Soul Evolution System

Chapter 379 7 mountains Sect 3

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"We can finally see each other, boy..."

"…who are you?"

While we were resting in a green area within the sect awaiting the return of Cleir-san, a group of two men and a woman suddenly approached us. This place was quite nice, and then he came to interrupt our quiet time while we enjoyed the atmosphere... my impression of these people had started to be bad.

Before, Aurora told me that this Area was level [1-2] and not all zones in this place should be above level 10, so this place, in fact, was very a good one... well, if you think about it, this must be inconvenient as well. The monsters that come in the invasion season to claim these mountains, many should have a level 2 soul!

…I wonder if I should try to capture one of those as a mount or meat shield for any of the girls? I think that's not a bad idea. Sadly, it seems like that season just passed recently... no, maybe to achieve that, first it would be better if I raised my level and also make the 3 girls stronger to help me with that.

Either way, it seems that this sect at least has the strength to defend the place in that season. Or maybe it is also because the density of monsters in this Area is not as high as in Rozz? Well, both are probably the reason for this.

Going back to those three from before, these caught our attention quickly. The reason for this was because since they didn't need to restrict their strength in this Area, it could easily be felt that all of them had a level 2 soul!

Since Cleir-san left us here, people did not stop observing us. At first I thought they were just some curious, after all, I knew very well that the girls around me and myself had quite a remarkable appearance… besides, the aura of most of us was that of someone in the 9th limit!

My two Monsters and Mary were wearing objects to restrict their strength… if not, there would probably still be more people around us watching us curiously!

In the end, feeling the aura of those three, I had to discard that they came only to watch us out of curiosity…  one of the men seemed to be looking for me especially, so they cant be like the other people here! 

Besides, that too discarded my thought that maybe it shouldn't be a bad thing since I shouldn't have done something bad to anyone here… so from his words, I remembered why I came here!

…the other purpose besides seeing Cleirsa and Turla.

"Boy... you should at least know the face of the man you took his woman from"


"This again... why all the problems you create have to do with women?!"

" Fufufu… no, I think this time it's the same problem of before, Rei. "

This pretty much confirmed my suspicions... well, I was hoping something like this to happen. I just... didn't think it would be so soon! I thought at least I'd have time to annoy Turla a couple of days before this issue arose!!

It seems that there was no other solution but to face this thing now... no, rather, I had to clarify something that was tainting my good reputation! Because of how he said it, some murmurs from the public began to be heard!! His words were wrong!!

“…The only woman I've ever taken from another man is Yuriko… and I doubt you know her. Besides, it could be said that she was no longer the wife of that man when I did it!

What if people think I have a fetish for married women?"


"Dam brat... I think his words have more weight and credibility when you say that there is already a precedent... wait..."


As I get up off the grass to see him squarely in the face at a more balanced height, then I say that to him. Certainly the way I express my complaint is not the best... now I can only ignore Rei's murmurs.

Curse, I still have to look up to see his face! I already feel like I'm losing due to the height difference.

Feeling a little discontent due to our height difference, what I feared happens and the Rei who speaks after me seems to realize my slip and after analyzing our previous words continues with that topic...

"S-So is it true that you took Soichiro-san's wife?! P-Perverted brat… do you really like married women after all?!!"


Sh-shit! Wanting to correct the guy's words, I really ended up saying something that I had promised to keep a secret! W-Well… I-I think that promise shouldn't include the girls next to me right? Also... it seems like Saya hadn't said any of this to the other girls… well, I don't think it's an easy thing to talk about either... Fuck!!

It's not like She can tell them something like "Oh that's right~ My mother has also become Alexander-san's woman" while the girls eating together... this should be a topic that she prefers to avoid for now too!

" D-Didn't you hear the last part, Rei? She was no longer Soichiro's wife!"

"…I knew it! I should tell my mother and father to be careful! No, you can't get close to my mother from now on!! "

"N-No... between Kiriko and I there has never been anything, so you don't have to worry about-"

" You mean my mom is not beautiful?!! "


Fuck! Why can't you just take my words as a good thing?! 

