Soul Evolution System

Chapter 340 Leaving the Ryozanpaku 2

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"Well... then I say goodbye to everyone for now."

After my words, I put my eyes on everyone who was here one last time. I really wished that during this time they could think things over and several of them decide to accompany me in the future...

" Take care, Akisame ... I hope you recover soon."

"…do not worry, I'll be fine. Also, after having treated your arm, surely you will not have problems with it "

"... I would have preferred you not to break it in the first place."


"" E-Emmm... ""

"Maybe we better just forget about what happened before, boy."

“It's true, little Alexander. It wouldn't be good if you had to leave with some resentment... "

When I put my eyes on Akisame at the end, the atmosphere becomes a bit tense again… I think this was inevitable. Even though I'm not angry like before, I still can't help but get a bit annoyed when I see him… well, it was more of a complicated feeling since I was also happy by observing how he had to support himself with a crutch. could be said that it was that I was not upset, and perhaps it was rather that both feelings were balanced now.

On the other hand, it was easy for them to say that as they weren't the ones who had to endure the discomfort of not being able to move an arm! Well, since the expressionless Shigure was even showing a bit of concern about this, I better should let it pass...

Although… that would probably be after a little goodbye gift from me to Akisame!

"...please receive this as a gift to make amends, Akisame! "


… You didn't need to bother, Alexander-kun. "

Taking some throwing stars Shigure had given me, I threw them towards where Akisame was standing. Besides, in the end I also throw another object at him...

As expected, Akisame quickly moves her hands and takes each of the things I throw at him without much trouble... well, if I could have hurt him with something like that, then everything I suffered previously could only be considered my fault for being careless and foolish...

Then, after taking one last look at everyone and with Renka-chan holding my arm, I turn around to go through the dimensional rift created by the grimoire. Then before entering there, I stop for a second to say one last thing to Akisame...

“That square object you're holding is a big firework… you'd better get rid of this before it explodes. "

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(POV Ma)

After Alexander-kun disappeared along with Renka, we all turned our gaze towards Akisame who was holding the square object about which he was referring… when I laid my eyes on this one, it had the digit of 6 and in the next second change to 5...

"T-The brat was joking, right?"

“H-He didn't look like he was doing that, Sakaki-Shishio! A-Akisame-Shishio, that thing is going to explode! You have to throw that thing quickly!! "

It was not necessary for Kenichi-kun to say that to Akisame. He had already started to move quickly to reach the center of the courtyard, and then throw the square object with all his might towards the sky...

“M-Maybe Alexander-kun just wanted to annoy Akisame by making him move now that he can't do it very well? Maybe it wasn't such a dangerous thing."

As we all watched the square object rise in the sky at high speed, I say my thoughts. I saw Akisame's face distort a bit from pain due to having to force himself to move, so perhaps that was Alexander-kun's main goal.

" I-It's true... knowing that brat, he probably wanted to annoy- "


"Gyaaa~! That was not a firework!!"


…Cutting my thoughts and the words that Sakaki wanted to say, a huge explosion occurs in the sky! T-that could no longer be considered a little joke! I-If that had exploded near someone, then things would be pretty bad!!

"Great fire-work ..."

"Apapa~ Tamaya ~"

"That was not a firework! It was a bomb obviously!! "

“Tch… you really annoyed that brat, Akisame. Surely now I will have problems with the old man of the police…. he's going to complain to me for several hours about this "

While most of us had a cold sweat running down our foreheads, Shigure and Apachai excitedly celebrate the big explosion… these guys are a bit too laid back. 

Well, Sakaki who has some acquaintances in the police will be in charge of talking to them… after all, there will surely be several patrols surrounding this place in a few minutes...

"Hohoho ~ Apparently that boy had more secrets than we thought… things have gotten more interesting now"

"I-it's true! W-What's all that just happened? !! Alexander-senpai disappeared through that strange space!! W-What is happening?!! "

"... W-Was the sensei an Alien?"

“Calm down, Hamtaro… if you lose your cool over something like this, then you still need more training. T

hat brat said it, didn't he? He was from another world"

"That doesn't explain anything, Sakaki-shishio!!"

"" ... ""

With things calming down a bit after that explosion, the old man brings back the main problem that we had put aside because of what happened... in truth things ended up being more surprising than we had thought.

Well, although most seem calm now, surely everyone had the same doubts that Kenichi-kun expresses... but it is true that since nobody could answer any of those questions, then it did not have much meaning in worrying about this matter for now. Things will surely become clearer in the future when we see little Alexander again...

The only thing that there was no doubt about, as the Old man said, is that things have gotten much more interesting now! I can see how the eyes of the other Masters in this place are shining! Even I myself feel that the emotion that I had lost over the years reappears within me!!

