Soul Evolution System

Chapter 380 7 mountains Sect 4

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"I had no thought of taking your life, but... you wanted this for yourself. damn brat!"


No... I think that's totally a lie. Maybe he didn't think about doing it so obviously, but without a doubt, this guy had wanted to kill me from the beginning... I am sure about that. He seemed to be the classic proud guy that just with someone teasing him a little, then he would surely try to eliminate the other side.

So, if he thought I had taken his woman from him, that would surely have put me at the top of his list of people he wanted to kill! Well... now that I knew his sexual preferences and that he was basically a big siscon, maybe the reason for his hatred of me has changed from what it was at first...

His words now were probably to make this something justified... after all, some whispers that the main disciple with other two people with a level 2 soul was intimidating someone at the 9th limit began to be heard in the surroundings. Also, they didn't forget to comment that I was much younger than him too...

...hearing all this, this prince quickly looked for an excuse so that this did not seem dishonorable matter. W-Well ... more than an excuse, the truth is that I could not refute his words now ... despite our different ideologies, I think what I said previously was not very appropriate.

...sadly, when my hands moved to prevent those words from coming out of my mouth as I understood what I said was bad, it was too late.

"...A-Alexander, even though he's a great pervert, you shouldn't fight him..."

"T-That's true… the aura around that guy is quite strong."

Seeing that I was taking a step forward to face the prince, quickly Rei and Renka-chan come to my side to prevent me from going to fight. Even though the first girl has always been a bit harsh on me with her words, I'm glad that at least she didn't take that to the point where she was glad to see me suffer. 

As for the second girl, it seems that she understood better the difference in strength between him and me… in fact, I think she was quite considerate not to say that his aura was stronger than mine.

The other girls around also seemed to share their thoughts and were looking at me with a bit of concern.

"Master, kill that fool, roock~"

"Yes, since that man came here seems to have bad intentions towards you... so it is better that you properly take care of him, Master"

…No, it seems that there were also two girls quite motivated for me to fight! Only Saeko-chan shared the concern of those two from before!!

Although… I know this is because of their trust in me and not because they want to see me in trouble... at least I hope so. Well, in fact as Mary says, it was best to eliminate this man now to avoid future problems... or more right, this is one of the reasons why I came here from the beginning!

“Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Come on, Prince Siscon… show me the strength of someone with a level 2 soul in a serious fight."

Since it seemed impossible for things to compose now, there was only this option now! Probably anyway if I refuse a fight he surely stops any attempt to pretend that this is to regain his honor and charge straight at me!

And along with him, it's sure the other 2 next to him will do too. If that happens, then things would be much more complicated! So no matter how I look at it, fighting him now was for the best!

"I'll kill you, you damn brat!"

"Kill him, brother!!"

...I think it probably didn't help much to give him that nickname to this prince either. The anger that had subsided a bit when he saw that I advanced to fight and that was replaced by a small smile quickly reappeared on his face and his sister!

When we separate a few feet from the girls, he throws himself straight at me, and then I quickly take a fighting stance to receive him! In an instant, several kicks and punches rain down on me! But… by activating my [Seikuken ], I could deflect or block all his blows!!

His speed and strength were certainly superior to mine, but… he didn't reach the level of Apa whom I could only see his fists and kicks in a blurry way! Although, I think that was obvious since the prince hadn't reached his level either.

"T-That guy really is someone strong..."

"Y-Yes ..."

"" ... ""

Then upon seeing the prince's actions, the nervousness and concern of the watching girls seem to grow. I couldn't blame them for this, every second that passed, the pressure on me to try to counter the prince's attacks became greater... it was as if he became more serious seeing that his blows were being neutralized and therefore, attacked with more force.


"" ... ""

But right away, it seems that Renka-chan who had more experience in fighting... or, rather, in martial arts, realized the same thing as me. 

Even though the prince increased the intensity of his attack with each passing second, there was also a limit he could reach! When he showed what seemed to be his full strength, the pressure he exerted on me reached its limit too!

…Well, things still seemed pretty bad to me and I was at a disadvantage. So the only thing I could salvage from this as a good thing, is what I and Renka-chan can realize thanks to this fight!

Not only did the Masters surpass this guy in strength… his fighting skills were simply unmatched!! It was probably like comparing someone who just got their Karate suit and white belt with a black belt eighth dan!!

This prince was certainly strong, but… his fighting skills were even less than mine!! No, he was even worse than some guys from Ragnarok I saw. In fact, when I notice this and re-evaluate it with my eye skill, I find that he only had one combat skill, [Fighting Technique - G], and [Ki Control-G]…

Well, if I think about it, I think this is not such a strange thing. Since the people in Kenichi's world had reached stagnation in their strength due to the world laws, they could probably only focus on their abilities to become stronger and thus bring them to a [Master] level...

On the other hand, here normal should be paramount to continue increasing one's strength and taking it to higher limits.

"T-That kid isn't he resisting very well against the disciple principal?"

"I-Is it really only on the 9th limit?"

"...maybe he was hiding his strength?"

"No... I don't feel like his aura changed when they started fighting..."

While I and Renka-chan were surprised to discover this, it seems that the audience does too but for reasons opposite to us...

"I-I'll kill you, damn brat!!"

"... Kuh !"

Either because of his anger at seeing others start saying those things or because it was the only solution he found, the prince began to focus even more energy on his attacks...

Until now, he had probably been using an amount of energy not too different from mine... probably the prince had been using the normal amount of energy that he uses when fighting someone of the same level as me to avoid running out of it first, but … Now it seems that this has stopped to matter to him!

No… this guy doesn't seem to be dumb, so instead of giving up caring for his energy consumption, he surely thought that even using more energy I would be the one to run out of energy due to level difference! 

