Soul Evolution System

Chapter 381 7 mountains Sect 5

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"S-Stop Alexander!!"


It seemed that two different groups of people were coming here… one quickly took place near me, and another took place in the same way on the side of those three… well, it seems that it is useless to continue with this now.

No, rather, since several people with a level 2 soul had arrived to support the prince, continuing with this would only be a bad thing. Although Cleir-san had also come with several people quite strong, I think it was too early to say that they would support me unconditionally... I think there is a possibility that they would help me if we continue fighting, but... it would not be good for me and the girls to take the risk and that things were not like that.

On the other hand... although there were some who stopped me out of concern and care when they knew my strength and that of the prince, many of the girls seemed to be nervous due to something else... I could see in their eyes something of concern when they saw me remove the BIMs!

I don't think they were worried that I would kill the prince... or not much. They were probably thinking about the problems this would cause! Rei who at some point had drawn her spear surely thinking that things would get worse and her hands were shaking a bit as she held it.

The princess and Turla, who had arrived with Clear-sand and who had also seen me use BIMs before seem nervous at seeing these in my hands...

Well, not all of them seemed to disagree with my idea. Saeko, Mary, Scythe, and Vrana-chan seemed quite motivated to fight... I wonder if the former got a little wet thinking about this? She had a slight smile on his face and his eyes looked happy as he held his sword!

…Shit! I feel like my partner on my pants started to get in a good mood too thinking about that!! No, this is not good to happen now! I don't want people to think that I got turned on by fighting the prince!!

" Clairsa!~ The Siscon-prince is bothering me~!! "


"D-Damn brat! What are you doing in public!! "

Thinking that it would be bad for someone to discover my partial erection, I quickly run up to Cleirsa and hug her while I complained... Turla's words were not because she had discovered the swelling in my pants, but due to my actions... squeezing it against Cleirsa's body, surely she felt something pressing her lower belly and causing her little surprise making let out a little cry.

"...Kuh !!"

"O- Onisama!"

"" P- Principe! ""

…On the other hand, I wonder if the prince is still affected by the blow from before or reacting by something else? After my words, spit out some blood again...

Well, I think he must be a bit upset since the presence of all these people not only meant that I couldn't continue… it should be difficult for him to try to kill now and missing this opportunity. Umu, it must be that...  

His bloodshot eyes must be from the previous blow and not because my hands were slightly caressing the body of Cleirsa who was the woman he wanted to be engaged to or because of his new nickname.

“ D-Damn brat… h-how dare you to disrespect our main disciple?! "

" Cleirsa... now that geezer is bothering me~"


"Y-You…. Could you not make things worse now, Alexander?! "

Within the group that was close to the prince, there was an old man with a level of [142]… in fact, he was the main reason why I stop this fight! While I don't think he was up to the level of the Ryozanpaku Masters in skill either, he was certainly stronger than the prince and so more difficult to deal with.

What's more…

“I'm sorry Elder Werrnt … he has just arrived, and so he does not know the Elders in the sect what should he respect. 

He is my daughter's fiance, and he with those girls will also join the 7 Mountains sect. "

"Not! I will not approve of that! That brat seems to be just someone insolent!! Deliver that brat Major Cleir, he has to pay for what he did!"


It seems that now I will have more difficulties joining this sect… Cleir-san frowns a little probably thinking that this was troublesome too. That old man was stronger than her and the people who came with her after all.

It seems that when he heard the word "fiance" he quickly understood what was happening, and then surely he will try to complete what the prince could not do before.

"(A-Alexander, don't you see all the trouble you've caused now … stop doing that to Cleirsa-sama!)"

"" ... ""

Well... not that I was so worried. I was more interested in seeing the differences between Cleirsa and her mother... my hands ran over her waist several times, and then they began to descend to her buttocks since, with her, I could do this without worrying too much that she gets angry! She just seems a bit embarrassed and not quite sure how to react to this ... she's quite cute.

It was a bit funny how every time my hands came to a sensitive place, with her face flushed and a little nervous, she quickly grabbed my hand to get back up to her waist...

Of course, this made Turla lift some complaints about my actions in a voice so that only we could hear... I wonder if she will be a little jealous because I first hugging the princess? Well, that can be easily fixed!

"H-Hyaa ~!"

" Turla~ also miss you a lot~ !"

