Soul Evolution System

Chapter 329 Ragnarok 7

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"T-That guy actually seems to be immortal!!"

“…This fight won't end as quickly as I had thought. It must be frustrating for Alexander to attack and not see him do a lot of damage to his opponent... "

"Besides, Siegfried-san doesn't miss an opportunity to make a counterattack every time Alexander-kun attacks..."

Several minutes had passed since me and Siegfried had begun fighting, and things hadn't changed much since the first few seconds this started... probably the only thing different was that now this guy's clothes were dirty due to rolling a bit on the ground and that he had some slight scratches on his face.

Fuck! As Renka-chan says, this had started to get a bit annoying!! Besides, I couldn't let my guard down either since Miu-chan's words were also very true!! Every time I attacked him, I immediately received a fast counterattack and to strategic areas of the body!

This was becoming repetitive and stressful! This didn't seem to have an ending no matter how hard I hit him! Or maybe I am the one who ends up in a bad position if I am a little careless!!

…I was really starting to consider attacking this guy's crotch! I want to see if he can move that part of him just like he does with the other parts of his body!

"La ~ la la la la la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫

Excellent! Let me see more of those emotions of yours! I can feel the melody that your body is singing !!

Those blows of yours are pretty good. Surely if this continues, then I will end up losing soon… I can't allow that, I'm about to create a great song for this fight! "

"" ... ""

Shit! Also, making things even worse for me, this guy seemed to be a total M! He really seemed to enjoy every time I hit him… which was giving me a few chills! Well, instead of looking for more pain, it seems he had another goal... although I don't quite understand it, at least knowing that reassured me a little.

But... this is taking longer than I thought.

Well, it's not like I was just been throwing pointless punches either… in fact, it seems like these had affected him a bit! From the beginning, I knew that simple blows would not defeat this guy and that is why I had chosen him to fight. So, until now, I had been concentrating my energy on my fists and hitting him!

Due to the style of his martial art, he was certainly a good opponent to test my [Ki Control] skill, and also see the effects of it in a fight! But… I didn't expect this guy's [Ki Control] to have been that high! 

Every time one of my blows hit his body, I could see that not only did he evade much of it because of his technique, but also the energy of his body was concentrated in that precise place counteracting my energy that should damage him even more than the simple impact!

Due to how well he can handle his energy and that he even seems to do so unconsciously, this guy's [Ki Control] ability was probably innate… this was quite unexpected!

Thanks to this, this fight had turned into one of attrition... either this guy falls due to accumulated damage, or I will be the one to do it out of carelessness by taking one of his counterattacks! Perhaps the only good thing was that I could rest a little by stay away from him since Siegfried so far only had been waiting to do a counter in my blows...

Therefore, even though I was feeling a bit annoyed by the development of this fight, it could be said that I still had a bit of an advantage... I could attack him several times and then back off to rest a bit.

This way, sooner or later I would be the one to end up standing… although it would probably take a long time. Also, it seems that Siegfried understood this well...

"La ~ la la la la la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫

Let's go! Let me hear that melody with greater intensity! It's time for me to get serious about this!!

La ~ la la la la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫ "

Contrary to what had happened so far, this time Siegfried takes the initiative to fight and throws himself at me spinning rapidly on his own axis... well, I didn't expect to win in such a tedious way either. It was time for me to also get serious in this fight!

Taking a fighting stance again, I control my breathing as I carefully watch him slowly approach and wait for the right moment to end this fight...

When he reaches a place where he can reach me, immediately several blows begin to fall on my body and I quickly deflect or block them with my [Seikuken] without allowing these to pass my defense. So when I see that he concentrates a great amount of energy in what seemed like his final movement of this rain of blows, I place my center of gravity a little diagonally protecting myself with one of my shoulders...



It was certainly a bit of a heavy blow, and since I didn't focus my energy in that place, I could feel that arm starting to go numb from the impact… damn it! That will definitely leave me a bruise!!

Although my energy control was perhaps not as good as this guy's, its level was not so low that I would be able not to avoid the most damage by concentrating energy in that place in the same way that him... the reason for not doing it was that at this moment I was concentrating my energy on my fist! I preferred to receive that blow and thus be able to end this fight at once!!

So almost at the same time that I received the blow, a second later my right fist had gone to his left side!


With the first impact, as I had practiced until now, I injected the energy of my fist into his body... watching with my eyes, I could see how this guy's energy tried to repel my energy, but...


