Soul Evolution System

Chapter 336 Ragnarok 8

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"Ryuto, you don't need to fight, I can take care of that boy..."

When it seemed that I could enjoy this part of the history of this world, the muscular blond guy who was accompanying Odin takes a step forward and putting himself between Kenichi and him.

Right, I had to take care of that guy too...

"You can let the two childhood friends sort their affairs, I'll take care of you."

With no other choice, I also take a step forward. I don't like this very much, it seems like now was the time for the underlings to fight before the main fight… this made me look a bit like I was a henchman of Kenichi!

"You? Little girl… you should better go play in the park. Or better to just stand aside and watch how I hit your "dear" partner "


Umu… now I'm more motivated to fight! 

It's a shame that even though I feel that I have improved my appearance a bit now, these improvements can probably only be noticed if I don't using clothes! 

...Since from the beginning if I were naked in all the world surely nobody would mistake me for a girl, then it does not mean much to do it now. I can only keep training until my muscles stick out even wearing clothes...

“A-Alexander-senpai, you can't kill that boy! S-surely he was just joking, right ?! "

"No… I really don't like the idea of having to hit a little girl… so you better stop her."

"Hyaaa~! Y-you don't understand! He is someone quite dangerous!!

A-Alexander-senpai, I-I can fight the two of them, so you don't need to fight! 

I-It's okay? "


As I stretched a bit and warmed up, Kenichi came towards me to stop me from fighting with Odin's partner. Has this guy now really put me in the same group as those Ryozanpaku Masters? Besides, it wasn't just him… the others who accompanied us began to nod strongly at Kenichi's comments.

No, well… I can't blame them all that much for this either. The last time I fought someone, I almost ended up killing him… so Kenichi's words had a very good foundation to sustain this.

"Don't worry Hamtaro-kun, I don't mean to take the fight as seriously as that time… this is more out of curiosity."

While it was good that Kenichi had regained his motivation to fight thanks to this, and further that his suggestion to take care of these two himself was very tempting, it was a shame that I had to defeat another member of Ragnarok myself. Pushing Kenichi aside, I arrive in front of that guy. 

...If things only depended on physical appearance, it would be too obvious the outcome of this fight! This guy seemed to have been blessed by God giving him a physique to be above others! That was a bit enviable...

Besides, if I remember correctly, it wasn't just that… probably the most fearsome thing about this guy was his innate abilities! I could clearly read over his head that aside from his level which was [75], there were things like [Super Reflexes] [Kinetic Vision], and [Body Domain] in fairly high ranges… this guy had truly been blessed by the world in various aspects!

"Okay, I'll get this over with quickly, and then I'll take care of the other guy later..."

The fact that someone with my looks challenged him probably didn't like this guy much... after saying that, he quickly lunges at me and tries to hit me.


Then, without difficulty, I avoided his first blow. And while he frowned at my reaction and threw another blow, the same thing before happened... the truth is that it was very easy to block or evade each of his blows.

Also, while the first punch he threw was solely to end this quickly without thinking much about it, with each punch or kick he threw now, he was taking this fight more and more seriously. Unfortunately for him, that didn't change things much...

"D-Damn it! W-Why I can't hit you?! I'm obviously more strong than you!! "


Well... the reason for that was simple. Despite the fact that he had a privileged body, mine did not lag behind his. No, in fact, it was probably even better... only, unlike his, mine didn't show its advantages in an obvious way... that sucks!!

So the advantages he was born with didn't mean much to me. Although, the main problem he had was another… I simply surpassed him vastly in technique!

Unlike all the boys who made up this group Ragnarok, he didn't have any skills to indicate that he had practiced martial arts. His blows were entirely from someone amateur or who got his skills only from his own experience.

…Although at first it was a bit annoying that his punches were a bit erratic, once you got used to the reach of his arms and legs, things became quite simple.

Well, I was expecting this a bit. I didn't think this fight would be any more difficult than the one I had with Siegfried. In a sense, this guy could be said to be the weakest member of Ragnarok. 

Although he could probably defeat some that he was on a higher or nearly equal level with now, it would only be a matter of time before they get past him. After all, the reason martial arts were created was so that people who weren't so graced by the world or god could outperform guys who were... well, surely things would be different if he also practiced martial arts, but that was not the case now.

