Soul Evolution System

Chapter 378 7 mountains Sect 2

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(POV 3rd Person)

" Ahh ~ Onisama, That's great~ M-Make it stronger please~"

At a place within the zone designated for the 7 Mountains Sect to the Core Disciples, sweet sounds coming from a woman were heard quite clearly. And in what looked like a bedroom, those responsible for this, a man and a woman found themselves having intercourse.

"You are so cool, Onisama~ S-So intense ... h-hyaan~"

On the bed supported on all four limbs, the woman pushed her hips back as the man beat with his hips in the opposite direction. Undoubtedly, both of them at this point was focused on enjoying intercourse.

While, this probably wouldn't cause the other disciples in the sect to be surprised as even though some might consider it a waste of time and prefer to take advantage of every minute to train, it's not like something like this is forbidden or happened infrequently here.

After all, both the men and women in this area were young, they had a good reputation, and most of all their strength or talent was recognized by the sect itself. Therefore, the vast majority possessed great popularity with the opposite sex and easily other lower-ranking disciples would be more than willing to entertain them for a while to perhaps reap some benefits.

" Hyan ~ H-Hyan ~ A-Amazing!!

O-Onisama~ Y-You're so strong... Nyaah ~"


Not to mention the man who at this moment was thrusting his penis into the woman making her exhale great moans every time he did so… he was the main disciple of the 7 Mountains sect after all!

Probably if some girl from the sect were to pass by and hear those sounds, the only thing that she would feel would be envy for the other girl who was now in bed with him. As for the men... even if they had some envy or resentment over this, they surely wouldn't dare to express it.

…Maybe what would make their feet stop a bit and cause them a little doubt, is the way that girl was referring to him! Although it is true that Gaia was a quite wide world and with quite different customs, still that a woman calling Oniisama the man with whom she had sex... that wasn't normal!

Well, there was the possibility that it was a game between them to achieve greater excitement. Although that was still strange, it was probably the most reasonable conclusion. Unfortunately… and probably generating deadly envy in a certain group of people, this was not the case now!

"Hyan~ Give it to me ~ Give it to me~ Onisamaaa ~!"

"U- Unn!"

The two who were having sex right now were really brothers! Well... more precisely, half brothers. But although perhaps their blood tie was a little more slender, no doubt this tie still existed!

"" Ha... ha... ""

[ Tock … Tock …]

"Velrut -sama... I have been informed that the person you had an interest in has recently joined the sect..."

"" ... ""

When the two half-brothers were trying to catch their breath, suddenly the sound of someone knocking on the door reached their ears. That man had had to wait until things were over there to be able to speak, so to his bad luck, he was the only one who had to endure those sounds even if it seemed strange to him.

But given his calm tone of voice, he didn't seem to care about that... or it could be that as a subordinate, he just didn't dare say anything about it. Or also that he just got used to these things...

Well, if he thought about it, maybe the father of Velrut was even worse than this prince... the rumors of their kingdom, there was talk that the King had even put her hands on her daughters, wives of his children, brothers, or any woman who seemed attractive to him... and this subordinate knew well that these rumors were true!

Unfortunately, even if he had any complaints about this family, given the strength of those people, would only waste his life if he dared to say something about this. He was just glad that he wasn't the person he had just mentioned now… he thought that fellow was quite unlucky enough to earn Velrut's resentment.

" Hahahaha... that guy finally decided to show up himself!"


Either due to the excitement of having had sex before or actually rejoicing at his subordinate's words, Velrut quickly begins to dress while his face showed a big smile. On the other hand, with an attitude contrary to this, his sister also does the same... she was probably not happy with the interruption of the "communication" between her and her brother

She had several mixed feelings about this. While she supported her brother since the stronger he was then the better her position would be as well. That's why she also resented the boy who had interposed in Velrut's plans, but… a part was also happy because if the plan failed, then the silly woman who was Delna's princess would stop being a problem for her.

…She couldn't help but feel a little scared that this woman would take the place next to her brother, and then be pushed aside. After all, she had also tried hard to be where she was now!

What's more…

“ Onisama… the people we sent earlier never came back. That boy's backing is probably not too weak… we should be careful. "


With his sister's words, Velrut's joy lessens a bit and he frowns. What she said was true... with the information she had gathered, they soon learned a little more about that boy. He had a couple of organizations in the Delna kingdom, and thus he thought they could gauge the strength of the influence behind the boy. Unfortunately, this only made things more confusing due to this information!

