Soul Evolution System

Chapter 339 Leaving the Ryozanpaku

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(POV Alexander)

"Where I am? Kuh!...

Oh, it's true! I passed out after that of before...

When I open my eyes, I was lying on a Futon in some room in this house. Then as I try to stand up, I feel a slight pain in my arm and I remember my fight with Akisame.

…It seems that after I passed out, then he must have treated me since my arm was immobilized and the bone was put back in the right place for me to recover properly. Well, even though I still feel slightly angry at not being able to move my arm, it had calmed me down quite a bit now.

That's also partly largely from remembering Akisame's face after I broke several bones in his foot! I couldn't help but smile a little remembering that!! I felt like I had accomplished something pretty good to do that despite our different levels!!

Also, my advancement in the [Futae no Kiwami ] technique made me quite happy too!

After having mastered it and being able to use it freely with my fists, I thought it was a shame that this was restricted and I could only use it with these. So after thinking a bit, I thought that maybe this didn't necessarily need to be this way...

Theoretically, the main point of this technique was the mixture of the two energies molded in the form Sei and Dou... the two blows used in this one, rather than being something necessary, were more to mark a rhythm and thus facilitate the application of the technique.

With that thought, I started to practice using this on kicks and other punches. But finding the right rhythm to apply the two energy waves was actually quite difficult... those two light punches with the fist were more fundamental than I had thought!

If I applied the energy in too long an interval, the energy did not mix and only passed through the body of the person or object in which the technique is applied! But if I did it fast enough, it was even more dangerous since the energy could mix in my own body and create an effect equal to the one that Odin experienced!!

…The fear that something like this would happen only complicated things even more!

So after many, many, many attempts, I found that my theory that this technique could be used with parts of the body other than fists was true! Although, I am still far from having mastered it to use it freely with any part of the body…  I will need a lot more practice to achieve that. 

So it can be said that this time during my fight with Akisame luck was on my side by not failing this technique at using it with the foot.

Furthermore, I was also quite glad that this technique was good enough to even damage someone with a level 2 Soul quite a bit! After all, a person's energy at that level is much higher and perhaps he could counter it with his own energy...

In fact, the times our hands collided while using this technique, probably knowing my technique better, Akisame prepared himself quite well to receive it and it didn't happen the same as against Ogata. That time I had taken that guy by surprise and his arm seemed more affected than just having a simple numbness.

In comparison, Akisame withstood those blows quite well… well, seeing how he frowned every time our hands collided, it probably continued to affect him little by little. If the fight would have prolonged too long, there would probably come a point where he couldn't move his arms...

Sure, that's assuming my energy was infinite too! It was much more likely that the point where I would be exhausted and without energy would come before that happened!!

On the other hand, while this technique seems to be able to do damage to someone with a level 2 soul, to accomplish that, first you would have to land a blow on him! That he hit Akisame that time is very clear to me that it was due to the surprise that my dominance caused him and that he surely did not expect that I could use that technique with my feet!

I also couldn't forget that thanks to my abilities as a [Hero] and [Survivor] that was activated when he broke my arm, my strength must have been higher than a normal 9th limit.

If it weren't for this, I probably wouldn't have been able to touch him in the whole fight... so even though I have that technique to defend myself against someone of his level and be able to hurt him, and also those abilities that increase my strength a bit, still the best it would be to enter the same rank of Soul to think about fighting someone with a level 2 Soul.

"Haaa~ Now it doesn't mean much to continue here... I should go back to Runanpur."

What kept me here was to see if somehow Akisame's affection would exceed the digit of 100, but... that was surely no longer possible now. Unless a miracle happened, that would not happen. In fact, I had only managed to decrease it now...

Well... although my anger had diminished enough now, at this time I also don't like very much the idea of having to get along with him.

" Are you okay, Alexander-kun?! "

"Alexander! How are you? "

"It hu-rts…"



"... I am fine, don't worry"

When I leave the room, the first thing to happen is that I am greeted by 4 girls and Kenichi... to be honest, apart from wanting to complete the mission of affection for the Masters of Ryozanpaku, perhaps what kept me the most in this place were 3 of these girls...

