Soul Evolution System

Chapter 338 Fight At The Ryozanpaku

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Since I didn't think Akisame's affection would rise over 100 anytime soon, I was already preparing to tell the Ryozanpaku Masters that I would go out for a while when suddenly he called me to speak...

I thought he was just a little curious as I had told him that I had recently reached the same stage as him in the technique he taught me and maybe he wanted to check my words. So it was a bit strange to see him act so seriously right now that I had him in front of me...

This certainly didn't seem like the setting to have a friendly chat or test my skills… besides, everyone else who lived in this house was gathered here now.

Have I done something wrong to make this happen? Well... many things come to my mind after asking myself that question, but... I thought I had already paid justly for all that!

"Let's have a little practice showdown, Alexander."

“A practice showdown? Well... I don't have any problems with that, so let's do it "

This was a bit strange. Until now, the only Masters I had a showdown with as practices were Sakaki and Apa. Regularly, Akisame only instructs me at showing me the techniques or with some machines strange I prefer just remember when I have to use them...

Well, maybe this wasn't so bad. I don't think Akisame is the same as Sakaki who used our "practice matchups" to vent his frustrations... that guy was definitely a violent type Tsundere!

Thinking that this practice showdown wouldn't be so bad, then I didn't hesitate to accept it. It wasn't bad to fight someone Master level even if it wasn't a serious fight. No, rather, it was good that this was not something like that...

Furthermore, this would also help me get used to my current strength faster… even though it wasn't something annoying like having my strength restricted, the sudden change was still a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh~ That brat has improved a lot..."

"It is true"

With that in mind, I start to move around Akisame a bit looking for an opportunity to attack. While Sakaki's and Master Ma's words are true, what they were saying probably had to do more with the fact that my body had now entered the 9th limit.

... even though in recent months I have improved a lot with the techniques they taught me, it could also be said that I had been stuck with a body that can only show strength at the 5th limit. Probably my progress was now even more noticeable by the increase of my physical condition.

In fact, on one occasion after I joined the dojo, Sakaki even asked me why I seemed to have become weaker than when he first saw me... they must have thought that they only had a false impression of me at first and surely he and the others didn't pay much attention to this because I should still show superior strength to someone my age.

Well, despite my current state, it still didn't seem like I could defeat someone with a level 2 soul... I certainly hadn't activated various abilities that further improved my state, but seeing as how Akisame could react to any move I made without any problem, I highly doubt that things would change much even if I used them.

Although not everything is so bad... I am sure that I would very hardly find a difficult opponent in people who still have a level 1 Soul!


"Hmn? Shi- [Crack] Kuaaah!! "


"" ... ""

Suddenly, things totally change...

Until now, Akisame simply evaded my attacks or held me down to throw me. Nothing that I couldn't bear, in fact, you could say it was a light workout compared to the times I do this with Apa and Sakaki.



While holding my arm that was dangling due to not being able to move it and standing up after a fall due to Akisame throwing me, my eyes were completely on him as I yelled at him quite angrily... no, it wasn't just anger, it was resentment!

This bastard had broken my arm!!!

...If it had been by accident or carelessness either me or his, then I wouldn't feel like my blood was boiling! But it was obvious that this guy had done it totally on purpose!!

When one of my blows failed again, he held it and with one of his techniques had moved it and forcing it beyond its range of motion! I understand this well because a few days ago I used that same technique against Berseker!!

So it was clear as crystal that he had sought to do this since the beginning!!

Not only did this catch me off guard, but I could also see Miu-chan, Renka-chan, Izumi-san, and Kenichi exhale in surprise at this. On the other hand, even though the other Masters seemed calmer, several of them were now frowning.


Interestingly, thanks to the technique that this same person had taught me, pressing various pressure points and applying some energy to them, the pain greatly diminishes and so greatly reassuring myself by this, I ask him the question that has spinning in my head now.

Between the Masters of the Ryozanpaku, although he was not the one with who I had a better relationship, I certainly believed that he was the more peaceful of all of them. So I was a bit intrigued why he did something like that… it wasn't for no reason, was it?