“You can't beat me, boy. You should surrender now…"

"Impossible! Obviously I am superior to you!! "

All the calm that this boy showed in the beginning had disappeared now... the more time passed, he looked more desperate to try to hit me but in the end he only managed to get more frustrated as it was impossible for him to achieve it.

It might have been more interesting to fight Odin, but I wanted to check something by fighting this guy. Also, in a sense fighting Odin wouldn't be that different from my sparring fights with Kenichi on the dojo… now they both had abilities almost on the same level after all. 

...That damn old man's training was really not in vain.

The reason I wanted to fight Berseker was that his fighting style could be considered as the way I fought before… only depending on the advantages of my body or the superiority of my level over others.

While that wasn't a bad thing, I wanted to fully check the advantages of having learned martial arts now. That was the only reason I had chosen him to fight over the others. So now that I had completed my objective, there was no point in continuing with this and so I am asking him to stop this. Unless a miracle occurred, things would not change.

…Maybe just by the fact that this guy surrenders the system would take that as my victory?

" Calm down, Bereker... that way you won't be able to win"

"Y-Yes, it's true... I seem to get upset a bit..."

Suddenly Odin speaks and immediately Berseker's movements stop. It was a pity that it was not to give up...

"Let's see if you can dodge this- [Crack] Waaah!!!"

In the next moment, after he seems to have calmed down and turned more serious, he throws a punch much faster than before. And as if he wanted to use a secret technique, he stretches out two of his fingers trying to reach my forehead...

I had no problem with that and I actually appreciate that he wanted to make things a bit more interesting, but… his actions had just annoyed me!

Even though his movements were a bit sharper this time, it wasn't like I couldn't react to them either. So before he could touch me, I grabbed his arm and broke it without hesitating a bit...

"I-I'll kill you!!"

As a result of that, he returns to the previous state and throws blows as he can… no, it seemed that this time he had even lost his sanity.

“I-I can't lose! I am superior to you !! I have to wi- [Crack] Guaaaah!! "

This fight had become a bit annoying, so I just decided to end this one by breaking his other arm...


[ Mission "Defeat Ragnarok"

Objective "Defeat the second fist [Berseker] - Completed (You)"]

“ S-Senpai… d-did you have to break both of his arms?!! "

"... it's his fault, he took out a weapon!"

"It was just gum!!"

“W-Well… maybe he wanted to stick it in Alexander's hair? That wasn't a very good thing either, was it? "

"T-That may be true, but ... really was necessary for Alexander-kun broke both arms of him?"


Yes, what bothered me was that the guy had wanted to place the gum that he took from his mouth to put it on my forehead with his fingers!

But while what Renka-chan says would have been problematic as well, the reason for my anger was simpler...

That was just gross!! What was that guy thinking? That with a chewing gum he could defeat me? Or did this one have something that could defeat me with? W-Well, it certainly made my body shudder a bit when I saw it approach my forehead… so in a sense that gum was a weapon!

As for why I broke his other arm… I probably can't say anything in my defense to Miu-can for that. I did it just because I found it annoying that this guy had gone crazy… it might have been enough to just hit him hard to knock him out, but… passing out from the pain served that purpose too, didn't it?

“Well, I don't think it makes much sense to argue over small matters. Now you two can also solve your problems "


"... I don't think Berseker-san thinks that's a small thing."

With the goal of defeating Berseker completed now, it only remained to watch Kenichi's fight and see what happened. I hope something doesn't happen outside of the plot of the story I knew and Kenichi can emerge victorious now. Thinking about it, then I get away a bit with the others to watch this fight.

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(POV Ma)

"It seems that little Alexander won without much trouble"

"Tch... after all, the other boy was just pure looks"

After Apachai who was guarding the boys returned and informed us that Alexander and Kenichi-kun were going to fight, we all quickly came to observe this. It seems that the latter will have to settle accounts with his friend finally...

