Soul Evolution System

Chapter 321 Meanwhile In Ruananpur 1

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(POV Revy)

It had been a few months since Alexander had gone to another world and, to be honest, things in this place had gotten a bit boring… it couldn't be that I missed that little brat, right?

Well... even if so, for no reason am I going to tell him this! Surely a big smile would appear on his face if he heard me say that, and that would be quite annoying!

Although… maybe it wouldn't be so bad? No! That damn brat surely now only is having fun with another girl in that place! So why should I make him happy?

"Damn, Two Hands! I am talking to you! Do you are listening to me?!!"

"Hmn? What do you want, you fucking nun? You probably just called me here to throw me in my face about how you have cheated on another guy, right? 

...I think that instead of the nickname of the "Church of violence", then it is better to call your organization something like "Church of perdition" ... "

Since I was bored and Eda had called me at Bao's bar, I didn't hesitate to come to see her here... this girl was a bit annoying but at least I can kill a little time drinking a little. Of course, at the expense of this damn bitch! It's the least she can do to bear listening to her nonsense, right?

“Tch, isn't that... damn bitch. I'm telling you that I have a job where we can both benefit greatly! Also weren't you looking for a way to get an invitation to the event where there will be a big gun sale? "


If I had heard her first words before, then they would quickly catch my attention. Unfortunately for Eda, now I didn't have much interest in getting rich a little... or maybe it was rather that I didn't see that as something necessary at the moment... with Alexander by my side, I don't need to worry too much about those things after all!

Despite the fact that he had used up all the gold he brought from the other girls' world, the men he sent to Japan seemed to be doing their job well and now they were sending money from that place to continue buying the things Alexander asked Dutch to buy.

So, at some point money had ceased to be one of my priorities now… besides, I agreed with his mindset that it was better to have a large number of weapons rather than a mountain of gold. Above all if you living in places like this...

…shit! Now that I think about it, that seems like I was a wife or lover who has control of a man's wallet in order to live!! It dangerous thinking that way...

Although... that damn brat has touched my ass and breasts a lot of times! So maybe it's not so unfair to think that way!!

Well, going back to what Eda says, the second thing she says catches my attention. Before Alexander left, he had asked me to try to find an invitation to that gun sale.

…Damn it, that brat made it sound easy, but achieving that was quite complicated! Our organization Black Lagoon doesn't have so many connections and so until now I had not been able to do that.

Probably it would be much more simple asking a favor to a great organization, but... the group Balalaika-san I don't think they would really want to see my face after what happened before! If she doesn't put a bullet in my head after seeing me, then I will surely end up as the next “Porn Star” of some of those videos her group sells!!

...I don't dare to go and ask her for that favor without Alexander accompanying me. Besides, the boy already owes her a favor for the matter of the twins... although, surely he is the only one who sees it that way. After all, he didn't give Balalaika-san many alternatives!

The other person who was able to solve my problem was Hotel Moscow's opposition group, the Thai triad. The problem was... I didn't really like the idea of having to owe Mr. Chang a favor... surely he won't ask for something small when he asks us to pay that favor!

…So, for now, going with him is my last option. I hope could find another way to get what Alexander wanted, but unfortunately, I hadn't found someone that was capable of doing that.

So, since the damn Eda surely knew my problems on that matter, now she was looking at me with a big smile on her face! I really wanted to smash those damn glasses off her face with a punch!!

In fact, I think that this bitch should have been the one in charge of getting that invitation from the beginning if they wanted us to exchange things in that place!

“ Don't look at me like that, Two Hands… it was already difficult for us to get to that place without alerting the other groups to participate, you know? Besides, it is better for all of us that others think that our groups do not have so many ties... the truth is that our government does not know much about that boy, so we are already risking a lot in this deal, you know?.

…Especially for the damn things that the brat asked for!

Well, then what do you say? Are you interested in this business? "


As if understanding what I was thinking, Eda spoke again making some excuses. Well, in part I knew she was right... her government probably wants to disengage from any responsibility after handing over those things! In fact, the fewer people who know that our groups have some ties with them, the better for them.

…Well, Alexander has no plans to use those weapons in this world, so I don't think there will be any more trouble on this matter later.

" " Onisan ~ Onisan ~ Play with us ~! " "

"E-Eh? N-No… I -I'm sorry, I-I don't have time to play right now… "

"Heee~ Why? 

Then, how about you, Onisan? "

"I-I have to go now, I-I'm sorry..."


When I was about to ask for more information about the business that Eda was talking about, the voice of two little girls that should not be heard in a bar reaches our ears... then, directing our vision towards that place, in effect, there were two little girls with long white hair with a little purple tone talking with some clients of this Bar...

...those pair of little girls were quite cute at first glance, so I don't think many of the men here would refuse their invitation to "play" with them... after all, this was one of the worst holes in this world... if not the worst.

Well… since it was surely much more difficult to find an honest man than a pervert in this place, only one conclusion could be thought of when listening to that kind of discussion. In fact, you could see a bit of lust in the looks some men gave those girls there.


Unexpectedly, the faces of those men to whom the little ones spoke did not fill with happiness... instead, the lust in those men's eyes quickly changed to fear as they looked at them more closely.

Although the reaction of those men and the majority who looked at those girls were somewhat atypical in Ruananpur, the truth is that I do not find it that strange either. After all, the reason for this was for two good reasons...

The first was that behind these girls who were smiling happily, a blue-haired woman was standing there while giving a penetrating look at those men! 

Since she was quite beautiful, it was not strange that she attracted the attention of many in this city... and it is clear that in this city this quality of hers was not a good thing, this would only attract problems in the end.

