Soul Evolution System

Chapter 327 Love Decisions 2

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"So... brat, which girl will you choose in the end?"

Knowing that it didn't matter who I choose in the end and that would surely put me in a bad position with either of the other two girls, Sakaki with a big smile on his face insists on an answer from me since I had remained silent watching them.

How I wanted to hit that damn guy's face! Unfortunately, that was probably impossible in my current state. Not even using some tricks I had managed to do it until now...

Previously because I was a bit annoyed being the only hit in our practice matches, I wanted to try hitting him using a few tricks. After telling Sakaki to change the place of our training to the courtyard of the house and not the dojo, using a bit of sand to blind his eyes, I thought that it was finally my chance to land a blow at him!

While shouting “You lack practice, Sakaki. You still haven't managed to open your mind's eye like Van Dam! ”, I threw myself against him… the result of this? I was blown up several meters by a kick from Sakaki as he told me "You don't need something like that for someone who stupidly screams in a surprise attack"!

…shit! Due to the excitement of thinking that I would hit him finally, that scream had come out of my mouth before I even thought about it!! I probably would have had a better chance if I had kept quiet like he said...

Also, I thought he would be upset about using tricks in our practice fight, but unexpectedly he didn't complain about it. Although not that he had the philosophy that anything could be done to win a fight, in his words, it was more because a martial artist had to be prepared for anything in a fight.

…Well, that was more in keeping with his personality and the ideology of these Masters of Ryzanpaku after all. So for now, I'll have to wait a while to pay off this debt to Sakaki...

Although I did not want to him be pleased by things turned out the way he wanted, that did not change that it was true that I had to give some answer to these girls. I wasn't so dumb as to think that they didn't have any feelings for me after all...

Shigure and Renka-chan's affection has surpassed triple digits now. Also, although Miu-chan's is not as high as the two of them, the value of [95] that my system shows is not as if it were that low either... without a doubt, my presence in her thoughts should not be small.

Probably because my eyes had focused more on Shigure, Renka-chan had furrowed and Miu-chan exchanged her gaze on both of us with some nervousness. Since the latter had found Shigure and me in dubious positions and with a strange atmosphere in the room where we were, surely she already had her doubts about the relationship of both of us... perhaps in fact that is the reason why her affection has not exceeded the number of 100!

"What's up boy? Hehehe, Can't pick one? "


Choosing one of them was certainly not an easy thing... even though I had a favor for Shigure, the idea of discarding the other two girls did not please me at all! Although... unfortunately for Sakaki, for me from the beginning the option to choose only one of them was not in my head!

So after taking my eyes off the girls and turning my gaze to Sakaki, with a smile on my face, I reply to him.

"I like the three girls, and I can not choose only one among them... so that, if they want to be on my side, then they have to accept the presence of other girls at my side too"

"" E-Eh? ""


Probably most did not expect such an answer... perhaps some expected me to evade that question or to actually choose a girl, but... certainly not many of them thought that I would say something similar. Well, probably only Master Ma who is looking at me with a big smile now while nodded in agreement, was the only one who had an idea of my way of thinking.

The others…

“Y-You can't be an indecisive boy, Alexander! You have to choose a girl!! "

“Y-You can't do something like that, Alexander-kun! It is immoral and also the law does not allow it! Y-You can not do something as married with 3 people either!! "


"B-Brat... I knew you were a damn womanizer, but... I really didn't expect you to be someone shameless like Ma!!"

Of course the first to react were the girls involved in this matter... well two of them. Shigure didn't seem too affected by my words… although, to tell the truth, I was already expecting something like that from her.

Since she is possibly the one with the least knowledge of these matters, then my words probably did not strike her as extreme madness. After all, it is easier to mold someone's idea from scratch than someone who already has their own idea on some subject.

“Renka-chan… it's not that I'm indecisive and it's quite the opposite. I am totally firm in sticking to this decision.

Miu-chan, on whether it is immoral, that depends on the point of view of the person and the circumstances… in ancient times, the idea of a man with several women was not strange. Also, depending on the region, that is allowed in this times too.

