Soul Evolution System

Chapter 387 Performing The Ritual With Three Girls 2

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" E-Emmm … th-then, now it's my turn Alexander-sama."


I think it would have been better to start with Cleirsa... or at least for her to go in front of Turla. Due to seeing that I had been a bit more intense with her, now Cleirsa seemed to be quite nervous as we went head-to-head.

…No, maybe the fact that she discovered that I already had some sexual experience with someone was the main reason for this. I had already caressed her body a bit on more than one occasion while hugging her making my hands slide slightly under her hips, but… surely she could still interpret that as I being just a precocious little rascal.

Now that she knows I've had sex with a woman, then I think she could hardly keep thinking that about me. Well, not everything is bad. First of all, it's not that I intended for her to see me that way for long… I just thought that kind of relationship with Clerisa was a bit funny during all this time.

Now that she sees me more like a man than a child, things are not so bad either. In fact, I think it's a good change instead. Also, even though she knows I have experience now, she doesn't seem to dislike me or have bad feelings towards me. She just seemed a little surprised about that.

"U- Umm… t-there is something wrong, Alexander-sama?"

"No... I just had a little curious"

"…Curious? About what? "

“It may be a bit late to mention that now but… honestly, I don't understand how you Cleirsa accepted our commitment so easily. 

I never tried to hide it, but I didn't say it openly either... as you know, there are several girls around me that I have a relationship with… so given your position, I think Cleirsa could look for a better candidate than me. Of course, I'm happy that we're both now engaged, but… I can't help but wonder why you accepted this one.

Are you really okay with our commitment?"

Partly to relax her a bit and partly because I really had those doubts, I try to start a conversation to distract Cleirsa's thoughts a bit. Also, maybe I could understand more about her that way... I really think that my relationship between her and me was perhaps one of the most abrupt and even a little unusual of all the girls...

Then upon hearing my explanation and my question, the serious atmosphere in her returns as she watches me. And after thinking about my words a bit, Clairsa speaks to give me an answer.

"Well... one of the main reasons I accepted our engagement was because my stupid father was the one who proposed it... a king shouldn't retract his words so easily!

W-Well ... t-it's not like he totally accepted them either, b-but... I think we could at least get to know each other a little more."

Ah! T-That... I had completely forgotten it. Or rather, for me that was still just a little joke… w-well, I can only nod at her words silently. I think it would be bad to tell her that now… although, it seems that that wasn't the only reason and so maybe I shouldn't feel guilty.

Since it seemed that it was not all she had to say, I wait for Cleirsa to continue with her words. And this time her face flushes a little as she speaks.

“… I-I think I liked Alexander-sama when we first met. I thought y-you was cute. Also, I couldn't forget that thanks to you my little brother was saved from something bad happening to him. 

Let me thank you again for giving that weapon to him so that he could protect himself that time. "

“No, I also think of Lorens-kun as my friend, so you don't have to thank me for that. I'm also glad that didn't happen something bad to him."

So basically the reason that she accepted the engagement was due to something like responsibility... well, she is still a princess and also belongs to a family with quite a lot of importance in this Area. That's why probably is not so strange to Cleirsa something like this.

Well, it also seems that it is not just something like responsibility and I had also made a good impression on her by helping her little brother.

Since my thoughts are of an ordinary person in modern society, it was a bit difficult for me to understand those reasons of responsibility. I just know her feelings for me weren't something like love at first sight and it was instead something like her obligation… honestly, I can't say that I'm happy about it. Although it's not like I'm going to complain about it either.

Well, it seems that at least there is some physical attraction… plus, she still had a good impression from me thanks to Lorens-kun. That was like taking an interest in a friend of your brother or sister, right? Seeing it that way is easier for me to understand all this.

...I think we can advance our relationship little by little from this point.

"B-Besides ... I-I'm sorry, Alexander-sama, but ... I also thought that having a commitment to you would help me solve some problems..."

"Problems? Ah, that thing… well, I don't care that. "

While I was thinking about how to advance my relationship with Cleirsa now, she speaks again looking quite embarrassed. It seems she used me as a shield to avoid having to compromise with the siscon prince from earlier...

Honestly, I am more glad that there was this reason than that our commitment was only for reasons of obligation or responsibility. So in truth that did not concern me much. With this, at least I feel that by helping her I am justifiably winning her affection!

“B-But… now because of me you will have to fight with that person. Besides... even his family could get involved and complicate things more. 

To be honest, I-I thought Alexander-sama would have a strong backing and then they would give up when found out about it... I didn't think the main disciple would continue with this.

