Soul Evolution System

Chapter 355 Handing Over the Weapons in HOTD

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“…So, is the spring finally arriving for you two? Well, the population of men in this world had dropped a lot... so some girls would have to settle and not be so demanding with their partner, right?"

"Fuck you!!"

"Y-You're a bit cruel, Alexander-san..."

"D-Don't worry, Alexander-san s-surely just is joking, right?"

"... no, those are my true thoughts."

"" ... ""

After talking and spending a while with the girls in Gaia, I decided to come to HOTD… besides, this also served to wait for Rika and the others to finish the things they have to do there to return from Rozz's forest. The girls had already sent the message that I had returned, so surely they should return to the mansion soon.

Well... perhaps also I was a bit forced by Rei since she was worried about her parents... by sure I preferred to kill time waiting for Rika and others simply being with the girls at the mansion! But with no alternative but to please her a bit, me, her, Saya, Kurisu, and Alice-chan come here.

Among them, Rei and Saya quickly go looking for their parents since it had been a while since they last saw them. In addition, Kurisu and Alice-chan also parted ways from me to go to the technology department... the little one of course also wanted to see her father, and the other one wanted to share her research with the people who worked there. doubt Kurisu's scientist trait prompted her to seek recognition for her work a bit. I also praised her quite a bit when she began to tell me everything she had done during these past months, but... unfortunately, I could only assent everything she said without understanding much of it.

So I think that even though she was happy for my compliments, we could only smile a little bit bitterly because we weren't that connected in that regard. More than the technical specifications or how things worked, what mattered most to me about something was just that it was functional.

So it's okay for her to vent to other people to show how smart she is. Furthermore, I had also asked her for something new to investigate. Now, after I or the girls completed some quests in the system, we had gathered all the blueprints so that we could create interdimensional doors!

While there were simpler ways to create these, like asking the World Guild to do so, it would be inconvenient for the world of HOTD to be known to other people... this great crystal mine was mine and I didn't want to share it with other people for now!

However, it was also a bit troublesome that I was the only one who could bring the girls here… it would certainly be much better if they could travel from Gaia to HOT D and vice versa! And of course, the girls who had their relatives in this world totally agreed with this and were quite happy when we discussed it.

Therefore, this was the new purpose of some of the girls to fulfill as soon as possible. Although, the main ones for this were Kurisu, Saya, and even Emilia-chan who understood the blueprints a bit more. The latter surprised me a bit that she got involved, but it seems like it was necessary to have knowledge of runes and things that she was trying to understand now to doing these doors.

… Also, Shisuka happily took out some scrolls that Emilia-chan had created to show me when she saw me surprised as if wanted to show off her achievement, while on the other hand, Emilia-chan blushed more and more. Well, it's quite nice to know that we may soon have a skilled scribe in our group.

Well, back to the HOTD thing, there were several surprises after I walked through the dimensional rift of my grimoire. The first was that Komuro and Yamada were happily talking to a couple of girls! In fact, I had to blink several times to confirm that I had seen well!

…Despite my disbelief, it seemed that my eyes weren't deceiving me and they were both talking to Niki and Misuzu! Even Komuro was holding hands with the former one!!

So after greeting the people who welcomed us... and since I was left alone, I went to talk to them and Hirano who joined us too... also, the latter perhaps surprised me a little more than these two... no, more precisely, I was surprised by what was in his arms!

… Apparently, her son had now been born! It was a cute little girl that now only had a few months! Also, from what I hear, so did Saya's brother too. She seemed to have some problems since probably did not feel right leaving her mother with which she spoke now and who sometimes her gaze directed towards me... she surely wanted very much to go and see for the first time to her brother, but for now, it was hard for her to do it.

I also wanted to talk to Yuriko, but… I think the best thing is letting her first vent all those things with her daughter now. So Saya will have to wait a bit to meet her little brother who is in Kinato… it seems that Soichiro is not such a fool to bring his new family here. Things would certainly be quite uncomfortable if he did!