Well, those problems only lasted for a short time... people with bad ideas towards her quickly discovered that she was not just a pretty face in a hard way.

Of course, it was the twins that Alexander had rescued a couple of months ago! Therefore, the woman behind them was none other than that woman named Leona. 

Also, the latter had made herself quite recognizable in this city on her own after she blew several heads off with her knives!

As for the second reason and probably the main one for the fear that these men showed, it was none other than because this pair of girls had become quite well known recently too!

A very few people didn't know that they were responsible for all the deaths of the men of various organizations before, and so hidden behind those sweet smiles everyone knew that there was only cruelty!

Also, if that wasn't enough, knowing that these girls had killed Balalaika-san's man and could still be in this place asking to play the first person they saw without having to worry about anything, then that could only do these girls scarier to them.

…After all, not many would survive after teasing that Russian woman who everyone knows is not someone who stands out for being kind and forgiving people who mock her.

Well, even if the person talking to them was some idiot who lived under a rock without knowing what was going on in this city, the big knife that those brats held in their hands as they asked them to play with them should be enough for anyone understood that the game they wanted to play was not a good thing.

...if even in spite of all this the person agreed to play with them, then I could only think that it would be fine for him to entertain these girls for a while. If he is so stupid to be totally cut off for his perversion, then surely no one will mourn that loss.

Well, it seems like at least there isn't such a guy in the bar right now… the people these girls get close to, they quickly try to run away from here.

“…Is your organization thinking of becoming some kind of nursery in this city? Almost half of the members of this one are now children!

Well... your little husband is one of those brats, so maybe you can't do anything about that. "


... I was thinking of coming alone to this bar, but before leaving Leona had seen me and quickly came after me. That had already happened a few times when I was trying to go out, so I just thought she was bored too and decided to join me or maybe she wanted us to get along better or something like that... the truth is that I don't care much about it and thinking that maybe the reason was the latter, I tried to talk a bit with her.

I shouldn't have done it... trying to make some talk to waste time, I asked her if there was any reason why she was accompanying me, then... with that expressionless face of hers, she only answered me: “Since you are one of the Master's women, then I also have to protect you! "

Hearing that, I could only break the glass of wine in my hand involuntarily! Damn it! Also, it was quite difficult to argue with this woman because of that expression she has and that mentality which does not seem to care about the opinion of other people once she decides something!!

As if that were not enough, to make the matter worse, that time was also this nun promiscuously there!! Since then, this bitch has never forgotten to make fun of me about that matter!

…Surely no matter how much I try to deny Leona's words and tells her that she is wrong, she would only continue to insist on the same thing and therefore this other bitch would only continue to mock!!

Perhaps the only thing I can do to this woman to change her mind about that would be for Alexander himself to tell her that this is not the case... and I know that if I told that brat to correct that misunderstanding of her, then he would only do this matter even worse for sure!

So, for the moment, I can only try to forget or ignore this...

"Changing the subject a bit... did you Fuking him?"


While I was trying to alleviate my discomfort about these things with a little alcohol, due to Eda's following words it is not even possible for me to do that since all this is expelled from my mouth...

"Kohon… Kohon… w-why would I do something like that?! A-Also if I do, why the hell should I tell that to you?!! "

Maybe I didn't want to admit it because it bothered me a lot, but... I couldn't deny that Alexander had got into my mind before I knew it! The truth was if I didn't care about him that much, maybe it would be much easier for me to tangle with him in bed without worrying much like on other occasions!

It's kind of weird that when you take some affection from someone, then doing that kind of thing becomes more complicated... or at least for me. In fact, it's probably the first time I've felt like this… this is something new for me!!

“Fufufu… it seems not. 

Although... I don't know whether to praise you for not becoming a damn pedophile or to make fun of your cowardice... "

"Hmp~ I don't want to hear that from you, you fucking nun!! Surely if Alexander gave you a bag of money you would not hesitate to spread your damn legs!! "

Of course these were not topics that I would share with this bitch! So I try to change the subject to her instead. 

About Alexander's age, that didn't matter much to me. Therefore, her teasing on that matter did not have much of a sense to me… it's not like someone gave me strange looks for doing that in this place.

Fuck! In this place for a good chunk of money some people wouldn't mind shaking their butt on someone under 10 or over 100 ages! Also, I'm sure this bitch fell into that category of people!! How the hell did she dare to judge me for that?

“…Well, due to my good works, surely the Lord would forgive me for a few small sins.

Besides, now that you mention it… hehehe, it might not be so bad that I tried to get some benefit from that guy-"

"... Eda, don't you think you're taking your little joke too far?"


She confirms my thoughts from before, but… when I heard her speak, before I knew it, I already had my gun pointed at her head as I looked at her very seriously. Also, Leona who had started paying attention to us when she realized we were talking about Alexander, now had her penetrating gaze on her.

"Tch... you don't have to get like that for a simple joke... also, the boy has other women with him, right?"

...It is true that Alexander has several women and that did not bother me much. His relationship with those girls was something that happened before we even met, so I couldn't say much about it.


The idea of this bitch joining that group of girls was something I couldn't allow! Imagining Alexander flirting with her was much more annoying than watching him flirt with any other girl!! I don't think this is due to jealousy… well, it probably wasn't the main reason. It was more because I knew this woman and I understand that she would make things more complicated for me if she joined the group of women that have this guy!!

"Stop fooling around and better start talking about that business you mentioned earlier..."

"Get the gun out of my head and so we can talk then..."

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