Soul Evolution System

Chapter 382 7 mountains Sect 6

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Although I thought maybe there would be some complications from everything that had happened before to could join this sect, the truth is that things ended up being quite quick and simple in the end. 

After all this was not like the normal process where the sects announce that they will open their doors to accept new disciples and they would have to pass some tests where they would show their skills. Rather it was more like entering a company to work through contacts and influences. So things were done in a matter of minutes.

Following the Delna Clan we met with several Mayors and all the elders of the sect... apparently, Siscon-prince shouldn't want to see me for a while, and there was only the old man from before from his group.

So, after the former King Delna mentioned there to that group of people that I was his granddaughter's fiancé and was seeking to join the sect along with the girls who were accompanying me, a small vote was held to accept this or not.

…Although, I think this was more of a formality. From what I heard from Turla and Cleir-san, most of the sect elders who led this sect were always quick to accept this without much trouble. After all, the other clans also frequently requested the inclusion of new members of their families.

The result of this vote was 5 principal elders in favor, and two against ... it seems that the Siscon-prince's family had a good relationship with that other elder who refused. Well, that just meant that I would add other people with whom I would have to be a little careful... 

Anyway, in the end with that result it was inevitable that we will join the sect.

Also taking away those two geezers and some other men who accompanied them, the rest seemed quite happy that we joined the sect. It seems that Turla's words that I and the girls would be highly valued were not a lie.

Well, it's not like given that now that we had officially joined the sect, then things would change significantly. Probably now the only change that could be appreciated was our world guild card...

[Guild of the world]

Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Strength: 9th limit (Peak)

Range: F- 5


[ Ilios Apeiro Family ] (Patriarch)

[Alexander-sama's Maids Guild] (Subordinate Organization)

[ Sect 7 Mountains ] (Core Disciple)

[Clan Delna ] (Subordinate Organization)

[Clan --------] (Subordinate Organization)




Accepted missions:


Monsters Eliminated:

[ Goblins ] 1758

[Orcs] 465

[ Koblods ] 703




Gold: 73,457,650

So the only new thing was the 7 Mountains Sect Core Disciple part that appeared on my and girls guild cards. By the way, it seems that my rank and that of our family had risen thanks to the girls continuing to accept some World Guild Quests while I was in another world. Also, now there was a girl with a level 2 soul in our Family, and I had two tamed monsters of the same level that showing in the card too.

By the way… when they tried to get Vrana and Scythe to show them their cards to register them as Disciples, I had to tell them that they didn't have it since they were my monsters. So the opinion of some elders from me had risen to a higher level after finding out about this.

And on the contrary, the Elder from the Siscon family and the other one next to him just frowned and looked more annoyed and uncomfortable as if they regret a little now.

Watching their reactions it seems that monsters with intelligence like Vrana and Scythe are still a bit uncommon in Areas of this level... plus, they were even more surprised when Vrana showed her wings and discovered that she was a Harpy that could communicate normally.

As for Scythe... let's just say she's a little quieter and of few words. Even though she seemed to communicate more frequently between the girls when her soul leveled up, she still had a rather choppy way of expressing herself. Well, I'm glad that she continues to improve in that regard as she gets stronger.

Also, regarding their Monster instincts, even though they seem to have better control over them now as well. But I think that without the influence of my bond with them by my [Tame] ability they would probably try to attack anyone who would attack and bother them a bit.

Although, thanks to that link, it seems that they get upset easily if now someone is bothering me. Well, I don't think that's a bad thing, so I shouldn't worry about that.

On the other hand, it seems that if in the world guild  I try to get them to obtain a guild card, now it is not something impossible like Level 1 Areas. Although there are very, very few, it seems that there are some monsters that are members of the guild in this Areas.

Unfortunately, it seems given this trait of intelligence that they have, these monsters are considered quite valuable and making them a valuable target to adventurers to sell to trainers or influential people who would like to have them as part of their collection or something like that.

So, because of this, monsters with intelligence would regularly not think to join the world guild. They would probably only do it if they are confident enough in their strength and curious about the way humans live.

