Soul Evolution System

Chapter 356 Handing Over the Weapons in HOTD 2

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"...D-Did you attack a military base in another world, boy?"

“… I-I didn't expect it to be that so much either. 

W-Well, it seems to be true that you were not chasing skirts in another world as I had thought... "

"" ... ""

After a few minutes, several of the leaders from different camps got together, and then I started pulling box after box of materials for the production lines and some weapons as well... I must say that I really see the numbers growing in my interdimensional space slowly, but... see all the things we bought in Ruananpur stacked here is something very different… now I think it is not so necessary to keep buying these things for a long time there!

…In fact, I don't think we had gotten as much like this from some military bases that had been found in this world as Rei's mom mentions.

The good thing is that at least this seemed to improve Rei's opinion of me a bit... or so I thought at first! When I roll my eyes on the two of them, Rei strangely quickly gets in the way so that I can't see her mother...

…It may be because when I saw her, I was a bit surprised to see her a little more rejuvenated both physically and mentally, so I couldn't help but fix my gaze on her a bit. Well, I was just a little curious to see the effects of the [ Energy Channel Rebirth pill] that I had given her… also, it seems her father seemed quite happy about his wife's changes. Well, the problem is that seems that Rei misunderstood this!

" Fufufu, with this, I think we won't have problems with the ammunition of the weapons for a long time. "


Either way, it's not like Rei's mother was complaining about all of this either and she was just a bit shocked just like the others. When they recover a bit, without a doubt this was a cause for joy for all as Yuriko expresses and the others enthusiastically affirm.

By the way, it seems that Saya actually went to Kinato when she had the chance... watching her go so fast, I don't know if she was really a little impatient to see her little brother or just wanted to run away from having to listen to her mother's complaints... maybe a little of both.

Either way, it seems that Yuriko seemed a bit more relaxed now...

"Well, these are just small arms and things necessary for these... we will have to move to I can deliver the best ones"

"E-Eh? T-There is more still? "

"... hadn't you asked me for stronger weapons?"

"C-Certainly, but... I really thought that would be problematic... no one would blame you if it wasn't possible, Alexander"


… It's a bit sad that Yuriko didn't trust me! Although... I certainly can't deny that. But thanks to the situation in that world, getting those things was easier than I thought.

"We will have to move to the camp on the coast now."

"T-The coast? W-Well ... w-wait, don't pull on me, Alexander... "

With that said, I took Yuriko's hand and started walking towards the place where the helicopters were. Then due to my action, she gets a little nervous and starts to see other people who also start to follow us with a little embarrassment.

...from the first moment I saw her when arriving at HOTD, my eyes at that moment went directly to her left hand! Of course one of the main things that interested me to come to this place was to be able to check the current feelings of this woman! In fact, for me, this was much more important than delivering the weapons to the camp!! That's why I wasn't so opposed to Rei's rush to come here earlier.

So when I saw that there was only a ring mark on Yuriko's ring finger, a part of me could only sigh to get rid of the uneasiness I had while the other was glad. It doesn't seem like Yuriko changed her mind about her split with Soichiro!

Well… maybe I shouldn't be so happy since I don't think he's a bad guy after all, but… I can't deny my emotions either!! If he didn't do anything these past few months, then he can't blame me for wanting to act myself now!

B-Besides, this may be a cheap pretext, but … if I don't do it myself, then I'm totally sure that there is a long line of men wanting to invade the place that the two of us do not occupy due to indecision!!

"Damn Alexander! Let me climb too!!"

“…Go to your mother now, after all, we'll be leaving soon. 

Pilot, go to the camp in the port now!"

"Y-Yes, Alexander-san!"

"Damn brat! I'll make you pay for this!! "

“…T-That boy has quite a few balls, doesn't he?

Well… since Soichiro is not here, it may be the reason ”

", I think he would do the same even with Soichiro-san here, Aunt Kiriko"

"Don't praise him, mom!"