Well, after the four of us made it to the usual cafeteria, there was no need for me to even ask as those two fools quickly start talking rejoicing at his words.

…It turns out that they started dating those two girls for a couple of months. Although, it's not that surprising either if I think about it a bit... the last time I came, I think I remember that the atmosphere between Komuro and Niki was quite good.

Perhaps the one that surprises me the most was Yamada... it seems that instead of taking the option of fighting for Yuki's love with Soichiro, he decided to give up, and with the support of Komuro and Niki, he ended up dating Misuzu.

While it is true that it seems that the bad luck of these two had ended... to be honest, I think the main reason why Niki and Misuzu agreed to go out with these two, without a doubt was because of what I said before!

The population in this world had dropped enormously... and also after the initial catastrophe, in the groups that were formed later, it was usually the men who fought... the women, if they were lucky, were in charge of other tasks in the camps… If they were unlucky, they were used as relief tools...

The fact is that, because the men went out to look for food, then their numbers continued to decline... therefore, the current percentage of women in the camp is a little higher.

So now that the situation in this camp was much more normal than in others and now the women were trying to find a partner, then all realized this problem. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why polygamy was accepted here without much problem...

"W-Well… Niki and Misuzu seem quite happy, so it must be fine right?"

"Haa~ It's really sad that those girls have to settle for so little... well, that's probably one of the misfortunes of living in an apocalyptic world "


"Fuck you, bastard!!"

"Nyaah ~ Nyaaah ~"

Damn it, Komuro! You have made my little daughter cry!! ""

"I-I'm sorry…"

Because Komuro raises his voice even more and hits the table making the little girl who was now in my arms cry, her father and I did not hesitate to complain of him. Although I think the words of the first one are more effective than mine… while he gives me a resentful look for this, he looks at Hirano with a little fear.

…Well, this is not so incomprehensible. Now Hirano instead of a short and chubby boy, he had become a short and muscular one... how is it that he could create so many muscles in this time and I barely managed to mark them?! Since I was present at his training, I'm sure it was something much lighter than what I had to go through in that damn Dojo before!!

Well... anyway, I think it was time to stop bothering Komuro and Yamada. Probably because Hirano was now a few steps ahead of me, the idea of these two doing it too bothered me a bit and I couldn't help venting with them... although seeing how Komuro celebrated the simple fact of just holding Niki's hand, I think it will take a while for something important to happen between them… besides, Niki seems to be a pretty shy girl in that sense. 

Also... for him to have a child, then he would have to have a baby brother first! It would be very unfair that he became a grandmother Haruna before that she was a mother again!!

Sure, since if I said that inevitably he would throw himself at me, that was just a thought that remained in my mind. It would be bad if he gets even angrier and scares the little girl again.

As for the other guy in this pair, I think Yamada has more chances to go further with Misuzu... although, if that happened, it would not bother me as much as the first one. I remember that Yamada's life had been a bit troubled, so maybe it was time for luck to smile a bit at him.

“Yosh~ Yosh~ By the way... what is the little girl's name? "

As for why I'm holding Hirano's daughter right now, it wasn't because of anything other than the fact that she was quite cute! Even though I don't want to have children for now, I can't help but feel a bit envious of Hirano at this moment!!

…Given my mental age, maybe she awakened my paternal instinct… seeing her, I can't help but think what it would feel like if this little girl were my daughter? That thought makes my body shudder a bit but not because of a bad emotion!

"Since you said you wanted to name her, Asami and I have decided to wait to give her a name until now..."

“Damn it… will you really let him give your daughter a name? Don't you remember what this camp is called?! "


…I had forgotten about that. Although... I think that I said it more as a joke to annoy Hirano a bit when I found out that Asami was pregnant! At the time, I thought it would be nice to name his son after a weapon as punishment! Now… seeing the little girl in my arms, I don't dare to do something like that to her!!

