Soul Evolution System

Chapter 383 7 mountains Sect 7

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(POV Old King Delna )

“ What do you think of the boy our granddaughters have chosen, Turlok? "

" Hahaha, I like the boy!"

After Cleir, Cleirsa -chan, and Turla -chan left to show the boy and the girls that came with him the place where they will stay in the sect, so did the others who had come to see the fiancé of those two girls of the Clan, and then only me and Turlok remain in this room.

So I decided to ask him his true thoughts about that boy named Alexander, and at his words, I could only smile at my old friend.

“ Hahaha… the boy is better than I had thought. I didn't think that tomboy granddaughter of mine could put on such a feminine expression! She really looked like another person, and I even doubted a little if some monster that steals identities from legends had taken her place, hahaha ! "

“ Hahaha, well, you can't blame Turla-chan for that, after all, she has always been a girl focused on her training. Also, it is thanks to that she reached her current strength at such a young age. 

Wasn't you proud of her for that? "

“ Hahaha, you're right Delna. Oops, sorry, I mean Elder Delna "

Even though Turlok had some complaints about his granddaughter for her character, I knew he was just as proud of his granddaughter as I was of mine for her growth.  No, probably he was even a little more than me... since his wife Hamel was a woman who had no interest in cultivating her strength, her son sadly inherited that attitude from her and therefore the hopes that he had in this one were directed to his precious granddaughter.

Well, since he loved both of them, he didn't have many complaints about it. But is a bit curious that his granddaughter whom he thought to pamper and adore as his little princess to then see her turned into an elegant and refined woman was the one who decided to follow in his footsteps on the martial way... 

Certainly things often take interesting paths. My old friend lost his dream of seeing his granddaughter wearing beautiful dresses, but then he gained someone by his side whom he could train.

"Don't worry, it's just us, you don't need to pay attention to the formalities"

"Hahaha, Fine! 

Then, Delna… what do you think of the boy? "

" Ummm... I also like him, or at least I think he's much better than Velrut who was looking to commit to my granddaughter..."

“The main disciple, Hee~? I certainly think that would have been very bad If it happened... I have no complaints with the talent of that boy but... "


Probably if that boy did not appear, then Cleirsa -chan would have ended up accepting that commitment...

Although we did not have a very good relationship with their Clan, it was not to the point of having a feud, but... at knowing that girl, to don't make things worse between our do s families surely she would accept the proposal Velrut.

As says Turlok, the boy is talented, so that if he was in love with her and tried to conquer her, maybe with a little time things would not be so bad and Cleirsa-chan could adapt slowly.

The problem is...

“That boy obviously only saw her as a tool! That bastard how dare he thinks like that of little Cleirsa-chan?!! That damn siscon-prince... I would have liked the little boy to hit him even more!! "

“ Haa~ He's quite an ambitious guy after all.

…By the way, will you also start calling Velrut like that? You'd better not do it with others present... he is still the main disciple of our sect"

“Umm… I don't know why, but… I like the nickname the boy gave him. Don't worry Delna, I won't be so careless.

On the other hand... the Siscon-Prince wasn't the worst of things if she ended up getting engaged to him! He might even end up offering her to his stupid father for some benefits!! 

And since Turla would surely follow her, then she would share the same fate!! "

“ My apprentice-brother… I never really got along with him. In fact, I'm glad that he resigned from his Elder seat in the sect… thanks to that, we prevented problems from developing within and outside of this one.

Although… I don't think Velrut went as far as you say. Or rather, his purpose for marrying Cleirsa -chan should be to be able to manage one of our two Realms and obtain the ability [King's Dignity]… from what I heard, he has a bad relationship with his father. 

Two ambitious people cannot occupy the same place after all."

“ Hmp~ Either way, it would have been bad. I didn't like that guy at all!"

As I said, Velrut was an ambitious man. It's not bad to be ambitious, but... since this would end up affecting was my own granddaughter and probably Turla- chan as well, then of course it wasn't that I would like to see!

Also… even though I said that Velrut probably wouldn't give up the girls to gain a benefit from his father, that doesn't stop that fool of my apprentice-brother from trying to get his hands on them on his own!