“… I thought it was necessary for you to experience something like that. That way you can imagine what the other person feels if you do the same..."


Honestly, it would have been better for him to tell me that it was because of getting so close to Shigure… that would still have bothered me but I would accept it as a consequence so I could be with her. In fact, if he had told me that he did it because he felt like doing it, then even though I would get quite angry and surely insult him on several occasions, perhaps I would have tolerated it more.


“Hahaha… so that's why? Then you thought that you could teach me a lesson this way, right?

Akisame… I have no problem with you wanting to become a buddha or something like that, it's your life after all. So, if that's what you want, then go ahead, I'll even support you.

But... don't want others to do the same just because that seems something good to you.

I may have exaggerated things with that boy, but I'm not stupid not to know that what I did to him was quite painful... "

"Then you could not have done it... that was not necessary"

“Of course I could not have done it! I was also able to not fight him in the first place! Or I could have just killed him too without suffering! 

What I chose in the end was to only break both of his arms... if the boy resents me for that, go ahead, he can look for me at any time since I accept very well the consequences of my actions. "

"...You're just taking advantage of someone weaker than you, that's not-"

“You are wrong, the boy wanted to fight and I simply act accordingly that, it's not like I was looking for him to take advantage of him. 

As I said, I am willing to face the consequences of my actions, so at least I hope that those who fight with me will do the same... if not, then it is a shame for them. "

Well, maybe because of the mission to defeat Ragnarok I would have had to seek a fight against some of them myself if they weren't doing it on their own, but let's put that aside for now.

The problem was that Akisame probably wanted to teach me a lesson in righteousness or something like that… that really pissed me off! In truth, what I liked least was that others tried to make others do the same as them because they thought that was the right way to do things!

After all, one of the things I wanted to change in this life was precisely that! I did not want to have to blindly follow what others imposed!!

"Your way of thinking is wron-"

"No, it just isn't the same as yours...

Well, I want to see how far you can maintain that Buddha attitude of yours now... "

With that said, I charge back at Akisame. The difference was that this time I could no longer consider this as a simple practice match, I had a very clear objective which was to at least return the favor a little bit to him!

… Probably the possibility of that was minimal, but at least I had to try! After all, I had a few cards left up my sleeve to do it!!

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(POV Miu-chan)

"S-Shouldn't we stop them?"

"It's true, grandpa! This can no longer be considered something like training!! "

The relaxed atmosphere when this started had totally changed! Now, we the youngest were watching that fight nervously, and the others had a serious face with a frown… i-if this continued, things could only get worse!

I was quite worried that things might change after this! Alexander was quite a stubborn boy and he could go on to be quite hurt! Well... more than he already is. Also, what if because of this the disagreement between them was so great that he decided to leave the dojo? I-I didn't want that to happen...

Alexander's mentality may be a bit extreme, but… usually, if nobody bothers him, then he is someone quite calm. The moments in which I have seen him helping Hamtaro-kun or advising him while they train were many more than when he had done something wrong… also, those times because of his reaction, I think they were more of an accident than he did on purpose.

W-Well... maybe I can't say much in his favor about what happened with Berseker-san, but... I think that, if Akisame had talked to him and not broken his arm now, then things would have been very different!

…I didn't want to see the people I considered my family end up fighting like this!

Unfortunately, despite Hamtaro-san's and my words, the others didn't seem to want to intervene yet and were just watching this fight… yes, this wasn't training anymore, it was a fight!!

“That brat… he actually seems quite upset. Well, I think Akisame also went a bit overboard by breaking his arm... "

"Yes... he even started using that technique against Akisame."


"Apapa ~ I feel sorry for Alexander-kun..."

Without being able to do anything, it only remained to continue observing those two there until one of these Masters tried to stop them. Even with an unusable arm, Alexander continued to attack Akisame who evaded or blocked his attacks...

