Soul Evolution System

Chapter 377 7 mountains Sect 1

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In a matter of a few seconds, we were soon in the 7 mountains sect... it still amazes me a bit how practical this world's dimensional technology is every time I use it. It's certainly a pretty good thing!

Apparently, since we were not members of the sect, we came to a branch of the world guild within this one that was near the entrance... this seemed to be used by low-ranking disciples to get quests to obtain resources for your daily life, so the place was packed with people in uniforms just like the ones I had seen when the princess met a group of them in Rozz's forest the last time.

Thanks to Cleir-san being with us, they just looked at us with a little curiosity and stayed away as in the capital of her kingdom. Although her status in this place was lower than in Delna, we can see that she was still someone of importance in the sect.

Both, she and the guy who stayed crying in the castle, here they had a rank of Major it seems. Also, given their strength and relationships that they had with other people here, they were at the top of these.

As Cleir-san prepared to return here, she told us about some things about the sect. This sect was founded by a man who is the leader of this one together with 7 of his first disciples... why only 7  and why that name you question? Because the place they took as a base stood out 7 big mountains... yes, people in this world really like to name things without much effort!

Well, it's not my problem and also sometimes keeping things simple is better. The important thing is, that over time, those 7 disciples who now have the rank of Elders in the sect also managed to create their own influences under them. Although, it seems that it was a lower rank than the sect itself since being in Level 1 Areas. As the Delna Kingdom as an example.

So that to sum it up, you could say that this sect was formed by 7 clans with enough strength to control a region or kingdom at a level 1 area, and they were led by an old man who was stronger than these 7 people.

Of course, looking at the number of people here, it was impossible for all of them to be members of those 7 Elders' families. Like almost any other sect, this one accepted almost anyone who wanted to join them. Although, certainly the most talented people were, the more effort they put to recruit them.

...Talent is probably one of the most valued things in any world after all.

Returning to the topic of this sect, that from before caused 7 factions to be created here. This sounded like it was a bad thing, but it seems that the relationship between them was quite good. Although, logically it was impossible for this to be totally 100%. But when there was some friction between them, then the sect leader would come in to fix it.

Clairsa had already told me a bit about this, so I wasn't that surprised. But it is also true that not everything was as I had imagined...

In my head, I thought this place would be something like a university where many people gathered, but... when we left the guild, I realize it was not! Instead of a university, this looked more like a small town!!

According to Cleir- san's words, this sect had around 10,000 members… Damn! There were 10 thousand subjects!! And this sect could not say it was one of the largest in this area!!

... it's kind of scary to think how big the biggest sects would be.

[Well, although you can also intimidate people with numbers, the main thing is still the level of strength of the people.

A sect with 10,000 people with a level 1 soul probably cannot be compared to one with only 100 members with a level 2 soul]

...that is right, but still is surprising to see an organization with that many members, Aurora.

Well, unlike HOTD where the world's population has dropped a lot, on Gaia it doesn't seem like organizations have a problem getting members!

Even though that number seemed quite surprising, this does not mean that all those people were strong as Aurora says... of all the people I see walking around the place, only the three girls next to me and Cleir-san have a level 2 Soul. In fact, even people at the peak of the 9th limit didn't see much.

Although what does seem to be a requirement to enter the sect, is at least to have opened an energy core. So it was still a bit surprising to see all the people here surpassing the 5th limit.

After asking Cleir-san for more information on this, she told me that probably 80% of the sect members were people with a strength between the 5th and 9th limits, 15% were important disciples who had a great strength and maybe a possibility of having a soul level 2 or already they were on that level but sadly they don't have much of a chance to keep getting strong. 

The other 5% was Core Disciples who had an even more promising future than that 10% from before, and therefore the sect was striving to train, and seniors, instructors, and elders of the sect.

…Well, analyzing those words of hers, that meant that there were at least around 500 people with a level 2 soul in this sect. Umu, it seems that the 7 Mountains Sect really couldn't be underestimated in this Area either!

Besides, that also means that each faction should have about 70 members at that level… maybe be less since I think there should also be people who are more loyal to the sect leader.

Either way, that was certainly something of a surprise! In our group we only have 3 people with a level 2 soul after all… well, since it should almost be part of the Delna clan now, so should I say that I have 70 subordinates with that strength? 

...Well at least I think I can count on them as allies… no, I should subtract 1 from that number... The King of Delna sees me as his enemy after all.

"...i-if you compare my parents' sect with this one, then ours should be more of a small martial arts school..."

"Well, not all of them seem strong... although it is annoying to fight against a much larger number, in the end, it would only take longer to defeat them "

" Fufufu... well, people also say that thousands of ants can end up eating an elephant."