I was about to nod, but without a doubt, that would only make things worse now!! Does she think that if I don't consider her mother beautiful, then the same would be for her? Probably…

"Curse! Do you see what you have done, damn bastard?!! "

“… N-no, boy. I think that was totally your fault... you can't blame us for that."

Without being able to claim Rei for her thoughts since that would only make her upset more, I direct my resentment to the culprit of all this! 

He seemed surprised by all this, so the one who responds to me is the girl next to him.

...while she was very right about this, I couldn't help but be the one to look at that man with resentment now. Well, it is better to go back to the previous topic to forget all this.

"Well, that doesn't matter now. Cleirsa had no commitment or had feelings for someone, so you can't blame me for becoming her fiancé. Furthermore, she accepted this of her own accord without being compelled by anything.

Therefore, you can only accept that she did not correspond to you... do not become a nuisance to her and better let her go."

" Youuu..."

"Don't get like that man, it's not like you don't have anyone with you... you seem to have a good relationship with that girl, right? It seems that girl cares a lot about you."

"D-Damn ..."

As he spoke, I calmed down a bit. I certainly can't blame him for the above.

If I could, I wanted to try to settle things quietly. Although it appears that some men attacked the girls before, they all died, and the girls were not hurt because of that. So the only one who suffered losses from this was him... also he had already lost the girl, nor should I be so cruel to him.

Well, although I have some caution about having a confrontation with him and his group now, not that I was afraid of this either. If we were to fight, I'm sure Scythe and Vrana-chan could entertain the other man who was with this guy and who had a level of [118] while Mary takes care of the girl whose level is [105].

Looking at her a bit, I can see that she was a girl who shouldn't be that good at fighting… it is probably thanks to some resources that she has that strength. So I am confident that Mary can defeat her and help the other two with the other guy who was more troublesome.

As for the subject leading these two… his strength is similar to the other man and has a level of [112]. It might be a bit tricky to fight him, but if things go wrong, I can always use some items in my storage to help me out a bit.

…What worried me a little more was something else. From the murmurs around us, I understood that this guy's position in the sect was not that simple… things like “T-That boy took the woman away from the main Disciple? " or " It seems that redhead has enough confidence in if same to oppose the principal disciple "!

I had heard from the girls that they heard that the person who had attacked them was a prince of some kingdom, but I did not expect that he was also the main disciple of this sect! This was a bit more annoying than his other status!!

Well… besides that, I also heard something else. Apparently, the girl next to him was the guy's sister… words like “So they really had that kind of relationship?", " I-I had heard rumors, but ... t-then the main disciple and his sister really have... ", or " She is lucky to be his sister... " were heard from the crowd!

M-My words seem to have been a bit inappropriate… well, I don't think this is entirely my fault either! It seems that there were already rumors of the two of them before my previous words.

Still, I didn't want things to get worse and that's why I speak to correct that...

"I-I didn't mean you were a siscon… I didn't know she was your sister... sorry."

"Master ~ Master, roock ~"

" Hmn? What's up Vrana-chan? "

“ You are not mistaken, Master ~ Those two smell like they were copulating a short time ago, Roock ~ No doubt they were doing that~! "

"" ... ""

After Vrana-chan walked over to me and pulled my clothes, she says that. Her words seem to echo throughout the place that had fallen silent!! Q-Quickly my eyes and those of the others return to those two as if we were all trying to find out if that was true with just the sights!!

Sadly, it was impossible for me and also probably for most to know if it was true. But… I didn't doubt Vrana-chan's words much! Previously when we were at the mansion, she came up to me sniffing while moving her little nose and said something similar… that I had the scent of sex on me… well, said with her wild talk instead.

...that moment was a bit awkward since the girl I had done it with at the time was there... and there were other girls too. Well… it's also not impossible that she was just right since I was doing it every day with Kurisu and Saeko.

No… before I had read that some birds had a very strong sense of smell… it could even be superior to that of dogs! Perhaps crows fit into that group of birds? Or maybe just Vrana-chan is a bit special?

Well, that doesn't matter now! W-What is more important...

“ Y -You… are you really a Siscon?

