Soul Evolution System

Chapter 337 Ragnarok 9

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(POV Alexander)


[Mission / Optional "Defeat of Ragnarok" - G 

Join Kenichi and defeat this organization of youth from various disciplines in this world. It will also help to see the progress of your own advances in martial arts fighting others.

Objectives: Defeat all members of Ragnarok. (Teamwork)

Defeat at least two of the members yourself

Restrictions: Your level will be limited at the beginning of the 5th limit.

Interdimensional space blocking.

Use of any type of firearms, bombs, and magic objects.

Skill Lock [Emperor's Soul], [Limit-Break], and [Survivor].

Rewards: 10 Skill Orbs [Self-defense] rank [C]

10K Crystals per member.

100K Gold per member.

Mission Complete - Score - A

Additional Rewards: 5x Pills Enlightenment

10K Crystals per member.

100K Gold per member.]

After Odin couldn't move, the system bells ring in my head indicating the completion of that mission!! Also, the ring that restricted my strength that was all this time on my finger after I accepted the mission finally disappears!!

So, instead of concentrating on observing all the gains for this mission, I now reveled in being able to enjoy how my energy returned to normal...

But it was not only that! When I felt that my energy had reached its previous level, it continued to increase little by little even more! In the end, when this pleasant sensation ended, my level stopped at the [93] digit! I had reached the 9th limit!!

…I don't think this usurious system would reward me for the limit it imposed on me before and that I could not level up. It was probably more like that only now could I see the gains from all my efforts to train with these sadistic Masters over the past Months!

Well, even though there was surely no reward in increasing my strength from the system, I'm thankful just that at least it didn't take away from me the value of my effort until now...

"A-Are you okay, Alexander? It seems as if something around you changes a little... "

"I-It's true..."

"Yes, I'm OK! No, I'm better than ever!! "

The first to notice the change in my body were the two girls next to me, Renka-chan and Miu-chan. Surely they both felt that the aura around me, now that I was stretching and moving a little to get used to this force again, was denser than before.

After all, this was even superior to when Odin had used that technique before on him...

Speaking of which, even though I remembered a bit that this boy used that technique in anime, seeing it in person was very different…  I was able to realize various things that when watching on television was impossible to notice.  When that boy used the technique, through the skill of my eyes that allowed me to clearly see the changes in someone's aura, these things were much more obvious to me.

In a sense, this technique had the same principles as mine [Futae no Kiawami]… the difference was that you had to use the two forms of Ki control and keep the energy that had been shaped by those two techniques within your Body!

[It is true that both techniques are similar, but… using that technique for a long period is suicide… no, even using it for a short time is bad enough. 

You must not try to use it, Alexander…]

As if Aurora is reading my thoughts, she advises me not to use that technique. Since I had domain pretty well the [Futae no Kiawami] technique, doing the same as that boy surely wouldn't be difficult for me...

But as she says, that technique seemed quite dangerous! While that boy was using it, I could see small explosions of energy happening inside his body!! Although I cannot see clearly everything, I was sure these happened in the connecting points of his energy channels. 

That boy really took a lot of damage despite only using it for a few minutes... he may even have been crippled!

Understanding a bit of the two forms of Ki control that were predominant in this world, this was not surprising when you think about it.

Controlling Ki with a "Sei" form as the Ryozanpaku masters call it, made the energy channels fill completely with energy in a stable and calm way. While the "Dou" type, handled the energy in the form of small explosions of energy through the energy channels.

You could certainly gain greater strength by doing that at the same time, but ... it was not difficult to imagine that if while you had your channels full of energy to control it in a "Sei" way you also made the small explosions of the "Dou" type occur, then the only result of to do this was that the energy channels would end up bursting! No, it was even worse! As Aurora said, that was just suicide!! 

What that technique seemed to consist of was trying to control and balance the mixture of energy that had been shaped by the two forms of Ki control, but ... as I knew from my technique, what happens by mixing those two energies is not something good!

You could say that the level of complexity of this technique was much higher than mine, and also much more dangerous for the user! After all, I had now observed what would happen if you failed at this one! The result was as if you had received several blows from my technique!!

[That's right, it's good that you understand. If you wanted to use this technique, it would be best if you were a level 3 soul where your body and energy channels are stronger...

No, from what I see, instead of being a complete technique, that's more like the idea and basis for creating a technique… it seems that it still needs to be improved in many aspects for practical use]



"Well... for now it's better to help Hamtaro-kun before he ends up being a roasted Hamster."

"I-It's true!"