Almost in unison with the first impact, a second precedes it... then, the two waves of my energy seem to want to combine within his body. Normally, both energies would merge without problems since it could be said that they are from the same source, but... this is not exactly the case now.

The first wave of energy was one with a calm flow that only tried to suppress Siegfried's energy in a somewhat peaceful way, but the second, unlike this one, seemed to create small pulsations... these differences were the reason why the Masters from Ryozanpaku divided them and called them Ki Sei and Dou respectively.


So when these two energies try to merge, it seems as if something went wrong and as a result when they finish joining, they end up creating what looks like a small explosion inside Siegfried's body.

This Ki blast even seems to be transmitted a bit to my fist that continued in contact with Siegfried's side... I certainly succeeded in using the [Futae no Kawami] technique that I had been practicing up to now together with my [Seikuken]!!


[ Technical [ Futae not Kawami ] - C Learned]

"Kwah !!!"

As usual until now in this fight, Siegfried's instinct was to turn his body a little to avoid damage, but sadly for him, my blow was completely over and he took all the damage from it. After all, instead of being a blow in which I concentrated my physical strength behind it, it had instead been energy.

…In fact, the blow had been very light. Also, even though there were several actions that had just happened and it seemed to take a longer time, everything transpired in a second!  The time between these was only separated by a few milliseconds!!

Interestingly, this time Siegfried does not fall after the hit... instead, he slowly recoils back while holding the side where I had hit him and shows a face of agony.

Even so, the guy seems to recover quickly… Shit! Don't tell me I wasted so much time on a technique that it was useless on a person in the end?!!

“Excellent hit!! La ~ la la la la la la laa la ~ ♫ ♫- Guewww !!! "

A little disappointed by the technique that the system had just told me that I had finally learned, I was preparing myself to continue with this fight... I thought that in the end maybe I had no alternative but to defeat that guy after giving him several blows!

But then, after his words and that Siegfried starting to sing, he is suddenly interrupted by a large amount of blood that is ejected from his mouth as he loses his balance and falls...


[Mission "Defeat the Ragnarok group"

Objective to defeat the 5th fist Siegfried - Completed (You)]


"Gyaaaa~!!! You have killed him, Alexander- san!! "

“Y-You've become a murderer now, Alexander-senpai!!! Y-You must surrender to the police now!! "

"...W-What was that technique now, Alexander? "

"Alexander-kun! Why did you use that technique on a person?!! "

While I was a bit confused by the sudden development, the others who live in or frequent the dojo start yelling at me right away...

Izumi-san and Kenichi's face had turned totally pale when they saw Siegfried spit out a few liters of blood ... no, not just them. All the others had very similar faces!

"Y-You'll have to run away with me ah China now, Alexander!"

“ Y-You can't call me a murderer yet, you guys. The guy is still alive! A-Although… it probably won't stay like this for long! "

The screams of the others make me recover and then I immediately run to the place where Siegfried was lying… shit! In truth, his aura was rapidly weakening!!

On the other hand, I am a bit grateful that Renka-chan is more concerned about me than Siegfried who was slowly dying… also, if things had a bad ending, then I would probably take the latter's option over Kenichi's!

No, fuck! I didn't want to become a murderer as Kenichi says… well, technically I already am, but... in this world, I haven't killed anyone until now! And I really didn't want to kill this boy!! This was an accident!! I understand a little what Emilia-kun felt when she killed that guy with her breasts. N-No, this is not the time to think about Emilia-kun's breasts!

"Y-You shouldn't have used that technique on a person, Alexander-kun... W-We have to seek help or else..."


Miu-chan… that I trying to learn this technique was obviously to use it on my enemies. Just don't expect this to be so harmful… no! I had already had a couple of successes performing this technique on some practice logs, so I think I must have given myself a bit of an idea of the consequences of using this on a person...

When I succeeded in performing this technique, suddenly the log I had hit seemed as if it exploded from the point of impact...

Perhaps the problem was that Kenichi had also managed to do a slightly similar technique... although his had only split the trunk in half. It was a blow in which he concentrated his energy and it went through his target like a strong blast...

Well, Kenichi's move more than a flashy technique, it was more of a punch with a lot of energy behind it. I think I could imitate this [Mobioshi] as he calls it without much trouble… sadly, I was more focused on learning this killer technique!!