It seems that they all were quite worried about me...

"Apapa~ Are you ok, Alexander?"

"... Looks like you won't be able to train for days being in that state, brat."

"W-Well, you'll probably recover soon, Alexander-kun..."


In addition to them, there were also the other Masters and the old man... the faces of some like Apa, Sakaki, and Master Ma who spoke, also seemed worried but surely due to a different reason than the youngers here...

"...You shouldn't smile like that when seeing someone hurt, Alexander."

Of course, there was also Akisame who was now using a crutch to support himself while walking… it was inevitable that a smile would form on my face when I saw this!

"...I will leave for a few months."

"" E-Eh? A-Are you leaving the dojo? ""

"... b-boy, even though you had some disagreements with Akisame, you don't need to leave."

"I-It's true, little Alexander… n-nobody said you have to go!"

"Apapa~ You can't go, Alexander-kun ~"



…I knew this would be misunderstood, but I had already decided to leave and therefore had to tell them this. Well, I'm happy that even though they knew I didn't have an ideology like them, that's not a reason for they expelled me from this place... although I already wanted to leave, it's not the same if I was kicked out of here!

“Don't worry, it's not like I'm pretending not to come back… I have some business to do. In a few months, I will probably be back. "

While I was overjoyed about it, I was also a bit worried since Apa seemed willing to hold me by force! Also, Shigure had even taken out some chains!! So before they actually tied me up, I speak to reassure them a bit.

On the other hand, I think it was the right time to clarify some other things... thinking about that, I make my grimoire appear as I walk towards the porch of the house.


"T-That book is floating..."

"Apapa~ Magic?"

Ignoring the surprise of the majority because of this, I decided to explain a little my origin to them. I think this could help them to understand my way of thinking more and the disagreements that we might have, then they change by this.

“Akisame… it's not that I don't understand the way you see things, in fact, probably in this world that way of thinking is very appropriate. It can be said that this world is ruled by peace after all... previously I was upset, but I don't reject your way of thinking. 

Unfortunately, I do not belong to this world and I do not intend to live here either... the world where I come from is much more hostile than this place, so it is very difficult to maintain the same ideology that the Ryozanpaku fights for. "

"" ... ""

"Eh? A-Another world? W-What are you talking about, Alexander-senpai? "

…Maybe I should have waited a little longer to speak since the others seemed to be quite surprised to see my grimoire floating. I don't know if most of them heard my words...

"Hohoho... interesting, I've lived many years and didn't expect to find something like that..."

“Yes... that is true, old man. But… I think this also gives more meaning to many things about little Alexander"

"W-What does this mean? You two explain it and don't just agree! "

"Apapa~ Apa doesn't know what's going on either ~"

" Mys-terious ... "


Since everyone's reactions were very varied, some seemed to understand this in some way while others asked for more explanations or simply kept silent, I had no choice but to wait for everyone to calm down or try to explain a little more this stuff.

Then, it was until a few minutes later that I could continue speaking...

“While it is true that the place I come from is quite hostile, it also has its advantages…

Old man and the other Masters, you probably felt that no matter how much you continue to train, the strength you have is the greatest that you can achieve... probably overcoming this one in this world is quite impossible.

But... in the world I come from, you could continue to advance your strength more easily. Also, surely there are things that help you all to do that, like the pills I gave some of you earlier. "

"" ... ""

After hearing these words, all the Ryozanpaku Masters became completely serious and even their eyes seemed to glow for a few moments. After all, they were people who dedicated their lives for that… it was not difficult to imagine that those words would excite them a bit.

From what Aurora told me, the strength of the old man was probably the highest that could be achieved in this world... unfortunately for them, the energy of this was in decline and it did not allow someone to exceed the 5th limit from a Soul level 2...

There was already a natural barrier to breaking that level, and so if you add the previous fact to it, maybe reaching level [150] should not be possible under these conditions.

