Soul Evolution System

Chapter 322 Meanwhile In Ruananpur 2

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(Continues POV Revy)

“It's true that I told you to get some people to do this job, but… why the hell are they all women? 

...Where is that brat?

Hehehe, is it that your little husband forbade you to have contact with other men? "

" ... "

Hours after we had spoken at the bar, we were now in a dark alley in a car waiting for the business opportunity Eda had mentioned earlier. This promiscuous nun had not given many details about that work and only asked us to meet at this place in the night.

…About her complaints, I couldn't say much. Things just turned out this way! As she says, now this car is full of only women... surely it was impossible to do jobs discreetly since this group of now couldn't go unnoticed in this city!

Also… this may even cause the imagination of some Ruananpur residents to start generating strange ideas from a group of women gathered in a dark alley!

Well... even though Leona and the twins here were girls that Alexander had a relationship with or he had picked up with, I couldn't totally blame him for this. The truth was that the boy didn't seem like a jealous person, if so, then surely he would have thrown Dutch and Benny out a long time ago.

"It is true! I thought I could meet that handsome little boy if I worked with you, two hands!(Chinese-Inglish)"

“…That doesn't matter to me, I only hope you can keep your promise, Two hands. "


Aside from the women we had met at the bar earlier, there were two others who were also here now. The first one to speak while complaining was the damn "Chininglish" with whom I had a little confrontation the first day I returned to Ruananpur together with Alexander.

She, along with another man, a few days ago they had come asking us to hire them in our company... until recently this was a small company that should not need us to hire several " bodyguards ", but... probably due to all the things that happened recently, Dutch did not hesitate to hire them.

Well... I think it also influenced a lot that the man was practically begging him to hire him with phrases like "if he did not do it, then he would have to sell his ass to be able to eat something"...

At first I thought he was a man who liked to give an impression as if he was someone great to others, but… although it seems he has his own difficulties too, now I can only see him as someone a little pathetic.

…The time before, when Dutch and Benny found out that Alexander had gone and dropped some bombs at Balalaika-san's base, those two were about to pack their bags and get out of this city as soon as possible!

Even though I told them repeatedly that things wouldn't get any more complicated… probably, I don't think these two were entirely convinced by my words. 

Well, the other guy at least seems to be helpful to lighten up the work of those two to transport boxes and the like. I don't really think that this guy is very helpful in a shooting... and even the "Chininglish" agrees with my words. 

The latter one is more useful in that regard, although... it seems that she came because Alexander caught her attention a little.

As for the other woman who spoke, she was someone who had been hanging around our new building lately… it seems as if she had come bundled with it when Alexander bought it. So, since she was around the place and Eda wanted me to get some more people, then I decided to bring her along with us too.

This woman was also interested in someone from our group, but this time it was Dutch. As I knew it would be a big problem when sharing the profits from this business, I thought she was a good option since I offered her something different to money as payment for your help... when I told her that I would help her get closer to Dutch, she quickly agreed to help us. 

I never expected to become some kind of cupid for someone... although I think it is not such a difficult job either. I just have to tell the girl to spread her legs to the man she likes, and then surely he would be drawn quickly just like honey does to bees… I don't think Dutch is an exception to this.

…If there is a problem, then it is convincing this girl to do this. It's really funny how someone who is dedicated to tearing people to pieces can turn out to be someone so shy about it. Although... maybe I can't say much about it myself either.

As for the “Chininglish”, I don't have to pay her for the help either as she is now an employee of our company.

“H-Hey… before the matter about that we were only women here was a joke, but… damn it! If someone sees those kids there kissing and getting affectionate with each other, then everyone's reputation here would be completely ruined!! "

"Onesan~ The others are watching us~ Chu~ "

"Hehehe, let's show these onesans how we love each other, Hansel~"

"Yes, Onesan~ Chu~"


These brats are pretty precocious, aren't they?"

"" ... ""

It seems that as there are people who have a hard time showing their affection to other people, there are also others who do it without much problem!  Probably at getting bored to just be sitting in the car, those damn twins started to caress each other without prior notice!!