I-I'm really sorry!! "

Since she actually seemed to be quite distressed and distraught over how things turned out between that prince and me, Cleirsa almost brought her forehead to the ground to apologize. I think she really doesn't expect things to go that far.

“Don't worry about it, Cleirsa… no, should call you my pretty Highness now? No, that is something informal... my little princess? That sounds better ”

"E-Eh? T-That… it-it's a bit embarrassing. S-So I'd rather want you just call me just Cleirsa like before, Alexander-sama "

“Well... then you don't have to apologize to me, Cleirsa. It really doesn't matter much to me that now I have to fight the siscon prince. "

"E- Emmm ..."

"By the way, the Clan of that prince... is more powerful than yours, Cleirsa? "

"A-Although my thoughts may be a bit skewed since I am the one who says it, I do not think that if there was a conflict between our two clans we would lose... although, it would surely be a pretty tough fight and... there would be many deaths on our side as well"

"I see... if that's the case, then we don't have to worry too much."

"" ... ""

If the strength of Prince Siscon's clan is not much different than Cleirsa's, then I don't have to worry much about that. Although I don't know if you can call it a powerful influence behind my back, I think the girl soldier guild would be quite effective in fighting most people with a level 1 soul. After all, despite the number of members of those girls it does not reach a thousand, their weapons are designed to fight against large numbers against them.

It is true that firearms may have become a little less effective against people with a level 2 soul, but it is not that they are totally useless. Also, firearms are not the only things we have at our disposal... and if we add to these things that if I had to fight against all that clan Cleirsa's family would also support me, then I did not feel much pressure for this.

…Well, I and girls also have to get stronger to make things easier for us.

"Well, then if you are sure of our commitment, let's move on with the ritual."


The item I gave Cleirsa for this was a [F] rank Tiara with the ability to act as a battery to store energy. This function was somewhat similar to the weapons I gave Revy earlier but since it had only a specialized purpose of use, it could store twice as much energy as those weapons.

I think this was what suited her best and that's why I chose it in the System quickly when viewing its description. Like Turla, Cleirsa's equipment was of fairly high rank. Also, remembering that her bow utilized a lot of energy to be used to shoot energy arrows and this Tiara will probably be quite helpful for her.

“T-This is… A-Alexander-sama, this is quite a precious item! I-I can't accept it "

"If you don't accept it, then I'll be in trouble... I don't plan on using something like that, and the other girls are just learning to use their internal energy..."

As I had thought before, there are undoubtedly people with enough resources to buy equipment of these Ranks, but... the difficult thing is to find them. 

So when I explain a little about the function of this Tiara, she tries to give it back to me...

“It's true, Cleirsa -san, accept it. After all, this could be considered a gift for their engagement fufufu. "

“ …Alexander also gave various items to all of us, and they are as good as that Tiara. You do not have to worry. "

"It's true, the master gave Vrana and the others good things, roock~!"

"In fact, if you don't accept it... I would think you are despising Master."

“T-This… fine, then I'll take it. Thank you very much, Alexander-sama. We barely get to know each other, but like the others, I want to stay by your side... 

I-I have caused you problems, but I hope you forgive me...

A-As the same that Renka-san said before maybe I don't know if what I feel is l-love, but... I'm happy to have met you and... I think we can make our feelings become more strong!

W-Well… I-I still don't feel ready to do some things, so I'd appreciate it if you give me a little time to prepare for t-things like that… "

“Okay, we can move our relationship forward as you feel comfortable, Cleirsa. You don't need to force yourself to rush things."

"T-Thank you"

[Chu ~]

"(...that doesn't seem convincing coming from someone who almost made me do 'those' things in Rozz's woods)"

" Fufufu... I wonder what 'things' are you talking about, Turla -san?"

"I-It's nothing!"


As with Renka -chan, the ritual with Cleirsa ends with just a light kiss. With this, the three girls that were missing for them to receive the [Consecration of Origin] ability, now have it.

…Also, this time perhaps due to expressing some deeper complaints about me, Turla's murmurs were audible to everyone.

What can I say? I can't deny that maybe that time I overdid myself a bit... well, quite a bit. But… although I don't want to justify myself about that, her character just seemed to push me to do that!

And the proof of that is that Turla even seems to unconsciously awaken Saeko-chan's sadistic side to annoy her a bit… although it's a bit different than Shisuka, she also seems to have a sign on her forehead that says “Intimidate me please!”!!

