Soul Evolution System

Chapter 318 Vacation 5

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Today had been quite good, I was able to enjoy watching the girls in a swimsuit, and also playing with them. The scenes where those wonderful breasts bounced while we played with a beach ball or the accident where the waves washed away the upper part of Miu-chan's swimsuit will be deeply etched in my memory!

Also... the extraordinary thing was how Renka-chan managed to make her one-piece swimsuit move to expose her torso... I don't think Renka-chan was an accident at all. That girl can be quite determined once she has something in mind! It is a pity that she was the only one to whom Master Ma did not pay so much attention and therefore he was not very interested in photographing that wonderful scene... although, I think it was understandable since he was her father.

But, without a doubt, the most annoying and frustrating thing was how that damn old man watched me with those bright eyes every time I got close to Miu-chan! Well... all was not lost, at least I will try to get Master Ma to give me a copy of the photographs of Miu-chan! And of course, from Shigure-san too!

It is a pity that the sun can only stay in the sky for a few hours at a time...  I wish sometimes could control it and make it shine for more time so that way I would have more time to spend with the girls!

...I wonder if at some level of Soul that will be possible?

Well, with the sun setting and the night getting a bit chilly, it was a shame the girls needed to cover up a bit despite being next to a bonfire that we make with some logs that Apa brought from within of Island. Besides, soon it was also time to rest and soon the girls went into some tent houses... Haaa ~.

Unfortunately, probably due to all the excitement accumulated during the day, I could not fall asleep... so, without any alternative, I went a bit into the Island until I reached a small river while the others rested.

Also, perhaps because I had been practicing everything that those Masters taught me daily for two months, these days that I could not do it, I felt a bit uneasy. Maybe if I did it in front of them, they might stop me as I was supposed to be in recovery from the internal damage caused by Master Ma's brother.

…It is good that the history of this world did not change much and that guy continued living. Now I only hope to soon reach a level where I can make him pay for the torture from that time!

Putting that thought aside a little in my mind, I spread my arms and began to move them in circles around me, and in the same way, I did something identical with my feet while moving my body a little.

After the fight with that guy, I thought the best thing would be to increase my defense... and there was no better way to do that than to master the [Sheikuken] skill! I had previously spent less time on it than the [Futae no Kawami] skill, but now I wanted to be successful with the first one.

Also, because my [Ki Control] had improved, I think it will be much easier for me to do it now. So repeating all of the above to understand the limitations of my movements, I also begin to imagine that I am fighting someone...

The first option for this was Master Ma's brother, but… most of the time of that fight that old man was playing around! Also, the moment he finally got a little serious, I just couldn't capture his movements with my eyes!! So I had no alternative to looking for another image as an opponent...

The next that appeared in my head was Miu-chan with whom I had already fought a couple of times, her movements were certainly easier to understand than that guy. Unfortunately, there was also a big problem… every time I tried to imagine her, then her bulging chest and protruding hips was the only thing I could imagine! Also, it didn't help that I had recently seen her in a swimsuit suit!!

...that way I can't concentrate by having her as an opponent to practice now.

My last resort was Kenichi… he has improved a lot since I met him. Though... that was not enough. Well, I will imagine him with Miu-chan's movements! That way there will be no problem!

D-Damn it… the image of him wearing a leotard popped into my mind! T-That was dangerous… maybe I shouldn't have combined too much the image of those two.

With the problems solved after a few minutes, I begin to practice again on the small river that flowed downhill towards the sea. For a while I had seen Kenichi do something similar before here, apparently, since he has now opened his energy core the Masters also began to teach him the [Sheikuken]...

So try to mimic him a bit too. My goal was to move through the river creating the least alteration in it either against the flow or that my movements were together with this one. Also, I had to get used to my movements a bit again since now I was not wearing that strange outfit that Akisame give me...

While it is true that now I feel a slight improvement in my movements when reacting to an attack from Kenichi's shadow that imitated Miu-chan's movements, the truth is that I did not like the idea of having to go back to use it!