Undoubtedly these forces were not great, but ... the problem was that their strength had grown very quickly and this indicated that there was another person or people with considerable power supporting that boy's back.

It was troublesome to do something directly in that realm to prove his strength, but… luckily a group of them moved to Rozz where they wouldn't bother other groups for intervening there.

The result of that was quite disappointing… although they couldn't get much more information from those people they sent there, it was logical to think that they at least had the strength to deal with the men his sister sent to that forest.

They had sent two people with a level 2 soul, so he expected a more favorable outcome but unexpectedly not even they came back. So it was easy to assume that they had more bad luck than good.

Furthermore, even though the other disciples they sent didn't matter much, it was a bit regrettable for those two to disappear... after all, it wasn't that he had many men with that strength to follow his orders either. Most of the people in the second level of soul in the sect from their realm were more loyal to their father than to him.

This made the resentment to the boy that he had not seen until now has increased a little more now. But as her sister said, that also indicated to him that they need had to be more careful with him. Things may not have been so easy as he had thought before.

"Either way, we better go see that boy... we should personally know the person who has got in the way of our plans, my loved sister "


Even hearing his sister's warning, he couldn't help but want to see that boy. The desire to make him pay for ruining his plans was still occupying a large part of his mind now!

So after finishing dressing, the two of them along with the man waiting outside the door go directly to where the information they received said that boy was.

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(POV Turla )

"Mom? Why did you come back so soon? Won't you stay a few days in the Delna kingdom? "

“… Did something happen, Cleir-sama ? "

“ Fufufu, well… some things happened and I had to go back, but it's not a bad thing Turla. You do not have to worry"

While the princess and I were talking a bit, suddenly Cleir-sama appears in our room and surprises us both. As the princess said, not long ago we had fired her as she was going to the Kingdom of Delna.

…So that she returned so quickly, it could only mean that something had probably happened there.

Indeed something seemed to have happened there, but… from Cleirsa -sama's expression, it shouldn't have been a bad thing. So I thought, but... something in her smile told me that this was not entirely correct! And then her next words confirm my instincts!

“After having come to the kingdom for a while, I met my little and handsome son-in-law there. Fufufu, it seems I was quite lucky to go there this time~ "

""E-Eh? ""

Her words surprise us for a couple of seconds, but right away I can see how the princess's face starts to blush a little! Like me, the image of a little redhead should have appeared in her mind!

Also, I feel like my blood is starting to rise to my face too! Although… I'm sure the reason for this to happen to me is something different from the princess! I couldn't stop the memories of Rozz's forest from popping up in my mind!

I think that the princess still does not get used to this much, but now he had already delivered the dowry for the engagement, this without a doubt was already a fact! On the other hand… the fact that that guy actually delivered a chest of 100 [Channel Rebrith pills] so quickly to engage with her made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

I would like to say that it was because I had distrust in that boy and therefore I was worried about my Master whom I swore to protect, but… I was quite clear that my emotions were due more to being a little envious of her! And by understanding that, that only made me feel even worse!!

Damn guy… this is totally his fault!

Strangely, even though I tried to curse him a bit for this, in my mind a part of me couldn't help but believe that maybe it wasn't so wrong to think that that chest was also a dowry to be engaged with me...

So while this was still something new for both of us, we had both accepted the engagement as fact.

“ Fufufu, so as you must imagine, I brought your fiancé Cleirsa to the sect … no, that's wrong right? I have brought the fiancé of you two"


A-As if reading my thoughts, Clair-sama put her eyes on me while correcting what she says… so this time only my voice with quite a bit of surprise is the one that is heard. 

D-Did that boy say something to her?

"I- I'm sorry Turla... m-my mother was quite insistent when she asked me about Alexander-sama before, and without realizing it seems that I mentioned... s-some things about you two"

I-I had forgotten that… or maybe it was more instinct to blame that guy first for me, but… there was also someone else who knew about the things that happened at Rozz other than me and him! I-I wonder how many things the princess said to the Queen?

I-I really wanted to know this since it depended on how embarrassed I should feel now! U-Unknowingly, my embarrassment could now only reach the maximum level!!

" Fufufu, tell me ... who has gone further with him?"


I soon find out that I probably shouldn't have thought about that! Apparently, the princess hadn't sold me yet and I keep some things a secret, but… with Cleir-sama's question, as if she couldn't help it, the princess's eyes were fixed directly on me!!

“ Heee~ So Turla is a more… a brave girl. Fufufu, who would have thought that the woman knight who doesn't seem to have much interest in men would get ahead of Cleirsa? This is a bit unexpected~"


I-I really wanted to get out of this place immediately! Unfortunately… given my position, I couldn't do it! Also, I don't know why, but… I felt like the Queen wanted to say another word instead of “Brave”!!