Not only was I the one who was surprised by what my eyes saw, but it also seems that the girls next to me had similar feelings about this. 

Well, I don't think everything can be evaluated in the same way either... depending on the region, circumstances, and other things, the complexity to achieve something can be different. So I think that Master Ma, his wife, and Renka- chan, all of them could take pride in leading various hundreds of disciples in their world.

…I was more concerned with Mary's thinking. I could see her trying to confirm her words and go against this whole sect! Probably if a slight problem arises, then she would not hesitate to put her idea into practice! 

Honestly, I was a little more in agreement with the words of Saeko-chan. Although the bite of a small ant does not hurt much, the bite of 10 thousand is not something to joke...

Well... that's if we just had to rely on our physical strength for something like that. If I used all the things I have at my disposal, at least I think we could survive in case that happened.

"This place feels a little different ... though, it's not something unpleasant."

“Yes~ Vrana likes this place!! Master, let's take this place and get all these people out of here!! "


On the other hand, there were also the girls who were more focused on the changing of the environment... probably they and the others were experiencing the same thing that I felt when I went to Kenichi's world! No… the feeling they feel should be even a little bit higher since the energy in that world was in decline.

[Yes… this place is definitely a level 15 zone. It should be a bit similar to the time you went to that world in the previous world where those Masters were]

Yes, as Aurora says, the energy in the environment in this sect even though it was full of human constructions, was equal to or greater than what I felt when the old man forced me and Kenichi to go to the forest deep inside on the mountains in Japan!

Therefore, it was normal that all the girls who came with me were quite happy now by this feeling... they were probably like fish that had been taken from the river and now they were coming back to it, especially the three girls with a level 2 soul. The bad thing was... Mary and Vrana maybe were too excited because of this.

...thank God that the words of the latter one, given its slightly more childish appearance, were taken as something harmless that a child would say while playing. Of course, I knew perfectly well that she meant it!

Although… I must say that it was a bit cute how she was waving her hands as if she wanted to fight all these people. Also, I think it would look prettier if her wings were instead... sometimes I feel like it's a bit regrettable that I can't see her harpy features because of the item I gave her.

“Well, you all will have to wait a bit here. I will go to do whatever it takes to get you to join the sect. Furthermore, I will also inform Cleirsa and Turla that you have come.

Fufufu, surely those two will be happy to see you, Alexander-kun. "

" Ok"

After walking together with us through the sect to show it to us a little, Clair-san says that, and then she enters on what should be the place where the most important disciples of the sect trained and resided.

This place had the same design as the citadels that I had seen in Gaia until now and which were separated into several sections by walls or similar things... at the end of the day, strength or talent was something that generated a strong distinction between the people of this world, and perhaps most importantly, get some profit from it and status is one of these things too.

She told us that if a person between the ages of 12 to 20 managed to open their energy core, that was enough for them to be considered an inner Disciple. If they managed to advance to the peak of a level 1 soul or enter level 2 before the age of 30, those people would rise to a core Disciple.

To those people the sect would allocate the greatest amount of time, resources, and skills to strengthen them. And also they might enjoy being able to focus on their training without many obligations. In addition, once they reach 35 years of age they could become instructors, Seniors, or even Elders.

Although, for the latter, they would have to be part of the family of the 7 aforementioned factions. Furthermore, since in this sect there could only be 7 Elders, one of these would have to have passed away or retired to spend the remains of his days in his family.

Those who could not meet those conditions from before, and who were 80% of the members of the 7 Mountains sect, would remain as Outer Disciples... or if you want to see it in a cruel way, they were the disposable pieces and the poor exploited workers.

Well, this was a difficult world and it didn't seem like the people who remained outer disciples were complaining much about it. Not that for this they were mistreated and, although perhaps a lower priority, they were also protected by the sect from other organizations in this Area.

…They could probably have a happy life, but certainly for that they would have to bow their heads a bit for people with a higher rank than them.

Of course, perhaps that also depends on the person and many would not agree with this. And for better or for worse, I was in this group! I really didn't want to have to hang my head at other people! Much less than to obtain the protection of the sect I would need to give up enough things that I earn with my effort in return!!

If it weren't that my entire group easily fell into those conditions from a core disciple, then I would have seen Clairsa and Turla for a short time and then I would go elsewhere after declining their invitation to join here! I preferred to keep all the things that I gained from my sweat and blood, even if for that I had to depend solely on myself in this Area!!