As Ma-san says, when their hands collided, loud sounds were produced. And watching Akisame-san frown every time this happened, it was obvious that Alexander was using the same technique he used against Siegfried-san… it really seemed like he wanted to hurt Akisame-san!

This was a bit worrisome, but it was good that Akisame-san was not Siegfried-san and he managed well to offset this ... p-probably Alexander-kun knew this and that's why he didn't mind using that technique against Akisame- san, right?

After all, despite all Alexander-kun's attempts to hit Akisame, it didn't seem like he was able to affect him much... furthermore, with each passing minute, he only looked more tired and sweat ran down his forehead while Akisame-san seemed to be in the same state as when this started.

…I quite agreed with Apachai-san's comment, and even felt a little sorry for Alexander… w-well, not that I wanted Akisame-san to be hurt either. It was a complicated feeling that I had now...

"" E-Eh? ""

"" T-This is... ""

"... It's the same thing I felt for a second when the boy and Ogata clashed their hands."

Suddenly, when things were looking very bad for Alexander-kun, the atmosphere in the dojo seemed to get very heavy... as my grandfather says, this happened in an instant when the other Master that we saw in the fight against the Ragnarok leaders attacked Alexander... at that moment I thought it was only due to my concern to see that, but it seems that it was not just my imagination since others also react ah this now!

It was a very strange feeling… it was similar to when the Masters took a serious attitude to fight but even more intense still… it almost felt like something tangible! Also, while this affected everyone who was present, it seems that this was even worse for Akisame-san!!

Due to this sudden change, his movements slow a bit for a few seconds... and that was enough for Alexander to take advantage of it and manage to take Akisame-san by surprise!


"... you really did hide some pretty strange things, Alexander"

Despite that, it seems like it wasn't enough for him to hit Akisame-san with the strong kick that was aimed at his face. Strangely even having failed, I could see how Alexander-kun had a smile on his face as he hovered in the air from the kick...

I thought he was quite happy that he had at least taken Akisame-san by surprise, but in the next second, I realize that it wasn't because of that since his other leg slams down...

[Bwon !!] [Crack !!]

"... Kuh !!"

“Hahaha, it was too early to be surprised, Akisame. That was not the only card I was hiding! "

"Oh~ Hahaha, it seems like Akisame dropped his guard after the boy's first kick."

"Un... also, it seems that the fruits of our training to keep the balance to attack in any position are showing now"

As the others say, Alexander-kun had managed to hit Akisame-san! Well, that seemed more like a stomp since it didn't seem that strong, but... strangely even the wooden floor of the dojo ended up breaking!

Also, watching Akisame-san drag his foot back, then surely the wood wasn't the only thing that broke! It was certainly not a simple kick!!

“…That boy could also use that technique on a kick. We can only praise his desire to improve more and more… "

Yes! My grandfather's words were true and that was the only explanation for a blow that seemed to have little force behind this one affecting Akisame-san so much!

I-I shouldn't be so happy about this, but… I couldn't help but feel a bit of excitement building up in me seeing this! W-Well, I should at least scold him after for damaging the house!

"Shi- Kuah!!"


"" E-Eh? Alexander / Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai!!””

"Damn Akisame! Even if that bothered you, you must have held back a bit!! "

"It's true... that was quite childish of you, Akisame"


"A-lex ... he is o-kay?"

"Apapa ~ Looks like he just fainted..."

While Alexander-kun seemed quite happy to see Akisame-san limp a bit, the atmosphere around Akisame-san changes and even her eyes seem to shine! In the next instant, taking Alexander-kun by his clothes, he throws him hard to the ground!

Surely Akisame-san hadn't taken this fight so seriously until now, but then this changed after that blow! So with Akisame-san getting serious, Alexander-kun this time couldn't even react to his movements this time!

The blow must have been so strong that it took Alexander-kun's consciousness away! So worried about this, several of us run towards him while some of the other Masters complain to Akisame.

I just hope that with this they have both settled their differences a bit and things don't get worse when Alexander-kun wakes up... although I think that would be quite unlikely.

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