Soul Evolution System

Chapter 323 Breakthroughs in Kenichi’s World

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(POV Alexander)

Unfortunately for me, things in the dojo got a lot more complicated now… the matter of making me row back was not an isolated thing! So, in the end, my training had intensified several degrees more!! truth sometimes I felt that instead of these darn Masters wanting to push me to the limit so that the training effect would be better, I felt that it was rather that those guys just wanted to unload some of their frustrations on me! And the recent events only strengthened this thought of mine!!

A couple of days after we returned from the island, and in addition to fully recovering from my arms that were numb for a short time, Sakaki took me and Kenichi on a little "excursion"...

It seems that he had heard me complaining that I had run out of money... the girls' swimsuits this time is not that I got them for free like in HOTD, you know? Maybe it is the only good thing about an apocalyptic world... you can enter any store and simply take what you like the most without having to worry about much!

Besides, it is a bit strange that women's clothing is more expensive than men's... as if that were not enough, it seems as if there was a rule in which the less fabric in a garment, the higher the cost!

I'm sure this is because women are the ones who buy clothes more often... also, I think any man would be more willing to pay for lingerie or sexy clothes, to clothes like those used in the times of our grandparents! 

At least, being honest, I do not consider that I had lost or had been scammed by the amount I had to pay for those swimsuits that time!!

...really enjoy every penny I pay for those clothes! Perhaps the only negative thing I can think of about this, is that marketing is a huge monster!!

Well, running out of money, and blurting out some little complaints about this, suddenly Sakaki offered to help me with this by introducing me to a job where I could earn a lot of money in no time.

I think I should have doubted that he offered to help me... not to mention the small job description he gave me! As far as I know, the vast majority of jobs where you earn a lot of money for doing little almost always are the more doubtful ones... so, maybe I should have refused his help the first moment I heard him!

But since he had also included Kenichi, then I thought that surely it would not be a bad thing and I decided to follow him... by the way, since it was practically my money that had been used to also buy things for Izumi-san, Kenichi seemed to feel a bit sorry and bad about that and he was quite willing to earn some money for himself this time.

Well, the truth is that it was not that I cared much about that. It wasn't unpleasant to see Izumi-san also in swimwear after all. Although, maybe I should give him a little praise for wanting to be the one to pay for the girl who caught his eyes.

Unfortunately, that same mentality made him end up in the same situation as me... the place Sakaki had taken us to was none other than a ring from the sub-world! A metal cage where several people fought until only one was left standing while the others were on the ground covered in wounds and blood!!

…And of course we don't come here to gamble. 

Well, that was obvious since the main reason we were in that place was to get some money that we don't have now to gamble... so as you may think, the only option available was to be one of the participants that entered that cage!

Haaa~ It had only been a couple of months and I was already in an environment very similar to the one I left in Ruananpur... although, thanks to that, and that in fact, I had been in worse situations like being the only one with a spear on an island where everyone was trying to kill each other with bombs... then my situation was much better than Kenichi's who couldn't make his legs stop shaking.

I couldn't blame him for that, he was just a normal high school student until a couple of months ago after all… and besides, he was a bit of a coward before he met the Ryozanpaku Masters. So it was good enough that he did not pass out as he saw several somewhat fearsome looking men and women smoking cigars and with various jewelry on their bodies watching the fights which did not seem to have any kind of regulation.

Although... it seems that all the resolution he had before to get money to buy some things for Izumi-san vanished the moment Sakaki told him that he would have to fight here to get that money.

…It even seems like my praise to him earlier was too hasty. Kenichi, while almost crying, immediately started asking Sakaki why we had to fight if surely he by himself could defeat all the people here and get a lot of money for all of us.

The truth is that I cannot deny that when I heard this... I also supported Kenichi's idea a bit! But... it's a shame that Sakaki had a good reason not to doing so. When the one who I think was the owner of this establishment sees us arriving, in a state almost similar to Kenichi, he begins to beg Sakaki not to participate in the fights!

But... I could also understand a little ah that guy. While the people fighting in the arena had a rough appearance, from what I saw, none of them exceeded the 7th limit. So if Sakaki fought them, surely the guy would stop making money.

Probably after a few fights no one would want to fight him again… besides, all bets would go to him as well. Simply this would cause that person's business to end completely.

And apparently, he probably couldn't even fight a couple of times… it was easy to see that many recognized him easily! When several fighters see him, they start to sweat more than those in the arena! I'm sure when he needed some money, Sakaki had done this before... this man had the appearance that he liked the easy money, and this just checked my thinking about it.

Besides, it wasn't just that… when Kenichi and I started fighting in that ring, that guy's smile only got bigger with the bets he had made for us! Well, I could still bear that since a part of those gains were mine... and also, as additional gain, Sakaki's affection reached up to 100 because of this!!

…This guy seems to have a more materialistic mentality than I thought! And without a doubt, this guy really liked easy money.

Another thing that I benefited from, was that I was able to put into practice everything I had learned from all the Ryozanpaku Masters up to now. Since most of the men we wrestled with were between 5th and 7th limit, so they were really good practice instruments with which I could use my [Seikuken] and also continue to try to be successful in the technique of [Futae no Kawami].

Also, this didn't just apply to me and Kenichi benefited quite a bit from this.

Just that he could be considered as a person who needed a little time to get used to things. The first time I saw him on the ring, he appeared to be a little rabbit desperately trying to run from a predator...

Although once he got used to the environment, he didn't do a bad job at all, and he was able to fight guys stronger than him without much trouble.

So, you could say that in the end these trips to the underworld of this world were pretty good. The only problem is that one of the goals that Sakaki had in mind to achieve with this was not realized, and so he had to take a more direct method for that...