A new world where we can reach new limits... any Master would be excited to hear those words!

“Hohoho… you need to train more, Kenichi-kun! With new horizons to see, as a disciple of Ryozanpaku, you cannot be left behind Alexander!! "

"Hahaha, it's true!"

"Hyaaa~ I don't want to! Alexander-senpai said that my true personality would die if I continued like that!! "

Well… to could think about things like another world, we first have to solve the things of this world. So, understanding this, everyone seemed excited to do that quickly!

…On the other hand, maybe it is right Kenichi-kun's true personality ends up disappearing if we speed things up now. Although… I also have no objection to the words and actions of the others. I hope Kenichi-kun resists… at least, I think Akisame and I can make sure his physical condition be healthy.

"Are you okay, Ma? Your precious daughter is gone now "

“…Well, I knew that she would end up finding someone to spend her life with. Things might just be faster than I had thought… although, we will surely see each other again soon.

What about you, Akisame? Are you okay? It seems like little Alexander took things a bit far now… "

"…I'm fine"

"Well, maybe more than just a few broken bones, surely your biggest worries are other things..."

Watching Sakaki start dragging Kenichi-kun to the dojo to train, Akisame walks over to me after picking up his crutch. I don't think he still approves of Alexander-kun's earlier words … no, maybe it's the same for all the Ryozanpaku Masters… after all, maybe his ideology is even more extreme than “Yami”. 

Although... it's true that we can't judge things the same with him either. Until we know how things are in the world he came from, it is very quick to draw a conclusion. Or at least that's my thought… and surely most have a very similar thought. Even Akisame probably can't deny everything that little guy said.

Well, that was just one of the concerns I was referring to. I am sure that there was something else that bothered him even more...

"Hehehe, I think Shigure will end up following the boy too sooner or later ..."


With my words, Akisame's frown becomes more pronounced as, like me, he directs his vision towards the two girls who had stared a bit at the place where Alexander-kun disappeared.

Well, the old man had this problem too, but… I don't want to joke with him about it! Besides, he surely does not care so much about his granddaughter's decision since I am sure that he will not resist the temptation to go to that world...

[Wiuu ~ Wiuu ~ Wiuu ~]

"E-Eh? S-Sakaki-san!! "

" in the end they came"

Hearing the sirens coming from outside the house, Miu-chan snaps out of the trance she seemed to be in, and runs quickly to find Sakaki... well, since he will surely be busy for a while and Akisame has a lot to think about too, then it is better that I take care of training Kenichi-kun.

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(POV 3rd person)

"Hahaha... it seems that things have become quite interesting now!!"

On a utility pole, a man was looking directly at the Ryozanpaku dojo. In his eyes you could see a great emotion… no, not only in his eyes, his whole body seemed to be emanating great joy!

Probably if it wasn't because that place was the base of his "enemies", then he would have charged directly there!

“If that boy had shown me those things earlier, then we could have had a more serious conversation!

A world where strength was everything… hahaha, without a doubt that would be a great place! The opponents in that place... the new techniques... to be able to reach greater strength... little brat, you are quite cruel to show me that all those stuff are possible and deny me them now!!

…It might have been better to risk me a bit and fight that old man this time… well, the boy seemed to have some pretty dangerous things with him too. Things might not turn out so well if I took him by force.

It's a shame that looks like I'll have to wait for a while to see him again… I just hope it's not long. For now, I will have to settle for entertaining myself with that organization for a while... "

The reason for his excitement was none other than the things he saw and heard a moment ago inside that dojo! 

Due to the technique Alexander used against him the previous time, his attention on him had increased quite a bit… so, lately, he had been looking for the opportunity to "talk" with him.

Then at feeling the same oppression that he experienced a few days ago, he quickly came here to observe and then ended up encountering this strange development within the dojo. Of course, the first thing that caused all this on him was quite a surprise, but... this was suppressed quickly by discovering that his most profound desire could be fulfilled!

Why strive to change a world if there was already another that was more adapted to your wishes?! No, that place even sounded much better to him than what that organization he had just joined was looking to do in this world!!

IIn the end, since he could not hide since his aura was overflowing with his emotion, after receiving the gaze of several of the members of Ryozanpaku, he decided to withdraw while having a big smile on his face.

Although his thinking and purpose were probably a bit different from theirs, he probably now had the same thought as most of the people in that place... to fix things in this place first, and then wait for Alexander to appear again.

…So with the screams of the boy who the thoughts of those all people would end up affecting him, Ogata leaves the place since his objective was no longer here.

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(POV Saya)

"Come on, Kurisu! You have to eat something! Then you can go back to doing the things you used to do "

“…O-Okay, Haruna-san. You don't need to pull my hand... "

"Look, look~ Emilia-chan has been able to make some scrolls now~!"