"What's wrong, Akisame? You don't seem very happy even though Alexander-kun seems to have learned very well what you taught him. "

“… That boy actually broke his opponent's arms without much hesitation. I thought that after what happened previously he would have learned the lesson of not taking things too far... it seems that it is not so"

“T-That's… well, maybe he went overboard a bit. "

“…That boy will probably recover quickly. Things are not as serious as that time. "

After seeing Alexander's fight that ended quickly, Akisame had been frowning the entire time as if he didn't like that, so I was a little curious about his thoughts and decided to ask him.

Apparently, he did not like that Alexander used his techniques to break the other boy's arms... well, although it was inevitable that both of them would get hurt a bit in a fight, there is no denying that Alexander exaggerated a bit.

Even so, as Sakaki says, things were not like the previous time where the other boy was actually in danger of dying... you would think that things were much better than on that occasion.

"U-n... it is inevita-ble not to get hu-rt in a fight... the other bo-y... must have b-een prepared for th-at"


So just like the two of us trying to defend Alexander a bit, Shigure does too. Her words are not entirely wrong and you might think that it was the other boy who had bad luck this time having to fight with Alexander who is quite determined...

So even though Akisame probably continued with some disagreements on that matter, he can only remain silent. The good thing is that the fight between Kenichi and his friend seems to begin, so thanks to this, we can forget or put that matter aside for now.

"It seems that Hamtaro-kun's fight is much more balanced..."

"Yes... probably if he wants to be victorious, it will cost him a lot of work"


That fight was much more balanced and it didn't seem like there was a winner as quickly as in the previous one… that other boy actually had very good skills.

"" Hmn? ""

Suddenly things took a strange turn... that boy's abilities had increased a degree higher than Kenichi's, and putting the latter at a disadvantage.

"That's... that boy is using an ability similar to Alexander's..."

“Yeah… but even though those two abilities have a similar process, the way that boy uses it is quite counterproductive! Even if he wins this fight with that ability, he can end up with more serious damage than Kenichi-kun!"

“…That brat is doing something pretty stupid! Didn't his Master tell him about the consequences of doing something like that?!! "

"Apapa ~ Poor boy ~"

"Well, maybe we should ask him ourselves… it seems that his Master has also come to observe this fight."

"" Hmn? ""

While we were surprised, concerned, or outraged by the actions of Kenichi's opponent, the Elder who had been watching the fight attentively realized before the presence of another person who also had his attention on those two.

"Oh~ So all of you have come too?"

After the old man quickly moves to the place where that person was, immediately the rest of us followed him and now in front of us was that man...

"Ogata ... as I thought, that boy was your disciple..."

"Bastard! You must stop that kid to continue using that technique!! "

Yes, this man was the first disciple of Ryozanpaku... although, at that time only Akisame, the old man, and I were the ones who accepted him as a disciple. So for the other three, he was someone unknown...

Of course, that didn't stop the most temperamental among us, Sakaki who was very upset, from taking a step forward.

"That boy wanted me to teach him powerful skills to defeat his enemies, so I simply granted his wish... of course, he knows the consequences of using that technique and so it is his decision to use it or not."


"Calm down Sakaki ... it seems that Kenichi-kun also realized that this technique was not a good thing and now he is trying to end this fight quickly."

Before Sakaki can lunge at Ogata, Akisame intervenes by pointing to the place where the boys were fighting. As he said, that fight seemed to have reached a denouement where Kenichi had managed to overcome his opponent...

Then, a few seconds later, Kenichi had managed to defeat the other boy. Well, it should also have been because that boy's body could no longer maintain the technique and that ended up exhausting him completely… I hope the damage to his body isn't much.

“Umu… it looks like that technique needs some modifications… that boy has taken it to a level where it can be implemented in a fight, but... this is still too risky. "

"You, Bastard!! Do you think your disciple is just a guinea pig to try techniques? Don't you care what happens to that boy? !! "

While the people of Ryozanpaku rejoiced at Kenichi's victory and his achievements, Ogata did not seem to care much about his disciple's defeat and only evaluated what happened for his own purposes... this simply fanned the flame of fury that had been created in us. Now it wasn't just Sakaki who wanted to step forward to teach this man a lesson!

“No… that boy is still quite useful. Besides… those two are also quite interesting! "

"Bastard! What do you want to do?!! Wait!!!"

Without warning, Ogata lunges towards the group of boys who were cheerfully celebrating Kenichi's victory! So a couple of seconds later, we all followed him!!

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