"No... I wasn't praising him... I was referring to his attitude, Rei. No to another thing"

“… I-I meant that too! Don't praise that brat's attitude "

Upon bringing Yuriko in, I quickly follow her and then close the door of the helicopter preventing the other people from entering... although the only one to complain about this is Rei who at first had her face flushed with anger, but later it seems to remember something from his mother's words and his face turns even redder.

…Well, later I can find a way to reduce her anger! For now, I had some more pressing things to do first.

"M-Moh~ Why didn't you let the others in, Alexander?"

“Of course it's because I wanted to be alone with Yuriko for a while, hehehe. Don't worry, they will probably follow us in another helicopter "


After my words, the pilot raises the helicopter, and Yuriko immediately complains a little. When this one heard Rei's screams, he seemed to have some doubts about what to do since it can be considered that she was a girl with enough influence in this camp, but then when he heard my words in a serious tone, all his doubts disappeared.

…I don't think Rei would take it out on him unlike me if he really didn't make the helicopter ascend! And he seems to understand this very well after all.

Leaving aside the problems of the pilot that did not care much to me honestly, quickly my attention is totally focused on the mature woman next to me! I think enough time has passed for her to clear her mind on what she intends to do in the future...

“ Tell me, Yuriko… have you thought about what I said before? What do you think of me? "


While I caressed a little the fingers of her hand that until now I had continued to hold, with a bit of concern and effort, those questions come out of my mouth. Like anyone in this position... or a similar one, I couldn't help but think of rejection too. That possibility was not totally ruled out after all!

It had been a while since I felt this uneasiness… I think the situation with the other girls has been quite positive so far, and therefore at this point with them, I was usually pretty sure about their feelings! I was probably in no better shape than when Hirano declared his feelings to Asami!!

Well... if I take them as an example, and how things turned out with them in the end, then the future doesn't look bad at all!!

Maybe the only problem is that, unlike the people I've formed a relationship with until now, Yuriko had... or could still have feelings for someone else! I think that's the main reason for the insecurity I felt now… so her current silence was slowly eating me from the inside!!

"Haa~ Alexander… you know that I'm much older than you… I even have a daughter that is older than you, you know?"

“That pretext doesn't work here, Yuriko. You know my relationship with Haruna, and so you must understand that I do not care in the least! "

"...b-but, you also have a relationship with Saya!"

“That doesn't matter either... she knows it herself, and I haven't kept what I feel about you a secret from her. Also, the time I talked to her on another occasion about this issue, she did not object to this! "

Seeing that I seriously awaited her answer, she sighs, and then I finally hear some words from her. The bad thing is that, instead of an answer, it was more about some concerns or pretexts to seriously answer my question...

Well… it's true that these concerns of hers were quite reasonable and it would probably be weirder if she didn't mention them. Even so, quickly dismissed her comments, and then I keep pushing a little! Today I must know if I get a favorable response or she rejects me, I will only accept those two options! Nor is it that I liked to maintain this uncertainty in our relationship! That was more problematic!!

Although… to be honest, maybe people should give me a little praise for telling her that I had a relationship with her daughter and that I also wanted her as my woman! 

It's good that when she hears me say that, she just frowns a little and didn't look so upset… it's almost sure she should also be adjusting her mentality to the changes this apocalyptic world was created!

“Yuriko… you don't like me? Don't you want to be with me for as long as our lives last? "


Feeling that we had reached the decisive moment, I squeezed her hand a little again. Then, because of this, her eyes stop for a while on the mark of the ring that it had left there for staying in that place for quite some time...

Seeing this, I could only shake a little! Things didn't seem to be going well for me!! But then when some bad thoughts started to cross my mind… suddenly she looked up, and her eyes were now fixed on my face with a serious attitude… I could hear the sound of my saliva going down my throat!

“Well, little one… you win. I will stay by your side for the years that I have left..."


In that serious face that she had, a small smile forms, and immediately those words come out of her mouth! There were countless things I wanted to say now, but strangely, I can't say anything!! At that precise moment, I don't know if it was due to my current body or simply because of the emotions that swirled in my stomach, I just wanted to jump and celebrate this like a kid!