"S-Shisuka-san... t-it's embarrassing, please stop!"

"Saya-sama, this woman continues to name the store" Milene's Armory "! Please do something with her "

" It's okay, right? It's better than saying that the store has no name! "

As is customary, all those who were now in the mansion gather to eat. This really makes this place quite lively... we had started these meetings to inform all the things that had to be done or had been done, but now it just seemed like a meeting of girls to talk to each other... or maybe this place in a certain way had truly become something like a family now...

Haruna-san was like a worried mother dragging her teenage daughter, Kurisu-san, who tends to forget even to eat when she is working... well, thanks to the efforts of the latter girl, the problems during the invasion of Monsters were easily overcome.

Since most of the Soldier girls had accompanied Rika-san and the others, I was a bit worried when that season came around. I was about to make those girls in Rozz's forest come back, but Kurisu-san thought it was the right time to test the robots that Alexander had brought from Emilia-chan's world, and that she had finished modifying so that these be able to work with crystals.

So all the girls who were on the mansion and some others from the organization "Servants of Alexander" who were not good at fighting and decided better to take care of simpler jobs like cleaning our this one, we managed those robots with the reversal system they had.

...the truth was that was a bit funny since it was not very different from a video game. And surely the others thought the same as they happily even competed to kill more monsters.

Well, the exception to this was Haruna-san and Shisuka-sensei. The first did not like very much to see how these creatures were exterminated, while the second did not was able to gain good control of the robot and just was all the time wandering in the woods while yelling at the side of us... I think that Alexander would have like to see her reaction and how her whole body shook as she tried to avoid the trees.

…On the other hand, some girls could only curse her a little for seeing that soft body shakes like pudding!

Well, the point is that the robots were a success, and even the other organizations that had placed their bases here now didn't have to intervene much that time.

Leaving Haruna-san and Kurisu-san aside, Shisuka-sensei and Emilia-chan really looked like sisters… the former was like an older sister proudly talking about the achievements of the younger one who was embarrassed by this.

Probably the reason why she is a bit embarrassed is that the truth is that her scrolls are not very useful now... the scrolls that Shisuka-sensei talks about could only do very simple things like creating a small light or a little of water to drink. So if you compare them to Kurisu-san's achievements that can exterminate a small horde of monsters, it would certainly be a bit difficult to be proud of that.

Although... surely none of the girls here think that. From what we've heard from Lena-san or my mother who is in our world, those scrolls can be very powerful. Also, according to the words of the first one, Emilia-chan is learning very quickly… therefore, perhaps in a few years she could reach the level of creating those powerful scrolls!

Speaking of my mother… the probability that she ends up living in this house is very high! Now that my little brother is born, she calls me more often to complain about my father… the good thing is that she doesn't seem to have any resentment towards the little one and all her anger is directed at my stupid father… Haa~.

So maybe the fact that this house is home to people from a single-family is becoming more and more real now...

Well, like the last two who speak, there are also some girls who have a different reason for staying in this house.

"Stop doing that, Milene-san... or when Alexander comes back, he will surely punish you"


"No, you have to make sure to tell Alexander-sama this, Saya-sama!"

Because Alexander had to leave before the shop was complete, he hadn't named it. I can do it myself, but… I-I want him to do it so that it would be as if we both did this one.

The problem is... this woman seems to be taking advantage of it! If she was like Celi-chan who also complains, I wouldn't mind too much, but… Milene may be planning on naming it like that and then taking over that store! In fact, this woman already seems to feel the owner since she is giving orders to the other girls who work there!!

...she has even taken and giving the maid suits that Alexander had given to the girls who are in charge of taking care of the mansion also to the girls of that store... because those suits expose a lot of skin, it has really become a popular store that adventurers visit very often!

Also, the girls who wore them did it cheerfully and so no one from us couldn't say much about that matter... I think since they look like very ornate dresses like the nobles normally wear, then those girls see those outfits more like something that perhaps they could never have worn before... probably the fact that they are quite short is attributed to the fact that since they are quite a few girls, they were simply made this way to make them less expensive!

…It even seems that Rika-san has a headache because the girl soldiers have started asking for their uniform to be similar to those maid outfits. 

Well, we can't blame them too much for that… if we compare it to the normal clothes that the village girls wear, they are certainly much cuter... and all the girls like to wear cute things!

Even so, although she wasn't primarily responsible for this, Milene has earned a lot of resentment from Rika-san for this. For now, she can only tell them that the military outfits that they wear offer greater protection so that she doesn't have to lead a group of women wearing maid outfits...

The bad thing is that recently in our world it seems that they found the necessary machines to make bulletproof military suits... I'm sure that when Alexander finds out about this, then he will want to fulfill with great joy the request of the soldier girls to create bulletproof maid outfits!


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