Going back to the guild card, perhaps what surprised me a bit was the number of subordinate organizations of this sect... apart from the 7 main clans, there were quite a few more! 

Also, I was wondering if it was good for the sect that this information was known so easily.

Do not forget that there were more than 10,000 disciples in this sect! So it is not wrong to think that there should be some or many who perhaps joined here for no good purpose... Giving this information so easily isn't ´something bad?

Well, maybe because we didn't go through a normal process to join the sect there weren't many inspections on us. Surely the normal disciples should be investigated further... or so I hope. Otherwise, I can only think that this sect will not last long.

In addition, perhaps in this way it is easy to inform all the disciples who the allies of the sect were... so they can know who can bother and who they cannot. Also, although the atmosphere in the sect doesn't seem bad, I don't think it's made up of saints either. They should have at least a few people in charge of eliminating internal problems.

In the end, after talking and answering a few questions from the Elders and Mayors of the sect, then we were formally disciples of the sect!

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"So this is Cleirsa's fiancé? Well, he really does seem like a pretty promising boy! "

"Yeah~ Besides, it's pretty cute too~!"

"It's true Mom, I'm envious of Cleirsa~!"

"Also, he seems as if will be a pretty strong person in the future, right?"

" Hahaha, it also seems that our family will grow exponentially now."

"A-Actually... doesn't he have quite a few other girls around him than Cousin Cleirsa?"

"A man should try to love all the girls who love him!!"

" Hahaha, that's true! Besides, all those girls are quite beautiful... so if I were in their position,  then how could I not try to win their affection? "

"...well, always was a bit a problem that in our clan most men and women only look for one person as a couple. So, thanks to that our number is lower compared to others"

"Also, if Cleirsa herself is fine with this, then there shouldn't be a problem. Right?"

"No, you all are wrong~ It's not just Cleirsa-chan... it seems that Turlachan ended up being taken by that little one~"

"" ... ""

After we finished with things to join the sect, we immediately moved to the zone in the sect where the people of the Delna Clan and people close to them lived. Honestly, I can't say I was totally calm as we walked here with Cleirsa-san and the others who resided here… after all this was just like meeting your girlfriend's family!  No, rather it was exactly that !!

… But, things were a little different than what I had expected!

I thought that I would find several people watching me intensely or even with resentment or bad feelings. Since I had heard or seen in movies and similar things that influential families had always ambitious people looking to reach the top of these to take power, I expected to find many who would find me as a nuisance.

Or it would not even be strange if they thought that my goal was simply to use Cleirsa to gain the power or influence of their family...

Also... I couldn't forget that there were several girls who accompanied me by my side and who obviously weren't just acquaintances or friends! I really don't think it was a good thing to bring a group of girls to meet your future wife's family!!

...Well, it's not like I was going to hide this either.

Unexpectedly, the vast majority of these people who were watching us now did not have bad emotions when they saw us... in fact, it was the opposite and they were quite nice to us!

Well... certainly there were also some people who seemed more suspicious and looked at me with a bit of envy, but... instead of being because of my commitment to Cleirsa, the looks of those people took that a bad feeling when the topic that Turla would also be my woman emerged.

…I think that people with ambitions for a higher position in this clan instead of targeting Cleirsa who was a much more difficult level to conquer had chosen Turla instead. 

The good thing is that after those people hear my strength and that of the girls next to me from others, quickly the envy and small resentment in their gaze disappears. They were just people who were not very talented so they were looking for an easy way to reach a higher rank in the clan. So they weren't strong and they could only sigh thinking that they had lost their chance with Turla!

As for the main members of the Clan, as someone of the family said before, I was a bit surprised that there were so few members... when I thinking of something like a Clan, then  I thought I would find a fairly large family of more than 100 members but... here there were probably only fewer than 30 people with the surname Delna in their names!

The former King only had 2 sons and two daughters with his late wife. 

The eldest son was in charge... or more precisely his wife the Queen led another Kingdom greater than the one in Inimp Area. It seems that this was the main Kingdom that the former King founded. The first son like Cleir-san is most of the time in the sect leaving the administration of that place to his wife.