Since the Masters praised him a bit for creating that technique and did not say something like not to use it, so I did not think that mine that had done almost the same with the other log was so dangerous either... but...

Also if we see the ranges with which classify system both techniques, I think we should assume that these were not as similar as I thought... while the technique of Kenichi [Mobioshi] is a range [G], on the other hand, my technique [Futae no Kawami] starts with a rank [C]... in fact, this one is only supposed to have 3 ranks ... from C to A.

"A-Alexander-senpai... w-why are you torturing him, please let him die quietly!!"

"Fuck you! I am not torturing him!! These are… they are some medicines that I have! I won't let this guy die now!! "

As I watched Siegfried's condition deteriorating rapidly, I take all the potions I had with me now and have him swallow them… of course, I didn't have the time to be picky and kind!!

These were [F] rank potions that I had bought earlier that focused on restoring internal damage on the body, so I hoped that this would help Siegfried a bit. The truth is I don't think it makes much sense to make him drink more than one since it is not as if its effect accumulates, but at this moment I could not afford to consider so many things!

…If this increased the effect by just 1% more than just using just one, then it would be worth it.

Besides, I also start to use the [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] technique on him. It was good that I had improved a little in this one and now I was in the second phase thanks to the help of Renka-chan that allowed me to continue practicing with someone!

"Stand aside, Alexander!"

Before I knew it, Akisame had appeared next to me and pushed me away to do the same as me and use the [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] technique to treat Siegfried too. Besides, he is also joined by Master Ma applying some acupuncture to treat him.

I'm not going to ask why these guys were here, I'm just thankful they showed up now! Akisame's abilities were superior to mine on that technique, so without a doubt he could help the boy more than me. Although the technique I was now using did help a little to improve the internal workings of the body, the techniques Akisame can use should not only do that and certainly should help treat internal wounds much better.

Then after several tens of minutes, I hear the sighs of relief from both Masters... despite the aura of Siegfried had greatly weakened, at least now his condition had stabilized!

Although… he really must have been in very bad shape. Akisame's normally calm face now showed a bit of exhaustion and some sweat was running down her forehead! He certainly used a lot of his energy in treating that boy!!

Haa~ I really couldn't be happy at all after listening to the system that had completed the objective of defeating Siegfried… this guy gave me a good scare! But it's good that things didn't get more complicated... although I was curious to meet Renka-chan's mother since her daughter was a pretty pretty girl, I didn't want to do it because I had to run away from here!

…Besides, I still had the ability to continue learning some things from these Masters of Ryozanpaku.

Right away Akisame and Master Ma take Siegfried to their clinic. Even though he was already stable, he probably needed several treatment sessions from those two to fully recover... I hope he can really make a full recovery! 

Also, since things were quieter now, it was time for to me get some scolding from the Ryozanpaku Masters... in fact, they even wanted to make me promise not to use that technique again.

If it weren't because Siegfried had good control of his energy to protect himself a little from my technique, the handful of potions he ingested, and the treatment of the two Masters, then surely now he would be singing along with the angels!

You might think that this technique was very lethal for people with low or without a good level of energy in their bodies... if I had used it on a person without an energy core, surely no matter how hard we tried to save him, he would end up dying!

Faced with that request .. or maybe it was more of an order, I could just keep quiet without saying anything like a stubborn child who thought he had done nothing wrong. I certainly won't use that technique on someone innocent again, but… I know I'll use that technique again when I have to.

Since I did not like to promise things that I could not fulfill, then I could only keep silent receiving the strong gaze of those Masters... mainly from Akisame. So some days go by with a somewhat heavy atmosphere in the dojo.

The good thing is that things improved a bit along with the recovery of Siegfried who was soon able to at least get out of bed… it will probably take a few months for him to fully recover.

When I go to see him, despite everything that had happened, he didn't seem to hold any grudge against me. It really would have been a shame to have to bear the death of this boy, so I'm glad he's okay.

I would like to help him speed up his recovery a bit, but... unfortunately, I had used all the potions that I had now. Also I couldn't buy them now in the system since the [Futae no Kawami] technique had practically emptied my savings!

...For a moment I thought I had wasted all of these when there wasn't much of a reaction from Siegfried, but now I think it was money well spent!

With no other option, for now, Siegfried will have to wait until I can get my interdimensional space back and get some potions out of there.

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