…This was one of the reasons why I didn't decide to complain to Leona a lot about her bringing these twins everywhere with us, I think that at least that way they could be a bit distracted!.

Previously, I had already found them by accident treating each other in a "loving" way in the building... also, just like now, they did not seem to care that other people observed them! No! Even the first time I saw them and stood stupidly still looking at them for being a little shocked by this, suddenly they even started asking me to join them!!

Because of this, I thought it was not a bad idea for them to get a little entertaining when leaving the building. Besides, I think it was also good for Leona… that woman seems like she didn't really care that they started doing that kind of thing, and she just watched them with a little curiosity!

…It's not that I don't understand that she is curious about those things. In fact, she, the pale woman with the scythe on Gaia, and I had been watching Alexander harass the female knight during our journey into that forest before...

Although... unlike that time, even I think it's very strange to just watch these two kids do something like that!

"Leona... could you stop those two brats?"

"…it's okay"

"Heee ~ Leona-onesan... I wanted to play with Hansel more~"

After my words, Leona takes the older twin, places her on her lap, and holds her while she complains. Despite this one fighting a bit, in the end, she cannot get rid of Leona and thus can only grimace and stand still in a bad mood.

...that's a relief. I also did not want to be in a car full of women with a strange atmosphere in it! Even though the Chininglish and Leona didn't care much about this, the others did… Chainsaw-chan, as Alexander calls the girl that likes Dutch, had become quite restless seeing these two act like this.

"Alexander had to go out for a bit, so you won't see him for a while, Eda."

“… Where is that brat? From what I know, he shouldn't have left this city... "

“That doesn't matter now, instead, you better talk about what work we have to do. 

...You didn't give us many details about this one"

Most likely, the interest of this job for Eda was not only because of the profit she could make for it. Seeing as how she had insisted a couple of times on talking about Alexander, I think she also wanted to try to get more information about him.

…After all, I don't think this bitch only had a slight romantic interest in Alexander as Chininglish... I really doubt that she fell in love with him.

And seeing how she frowns when I tell her that Alexander was out, I was more certain of that now. Hehehe, sadly for her, it's impossible for her and her organization to monitor him with conventional methods… it's pretty good to see that it's not me the one that this boy is causing trouble for a change.

Probably if Alexander doesn't want to, then no one in her group could track him down. The truth is that I would like to say more things to make life more difficult for this fuking nun, but ... surely if I do so it would only make her judge me as crazy or she would not believe me, so I better change the subject.

"You don't need to worry about that... our important client should be down soon.

Hehehe... I think that soon we can see she"

"...have you screwed someone else again?"

“You are cruel, Two hands… I only live to help people! 

Earlier I heard that some men were looking for a woman, so seeing them so desperate, I kindly gave them the information they wanted. Also... the owner of that motel seemed to be someone with a lot of problems… he didn't have many customers lately, you know? 

Promoting it a bit him so that people stay there can only be a good thing, right? "

"" ... "" other words, this woman sold the information of some poor idiot and now she was waiting for things to unfold so she could take advantage of it. Without a doubt, that's what we all understood about this!

"" Whoh ~ Nun-onesan is a very good person~""

Well, probably the only people this fucking nun could fool are some children...

Not long after Eda mentioned her "good works" a little, a woman with a briefcase runs down the fire escape while some shots and several hits against a door are heard...


"H-Help me, please!!"

"Shit! Why did you have to land on the car?! The Sister Yolanda will cut off my boobs if you scratch it!!"

Due to her rush to escape, she ends up falling off the ladder and lands right on the hood of the car... it's good that it was Eda's car, surely Dutch would have complained if it has been his new car that seems to treasure a lot now... I think at least Verrocchio should be happy since one of his treasures is now in the hands of someone who appreciates it.

“T-Thank god there's someone here! Sister, p-please help me!! "

“…Girl, God only helps those who help themselves and others. So tell me, girl...