But it seems that this time something like that was not necessary. I was at the peak of the ninth limit and I was only a little over 13 and a half years old, in addition to Renka-chan and Saeko whose forces were at that level as well and she was only 16 and 19 years old respectively, the three of us with that alone should become in core disciples.

And logically, it was even more useless to worry about the other three girls who had a level 2 soul! The Elders would probably insist and beg them to become members of their sect!!

In addition for if some reason that was not enough, as everywhere, the influences behind of a person also open many doors! And that was no exception here either! Having the support of the Delna clan, it was certain that we would have a good position in the sect!!

So, while watching Clair-san pass through a door guarded by two men with a level 2 soul and also thinking about those things, we stayed in what looked like a rest area.

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(POV Saya)

After Alexander-san and the girls accompanying him left, tranquility returned to the Mansion for a bit. Of course, all the girls and I were quite happy that he was with us, but… due to the recent facts, the atmosphere in the place was a bit tense!

...I think it was inevitable that all of us would look at him a little differently than before. And it was even more uncomfortable to meet him and any of the girls with whom he spent that night... no, all that day!

After all, despite the fact that no one commented on it and the girls tried to ignore it, we all knew that they continued to do so on subsequent occasions! At various times when one of us tried to find one of those two girls to talk about some things we had to do, we had to leave it for later because there was a strange atmosphere around them!

And there were worse things… I remember that once I went to find Kurisu at the place that she takes as her laboratory to discuss some things with her, I had to stop holding the doorknob hearing sweet sounds from inside!!

W-Well... the truth is that a part of me was also quite curious to open the door and see a little... b-but thinking that surely if she saw me it would be more difficult to talk to her when I looked for her at another time when she was less "busy", in the end I refrained from doing it.

Although all the girls were restless about all this, I think the ones who had it the most difficult were those two... including me, when the girls were alone with them, it was almost a mandatory thing to ask them how things had been at that time!

...Curiosity is something that can't be helped after all.

Not only was Alexander-san the only one who had changed… no, in fact, I don't think he would have changed much… there was probably just a slightly different aura around him. Instead, those two girls did seem to have changed a bit… maybe it's just my imagination, but their skin seemed brighter and they also seemed more energetic.

So this only added a little more to the doubts and curiosity of the other girls like me that were virgins... questions such as if it was painful... pleasant... if they were scared...or if they felt happy probably appeared in everyone's mind constantly.

Unfortunately, either out of embarrassment or because they didn't know how to express it, we didn't get a very clear answer from them… also, since we all knew that probably if we continued insisting it would be more uncomfortable for them, then we had to stop.

What it was clear was that... things had changed a bit and most showed interest in experiencing it for themselves!! Maybe if it wasn't because Lena-san and Harun -san advised us to give those two some time, many of them should have tried to find a moment alone with him!

Well... more than advice to Shisuka, she was practically obliged by the others. Although, the truth is that no one felt very sorry for her and we saw it more as a just punishment.

As for me… I had already done some things with Alexander-san and, even though it scared me a bit, I didn't want to be left behind those two either! 

No, just like Saeko-san who proposed that Kurisu-san be the one to do it with Alexander-san first, I also had a similar thought. Although she probably had a feeling of wanting to monopolize him a little stronger than other girls, in the end she was not mean to other girls because of that ... in fact, she was always quite friendly with others.

…I just didn't expect that Saeko-san would also take this opportunity to further deepen her relationship with him. Although it may not be right to blame her ... it was her courage that allowed her to stay in that room unlike many of us who ran away quickly.

There were only two people that I couldn't let go in front of me! One of those was about Rei who always gave me a bit of annoyance for being so indecisive. Although lately my resentment towards her has dropped a lot, I still couldn't allow her to do it with Alexander-san before me!

The other girl... no, it was more correct to say woman! Curse! It was my own mother !! Every time I think of her my mind was filled with various complex feelings!

Before we returned from our world, she spoke with a very serious attitude to me to tell me that she had officially accepted Alexander-san as her partner as well! I-I knew this was very likely to end up happening and in fact, I had allowed this myself but… now that it was real, I couldn't help but feel that this was a bit uncomfortable! No, this was enormously uncomfortable!!

…In the end cause of all the things she had been through recently, I could only silently nod to her words to indicate that I understood and accepted that. Silly Alexander-san... why did he have to go after my mother too?! No, this is also my stupid father's fault!!

Even though things have ended like this, something in me really couldn't allow my mother to go ahead of me and sleep with Alexander-san! So what prompted me to do this was no longer just my female instincts and it was something much more complicated!!

...well, now that Alexander-san to come again, I will have to wait a while to be able... t-to spend time alone with him. For now, I can only keep doing the things that had become a kind of work for me in this world!

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