With my sincere words, I leave Cleirsa to also hug this woman knight who gets a little stiff when I do it... well, it was probably because my face collides directly with her breasts... it was good that this time she didn't have her armor or else it would have been something painful. 

On the other hand, it seems that I have actually grown a bit to get to the level of her breasts since Turla was a tall girl!

"Damn brat! Stop playing with women and come quickly here to kill you!!"

"…I do not want"


"I'll drag you here brat!!"

Then the prince who was holding his sword quote tightly in his shaking hand, speaks again… now his trembling was from fury probably.  But he was my last concern now... the geezer who I had not stopped observing with my dominance while I had my head on Turla's chest begins to move too.

Tch… fuck, this will be troublesome!! In truth, he was the last person that I don't want to do something! So, with no other choice, I start to think about all the things I had in my storage to use against this old man...

“ Stop, Elder Werrnt… didn't you listen to my granddaughter? He is my granddaughter's fiancé. Also, although you can oppose him joining the sect, you are not the last one who takes that decision. "

“ Hahaha… he is also my granddaughter's man too, so Elder Werrnt, I would be grateful if you could forgive him. It seems like he's just a pretty energetic kid, don't take his actions seriously."

Suddenly, when I thought I would have to fight again, two more voices join this discussion. I didn't notice them because I was totally focusing on that old man. They were two men with somewhat wrinkled faces but with bodies that seemed younger than people here… but they kept their backs completely straight like young people when walking towards here. 

"E-Elder Delna... and Elder Turlok... I didn't expect you two to hear this commotion as well."


""G -Grandpa!""

As they mentioned, they were the grandparents of Cleirsa and Turla, and Cleir Dad… in other words, he was the former King of the Delna Kingdom! Furthermore, this one seemed to have the same rank as that old man... although, seeing the way the geezer was looking at them, Cleirsa's grandfather seemed to have an even higher position than him...

Although it may also be due to their strength... the previous Delna King had a level of [149], and Turla's grandfather of [145]... in fact, although the latter one had a lower or same rank in the sect than the other old man, he was stronger too. Well, from what Cleir told me earlier, there could only be one Elder for each clan and so, this one couldn't take one of these positions probably.

Either way, with their appearance, things had relaxed quite a bit, and the other group did not insist on doing things by force. The bad thing was… seeing his grandfather, Turla desperately tried to push me aside! So, in order not to bother her more, I end up removing my arms from her waist.

…I don't think she should worry too much, her grandfather didn't seem angry about it and instead smiled at me when he laid eyes on me. 

King Delna had a more serious face and so I did not know very well how he would react if I now hugged Clersa again! Well, since he called me his granddaughter's fiancé, I don't think he would disagree with that. At least I think he accepts it...

“Brat… in a few months there will be a disciple tour in the sect, let's solve our problem there. How about that? We will be able to vent our differences in the tournament... "

Understanding that he might not be able to carry out his plans this time, the prince speaks with a calmer appearance now… now this guy indeed seemed to be advising a Kohai in a kindly way. If I hadn't sensed his killing intent earlier, I'd probably think he's a good and nice person.



"(Alexander, even though in the tournament the disciples do not try to kill each other, also it is not strange that some accidents occur ... do not accept that) "

There was no need for Turla to whisper that into my ear. I could perfectly understand that the prince only decided to delay to try to kill me for a while! Although his killing intent wasn't that obvious now, his aura hadn't changed and I could see the hate in his eyes!!

"…I do not want"

So, with everyone's eyes on me, I decide to follow Turla's advice and refuse.

" A-Are you a coward, brat?! "

“No… the truth is that I don't care about you, man. So I have no reason to fight you… besides, it's not like I gain anything for doing it"

" Y- Youuu ..."

You must be kidding! Why the hell would I will be agreeing to follow his plans? I just want to kill this guy now, and doing it in a tournament within the sect was quite troublesome! He was still the main disciple after all!!

Also... surely there I can not use all the things that I have at my disposal and that would make things more troublesome. I'd rather look for him out of here and kill him there. Things would be much more simple that way!

…But above all, my words were totally true! Why would I enter a tournament where I don't win anything? Not that I sought recognition from everyone in the Sect or something like that! Maybe that would be a bit of help, but the earnings and the effort didn't match.

"( Y-You couldn't have rejected him in a better way?!)"

"( the end of the day, things would be the same, right?)"

