Soul Evolution System

Chapter 319 Vacation 6

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(Continues POV Ma)

A few minutes later, that moment of enlightenment seems to end and the boy stands in the river a little surprised... apparently, he had noticed his improvements in that short time that he had been practicing.

It seems that this boy not only has talent, but also a bit of luck... those moments that occur sporadically and without notifying everyone who practiced some art were very rare, and in truth could only be considered as moments of luck for that person! After all, in that short time, the person can improve something that would normally take months or even years to do!

[Pan]… [Pan]… [Pan]…

Therefore, it was not strange that Shigure was happy for the boy. Even we here could only smile rejoicing at the Alexander-kun's advances.

"Tch... lucky brat..."

"Umu... although it cannot be said that it is all due to luck, the boy's effort is also a very important factor for that to happen."

"That's true, Akisame"

"It really seems that this girl quite likes that little boy… she even gave him one of the weapons that her father did even though she has been collecting his creations until now... 

I didn't think she would give one of these to a person. "

"" ... ""

…This was actually quite unexpected. As Akisame says, Shigure had been collecting his father's weapons until now. Apparently, she did not like the idea of these being used to kill people...

And perhaps what was even more surprising is that she should understand that this boy is not as harmless as he appears... 

While in the Dojo so far he has shown a rather gentle demeanor, it is not like the darkness in his aura is disappearing either... 

Most of us have probably just decided to ignore that a bit for now... after all, no one could tell that little Alexander's attitude was evil or something like that.

...what no one could deny was that the boy was quite perverted. 

Well, at that age I think it is natural to show interest in the opposite sex... maybe the only problem was that, on him, that aspect of any young man must have maybe was a bit too much... although, I was probably not the best person to tell him to show a little more of restriction in that regard. I will leave that matter to the other Masters.


Unexpectedly, I think they should treat the matter with him more quickly than I had thought! Alexander-kun had suddenly kissed Shigure! Also, without wasting time, he had pushed her down on that rock where they were!!

Because of this, the three of us could only be surprised while we had our mouths open... even though I had said that he was quite a pervert, the truth was that I thought that the saying "Barking dog does not bite" was applicable in his case!

Besides, it seems that I was not the only one who thought that way... no one here should have expected the boy to be so aggressive in these matters! At the end of the day, he was quite a young boy and therefore surely no one thought he had the guts to "attack" a girl!!

Given his age, maybe he showed interest in girls and wanted to get a little benefit from them was something natural, but... normally when it comes to more serious things, the young boys should showing a little nervousness and doubts about it!

“T-That damn brat… in the morning he was taking advantage of Ma's daughter and now Shigure too? Tch… I hope he ends up hit by them!!

Hehehe, well... at least I don't have daughters who I must have to worry about that this damn brat taking advantage of... that boy seems to be quite a womanizer, so I wouldn't like being in the place of a father that his daughter complains about all the time of this. "

"" ... ""

…It seems that this time it was Sakaki's turn to vent for us having called him Tsundere earlier.

“…Well, Shigure is quite old. She is the one who makes her own decisions... 

On the other hand... "

“… I don't think that Alexander-kun is just trying to play with them and then will put them aside after he obtained what wants from them... or playing two-way while hiding it from the other girls… 

From what I've seen, I think his idea is more to stay with those all girls at once.

So like I said before, if Renka is willing and accepting something like that, then I don't have a problem with it. I think I could even think about him as my son that fulfilled my youth dream of being able to have several girls at the same time... 

On the other hand ... "

Of course that Akisame and I couldn't keep quiet to Sakaki's teasing! So we both reply at the same time!

What Akisame says, even though it is probably what he wants to think about, seems to be taking a bit of work for him seeing Alexander-kun position himself over Shigure now... he couldn't help but be frowning at that!

As for my words... they were partly true and I didn't have much of a problem with Alexander-kun taking Renka and other women as well... although, as a man, I couldn't help feeling a little envious of that boy if he really managed something like that!

Also, since Renka is my daughter and she doesn't generate any kind of excitement in me, that didn't apply to Shigure! I couldn't contain the envy to see that!!

I think I'll have to vent this little resentment on him somehow… well, that will be something I need to fix later. Now I and he had to settle the things with Sakaki and, therefore, Akisame and I continued at the same time.

““ To have a daughter, you should first get a woman… Sakaki. 

Besides, it's a bit pathetic to feel envy because your disciple can do it and you can't…""

"F-Fuck you!! A-Also... you don't know if I have a girl or not!! E-Even I... I-I have...

No! Why the hell do I have to talk to you about my love life?!! First of all, your Ma is just an old pervert! And also it seems that you have run away from your wife!!

And Shigure is just your adopted daughter, Akisame! You cannot criticize others for something like not having a woman!! The only women next to you that I've seen you with are some old women, you know? 

Isn't it that you really prefer older women after all? "

"" ... ""

Now the environment around us is getting a bit tense... you could say that the two of us and Sakaki had put pressure on our wounds...

"H-Hmmm ~… a-ahh ~…"

But this calms down a bit thanks to the sweet sounds that came from the place where those two were... and inevitably the 3 of us returned to direct our gaze to them! Also, I could not avoid just take my camera and try to capture those scenes!!

"" Glup ...""

...Alexander-kun all this time while we three were discussing he was dedicated to taking the lips of Shigure again and again... only stopped to both could get some air and then, as if he could not bear to be separated from her lips, he was taking them again.

Besides, with one of his hands, he began to caress her white legs while with the other he searching the area of her chest... it was inevitable that Sakaki and I swallowed our saliva loudly while Akisame frowned even more!!

“S-Shouldn't we stop them? T-That brat doesn't seem like he's going to leave things by halves... a-at this rate surely he'll end up taking full advantage of Shigure!!"