It seems the territory in Inmp was obtained later in a fight that their Clan had where Clairsa's grandmother died.

If you ask me, I thought it was a bit strange that there were two Realms named Delna… but since Gaia is so large, perhaps this is not uncommon. Who knows, maybe there may even be another Realm with the same name unrelated to this Clan...

The next was the eldest daughter of the Delna Clan, she was also quite beautiful like Cleirsa-san, and apparently, she was married to the main member of one of the families that also ran the sect with which they had a very good relationship.

After she was Cleir-san who like her older brother regularly resided in the sect while my Father-in-law-King was in charge of the Kingdom in Inimp.

As for the last son and younger brother of Cleir-san, until recently he was the main disciple of the sect but he had to abdicate from it because his age exceeded the requirement for that. From what I heard in our conversation with all this family, setting aside Cleirsa whom the family had high hopes due to her current strength and age along with some of the younger generation as well, he was the most talented son of the previous King.

In fact, Cleirsa's grandfather still had several hopes for him and not to stop being the main disciple of the sect had he discarded these. It is a shame that he lost the support of the sect a bit and had to leave the position for the next generation because of the age limit rules that are generalized in most sects. Or at least for this Area.

…Since it usually seems that there were small tournaments or contests between various sects to show their strength, then it would be a bit strange for an old man to fight someone younger saying that he was still a disciple!

So, for that reason there was an age limit for a person to be considered a disciple in some sect. But that does not mean that losing this title, the person could not continue training there. Although it is true that if he does not have a backing to support him, then the time for this would be less than being a disciple since he would have other responsibilities now such as training the younger members.

In fact, this did not surprise me enough and rather I considered it to be reasonable. 

Honestly, what surprised me most was that Cleir-San had more than 40 years so she also stopped being a disciple a long time ago! At the beginning I believed she had given birth to Cleirsa at a fairly young age, but... it seems that she was older than she looked!!

…If she told me that she was less than 30 years old, absolutely I would not doubt her words!

[Well, since she reached a soul level 2 at a young age apparently, then it is normal for her youth to lengthen a bit.]

…Well, what Aurora says makes a lot of sense. This didn't just apply to her, her siblings also looked younger than they should be.

Either way, I can't deny that I was a bit disappointed to see that the Delna Clan was quite small… probably the members of my Family now almost reach the same number of people from this clan of 3… no, since it seems that there are also some Cleirsa's slightly older cousins and cousins married, there are probably 4 generations in this clan.

So the number of people in the 2nd level of your soul, were perhaps fewer than 10 people... perhaps the clan more weakest of all the sect is this one? No… let's think that instead of numbers, it was a clan that focused on quality. The strength level of most who had a level 2 soul was quite high. At least, more than many of the people we met earlier when we were accepted into the sect.

Probably if not, they would have long ago lost their position in the sect. Even though the relationship between the others in the sect is not bad, it probably wouldn't be strange that if they were considered easy prey, then they wouldn't be able to hold that position time ago.

Furthermore… aside from being strong enough to hold his position, the character of this Clan seemed quite mild. Perhaps thanks to that, people under his command had a fairly good relationship with this family... more than subordinate, their relationship seemed more like friends.

From what is observed, there were several groups united under the Delna Clan. They are probably one of the families with the largest groups under their command.

Then while we discussed some things with them a bit, the old Rey Delna had a kind face and seemed happy about the fact of Cleirsa's engagement to me. Honestly, I thought I would have a much harder time earning his trust...

That didn't just apply to him, Turla's grandfather had come up to me to pat my shoulders with his hands as he asked me to take care of his granddaughter and laughed loudly… his personality is just as laid-back as his son in Barl apparently.

Either way, it seems that not only my integration into the sect was easy… becoming part of this Clan was not difficult either! Well, unlike my Father-in-Law-King, I had no intention of being the one to marry the wife's Clan. For me was better that Cleirsa joined my Family, so with the fact that her Clan and our group have a good relationship and support each other is enough!

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