Hearing Izumi-san's scream, I snap out of my thoughts. Even though Kenichi had won the fight, at this moment his life was more in danger than before... it seems that he is following the examples of those masters very well! I am not just saying it by the way he uses his techniques... somehow, these two had ended up setting fire to the building they were in!

Seriously, do the Ryozanpaku guys have any knack for demolishing or setting things on fire?!

Then, while I and the others were looking for a way to help him, suddenly several shadows arrive and rush to the place where they were.

" What are you trying, Bastard?! Is it not enough for you to harm that boy?!! "



Seconds later, from inside the burning building, the Masters of Ryozanpaku and also Ogata that we had met in the forest came out. It seemed that something had happened between them as Sakaki carried Kenichi and looked resentfully at Ogata who was holding Odin...



"A-lexander/ A-Alexander-kun/ Alexander!!"


That guy pays attention to Kenichi who was holding Sakaki for a second, and then in the next instant after ignoring his words, he rolls his eyes at our group as if looking for something... so, when he seems to find what he was looking for, he lunges towards us!

Well, to be more precise, he lunges towards me since it seemed that I was his target!! Shit! Don't tell me that he is upset that Kenichi defeated his disciple and now he wants revenge for him?! And then since Kenichi is protected by the other Masters, so I became the target to vent his anger?! Don't fuck with me!!

In the blink of an eye, as the girls scream in concern, he was already right in front of me! Fuck! This time I will not become another Master's punching bag!!


[Pan ! ] [Pan!] [Bown!!!]


When Ogata extends his hand towards me, I quickly take a fighting stance! In addition, I also extend my domain which I had missed so much, and focus this one on him!

Feeling the pressure it exerts on him, Ogata hesitates for a second to continue with what he was thinking and taking advantage of that opportunity, I immediately hit his hand with my [Futae no Kiawami] technique and managed to make him recoil from the impact of this one.

Ohh~ It was really nice to have my strength back! I don't know if I could have reacted to his actions if I had been at the 5th limit still. The bad thing is that after observing his hand that was shaking and that he did not seem to control completely, he returned his eyes to me while having a big smile on his face this time! 

That gave me a lot of chills!!

"A-Are you okay, little Alexander? "

"You...!! You're really looking to get beaten up!! "

" Stop this nonsense, Ogata... or you will really make all of us take care of you now."

"I'll c-ut you..."

"Apapa~ He's a bad person~"

It was a relief that those seconds that our short confrontation lasted were enough for the Ryozanpaku Masters to get to where we were.

Emmm… although I don't like to hide behind a woman, this was certainly a good opportunity to justifiably hug Shigure! So I quickly run to where she is and do just that while trying to fearfully watch Ogata... umu, she actually looked quite angry as she stroked my head a bit!

“Hahaha… do you think I would be afraid to face all of you? That would simply be as to fulfill one of my wishes… it would certainly be very good to test my skills with you all! "

... I must acknowledge the courage of this guy to want to face all these Masters together, but when things seemed like they would end between a fight, the old man takes a step forward while laughing a bit...

"Hohoho... this old man hasn't done a bit of exercise for a while... come on boy, I'll entertain you a bit."


Then everyone's auras that seemed to have turned on to prepare for the fight quickly calmed down… fuck! This old man was truly the final boss of this world!!

“…Boy, you don't seem to belong to that group. I said it before, you would certainly go further under my teachings! These guys will only hold you back in the end!! "

"" ... ""

Although he seemed to like to test his abilities with other Masters, I don't think he was a masochist to want to fight the old man ... so, in the end he decides to change his strategy to achieve what he wanted.

"A-Alexader-kun... t-that person seems to be talking to you..."

"Eh? That was directed to me?"

" " ... " "

I thought the plot of the story that I knew would continue and he would try to recruit Kenichi, so I was just waiting for this to end... no, the truth is that I was simply more focused on being able to feel the softness of Shigure's body now than having to pay attention to that guy...

Now that I think about it, I seemed I fit more into what his words were saying… well, even though what he says may be true, my thoughts were still the same as before.

“Sorry, I'm not interested… my heart is 100 % dedicated to Ryozanpaku!"



“Hahaha… you've been rejected by the brat without hesitation, bastard! "

"Well said, little Alexander!"



Due to my words, the Ryozanpaku Masters and the others who live and train together change their worried faces to cheerful ones.

" seem to respect your Masters quite a bit... or do you think they are better than me?"

"Eh? Well... we have known each other for a while... and somehow they are more than acquaintances thanks to that. But…"

I think it was normal that not only did the affection of the Master's rise in recent months, without a doubt, I think better of them than when I first met them. But... 