It is true that they say that to be strong it is necessary to make some sacrifices, but… that is simply going too far! Without a doubt, the idea behind the creation of this costume is not bad, but … surely there are better ways to apply this one! At least I will look for something in the system that has a similar function... I am not taking that thing from this world to Gaia!

Little by little my movements took up more place in my concentration until at a certain point my mind seemed to go a bit blank... in my eyes now only the image of Kenichi attacking me was reflected while I evaded or blocked to counterattack him...

So, before I knew it, not only was my energy concentrated in my hands and feet, at some point it seemed that all my pores were emanating a very slight amount of energy and this had formed a small domain around me!


[Skill [Ki Control] Rank up]

[Skill [Sheikuken] learned]

[Skill [Sheikuken] Rank up +2]

Woooh~ I really could learn the skill! Also, it seems that this also helps my energy control! Not only that, somehow my [Seikuken] ability leveled off twice!!

[Pan]… [Pan]… [Pan]

While a big smile formed on my face for my achievement, suddenly, from my back I heard the sound of applause that sounded in somewhat slow intervals...

So, when I turned in that direction, wearing some white fabrics to cover her important parts, there was a goddess being bathed in the moonlight... Shigure-san who was still wearing her "Swimsuit" was sitting on a big stone on the river bank.

... either because she came stealthily or I was really very focused, I did not realize that she had arrived here. Well, that was probably for the best… otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to focus on performing the [Sheikuken]! After all, just her presence captured all my attention!!

"U-n ... you-'ve tried ha-rd ... A-lex... 

You-'ve improved e-nough ..."

Almost as if I had teleported, I was already under the stone where she was as I gazed at her intently and enjoyed her flattery.

"I'm happy if you think that, Shigure-san!"

In truth, hearing her say that made me quite happy, not only did I answer her words with that to look good with her. Then, after watching her for a while, I immediately move until I reach her side. So when she sees me trying to sit next to her, it seems like she's in a pretty good mood as she continues to compliment me!

"U-n... your bo-dy... now it's mo-re... manly nil ..."

Well… about that last, I could only smile bitterly since I don't think I have changed that much physically yet… or maybe it was just because if I compare myself to those Masters then I couldn't say that I had improved my appearance very much...


I don't know if it was due to my reaction to her next words, but as if to comfort me, Shigure-san takes out a Kunai and hands it to me. Then right away she starts stroking my head!

"...Thank you, Shigure-san"

"On-ly Shigure... is fi-ne ... you call Apa and Saka-ki only ... by their na-mes ... "


As she patted my head, I removed my eyes from the Kunai [H] rank that I was analyzing out of curiosity to direct them towards her again. So, after I thank her and she says that to me, it seemed to me that a small smile had formed on her face...


That smile seemed to cast a spell on me for a few seconds... this simply made me unable to contain myself for more time! I was a bit hesitant to do this, but… in the end, I bring my face close to hers and take her lips!!

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(POV Ma Kensei)

After seeing little Alexander go into the forest, Akisame, Sakaki, and I followed him. We were probably just a little curious about what the boy wanted to do, so we moved behind him without him noticing us.

I don't think there are bears or dangerous animals on this Island, but it is not a bad thing to be careful in case we are wrong. Although… maybe with the boy's improvements he could take care of something like that. After all, he recently didn't even seem to be scared off by sharks.

But... if he just wanted to spend some time alone, it would be best to leave. He is a young boy and he had been quite stimulated all day today after all... so it would not be strange if he wanted to vent some things a little perhaps.

Fortunately for everyone, the boy seems like he just wanted to practice a little...

"Tch... that damn brat continues to improve very quickly..."

"That's true..."

"Well, he also tried hard after all. Although... shouldn't we stop him as he was hurt, Akisame?"

"...the last time I checked he was almost completely recovered, so there should be no problem because he exercises a bit."

It seems that the reason for him coming here was none other than training a bit. The amazing thing was that you could practically see the improvements in this boy from one day to the next! In just two months his movements were quite polished...