In fact, even though it cannot be said that I am married, I already have several girls by my side that I consider my women and they probably consider me their man... so, from the beginning, I didn't have the option of choosing just one girl.

And... I don't give a damn what you think of my, Sakaki"

"" E-Eh? D-Do you have several women by your side already?""

"Fuck you, you damn brat!!"

Surely this is likely would make the relationship I have with these girls is broken, so it would have been better perhaps only choose one. That way I would avoid many problems, but... in the end, I would continue to lie to the girl I chose.

It's not like I can tell her "You were the only girl I had in that world" when I took her with me to Gaia, and she found out that I had more girls there... surely I wouldn't get an answer like "okay" from her, right?!! So, as I said before, I had no choice about this.

"Of course, this does not mean that you have to accept my proposal... it is your decision to do it or not."


"... how many other girls do you have by your side?"


[Miu affection -10]

With all said, now it only remained to see what these girls chose. But... from what I can see, Renka-chan seemed to be considering things already! 

Miu-chan… her reaction was also what I expected, it was very similar to the one Kurisu had when I spoke to her about this too… her affection had also decreased a bit like on that occasion than with her.

As for Shigure... when I lay my eyes on her, then she just gave a slight nod. Although... I don't know if it was because she accepted my words or was telling me that she would think about it. Well, it's probably the former.

"How many girls do I have by my side? Emm… several..."

"" ... ""

Regarding Renka-chan's question, that was the only answer I could give her. The truth is that I stopped counting them after they passed the digit of 10, I just knew that I needed that number to form a harem... my organization in Gaia.

Also... maybe I felt that by counting them somehow I was considering them as a kind of trophy or something like that.

…Well, maybe it was also because I felt some guilt towards them too!

I can't lie, after receiving a second life, then the thought of creating a harem like in the stories I had seen was one of the first things that popped into my mind! Perhaps the only thing is that I did not expect it to grow so fast... also, I am sure the number will continue to grow in the future!!

Because of this, I think the thought of putting a limit on myself is useless or I would surely end up breaking this one in the end... so I think the best idea is to simply accept a woman as long as the feeling between the two is genuine... and of course, that she also accept that there are other girls by my side.

On the other hand... I think some of the women next to me would no longer classify as girls, some even have children the age of Renka-chan and Miu-chan! 

While it is true that I should be honest with them, I can at least leave out a few things so as not to complicate things further, right?

Well, we just have to wait and see what happens. For now, I'm happy with the fact that things probably didn't go the way Sakaki wanted. Seeing as how Shigure was just as calm as ever and how Renka-chan and Miu-chan were thinking things through, it seemed like that guy wanted to hit something.

…Shit, I think I should skip my practice with him until he calms down a bit!

"Hohoho, well... boy, I don't know if Miu-chan would accept that, but... even if she accepts it, you will have to defeat me first if you want to date her!"


Tch… damn it! It seems that the old man arrived at the wrong time!! Fuck, why the hell would I have to fight him? The only fight I would accept to get a girl is one in which she told me something like that if I defeat her she would be my wife!!

…I'm not going to fight this old man! I'm not like Kenichi to accept that, instead, this old man will have to accept that I take his granddaughter if she decides to follow me!!

“Well… it seems your training with Ma is over, Alexander-kun. Now is your time to change your turn with Kenichi… I think I can make some other modifications to HIT THE RED-HEAD-Kun "

Shit… so, after all, my relationship with Shigure was the reason for the name of that damn machine! This guy was also an overprotective father!! I don't want to change my place with Kenichi now!!

It seems that he was lucky that everyone's attention was now on me, so the time of his torture was shortened a bit. Now he was staring at me with his mouth open as if he still didn't believe what I just said… besides, Izumi-san seemed to be telling him that he couldn't be like me!

Fuck! Now am I a bad example for him?!!

…No, it probably is.