“Being more specific, the reason I prefer to be there is that they are there...

Probably 35% percent of the reason for staying is because of Shigure, 30% because of Miu-chan, and 30% because Renka visits that place often... the remaining 5 % can be divided among the other guys. "


"S-So... I, Akisame, Apachai, Sakaki, and the old man are only 1% of your reasons for staying in the dojo... w-well, it's not that I don't understand either."

"D-Damn brat..."

"E-Eh? I-I'm the reason you want to be in the dojo? T-That's ... "

"W-Why does she have 35% and I only have 30%?!"


What did you expect?! In fact, I'm being quite generous giving you five 5% and not counting you as demerits to be in that house!

On the other hand... I'm sorry Renka-chan but I can't do anything about it. In fact, probably your percentage and Miu-chan one are a little inflated... the truth is that, by removing the percentage of the Masters, then probably the number actual was 50%, 25%, and 25% respectively...

It is almost impossible to give you three the same percentage since Shigure is the one with whom I have reached a slightly deeper relationship!

As for this girl that has the 50% of the reason to stay in the dojo, she seems proud to stand out from the others... her chest now stood out more for the pose she takes and it had become a bit difficult to breathe...

"Hahaha... so I'm rejected by various hips and various pairs of breasts... it seems that our priorities are more different than I had thought"

"" ... ""

…Well, I don't think anyone can blame me for that. The nature of most men is to go after such things after all! If instead of being a muscular man he had been a cute Master, then this decision would have been much more difficult...

"Although I am not interested in learning martial arts from you, my offer still stands... follow me, and then I will show you a world where your ideology is better adapted"

"... A-Alexander-kun?"

"" ... ""

“U-Umm… l-little Alexander… that's not good! You cannot support this person's way of thinking! "

When things seemed to be over, my next words make the nervousness in the Ryozanpaku Masters and the others return...

I feel a little sorry for them, but I did not intend to stay in this world and therefore I did not share the ideology that they defended... as long as I was in this world it was not difficult or bad to follow it, but... in Gaia things were very different.

Although it is not like I intend to kill anyone who crosses my path, that Ideology of not killing their opponents would only cause me problems there!

"... it's true that you've improved a lot in a short time, but boy, you're still far from trying to recruit me... maybe when you're stronger, then I'll take your words into account"

"Is that so? Well, then let's wait for that to happen... "

That's a shame. Since I wanted to get out of this world soon, the idea of having someone with his abilities by my side was quite tempting. Well, at least now it seemed that he was considering my words more seriously than before, that was great progress.

With the discussion over, he leaves the place carrying Odin who seemed to have lost the conscience... it is a pity that that boy will have to pay the consequences of having used that technique before.

Well, if the same thing happened as with Shiba, it might not be so bad to help him in the future. He seemed to be quite talented in martial arts, and he could surely make his soul reach the next level too.

"We should also go back... Kenichi-kun has shown great progress and has a good heart for martial arts."

"It's true... good work, Hamtaro-kun!"

" did very well, Kenichi-kun"


"Apapa~ Kenichi is a good boy~"

"T-Thank you all… but I'm worried about Ryuto… it seemed like that technique affected him a lot."

"Well... that other person was with him, so maybe you shouldn't worry too much about him, Shirahama-san."

I also think Kenichi did a good job and tried hard, but…

"... I also defeated my opponent, where are my compliments?"

"" ... ""

"I-It's true, we should help that other boy too…"

With everyone praising Kenichi, I think it was normal that I also wanted the same treatment! But when I talk to demanding this one, I only obtained looks sharp from these Masters... in fact, by the last words of the Master Ma, they were more concerned about the guy that I beat!

"U-n... good j-ob... A-lex ... "

"... you shouldn't praise what that brat did, Shigure!"

… Tch, don't take away of me Shigure's praise too, Sakaki! Although they are surely more out of compassion to be affected by the difference in treatment between Kenichi and me, these were my only consolation!

“ Hohoho, it's true that Kenichi has improved a lot, but... he still has to keep trying! Your opponents may be just stronger from now on and so you have to keep training hard, Kenichi! "

“Eeeh? ~ Train harder? W-What do you mean I'll have to fight stronger people, old man? We already defeated Ragnarok! "

“ Old man, you shouldn't be so hard on him… it even seems like his personality has started to split, you know? It must be from his traumas during training… if you push him too hard, Hamtaro-kun's true personality may disappear!"

"E-E-h? W-Will my personality disappear?! Nooo ~ "


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