Fortunately, she didn't seem to want to continue making fun of me and instead her attention turned to the princess... or maybe the next also implicated me?

“ Well, it is also unexpected that Cleirsa had a preference for younger boys… or maybe it is not so much unexpected since you always liked children?

Also, I thought that you did not commit to someone because you wanted to find a person who only had eyes for you like your father with me and that is why you rejected several guys... I did not expect you to choose someone who had several women by his side.

Anyway, I indeed think Alexader-san is quite cute… besides, he also seems like a pretty good and talented boy… and the girls next to him too. In fact, that worries me a bit because your competitors seem quite strong..."


“ Fufufu, don't worry Clerisa, it's not like I'm thinking of taking him for myself~. I am happy enough that he is my son-in-law. I just couldn't help but play with him a bit when I saw him… and then I discovered some surprising things "

"" ... ""

“I wanted to put him to the test a bit, so I stimulate him a little to see how he would react to your silly father's jealousy… I don't expect him to don't flinch when he exerted the pressure of his ability [King's Dignity]~ He even calmly began to stroke my waist you know?~ "

"M-Mother! H-How could you do something like that?! "

"T-That damn brat ... e-even the queen..."

"I was just testing him a bit~ Don't worry you two."

"" ... ""

...if I didn't know that the Queen was truly in love with the King and she was only a little harsh on him at times, the princess and I would maybe be more concerned about her actions. Well... although perhaps that was not something appropriate, that must have been the only way to assess the boy who was now her daughter's fiancé.

Leaving aside that Alexander who was still the same lustful boy from before, I could understand Cleir-sama's surprise after seeing that. Previously when the King somehow agreed to a betrothal between the two… he was quite angry after he understood what he had done, and then he directed a great killing intent and pressure towards Alexander and he hardly seemed to affect him!

I must admit that this was something quite surprising… and indeed, at the end of that discussion, you might even think that he ended up defeating the King without even making a move… after all, the King ended up passing out while spitting blood!

Also is easy to understand her concern about what Cleir-sama said earlier regarding the girls who were next to him! The majority of these girls have a force to be considered and they at least could become inner disciples on the sect! And maybe many could even be integrated here as Core Disciples!!

…So the princess or I couldn't feel any advantage over them.

But… maybe that wasn't that worrisome either. With the girls that we before managed to talk to, they had a very nice attitude and so I don't think there would be much of a problem with that. In fact, unexpectedly the atmosphere in that mansion was not unpleasant...

“Well… I think that either way I would feel safer if you married that boy than Velrut… I'd be a little worried if you had chosen that boy in the end.

So you have the support of your mother~! You don't need to worry about your father and I'll take care of that fool~!!"

Yes, the truth is that I would also be more worried if the princess had ended up committing herself as someone just like the main disciple of this sect... although I don't like that guy's attitude very much, the main problem to Cleirsa-sama was having to go and live to that Kingdom!

...the Queen should also think the same since she has had more contact with the father of that guy. Certainly it would be dangerous to send the princess to that place!!

" Cleir-sama ! T-The main disciple of the sect is fighting with someone in the inner disciple zone!! "


Suddenly, one of the instructors of the sect subordinate to the Delna family comes quickly while running and says that... then hearing his words, then the three of us could only remain silent.

"M-Mother... where did you leave Alexander-sama?"

"... in the inner disciple zone."

"" ... ""

…It seems that all of us quickly came to the same conclusion! Surely the other person Velrut should be fighting should be Alexander!!

I had heard some complaints from the girls next to him that he constantly got into bad situations anywhere he goes, but… for him to only get into trouble with just a few minutes after arriving here... that should be more serious than I had thought!

" W-Why did you leave him alone there, mother?!! "

"W-Well ... it would only take a few minutes to inform you and some elders of the sect so that they accept him and those girls as disciples... I did not think that in such a short time something could happen"

"" ... ""

H-His words were quite reasonable, but… it seems I wasn't the only one to underestimate that boy when it came to that aspect of attracting troubles from him!

“ W-We must go quickly there, mother! Velrut-san has a level 2 soul after all!! "

"That's true, though... I don't think you should worry so much, Cleirsa and Turla ."

Although I was a little curious why she seemed so relaxed, I was more in agreement with what the princess was saying! So along with Cleir- sama's words, both of us quickly urges her to go to where she had left off Alexander earlier.

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