In fact, this was probably one of the reasons why instead of looking for a greater force, they and the other Masters in this world decided to dedicate themselves to perfecting their skills until taking them to the Master level... it could be said that instead of strength since the Masters were very close to each other on the level, they could only show superiority through their abilities.

So knowing that there was a place where they could become stronger, then literally that would be a new world for them... it was not difficult to imagine the reason for their excitement.

“The next time I come, I can show you that world if you want… during this time you can decide whether to accompany me or to continue with your lives like now.

I hope that at that time at least Shigure and you two decide to join me… "

"E-Eh? A-Accompany you? "

"U-n ... but... you can't be me-an to Akisame ..."


Well, the ideal would be to be able to count on these Masters in Gaia, but... without a doubt, the ones I wanted the most to accompany me were those three girls!

Although, it seems that things are very favorable... the old man seemed very interested in my words and his eyes did not stop observing the dimensional rift that my grimoire had now created!

He must have been the person who most felt the restrictions of this world, so without a doubt, I can understand that perhaps he is the one that the world on the other side calls him with the greatest force! And with him going there, his granddaughter would obviously follow him!!

And with Miu-can going there, then Shigure would have no reason to refuse to go with me!  In fact, in her eyes she could see the desire to step forward and come with me now, but... then she turns to Miu-chan and frowns. Probably to her Miu-chan was like a little sister that she cared about.

Well, she probably also cares quite a bit about Akisame who was her Foster father… in fact, it seems she was worried that I had some grudge against him. Although knowing that he was a man who can take care of himself and would surely be fine, he does not tie her to this world as much as Miu-chan... or maybe so I want to believe.

As for Renka-chan...

"I will go with you!!"


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the heart" (Renka)- Complete

Rank: "E" 

Description: To maintain confidence in a person, it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater bond created will be.

Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100

Rewards: 1x Rank [E] armor coupon

3x Orbs [Self-defense Technique-[E]]

Aditional Rewards: 1M x Cristal

10M x Gold


" " ... " "

When I put my eyes on Renka-chan, before I might say something, she speaks first. Well, I had a hunch that something like this could happen… she had been silent until now and more than due to surprise at all my previous words, she seemed to be in deep thought as if trying to decide something.

Hearing the system notification, this moment must have led her to make a decision about the things that we had previously discussed. So I was not only happy that a cute girl joined me, but rather because of the meaning behind her choice!

"Well, then come with me"


Since I had no reason to refuse her request, I nod and accept this. Then in a very cheerful way, Renka-chan quickly runs to my side. After that, she putting her eyes on Shigure and Miu-chan and speaks again while having a big smile on her face.

“Don't blame me for getting ahead of you two! You are the ones who did not have the courage to make a decision now!"

"T-That's ..."


Oh ~! Those are quite promising words! It really intrigues me a little how much she wants to get ahead of these girls… after all, I'm sure her words have nothing to do with getting stronger than the other two girls!

"Don't worry, Master Ma. I'll take good care of her and also I'll make sure that nothing happens to her."

"Kyaa ~ If you say something like that, then you will make me ashamed, Alexander~ "

"…good. I trusted you, little Alexander. Also, I'm really a little curious from that world you talked about a little... " "

"Hehehe ... Master Ma, believe me, in that place you will find many beautiful girls... also, even of different races!"

"Oh ~! That sounds very well! 

Hehehe... if not because I have some issues in which I have to support the others in this world, I really would like to see that... "

Since Master Ma seemed a bit concerned, I decided to say a few words to reassure him a bit. Of the Masters of this dojo, I believe that he is the one with whom I had the best relationship… therefore, at least I had to commit myself to assure him of the well-being of his daughter.

So after hearing my words, he gave a long sigh, and then nodded towards me and smiled a little as he saw how his daughter began to hang onto my arms that is not hurt while she enjoyed seeing the other two girls frowning.

Of course, I do not forget to tell him about the advantages of Gaia! Surely that will motivate him a little more to follow me to that side after I come back!

"Well... then I say goodbye to everyone for now."

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