Even though telling Kenichi-kun that he wasn't very talented had become a way of making him try hard… well, it was also to annoy him a bit. But the thing is, he wasn't that bad… but if you compare him to little Alexander, it would really seem that he had no talent.


"Hehehe... that brat seems to have a hard time concentrating just like Hamtaro-kun. In that, both are somewhat similar. "

"" ... ""

Akisame and I could only smile bitterly at Sakaki's words… those two kids were quite expressive. From here, we could see how Alexander tries to concentrate but his face begins to change several times... from a serious look, it changes to an angry one, then he begins to drool a little... immediately after, it seems that his face turns pale and finally seems to be getting serious again.

Seeing him be so dedicated, as his Masters, we could only smile at this. On the other hand, even though Sakaki seemed annoyed with him because of this, I know that he was also happy that the person he teaches has that kind of hardworking mentality... so, little Alexander's words were quite spot on. This man was a Tsundere.

“…That brat even though he has also spent enough of his time learning that old healing technique of yours Akisame, he still leaves Hamtaro-kun behind. It doesn't seem like he can catch up with him anytime soon... "

"...not only that, this boy even seems to have more talent than me in that technique..."

"Speaking of which... hehehe, how many old ladies have asked you to give them a happy ending, Akisame?"

“Hahaha, I also heard about that from a police friend. It seems they even had to go to your clinic for an inspection, hahaha "

“…That was certainly quite a serious matter, so you shouldn't make fun of that, Tsundere-Ojisan. Besides, shouldn't you be more worried about your daughter, Ma? The boy may end up stealing your precious daughter"

"I am not Tsundere!!"


I couldn't help but talk about that subject that had caused a little commotion. Also, since it is inevitable that each Master in the Ryozanpaku wants to show that their technique is better and since we cannot do it because that is something that is forbidden in the Furinji house, we could only annoy a little the others to vent this desire.

…Well, if there wasn't that unwritten law in that house, it would probably be much more difficult for all of us to live there. Therefore, it was not strange that these kinds of conversations occasionally occurred while making fun of others a bit.

Although… that matter must really have been somewhat complicated for Akisame and it upset him a bit. Even though he was the one with the least competitive personality of us and, although he seemed calm now while stroking his thin mustache, he does not hesitate to bring up some topics which he knew were perhaps not very pleasant for Sakaki and me to avoid we will continue discussing that matter of him.

That actually seemed to work as Sakaki completely forgot the previous topic and was now looking at Akisame a little annoyed. As for the matter that concerned me...

“Hehehe, I don't have much of a problem on that matter… if that's what my daughter wants, I don't have any reason to get in the way. Also, I don't think little Alexander is someone bad if he stays with my daughter in the end...

Nor is it so strange that a Master's disciple ends up as a couple of his own offspring, but... that is something that is not yet defined. Although I support Renka about her decision... Hehehe. apparently, that girl has some competition...

And unexpectedly, your adopted daughter may be one of those other girls who are Renka's competition… don't you think so, Akisame? "

"" ... ""

The two who had started arguing a bit, fall silent again when I point to a nearby place where Alexander -kun was training. There, Shigure had appeared and was carefully watching the boy who was quite concentrated now as he seemed to dance in that river practicing his movements.

...the truth was that was a bit surprising, it seems that this boy has somewhat managed to get that girl's attention! Shigure takes a seat on a rock, and just watched him closely while she seemed to have fun doing it!

Well... I don't think anyone can deny that he was a pretty handsome little guy. So, it's not so strange that he caught the attention of some girls that also included my daughter… haa~ Even I feel a bit envious because of that!

Although it seems that the effect of the boy not only absorbs the attention of Shigure, the atmosphere becomes peaceful and all of us who were watching were a bit caught in how he was improving very fast as the minutes passed.

The boy seemed to have been caught in a moment of enlightenment! Thensoon his movements were as fluid as the same river where he was dancing...

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