Finishing with this ritual, we begin to talk a bit about a few things. I investigate a little more the background of Prince Siscon from Cleirsa and Turla, and also since they were now officially my women, I also decide to tell them a little about my circumstances.

“So Alexander-sama can visit some Areas that other people don't normally have access to… that is somewhat surprising. So most of the girls are from those Areas?"

"…I knew you weren't a normal person, but I wasn't expecting this. I wonder if those Areas that you can visit are the ones that are about to join Gaia in the near future? "

Since it would be difficult to explain things to them about other worlds and things like that, I explain it in a way that would be easy for them to understand. Since an Area can normally be considered a world unto itself, this was not entirely wrong.

Also, apparently it was not so strange that various Areas were constantly being created, joined, or destroyed on Gaia. I think Aurora had already told me something like that, and I think it is easier for a new Area to become a Gaia than for it to destroy itself. So you might think that this great world continues to expand even now.

So their reaction wasn't that great. They accepted it much easier than if these words had been said to a person from anime world. The only thing that surprised them the most was the fact that I could travel to Areas that supposedly are not connected to Gaia...

Apparently, when a new Area joins Gaia, something similar to a barrier is created on the border of other Areas and it is not possible to cross it until it disappears naturally... or at least that is what they know.

Also, when I showed my Grimoire to Cleirsa and Turla, they were watching it with quite a surprise. So the first thing did when they recovered from their shock, was to ask me to make it disappear... they were quite concerned that someone else would see it and both insistently made me promise that I would not easily show it to anyone else.

Well... it's not like I'm trying to boast to people that I'm in the position of an object that is probably unique... although, maybe it would be good if I stopped using it as evidence when talking to people from other worlds so that they would believe my words that I came from another world…

No ... I don't think that's much of a problem. The people who I have told them the truth and shown this one are those in whom my trust in them has reached the level of telling them all that... no, I think I have also done it simply to avoid some problems, so it is true that I should be more careful.

“Will we go to my world again, Alexander? You said that before... "

“About that… it's probably the best thing to do. I still do have to investigate some things in this Area and then after that we will make a decision, Renka -chan. "

"I see. I understand"

…Before the tournament, I want to at least make my Soul a level 2. Although training every day with Renka- chan helps me to improve my fighting skills little by little, I think that hardly would achieve that purpose.

I think the best way to do that is just to fight… and the more difficult and challenging it is, then the better it should be. Although… honestly, I can't say that that motivates me much. Virtually that means that I'll have to put my life at risk for this to be more efficient! It is not very pleasant to think it that way!

[Well, you're right that fighting is the easiest way to advance your Soul level. Normally, a person entering the 9th limit may take a few years to overcome that barrier. 

Although there are exceptions with people with a lot of talent or who obtain objects that help them with this, those cases are very few. Life and death situations have always been the best ways to unleash a person's potential ... but the requirement is to get out of them alive.]

...I already assumed that. Cleirsa and Turla should have been a while since reaching the ninth limit, and they have not been able to advance to the next level. Also, they are considered as people with talent in this Area… so I can imagine that it is not so easy for people to get their souls to a new level.

Well… it's true that my body should have some advantages in that regard, but… it's not like I can just sit back and wait for that to come into play and then my soul to strengthen itself. 

Otherwise, it wouldn't make much sense for Cross to have me initiate at the lowest soul level... although he didn't say so, I think even though maybe he couldn't just give me a soul level 10 body, at least It shouldn't be difficult for him to do it at a level 2 or 3, right?

I think he may have thought that it was better for me to gain experience in overcoming each level soul... or just that way it seemed to him that it would be more interesting.

... the second option may be more accurate.

[The evolution of the soul is more related to a mental change than physical, so if Cross wanted to evolve your soul forcibly, it may have affected your personality since instead of it being strengthened naturally, he would be forcing your soul to do it with his power.

I don't think you would have liked something like that to happen, right? You may have had a higher level soul at the cost of becoming stupid]

Whah~ T-That sounds like it's a pretty bad thing… I'm glad he didn't consider doing that!

"...who are you praying to, Alexander?"

" Hmn? Oh… to the person who gave the three of you the ability by the ritual "

"" ... ""

Unconsciously discussing such things with Aurora, I put my hands together as if praying to thank Cross for not doing something crazy with my Soul that time in the blank place where I met him.

…Oddly, perhaps thinking that I was thanking him for giving the girls the skills, they do the same too. Even the other girls who had done the ritual before did it… well, I don't think it's bad for them to thank him either, so I don't correct this misunderstanding.

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