Soul Evolution System

Chapter 328 Ragnarok 6

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"La~ la lara la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫

I am the 5th fist Siegfried~ My friend Chiaki told me that you wanted to have a duel with me~ That's perfect for me, so I can take care of you for having despised my dear friend's dream~ "

"W-Well... more than despising my dream, he only touched old wounds... besides, it's true that I can't deny his words..."

"Don't worry, Chiaki~ I won't let someone laugh at a friend of mine's dreams~ It doesn't matter if the other side is a little girl~

La ~ la lara la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫ "


…I thought our fight would be a peaceful duel in which both of us were just testing each other's skills, but… it seems that Siegfried had some grudge against me!

I think he was referring to what happened with Thor earlier, but… when I lay my eyes on him for an explanation since I felt that this was unjustified resentment, he quickly shook his head.

It doesn't seem that Thor held a grudge against me as well... as he says, even though it was perhaps not pleasant to hear my words for him, these were not lies. So, probably since he was his friend, he may be talked to him a little about his problems, and then this guy drew his own conclusions on that matter... after all, this guy seems like someone who goes at his own pace no matter what others think.

"... are you really going to fight him, Alexander-senpai?"

“Sensei, I tell you to make Kenichi go first. After he hit him, then we'll get more information from that guy! "

“ Oh~ Are you worried about me, Hamtaro-kun? Don't worry, in the worst case, I'll only take a few hits. "

"N-No... I'm more concerned about that guy..."


When Siegfried took a step forward indicating that he was ready to avenge his friend, although the truth was there was nothing to avenge, I also tried to do the same but then Kenichi and Nijima stop me by telling me that each of them. I was beginning to consider the words of the last one more. This damn Kohai instead of worrying about his senpai from the dojo cares more about the other guy!  Furthermore, the worst thing was that Miu-chan and Renka-chan repeatedly nodded in agreement with his words!!

…Now I feel a bit betrayed and my motivation to fight has dropped a lot.

I wish they could see the things the system shows me about this guy over his head! So at least they could realize that in this fight I was the one at a disadvantage! They shouldn't be fooled because this guy seems a bit silly!!

Above Siegfried's head, the [Level 81] [Ki  Control - D] [Fighting Technique: Go no Sen - C] labels were clearly highlighted! So far, among the whole group of guys we had found in Ragnarok, he was the most strong! Furthermore, everything suggests that this subject had good control of his internal energy and a good domain of the martial art he practiced!!

This was a bit unexpected even for me… although I had partly chosen him to fight him for this, I did not expect him to have this level and abilities on that rank. This may not be as easy as I had originally thought!

After all, I was not like Kenichi who could continue to level up while training and fighting with others! My level was stuck at the 5th limit, and therefore he was completely exceeding me by 3 limits now!!

...maybe I should have chosen before the boy who practices Sumo to fight. No, that fight wouldn't do me much good and I chose this guy for that reason since the beginning, so I can't check back now.

After clearing my mind a bit, I also step forward to fight Sigfried who was waiting for me. So since I didn't come here to chat or things like that, I don't try to clear up his misunderstanding and just take a fighting position in front of him ...

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(POV Ma)

"Hehehe, although you all have been a little hard with Alexander-kun, it seems that everyone still is concerned about him"

“H-Hmp~ I just came to see if that boy he's going to fight can hit him a bit. 

...It's not bad to see that womanizing brat suffer for other people!"

“… Since this is a fight and not a child's game, it's okay for us to observe things a bit, Kensei. Besides… there is something that worries me a little. "

After the boys left together with their friend who had come a few minutes ago, everyone else except the old man followed them. So, soon we are observing them from a building adjacent to where they were.

Due to the recent facts, it was obvious that some of this group were upset with Alexander-kun. In the end, my thoughts on him were correct and he actually decided to go after Miu-chan, Shigure, and my daughter Renka at the same time… he was very direct and let the girls know his thoughts quite clearly.

Maybe as Renka's father, this should bother me, but... I really think it would have been disappointing if it were otherwise. Or it probably would have bothered me more than he was dishonest and while he saying to will choose a girl, he also secretly continued trying to conquer the others... or simply deceived them by pretending not to be able or delaying making a decision.

At least, this way the girls will have to make a decision and not get hurt if they fall completely in love with him. If they do that, they must now be prepared to deal with it themselves.

Undoubtedly, things will get a little interesting now in the dojo… and unexpectedly, things for Alexander-kun turned out more optimistic than I had thought. At least, Renka and Shigure seem to be seriously considering accepting the fact that they would have to share the boy if they want to be with him… if not that they already took a decision.

Well, in the case of Sakaki who was responsible for bringing up this topic, it was probably more envy and jealousy like a man than rather that he was really upset... no, it probably did bother him a bit that things didn't turn out as he expected.

Although, despite that, he was still just a Tsundere and actually cared quite a bit about the two boys. All here knew that after his "secret" expeditions to the underworld of this city, he always invited them to dinner at some street stall to spend more time with them.

In the case of the other who had a daughter involved in this matter, he had no choice but to resign himself to her decision. Since she was already an adult woman, in his case surely he could not get in the way as much as the Old Man and I who were in charge of underage girls and therefore we could intervene more... of course, this would not prevent him from releasing all his complaints on Alexander's training.

"...Something that worries you?"

Putting that issue aside for now, Akisame's words make me frown. Until now we have all treated the boys' fights almost as merely entertainment, after all, they should be considered children playing.

…Well, it's true that the other boy's in the last fight of Kenichi-kun took things a bit too far, but… if either of us intervened, then things would have been resolved quickly and there wouldn't be much of a problem at the end. So it was a bit strange to see Akisame so serious about this matter right now.

"That technique Alexander-kun was trying to perform was somewhat unsettling..."