Well… seeing how Hirano remains silent and some beads of sweat form on his face from Komuro's words, I feel like doing it again! No… I can't do something like that to the little girl who stretches her arms trying to reach my nose!!

…AK-47 doesn't sound too bad, does it? Also, I think Hirano, as an otaku of weapons, wouldn't entirely dislike such a name. Too bad Colt sounds more like a male name...

"I-I do n't know what name you're thinking, but you have to stop now!"

"Tch... you really have very little trust in your father..."

"Shut up!"

“…Little Alita… how about this one? How does it sound?"


Well… it might not sound so bad. "

In the end, since I didn't really like how “little AK-47” sounded when I tried to say it in my mind, then I remember that other name. While it was not the name of a weapon, it was from a girl considered one...  perhaps after all it was not quite right?

"Un! Little Alita, now you have a name~"

Since Hirano seemed to want to carry his daughter because of the excitement that she now had a name, then I handed her over. Umu, it seems like it wasn't a bad name after all. 

Then with things decided, I speak again.

"Well, your name from now on will be Alita, little one"


"W-What's going on?"

“Don't worry, it's nothing bad and it's just a skill of mine. Surely when she grows up, this will give her some advantages "

"I-Is that so? T-Thank you, Alexander-san! "

Giving it a name just wasn't bad, but remembering my ability [Will of the worlds] which had been a while since I used it, I don't hesitate to use it to give some benefits to this little one. Right after my words, little Alita begins to glow a bit surprising everyone… well, if there is any change in her, we will probably know that in the future.

…I just hope she doesn't suddenly grow some metal wings and start flying all over the place while she's still a baby! Hirano will surely complain to me if that happens!!

[I don't think you have to worry, Alexander. That ability instead of some physical change, what produces rather is a change within the soul of the person...

Although she can gain abilities that do that or strengthen a person's lineage, the former is unlikely to happen and the latter, since she is human, there shouldn't be any big changes.]

…that is good.

“I think it is time to give you all the things that I have obtained from another world. With this, you all can continue with the expeditions without any problem, and so clean more places full of zombies "

“…So you remembered those things. I thought you would just spend your time getting more girls."

"...or enjoying your time with the ones you already have... they are a good number after all."

"Tch... you guys are people of little faith... that's why fate doesn't reward you"


“W-Well, anyway, that will surely cheer up all the leaders of this and the other camps! Even though we have taken care of the closest cities, the zombies keep getting stronger and increasing in numbers even now.

It's good that we don't have to worry about the issue of weapons now!! "

After having satiated my curiosity with the love life of these 3, I get up from my chair to go to the warehouses to deliver all the things that I had obtained in Ruananpur. Also, surely Yuriko had been able to tell her daughter her complaints during this time… I should help Saya a little by distracting her mother so she can visit her little brother...

On the other hand, what Hirano says about zombies was true, but... looking at his face, I can see that it wasn't that big of a problem either. His words sounded more like a slight complaint than if he was mentioning a big problem.

After all, the vast majority of zombies should be below level 50, and also those that have evolved should not exceed the 8th limit. The most troublesome thing should be the [Zombie Mothers] that they told me about the last time I came here.

The zombies that these things spawn are evolved ones after all. If people here don't deal with these quickly, they may be able to create a small horde of only high-level zombies!

Well, it wasn't just the zombies that kept getting stronger… this camp has continued to grow all this time too! Now the soldiers of all the camps are surely hovering around the number of 100 thousand!!

Although, most of these are recent recruits who are between the 3rd and 4th limits. Only 10% of these exceed the 5th limit, and some of these are between the 6th and 7th. 

...The problem is that unlike zombies, most of these soldiers get stuck at that level of strength.

So not only should I give them the weapons I brought, but it would also be nice to give them some of the pills that Lena and Shisuka have created, and also some of the ones that the system has rewarded me with.

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