...I knew that would certainly be a rather childish reaction, but it wasn't like I could do something to avoid wanting to. I must be grateful that I was also quite surprised and because of that, my body is foolishly idling.


What finally brings me back to my senses, was the light caress of her lips on mine! Yuriko had kissed me again by herself!!

"Hyaa~ Hmmn~!!"

So once I recovered, I quickly pushed her onto the helicopter seats and kissed her with much more intensity than other times!! In addition, my hands begin to run over her fully mature body as if I wanted to claim ownership over it… no, this body was mine and nobody else's from this moment!!

“…Hmmnn~ D-Don't be so impatient… Hyaan~! A-Alexander… I-I still want to tell you a few things first! Stop a little~!! "



When my mouth finished traveling her neck and headed for lower grounds, I have no choice but to stop as she exerts a little force to pull me away... I think I had gotten a little too excited...

In the end, I could only frown a little at her next words. While she agreed to have a relationship with me now, there were some conditions... or maybe it was more of her concerns. 

The first was that she didn't want this to be known for now...

At first I thought she had some problem with Soichiro knowing this, but as if reading my thoughts, she denies it and begins to tell me her reasons. Apparently, due to the way she had lived up to now, Yuriko took quite a lot of importance on the opinions of others... so it annoyed her a bit that, although it was not a secret her separation with Soichiro for the people in the camps, she did not want others would talk behind her back if they found out that she was now in a relationship with me... 

Besides, it is true that the problem of the age difference did not disappear even though it was no longer so for us.

…In this aspect, things with Haruna were easier… she doesn't care much what other people say or think.

To be honest, I do not really care about that stuff... unfortunately, I do not think it would be nice just do not give consideration to that if she cared. Haa ~ I could only bear that for now.

Well, that had a pretty simple solution… I just had to bring her with me to Gaia, and there shouldn't be a problem to interact freely with her! That's why I wasn't so worried about that... her second reason she says was more problematic!!

Yuriko didn't want to our relationship go so fast! Well, it wasn't exactly like that... rather she wanted me to give Saya preference over her!! Furthermore, I couldn't say much about this!! It's not like I can just say something like "That's not was something you should worry about"... the other person was her daughter after all!!

… What can I say? In that aspect, Mother and daughter were somewhat similar! 

Saya did not want to advance our relationship because she felt she was betraying Kurisu, and now Yuriko wants me to first deepen my relationship with her daughter...

But... I can't complain about this. It was good enough that both Mother and Daughter agreed to be my women!! Also, that's something that a little time would solve...

Either way, while this was a bit unfortunate, it wasn't that it made a dent in how excited and happy I was right now! While I have to settle for just holding her hand for now, I think things had turned out pretty well in the end!!

Also, remembering a bit the mark on her finger… it actually seemed to bother me a bit! So, to get rid of that discomfort, I quickly buy a ring in the system to put on her finger now!!

Since I had filled my pockets again shortly after coming to this world, I bought one with an effect similar to the necklace I had given Haruna before, and that had a protective effect. Although she did not want to make our relationship public, she accepts this without problems… no, I think she was quite happy about this!

…This will also help a little to keep out some people in the camp who could have any ideas about Yuriko! Although I wanted her to come with me this time ah Gaia, it was a great pity that this place needed her too much for now...

So having a quieter trip, we arrived at the camp in the port. Then, not long after, the others also arrive.

…I had forgotten that I prevented Rei from coming with us, and so as soon as she sees me, she quickly runs towards me to continue complaining...

" W-What are you doing?! W-Why are you hugging me?!! "

It's a shame for her that I was still quite animated. Therefore, instead of listening to her complaints, I give her a big hug while I smiled. Then as a result of this, her screams grow even more… although, she doesn't seem so upset since she doesn't push me away.

“Well, boy… didn't you want to show us something? You can get affectionate with Rei later"

"Oh~ Right, Right... I almost forgot the purpose for which we come here."


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