“…I don't want the boy to make me his enemy if I do that… besides, wouldn't that be quite embarrassing for Shigure too?

Also… what Akisame said is true, of the two of them, Shigure is the oldest, you know? We can't say that Alexander-kun is the one taking advantage of her… she could easily push him away if she wanted to…”

"" ... ""

It seems these two had forgotten that Alexander-kun was a boy of about 13 years old while Shigure was already an adult! Well… given the mentality that both of them have, then anyone would think that the boy was the most experienced on such matters here and so sure she was the most innocent.

But... I don't think the most appropriate thing would be to go there to stop them! If I was the one who was in the boy's place and someone interrupted me, then I could only look at that person with hatred! Also, surely that would create an awkward situation between Shigure and us!!

Therefore, we could only stand there watching...

"... S-Shouldn't we go?"

"" ... ""

True, as Sakaki mentions, we shouldn't stand here watching either and should instead retreat! The problem is that this was also difficult... well, the reasons were different for each of us...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(POV Alexander)

…Unable to contain me anymore, I had kissed Shigure and even pushed her onto the rock where she had been watching me before. To be honest, I really wished I could do this from the first moment I saw her! Sadly, I have to say that I couldn't fully enjoy my first kiss with her this time.

That was because of the concern about how she would react to this filled a large part of my thoughts at the time... although I did not believe that I would receive a blow from her for doing this, which by the way, it would be quite bad if it happened since she is still someone with a soul level 2. 

But… it could very well scare her and then as a result she could end up avoiding me or even hating me!

So, when I part with her lips, with some fear in me I look her directly in the eye to see her reaction. So, watching her, she just continued to lie on the rock while also just looking me straight in the eye...

The good thing is that she did not seem scared or show any emotion similar to that... in her eyes, I could only see a bit of confusion from what just happened. Also, this confusion did not seem to be due to the kiss was something sudden or because she was not sure what she felt for me... it was something more basic... probably it was because she really did not know what I did now! As if she didn't know what it was a kiss!

...because of this result, I did not know whether to be happy since she had not taken my action as something bad or sad because it was not a reaction that I wanted to see in her either.

Furthermore, this simply made her look more like a goddess who knew nothing about the mundane affairs of this world… and that only gave me a greater feeling that I shouldn't stain this goddess!

Although... at the same time that I have that feeling, one totally contrary to this also competed with that other and told me that I had to stain this goddess now!!

I felt as if there was now a little angel to my right telling me that what I was doing was sacrilege and I would be condemned for this! Then on the handsome side, a little demon urged me to fill this Goddess with pleasure until she couldn't think of anything else, to make her descend towards mortality!!

…In the end, I could only be a good person and act like any respectable human… therefore, I decided to follow the little devil's recommendations! I would rather be condemned and give happiness to a goddess than to make her remain alone and sad in a paradise!!

Wouldn't that be too sad?

Making a decision, then I resolve to teach this goddess the good things that mortals enjoy and for divine beings were denied by the world! Yes, the world was the bad guy for giving them a physical body and not allowing them to do this kind of thing !!

[… Be careful not to turn a world against you for your perverted desires, Alexander. Although last time you could see a bit of the influence of these on a person by saving him a couple of times, you really don't know how scary these can be...

Also, it's not that the worlds forbade divine beings that sort of thing... it's rather that they can't interact much with low-soul people.]

I-I see ... so the worlds are not the bad here, I was wrong! T-That makes sense… worlds must be good after all! I-I'm sorry about before… d-don't strike me with a lightning bolt please!!

F-Fuck! I had forgotten that the worlds had a kind of conscience... i-it really wouldn't be good to turn one of them against me!

[Fufufu, you don't have to worry so much either… very rarely these intervene.]

S-Say that first, Aurora. That scared me!

Due to Aurora's sudden warning, I had stopped just a few inches from Shigure's lips while she continued to watch me... thanks to this, I could see how her confusion in her eyes now seemed to have transformed into something of curiosity...

Umu... it seems that this goddess has become a little more deadly... well, they say curiosity is one of the main causes that lead humans to sin...

"H-Hmmm~… a-ahh ~…"

After observing for a few seconds how her gaze interjected between my eyes and lips, I kiss her again. And unlike the previous time, this time without hesitation I insert my tongue in her mouth in search of hers.

This time the stimulation must have been much greater than before since Shigure-san's hands pressed a little against my chest as if she wanted to push me away, but in the end, the little force that she had exerted disappears and then I continue to suck her lips with more passion. seems that this action of hers was more due to surprise than because she tried to get away from her... so, putting my worries aside, this time I just focus on enjoying the moment!

Taking her hands that were still on my chest, I take them over her head and position myself over her placing my knee between her legs that I had made her open a little, then quite avidly wrapping my tongue around hers. Not that I was trying to feel domination over this woman with a level 2 soul... well, that was not the main reason to position myself on her, it was because this way it was easier for me to reach her lips! My body is smaller than hers after all.

"A-Aaah ~… H-Hmn ~…"

So, at some point it wasn't just me who was looking for the exchange of our saliva... sometimes when we separate our lips to take a breath, Shigure-san herself was the one who stretched her neck a little to kiss me again.

…Well, even though Shigure-san didn't seem to have experience in these matters, I don't think it was because she was shy. It was probably more rather that perhaps it was difficult for any person to approach her... I don't think I was the only one to whom this girl seemed like a goddess which no one should be able to reach out and touch.

Surely that is the reason why she remained oblivious to the interaction between men and women… so, now that she had discovered this and either through instinct or curiosity, then she did not hesitate much to experience these things.

Noticing this, any doubts that remained in me to believe that maybe I was taking advantage of her disappeared. Now, I felt it was my duty to teach this girl more about these things instead!

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