…So maybe Cleirsa-chan's thought of not wanting to cause trouble in the Clan would be the opposite and would probably end in a war between our two Clans! None of our family could allow something like this to happen! Or would forgive that if it happened!!

Even if Master intervenes to try to stop the dispute, I couldn't stop or tell my family to do it if someone mistreats our blood!!

" Well, now is silly to think about it, hahaha. Thanks to that boy showing up, now it was possible to avoid something like had to deliver our precious granddaughters to that Siscon-prince! "

I agree with Turlok's words, I'm really glad that Alexander-kun showed up. Even if…

"I feel a little bad for little Alexander... it also seems that we are using him so that the problem of all this now falls on him"

“ Ununu… well, he doesn't seem like someone who is easily intimidated by others. Besides, that brat surprised me quite a bit by himself… I didn't expect him to put the Siscon-Prince in difficulties when they fought…

His strength was that of someone at the 9th limit, right?"

“…There is no doubt, I checked it several times before, and even though the aura that it showed in that fight was a little higher than a 9th normal limit, it did not reach a level 2 soul… 

Also, he did not seem to be using an object to strengthen itself more as Velrut said. His equipment was certainly good, but not something too exaggerated"

“While more I think about him, I really like that boy more and more the more too! Without a doubt he will be someone promising!! "

We were lucky that the news that someone was fighting the main disciple quickly reached our ears, so I and Turlok had arrived even before the others appeared and we got to observe the fight almost from the beginning of this one.

Since we had also received information on the characteristics of the promised Cleirsa-chan before, quickly we realized who it was the boy with who was fighting Velrut.

So seeing that it was Cleirsa-chan's fiancé, when we were thinking of going to stop the fight, our feet stopped when we saw that the boy didn't seem to be at such a disadvantage… that was a bit surprising.

Although between limits and limits in the strength of a person the difference is not huge and therefore there may be cases that even having the weakest level that person can be victorious, achieving that with someone who has a higher level soul is totally different!

…The oppression that someone with a stronger soul generates on a weaker one is not something that can be easily overcome! Also, the internal energy for each soul level is an exponential amount!

“ What have you been able to find out about that boy, Delna? 

The control of his internal energy might even be superior to the Mayors of the sect! No, even some Elders who have practiced for several years don't have that level either!

That boy shouldn't have a normal background... "

“ Fufufu… you have practically already handed over little Turla-chan to that boy but are you hardly worried about it now? Shouldn't you have asked those questions first?"

“ Hahaha, I'm just a little curious. Besides, I was just giving my approval to something that Turla had decided for herself... Although it seems that that girl is not good at accepting it herself. 

Therefore, I think this grandfather of hers should help her a bit with that."

"You should be careful or the little Turla -chan that you treasure more than anything else got it wrong and think you want to get rid of her and hate you for it..."

“ Umumu … th-that shouldn't happen, right? She must know that I am only supporting her decision, right?! "

" Who knows?

Well, what you're asking about... I don't know much either unfortunately. From the information we got, it seems that Alexander-kun appeared out of nowhere and in a matter of a year he created a couple of organizations that the other organizations dare not disturb in the kingdom of Delna in Inimp. 

Also, it seems that it has some pretty strong weapons in their hands...

I had heard from Cleirsa that he was quite a talented boy and that despite being Lorens-kun's age, his strength was not much different from hers... but I did not expect his fighting ability to reach that level.

Haa~ Instead of solving the doubts about him, the mysteries around Alexander-kun just keep piling up. Although seeing him in person, I don't think he's a bad boy either. "

“Well, it may be someone from a fairly well-known organization in another Area level 2… even level 3 is not impossible. After all, the monsters he had were somewhat amazing too... any tamer would cry with envy to see them! I thought it was just two girls accompanying him and I didn't realize they were monsters until he mentioned it!!

Even though they are now only at the first limit of a level 2 soul, given the intelligence of those 2 Monsters... or should I call them girls? Well, that doesn't matter much. They probably won't have a hard time breaking the 5th limit barrier at that Soul level 2 either!

Whether it's buying them or searching for a Monster with those characteristics, not even our sect can easily afford to do it! In fact... since those other Elders saw them, that not is a serious problem? Especially the old man of that family..."