How can you help me so that we can help you? "

The woman who appears it was a girl with brown-skinned, glasses, and blonde or dyed blonde hair… besides, she seemed quite desperate. She quickly gets off the hood of the car, and immediately goes to one of the doors to try to open it while talking to Eda.

...the truth is that instead of thanking God for having met a nun when she needed help, rather she should complain to him about having met precisely this nun...

"E-Eh? T-That's... "

" You should hurry to talk girl, it seems you don't have much time... see?"

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

"Gyaaa! P-Please opens the door, we can talk later, right?!!"

The men who followed the girl did not take long to appear through the window where she came from, and then they start shooting towards this place... it was good that the angle of view towards this place was not good and the bullets hit in other places at least.

Although... that girl was probably not used to any of this. When she heard the shots, she had thrown herself on the ground while screaming in fear. The good thing is that thanks to this, the girl now seemed more willing to negotiate with Eda.

"M-Money!! I'm about to make a deal for many millions so I can give you a lot of money!!!"

“Ohh~ It seems like the gates of heaven are opening for you now... but it's not enough still. 

We will distribute that money 60-40, then we can help you"

"What?!! 40% for you? Are you crazy you damn nun?!! "

…Oh, it seems that this girl is not that stupid and now she understood better to Eda. Unfortunately for her, it seems like she was still underestimating her...

"Don't be silly... 60% is for me... us, and 40% is your part. Besides, I think I'm still being quite kind by leaving you 40%"


Hearing how greedy this woman could be, the girl could only gape as she stupidly watched her standing there. Well, nobody inside the car can't say that what Eda is doing is a bad thing either, or neither intercedes in favor of her...

On the other hand, I think she shouldn't forget that there are several people trying to put more holes in her body now...

“You better decide quickly, girl. Those men are getting out now, and I am not staying here to have this car drilled... "

"D-Damn it!! O-Okay!! I'll give you 60%, but you have to guarantee my life no matter what happens!! "

“Well, it seems like you are a smart girl… that's good, only smart people can live longer in this place in order to earn God's forgiveness. 

Leona-san, please open the door for this little lady "

In the end the negotiations seem to complete in a good way... or at least for this whore. Leona opens the car door and lets in the blonde girl who looked like a little mouse that found its burrow and managed to escape from a predator.

Now that I remember, aside from telling me to get an invitation for the weapons sale, Alexander also mentioned to stay away from a little young master blond... well, Eda's words from earlier were more of a mockery this girl. I think she was old enough to not be called miss… and above all, she was also a woman and not a man. So I think there should be no problem.

…That comment from him was a bit strange. I wonder if he said it out of jealousy? He might not feel threatened by Dutch and Benny, but... maybe he might not like the idea of me approaching someone similar to him?

If I find that young little master after, should I take him to the mansion to annoy Alexander a bit? It's not a bad idea… it would be good to see him upset about that a bit and make him pay for the bad times he's been putting me through lately.

"Fuck! ...Why is the nun from that damn church here? Give us that girl over now... "

"Hmn? I only listen to God's words when he speaks to me… besides, at this moment it seems that he wants me to send some of you to his presence. "

[Bang!] [Bang!] [Bang!]

"D- Damn it! You will regret this, fucking nun!! "

"Stop smiling and start shooting Revy!!"

While I was thinking of some ways to annoy Alexander a bit, the men following the blonde girl had started down the stairs so they could see us clearly. These did not seem to be from a large organization here in Ruananpur, so when they recognize Eda, they are a bit hesitant to try to take the girl from us.

…The business this girl was talking about must be true since it seems this to drive them to shoot us in the end without caring who was backing Eda. Well, since Eda was the one who started shooting, you could also see this as acting in self-defense...

The good thing is these guys were only second-class thugs, so we can safely get out of that place after taking down some men. Really it's good that this time we don't have to get into a shootout with the biggest organizations in Ruananpur...

With this, now half the work is apparently completed... I think that soon I will be able to get those invitations that Alexander wanted. Well, as long as this damn nun didn't lie to me.

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