"Sensei! Sensei! The guy you told me to look for has turned up !! "

Fortunately, it seems that I will be able to skip my training with Akisame and Sakaki. This world seems not to have abandoned me! I'm really sorry I doubted this one earlier… 

Suddenly, Alíen-kun walks through the door to be quickly captured by Shigure and Apa…

“Hiahahaha… Sensei, the guy from the Ragnarok you asked me to look for appeared. Also, I told him that you wanted to have a duel with him and he accepted!! Now he should be outside the “Shinpaku” barracks!! "

"So he finally showed up… well, then I'll have to go out for a moment, sorry."

"" ... ""

“Sensei… are you sure you want to fight him? There is a rumor that this guy is immortal! That nobody has been able to defeat him until now!!

You should make Kenichi fight him first and after watching them decide if you really fight him… no, you should better make some of these masters fight him! 

Even if that guy is immortal, surely these Onis will lead him directly to the gate of hell!! "

"... boy, we are listening to you, you know?"

"Apapa ~ His eyes are evil ~"

"U-Un ... he's no-t... a good per-son."

...from what I had heard from him, thanks to somehow he managed to convince Tanimoto, now his group "Shinpaku" had a headquarters... also, most of the members of Ragnarok defeated so far had changed sides joining his group.

…he is probably extorting Tanimoto in some way, so he is certainly not a good person as these teachers think. Although... he's not someone on the level of the guy who kidnapped little Honoka either, this guy is a more harmless villain.

That is something that surely no one can doubt, but... I don't think that someone that ties and hangs upside down in a tree someone can say that someone is evil!! Besides, Apa doing a little shadowboxing to the side of Alien -kun as this guy is hanging upside down only makes this scene even darker!!

…I wonder if he really intends to use Alíen -kun as a punching bag? He is someone with quite an innocent personality, but… I think this personality is also a bit extreme and he may consider doing that as if it were just a game!!

Well, about his first suggestion, maybe it's not bad but... unfortunately, I have to defeat two Ragnarok guys by myself. Also, I kind of remember those two guys that I want to fight. I don't think I should have that much trouble fighting them.

As for the second suggestion... even if I managed to convince those Masters of that in some way, the same problem still exists as before.

But really this guy likes to use other people to his advantage... when he met the Ryozanpaku Masters for the first time, then the first thing he said to me was that with them we could get control of this city quickly... no, he even thought we could conquer the world with them!

...well, with the old man surely his idea is not so crazy... for some reason, I feel that the only thing that could stop that old man is a nuclear bomb!

But well, it would probably be complicated, and the truth is that there would not be much profit in doing it... perhaps the only useful thing in this world is the weapons that are in this one. But with the businesses in Ruananpur and also expanding the collection of things in HOTD thanks to the weapons that I obtained there, then I would surely manage to get a good number of them in the future as not to worry more about that.

So something like conquering this world is not necessary. If I can convince several masters to follow me, without a doubt that would be better than conquering this World.

"Well, then let's go. Shigure... could you put that guy down? His face is now totally red and his eyes have started to roll. "

"N-Nijima... A-Are you okay?"

"Hiahahahaha ... I am the king of the world!!"

Because the blood had gone directly to his head, that guy started hallucinating some things... so waiting a little time for him to recover, Kenichi, Miu-chan, Renka-chan, Alíen -kun, and me, everyone goes to the Shinpaku barracks.

Then a few minutes later, we were all in front of a building that seemed abandoned with several people already waiting in that place. Some of them were simply types that I saw for the first time or did not remember, but there were also people who managed to at least leave an impression on me to recognize them.

There was the boxing guy, his friend who practiced judo, the Taekwondo girl, Tanimoto, and also the guy who practiced Sumo...

"Takeda-san, Ukita-san, Tanimoto-kun and Chiaki-san, all of you also are here too?"

"" So you came too, Kenichi ""

"Hello, Kisara-san"

"... don't talk to me so friendly, dairy cow!"

…It's enough that I remember the faces of those people that Kenichi greets, so I probably don't need to remember their names too, right? Well, since they greet me too, then I just give them a simple nod in greeting as now I was more interested in paying attention to the person next to Thor.

He was a thin boy with quite extravagant clothes and wearing a hat… even though it should be the first time we met, I had recognized him immediately. He was the person I would fight now!!

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