“…I don't think we should worry about that much, even though there are now some frictions between our two clans, now that Alexander- kun is a disciple of the sect if he does something like spreading the information that the boy has those monsters to cause trouble, it would not only affect the boy but will be the whole sect rather.

Also, for the same reasons you said earlier, they may even reconsider antagonizing him. 

But still we should tell Alexander- kun to be careful about exposing those two girls… two monsters so easily. Or may he really have such strong backing that he doesn't worry about it causing problems for him? "

"…Perhaps. Or maybe he's just a lucky guy? There is a possibility that he will find those two Monsters there by chance, and also an excellent level Ki control technique."


The fact that Alexander- kun could fight Velrut even with a lower soul level it wasn't like he didn't have a logical explanation either, it was obvious that this was due in large part to his having very good control of his internal energy! No, given his age, to say that he was good was not enough ... Turlok's words that he even surpassed several people who have lived much longer than him in the sect in that respect were totally true! So without a doubt it is a refined technique in many years of experience.

"Oh, it's true. Another thing that Cleirsa told me was that he had a mansion full of beautiful women in Inimp. The girls who were next to him now it seems like they weren't all, you know?

You complained about my apprentice brother's bad habits before, but it seems that the boy is also quite fond of women . "

" Hmn? No, you are wrong Delna. I am not against or have negative thoughts of men with that characteristic, I just don't like that bastard father of Velrut... or rather, the way he does things is quite disgusting. "


I wanted to tease Turlok a bit, but it doesn't seem to work this time. Well, he actually seemed upset now, but for different reasons... although… it's not that I can't understand this.

“That bastard... despite being as old as us really enjoys destroying the life of little girls! Well, perhaps there are women who do not mind pleasing that old man given his strength and benefits that he can give them but... the problem is that he is quite deviant and does not care about anything as long could satisfy his lust!

I don't know how many poor girls have suffered thanks to him... or how many husbands, fathers, and brothers have died at his hands cursing him for taking their loved ones' people!!

On the other hand from what I saw, the girls around the boy seemed quite happy and not slaves with eyes just like lifeless dolls. In fact, you are a little cruel if you compare that boy there with that disgusting man, Delna. "

“… Umu, you're right Turlok. Let's forget those unpleasant topics "

" Since we talked about it, did you have any disagreement because the boy had several women, Delna? Most of your family have single or few partners after all."

" Hmn? 

No, I just wanted to tease you a little. In fact, perhaps because my family is not very big as you say, the truth is that I always envy large families or clans a little. "

“ Hahaha, sadly maybe we focused too much on our goals when we were young.

...or maybe we just weren't popular with women? If that's it, then I'm thankful that Falerin noticed me, hahaha ! "

“ Hehehe, it's probably due to both. Or we just weren't that enthusiastic about those things when we were in our youth... "

Memories of when we fought together with our friends and colleagues flash through my mind. At that time we just wanted to be stronger, and we ended up getting a territory that those guys pushed on me to avoid the responsibilities of creating and managing a Kingdom .. then sometime later I met the Master and joined his sect together with them.

Well, given the boy's talent, having multiple women is more normal than cases like Turlok and me who only end up having one wife… so it's not like I have any big complaints about that with Alexander- kun.

Although…even if he is a lover of women, hasn't he taken things a bit too far? From Cleirsa-chan said...  apart from having a mansion full of women, he even founded a union of pure women who now had u us how many hundreds of them!

… I wonder if that boy is trying to create an Imperial Harem?

"... maybe soon you will have a great-grandson and I will have another one in my family?"

" Oooh! I couldn't get a chance to see the little Turla in pretty dresses as she always preferred to be wearing armor, but maybe now my little great-granddaughter may fulfill that wish of mine?! "


It seems that he had not given up on that wish... well, if you ask me, I think the main culprit for that happening was himself... since he spent all his time with Turla-chan when he was a child, then she surely must have taken him as an example

“Well, since today time was consumed introducing him to the Family and companions, I told him that tomorrow I would show him the sect. Maybe we can find out more about him then... "

“ Umu, just… don't scare the boy away. Finally that girl seemed to find out someone she likes! So I don't want him to run away before he gives me a great-granddaughter first!! "


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