U-Umu… my situation was not the best from before and now it had only gotten worse! I had already worried that this fight would take a long time for the same reason, but…if I matched the energy he was using, then it would exhaust me much more quickly! But… if I didn't do it either, my situation would be just as bad as now or even be worse more ahead!!

Well… I'm glad I still had some cards to play against this guy!

"Take this, damn brat!!"


Thanks to my [ Seikuken ], I could fight while I could foresee their attacks moments before they reached me! This probably wouldn't matter if our speeds were extremely different, but is good this was not the case now...

So when he was preparing to hit me directly in the face, this time I blocked it with my fist and let the impact of his blown go a little more direct towards me… damn, I even feel my head shake a little!

""A-Alexander! ""



Not! In fact, I even felt a bit of blood dripping from the corner of my lips!! So seeing that this time I was hit almost directly, the girls behind me scream.

[ Ban!] [ Ban!!]

" Kuh !"

"O- Onisama !"

"P- Principe !"

Although… things weren't that bad. I think the girls worried a little too much… of course, it's not that I feel bad about that either.

While receiving the prince's blow, I hadn't been idle! When he smiles a little because his blow this time had more effect on me, he quickly lets out a groan of pain while expelling some blood too!!

The reason for this was my knee that had hit his lower belly! Also, I had used the [Futae no Kiwami] technique! Therefore, the damage he received from this exchange of blows between us was undoubtedly greater!!

"D-Damn it... I-I'll kill you!!"


Unfortunately, this was not enough to incapacitate him... let alone kill him! The difference between our levels by which he has a higher amount of energy, that his blow will affect me a little, and that he used a [F] rank equipment, make that almost impossible... seems that against Akisame I was quite lucky that I hit him directly in a more vulnerable area and also the place where I did it the amount of energy was less... you could not compare the foot with the abdomen where practically a person concentrates all his energy!

"T-The main disciple is losing?"

"Also, with someone in the 9th limit!"

"I-Impossible ..."

Well, it wasn't as if that blow didn't affect him at all either... it was easy to observe that while I only wiped the blood from my mouth and resumed a fighting position without much trouble, on the other hand, the prince's legs were trembling a bit while he tried to recover from the discomfort that the small burst of energy that occurred inside his body!

...that hit made his energy was out of control quite a bit, and the others around us also noticed this.

"B-Bastard... i-if you weren't using high-ranking equipment, then you'd be dead now!!"


Although the pain from that blow I gave him must have been quite a lot, I think the most hurt in him was his pride... now he was saying some excuse to explain his situation to others.

"I-I see ... so that boy was using some equipment to be stronger..."

“…That seems to be reasonable. That would explain why despite only being the 9th limit, that boy is winning. "

“But… you can also say that it is the ability of that boy or that it is his luck to have the support behind him and that equipment, right? "

" Besides ... the red-haired boy's movements were pretty good too..."

Well, his words didn't entirely lie and the equipment I now wore was slightly better than his. After all, I couldn't just buy the girl's equipment and not think about myself, could I?

Thanks to my equipment made of [Black Infernal Snake] which was the same as the girls', it had cushioned several blows from the prince… this one was certainly one of the best equipment in this range!

It cost a lot too... so if it weren't, then I would be very disappointed!

When I gave the equipment we found in Rozz to Turla, she mentioned that finding equipment of that range was not easy in this area either. I think instead of it being because people couldn't afford it given its cost, maybe it was rather that they weren't created often enough and the first to take them are influential people when these appear on the market.

So, his words weren't quite correct since his equipment shouldn't lose much than mine… you can see that he was also using things of the same rank as me! Due to his status as a prince and main disciple of the sect, it would be quite strange for him to wear low-ranking equipment!!

" Umu... this equipment is quite expensive, so please try not to ruin it."

" Y- Youuu..."

Well, I was not interested in arguing with him and denying his words... in fact, I think it was better for the others to focus on that than on the technique I used just now. Maybe if he discovers this one will bring me more problems than the equipment I use!

So while cleaning my new scale armor a bit of some small stains and scratches from our fight, I tell him that. Although… the truth was that my words didn't entirely lie!

I always felt that it was a bit ridiculous when a person cared so much about a suit or some clothes... I thought they just wanted to feel better than others by highlighting the cost of these! But… I must say that now I understand his feelings a bit more! It might even hurt me a little more to see the scratches on this armor than the blows of this prince!!

“ You will die today! I will make sure of that completely!! "

Either because he thought that with his previous words no one would criticize him for this or he had simply reached the maximum level of anger, the prince draws a sword from a dimensional object that he had...

I think he had also tried to stabilize his energy looking to lengthen our conversation... he probably wanted me to deny it or explain things about my equipment to buy more time... curiously, instead of being able to do that, the guy gets even angrier making the situation of the control of his energy worse.

Undoubtedly now that he was in that state it was my chance to attack him and it would be my turn to press him a bit, but ... I no longer wanted to continue fighting this way with this prince! I was quite at a disadvantage due to our difference in soul levels!! So he would still have to go through some difficulties to defeat him by fighting normally.

…And in the worst case, he could still manage to hurt me heavily. After all, I don't know what cards this guy was hiding up his sleeve. Better to go the safe route to defeat him… and kill him if possible.

With that thought in mind, I took two BIMs from my storage... since it was better not to underestimate this guy, I take the strongest ones I had which generating a small black hole. If he had protective things, for it to be effective, then it would have to at least outperform these little bombs!!

"Stop now!!"

So when he and I were preparing to continue with this fight, suddenly the shouting of several people stopped our movements… a group of individuals came close and they stand between us.

It was about Cleir-san who had separated from us not long ago and who was now accompanied by her daughter and Turla... also, other people came with them... which given their strength, it seems that they had considerable rank in the sect.

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