy on my right hand, and then by the first time I try to use the skill [Futae no Kiwami] on a living creature... I thought maybe because of a moment of pressure I could be successful this time around, but after taking that hit, the shark just walks away quickly.

…I Failed again? I felt something different this time and even I seemed to hear a little buzzing… well, maybe it was just my imagination. I still need to practice more.

Well, what matters is that we achieved our goal of keeping the sharks away and, so now that the danger was gone, all of us were back to the shore again. Also, since Kenichi and I had completed the Master's test, we can now have total fun without having to worry about another intervention from them!

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