"" ... ""

"Apapa~ That technique was quite scary~ Even Apa got a chill when he saw it~"

…Now that he mentions it, that technique caused us to have a serious discussion with Alexander-kun. Since it broke a martial artist's taboo of mixing Ki Sei and Dou at the same time, we all talked to him to make him stop performing that technique! But, despite everyone's warnings, he stubbornly decided to continue learning this one.

Since it seemed like we couldn't stop him from doing this, we could only make a Master pay attention when he practiced this. After all, by combining those two Ki, he could inadvertently injure himself!

The good thing was that apparently he did not combine these Ki within his body, and instead tried to do it when striking... so the risk of doing it this way should be much lower. Even so… since currently Alexander-kun seemed to have a little succeeding at this now, then we could see the fruit of his training… and the result of this is exactly what Apachai says!!

Undoubtedly that boy has created a very fearsome technique...

"They started…"


The group of all those boys forms a circle, and then Alexander-kun and his opponent advance to the center...

“Oh~ I thought that brat would win easily, but…. his opponent has a good aura around him, this will be more interesting than I had thought. 

Hehehe, the brat might lose. "

"A-lex will w-in..."

"Hehehe, is it that our Shigure is already starting to unconditionally support her little man?"


As Sakaki says, the boy Alexander-kun was fighting seemed quite skilled... it was just a bit unexpected that Shigure would come to his defense, and so I can't help but make fun of her a bit... even at the cost of the piercing gaze from Akisame.

Hehehe, at least it was worth it to could see this girl's slightly flushed face...

With the fight about to begin, we all fell silent and focused on the two boys exchanging glances. So far, we have only seen Kenichi-kun fight seriously, and now we can finally see the progress this boy has made during these months ...

Right away, Alexander strikes a fighting pose and begins to look at his opponent seriously. Unlike Kenichi who has a posture that is more based on Karate, Alexander's is more similar to Chinese Kenpo… which makes me a bit happy. The only difference was that his hands took more of a position with a relaxed open fist, a bit imitating a cat's paw.

It's a bit interesting how even though the two of them learn basically the same thing from all of us, each of them has decided to take a little different style… well, I think it's partly due to their personality. While Kenichi seems to focus more on defense, Alexander-kun on the other hand is someone more offensive.


True to his personality, Alexander-kun was the first to attack... the unexpected thing was that that boy received that blow that seemed to be more of a probing without any resistance! So most of us can't help but exclaim in surprise seeing that boy collapsed on the ground so fast!!

It was as if everything we had read before about that boy was wrong and he was just someone who was only appearances but without any talent!!

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(POV Alexander)

"I-Isn't that guy very weak?! He lost in an instant!! "

"...could it just be that Alexander is too strong for him?"

"Maybe that's it, Renka-san... so far, I haven't been able to hit Alexander-senpai in any of our matches."

"No... that just means you're pathetic"

"T-That is cruel, Renka-san... Shirahama-san also tries a lot!"

"T-Thanks, Izumi-san!"

"...weren't that boy's movements a little strange?"

Seconds after he took a fighting stance, following the advice I gave Kenichi when he fought the guy from the karate club, I directly attacked that guy's chin. 

There were two points that could be considered the weakest in the body, one was precisely that, and the other was the genitals.

…Since I didn't have any resentment or hatred against this boy, I don't think it would be right to target that place. So, I decided to go for the other weak point of him and then after that hit, Siegfried fell to the floor without moving...

As Alíen-kun says, this certainly seemed very anticlimactic! It seemed that things were concluded in just a matter of seconds!

"Get up, I know that blow shouldn't have affected you much... "

But contrary to the thoughts of most, I knew very well that things were not as they seemed. I remembered his fighting style well in the anime, so this couldn't fool me.

I certainly felt a contact when I hit him, but more than a hit, the feeling I had was as if my fist was just pushing his face to the side! This guy turned his face in the same direction where the force of my blow was heading!! So, probably the damage he received from the hit was almost nil… damn it! The reflexes of this guy are really quite good!!

Also, probably being one of the most expert here and by being close too, Miu-chan also realized that something was not right about this… it seems that she is more insightful than Renka-chan who bother Kenichi... it is good that at least he has Izumi-san to comfort him.

So, just as both of us knew or thought, after my words, Siegfried gets up rubbing his chin a little...

"La ~ la lara la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫

That wasn't a bad blow… I could feel the impact a bit. Even so, you won't be able to defeat me with just that! To do it you would have to make me unable to move! Otherwise, all your attacks will be useless!!

La ~ la lara la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫ "


"E-Eh? … H-He revived? "

“ Are you stupid, weakling? It's obvious that guy evaded Alexander's blow! "

"That guy is stupid? ...How can you tell someone how to defeat him ?!"

"Well... Yes,  Siegfried is someone who just says what he thinks..."

...this guy is undoubtedly a bit peculiar. I don't know whether to classify him as Alíen -kun says, a fool. Or to think that he is simply someone too honest which is Thor's way of defending his friend.

But surely, Siegfried's actions cause most to be a bit surprised. On the other hand, I could only frown a little when I saw him. As he says, if I wanted to defeat him, then I should probably hit him faster than he can react due to his reflexes... or somehow nullify them.

Well… that's why I wanted to fight him, so I can't complain about this. Even so, I did not intend to follow the advice that he gives me... I had my own thoughts on how to defeat him.

With that in mind, I again take the initiative to fight Siegfried. And right away, the same scene is repeated several more times...

His fighting style was based almost solely on counterattacks. This guy didn't mind taking a few hits as long as he had a chance to attack! It was good that in recent months I have focused a lot on practicing my Seikuken, otherwise, I probably would have already touched the ground due to one of his counterattacks!

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