N-No, even more important... r-really you fucked your sister?!! "

"" ... ""

I-I think that, in some documentary in my previous life, I saw that there was a time when the monarchy married relatives with very close blood ties, so… maybe here in Gaia that custom may continue to happen?

Well, I think in those cases of my world more than for romantic senses or something like that, it was for status instead. It was also said that this caused them various genetic problems in the future... maybe it was different here? Or did they find a solution for that on their own?

Although... it is not like I care about that since I do not have that kind of fetish. Besides, I don't have any sister in this world. 

On the other hand, even though I knew of some cases of love between brothers similar to this existed in my world... I couldn't help but raise my voice quite loudly because of the surprise that this caused me!!

"" ... ""

"D-Disgusting ..."

"T-That's ..."

"Un... I can't say that's something you can say openly... even in this world."

" Hmn? Why, roock~? 

Vrana doesn't find it so strange if her sister wants to mate with him if she thinks he's a good male, roock~ "

"...There seem to be some complicated things that we still don't quite understand, Vrana."

As the faces of those two continued to blush from my previous words, the girls next to me also began to react about this. R- Rei really looked like she had a disgusted face due to this thing... it even seems that she had completely forgotten the previous topic, and this time she also didn't seem to be affected by Vrana's direct words!

Renka-chan who had been surprised to hear that I had a relationship with the mother of one of the girls and was left with her mouth open as she watched me remains with the same astonished expression but now her attention focused on those two observing them at intervals... without a doubt those two girls whose opinion of me has probably worsened, but now the issue of Yuriko and me did not seem so surprising!

…But I don't think anyone can blame them for this. If you think that someone is bad and then you see someone worse... then surely the first person will no longer seem so bad! M-Maybe I should thank those two for this? No… even for me it is difficult to thank this pair of brothers for what they had done!

As for Saeko, it seems that she could control herself better than those two and only slightly furrowed brow as she spoke... still, I'm sure her opinion about that is not unlike Rei and Renka-chan!

Also, it seems that my thinking that this was normal in Gaia was not entirely correct… many of the people around us had very similar looks at these girls while observing that pair of siblings!

W-Well… there were also those who didn't seem to care much about all this… like Vrana-chan and Mary in our group. Although I think instead of accepting this as others it did, it was more that they had a way of thinking a little wild...

"I-I'll fucking kill you, brat!!"

" K-Kill him, brother!! I-I've never felt so embarrassed!! "

"... n-no, you must have been pretty embarrassed when ... w-when you did that with your brother!"

"" ... ""

W-Well ... although that was a matter for those two and I have always tried to respect the decisions of others in those matters, this time it was really difficult not to judge them! My opinion about this was also something very ingrained due to the rules of the society that I and the girls lived in!!

Either way, the best thing would be things not get worse... so I'd like Rei to stop seeing them as if they were dirtiness and she doesn't continue criticizing these two! No... I think it was late for that now... that prince super-SISCON and princess super-brotacon really looked like they wanted to kill me now...

I wanted to say that this was not my fault and that there were already rumors before I said something, but... surely due to the status of this guy, even if someone else was sure of their forbidden love, no one had said something like that directly to him before!

… No, I think the main problem was the way I expressed myself! Due to the surprise of this, those words had left my mouth before I knew it!! S-Surely these were a bit too direct, weren't they?

" D-Damn bastard... how dare you to embarrass us like this ?! I'll make you pay for this now! So stop hiding behind those women!! "

...since the kill intention of this prince was now so obvious... it almost seemed that this one had taken a materialized form in the atmosphere in the place... then, at noticing this, Vrana-chan, Scythe, and Mary had stepped in front of me and they standing between the two of us.

"Okay, you three stay behind..."

While the guy had a stronger soul level than mine, I wasn't afraid of him. Although it was never something as serious as now, I had already fought against people of his level or even higher... also, maybe it sounds a bit male chauvinist, but I agreed with his words. I didn't feel right hiding behind a woman and making her get hurt while I'm safe...

But most of all, I wanted to experience a serious fight with someone of his strength... so, indulging his wish, I step forward as the three girls who had positioned themselves in front of me back away.

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