Until now, I only had Apa who was someone of the master level as a practice opponent, but... this changed when Sakaki also decided to train me by having Karate matches with him! Apparently, this bastard wanted me to be beaten a little in the ring of the underworld!!

As thanks to my [Seikuken] I was able to fight very well against people who surpassed me 1 or even 2 limits since at least I surpassed them in skill, I did not suffer so much during the fighting. In fact, I think that if I had been successful in the [Futae no Kawami] technique while fighting, things would still have been even easier for me.

Well, the point is that during one of those days, Sakaki suddenly called me to the dojo to fight him… it was a bit strange and so I asked him why, then without a bit of shame, the guy told me that he just wanted to hit me a little... Fuck! It is true that I had told him before not to be a Tsundere and to say things directly, but... he did not need to be so direct either!!

…Because of this, it became clear to me that some of the Ryzanpaku Masters had some resentment against me!

Yes, it wasn't just Sakaki! Although it was to a lesser extent, Master Ma's training also intensified a bit. Practicing my balance trying to stand on several thin wooden poles placed in the patio of the house, he would suddenly sometimes kick or hit the one that I was leaning on to making me fall to the ground!

While it's not like I'm at a great height, thanks to Akisame put more weight and also making it harder to move around with the "M suit" he has given me earlier, those falls really hurt!! Besides, I was quite afraid of getting stuck on one of those canes due to a bad fall!!

...the sweat that ran down my forehead was not from the effort! It was because I thought that before I could use my partner with a girl, first I would lose my ass virginity!!

On the other hand, even though Akisame had already made things quite difficult for me with that suit, it seems that for him that was not enough... at some point, the guy had created a specially designed machine with me in mind! And although he showed it to me with a smile on his face, I did not share that same emotion at all!

Fuck! Just from the name he gave it I already knew that it wouldn't be good at all !! Seriously, how did he expect me to be happy if he named that strange machine “ Home-Made Intelligent Technology --- Talent human Enhance --- Rotation Entrenament Driver Hard Exertion Automata Device-kun” .

While he had received complaints about not having a good naming sense, at least I think I was better than Akisame! The damn name was too long !! No, that was not the worst! The worst was the acronym for that machine name!

I couldn't believe that the purpose of this machine was solely to improve my training if the acronym for it was “HIT THE RED-HEAD-kun”!! It was obvious that this machine had a dark motive for its creation!! Fuck, I even think it takes longer to think of the name than to create this damn machine!!

... In addition, this machine really did what its name implied. It had several arms that moved randomly and constantly attacked me! 

By the way, the automaton was not entirely true... this one worked with the Kenichi-kun 2.0 engine... now this one had improved a bit, and could resist more creating energy.

...I really do not know if also curse him for helping with this, or feel sorry for him since seeing him run in a hamster wheel increasing his similarity to one of these animals.

The good thing is, thanks to this machine, I was able to improve my [Seikuken] by one range, and also Kenichi was able to condition his body even more. 

Even so, I was not so happy since that was at the cost of receiving several blows from Sakaki and this machine for a few days.

Although, above all it must have been from Akisame's machine. Every time I trained with it, I needed to achieve a concentration almost similar to what the one I achieved that night on the Island.

Talking about that, when I spoke of that moment to the Masters... of course, while I omitting the things that happened later with Shigure, they told me that I had achieved a state in which a person could improve greatly in a short time. They called it "Enlightenment."

Thanks to that, some things I had doubts about that were clarified. Now I was just a little curious since I had a couple of pills with the same name that I won for some missions of the system!

I had honestly forgotten about these until these Masters mentioned the same name that pill has. Earlier when I read the description of that pill, it also said something about increasing the abilities of the user, and so I was almost certain that the two things had a bit of a relation!

…Since they were one of the first pills I received, I did not think that they would work that well. But considering it again, I only received very few compared to other reward pills... That should mean that these are quite valuable despite their rank.

Well, once the restrictions for the Ragnarok mission end, then I can check it out. The good news is that it seems like it shouldn't take that long to complete this mission. 

In the past few weeks, things have developed faster!

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(POV Alexander- A few days ago)

Because things had gotten a bit difficult in the dojo in the last few days, I decided to run away with Kenichi a bit from this one so we could rest... well, I think those damn demons even know that we should rest a bit since, otherwise, now they would probably have dragged us back to the dojo! So, this must be a tactical reconnaissance so we can rest.

...I could see Apa and Shigure watching us while they tried to "hide", so I was totally sure of that.

"Alexander, it's not fair that you always win!!"

"It's true, Alexander-onisan!"

"...It can't be helped, you have to be serious in everything you do in order to win!"

Besides the two of us, Renka-chan and Honoka-chan also joined us. Miu-chan, unfortunately, had to stay at her house… I really feel a little sorry for her because she has to take care of that house. If she didn't, that place would probably collapse in a matter of days.

At this moment, the three of us were playing a video game in front of a large television. It had been a long time since I had a control in my hands… this seems so nostalgic to me now!

"Why the hell are you here?!!"

“Don't be like that, Tanimoto-kun. Friends have to have fun together from time to time. 

Also, Honoka wanted to come to play with you too. "

“It's true, Tanimoto-onisan! I wanted to see you again~ "

“…This is a visit from the school. I had no choice, Bishounen-kun "

Well, apart from us, there was also the owner of this house... and the one that has the huge television we were playing on, Tanimoto. 

This is because the options we had to escape from those Masters were Kenichi's house or this place... and then, in the end, Kenichi thought that this was a better place since those guys knew where he lived.

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