“ Hahaha, boy, it's not that bad that you participated in the tournament… and it's not that there aren't any rewards. Lower ranked disciples can be raised to a higher status according to their display of skill in it.

Although... from what I see, that probably doesn't interest you too much. Well, there is also the winner's reward. The winner can receive one of the two main techniques of our sect. "

“ Umu, what Turlok says is true. Besides, it can also help you to gain some experience… (Don't worry, I can assure you that I will intervene if he tries to take things too far) "

... contrary to Turla's advice, it seems that his grandfather and the former King of Delna wanted me to participate. Maybe they did not approve the things with their granddaughters as I thought before and this was their way of proving me... but, seeing the girl's concern, the latter comes closer to us to say that in a low voice.

Well, the words of Turla grandpa had already caught my attention… that old man seemed to speak the same language as me! If they were the main techniques of this sect as a reward, then perhaps it is worth it to participate in this one.

"Okay, Prince-Siscon... then let's settle our differences in that Tournament."

"" ... ""

“Fine, brat… then we'll see you at the tournament. Let's go!"

After those words, the group of the prince, his sister, and that Elder retreat while we observe them until they disappear from our sight in a place further inside the sect.

Now, things weren't that bad. Surely thanks to this he will stop trying to send people to harm the girls who are in the Inimp Area. After all, his hatred should be totally directed at me now...

Although, of course, it is best to tell them to continue to be cautious. I don't think there will be any problems in the Delna Kingdom, but it is best if the girls wait a bit to continue training in the Rozz forest.

Also, I don't think he would try to attack me before that tournament… he probably thought that it would be problematic to oppose Clan Delna so openly, and it would be better to kill me in the tournament in an “accident” as Turla put it.

" Fufufu… I thought that Master would have more problems and I, Scythe, and Vrana would have to step in to help… it was amazing how Master could even hurt that guy."

" Yes, the Master is strong, Roock~! "

"Master... strong..."


Suddenly, I feel like my head is hugged and set on something soft. When I look up, Mary then says that to me. Lately she has sought to have a little more physical contact with me... especially after the day that consumed the [Chaos Room Pill]!

Well, I think it's normal considering how her affection has grown since the last time I saw her. Now showing a value of [95], it is one step away from exceeding the digit of 100!!

…Although since she had a bit more open personality compared to Leona who was of the same race, this doesn't surprise me that much either.

On the other hand, I thought these three girls just had a lot of confidence in me and that is why they did not oppose me to fight, but... these girls understood very well that that guy had a higher level than mine and knew that there wouldn't be an easy fight for me!

No… probably the only one who understood things better was Mary. The other two girls that she mentions really don't seem like they cared at all about it and they certainly trusted me totally... or I hope so.

Unfortunately, I cannot complain to them about this. After all, I was the one who told them to back off when they stepped forward to fight that Siscon-prince. Still, I'll punish her a bit by bouncing my head off these medium-sized breasts!

“But Master… is it okay to let that guy go like this? It seems that he continues to have bad ideas against you... wouldn't it be nice to kill him now? "

Then the cheerful smile that Mary had as she watched as my head bounced off her chest a little disappears, and her eyes that were directed to the place where the prince's group had gone turn quite cold... no doubt if I tell her that she should kill him, then Mary would go quickly to follow him to do what she said.

…No, not just her, even Scythe's aura changed a bit as she did the same as her and following her gaze. The only one who seemed oblivious to this was Vrana-chan who kept waving her hands while saying that I was strong.

“…I don't think things will get complicated for a while. We can wait a bit to do something"

Despite the enthusiasm of these two, that would not be good. They were probably thinking of achieving it even at the cost of their lives! If it was just that prince, then I wouldn't be so worried about this. The main problem was that he apparently has several people stronger than him by his side... and maybe even others in the sect intervene in this too.

"...that's what the person who tried to kill him recently says."


Rei who along with the other girls had also approached while we were arguing in a low voice joins our conversation. No doubt she understood my thoughts well when she saw me take out the BIMs… what can I say? The heat of the fight and the thought that it would not be so troublesome to take care of that prince at that moment made me think a bit hasty… besides, it was not pleasant to hear so many times that someone wanted to kill you!

"Well boy, now we should perform the procedures for you and those girls to join the sect."

"Come on, Alexander- kun~"

Then from within the group of the Delna Clan that was a few meters discussing their own affairs, Turla's grandfather and Cleir-san call us. Umu, for now, we should take care of that first.

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