Soul Evolution System

Chapter 388 Exploring Sect 7 Mountains 1

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If you wanted to seek strength quickly, there was also the option to do so by means of some special items… like pills. This also had problems for ordinary people as they had to get these items, but for me, this was much easier!

Through the system, I just had to get these items! Knowing this, I quickly start browsing the interface of this to search there...

In the end, it seems that despite having this advantage, things would not be as easy as I thought. First of all, they were as expensive as buying a skill!! Or at least the ones that are useful at my level and that of the girls now.

For example, one of those that I could afford with my funds that had the name of [Soul Pill-F ], cost about 100 million crystals...

Curse! I could really feel the effect of it just by reading the cost! Although I didn't feel that my soul was strengthened by it, it felt like my soul was about to leave my body!!

… Well, jokes aside, I think it was reasonable that they were expensive. They could raise the soul level after all. That meant that the person who consumed it would rise from among many, many others who cannot.

Also, it seems that not everything was so positive about this [Soul pill -F]. At the cost of forcibly raising the level of the soul, the future growth of the person was very slow! Or even he could not keep doing his soul more strong!!

So the fact that I didn't buy it as soon as I saw it on the system it wasn't because that pill made my pockets bleed. Did not have meaning become a little stronger by sacrifice my future! So quickly discard that option for me and the girls. I think that at least any girl next to me can achieve a Soul level 2 without needing it... not that I don't want to buy it for them!

Well, it is true that there were also pills that did not seem to have these disadvantages... or that those that did, were minor. But… just looking at the cost of the [ Soul Pill ] that could be considered defective, I didn't want to see the price of the others… I probably couldn't afford them now anyway.

By the way, already I had a pill that also had a chance to help a person to make their soul evolve... the [ Illumination pill]. Although to achieve that, it had to be above rank [G].

These were a couple of dozen pills of low rank, and also a few [F] rank that I recently earned in system rewards. Unfortunately, using these was more of a gamble. The main use of these pills was to help enter a state of enlightenment to increase the range of one or some abilities at random... and there was a small possibility that that moment of inspiration would help a person's soul grow!

So using this pill was more like a roulette wheel, and because of that, you could only rely on your luck. As for me, when I read its description in more detail when I was at the mansion with the girls in the Delna kingdom, I quickly consumed it.

…the result? Well, yes, I am still at the peak of a level 1 soul so you can quickly imagine it. Although, I can't seem to consider my luck that bad either… at least some skills ranged up.

Also, these pills only have an effect once at each Soul level, and these have to be a suitable range for them to take effect on the person level. So there was no point in consuming all of them to keep gambling and hope that my soul level would rise.

The remaining pills of the same rank that I swallowed, I handed over to the girls who were or would surely soon be at the peak of the 9th limit. There was no point wasting the slim chance that they would increase their strength as well. But honestly, I think that among them, Emilia-chan is the one who has the bigger chance of succeeding...

Apart from luck, my assumption is that the fewer skills a person has, the more likely they are to be successful in raising their Soul level. With fewer abilities the probability that the pill creates an illumination to increase your soul level instead of an ability is higher, right?

Of course, since it could also be interpreted that someone with those characteristics was less competent, I couldn't say that out loud. Also, Emilia-chan has the lucky ability that seems to work well unlike mine... so I have a lot of confidence in her.

"Also, as a commemoration for linking our lives now, I'll give you two this"

"" A pill? ""

“It's a [F] rank [Ilumination Pill]. Who knows? You may be lucky and it will help you get stronger. 

...Well, that depends on your luck. "

"E-Eh? A-A [Ilumination Pill- F]? I-I can't accept it, Alexander-sama. This is something very valuable! "

"T-That's right… only alchemists with a skill of the same rank or rank [E] can create them… there aren't many with that rank even in this level 2 Area, you know? "


Now that I think about it, while it is normal for Lena's strength to decrease due to her age, her ability in alchemy should not have to do it... and according to her, her family had a good position in this Area just for being an alchemist rank [F ]… Since I got them easily, I didn't pay much attention to that.

In fact, when Cleirsa and Turla tried to give them back to me, I thought they would say that they had already consumed these pills and that's why they refused... but it seems that even for a princess of a Kingdom in a level 1 Area, it is not that easy to obtain these pills.

“It doesn't matter, although I haven't given one to every girl, that's just because I think they should wait for strengthening to consume them. So do not worry and use them when you think it is appropriate to do so "

" " ... " "

Either way, there was no point just storing those pills in my interdimensional space and so I don't take the pills that they both gave me back.

[ Tock ] [ Tock ]

" Hmn ?"

"I will open, Master"

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Then the ones that appear when Mary opens were the grandparents of these two girls.

"Well, I've come to show you the sect a bit, Alexander..."

“ Hahaha… did we interrupt you at your fun time? I'm sorry about that, lad"

"" ... ""

After rolling his eyes over all of us, it seems they both have a little misunderstanding… the former King is only slightly shocked, and Turla's grandfather seemed in a good mood. As for the girls who understand the meaning of the words of the second person who walked in, they blush a bit. The ones that don't, just tilt their head in confusion.

Well, I can't blame them for their misunderstanding... the girls and I had just gotten out of the bathroom so now they still had their hair damp and showed glowing skin while wearing light clothing... also, it wasn't like they were showing too much skin to have to be embarrassed by the presence of these two, but surely the atmosphere was not entirely normal.

“ Hahaha… it's good that you're striving, Turla! Your grandfather wants to see his little great-granddaughter soon! You should strive for that too, lad!! "

" Umu, I'll do my best, grandpa!"

"E-Eh? EEEEH? !! W-What are you saying, grandpa?! B-Besides, you don't have to strain at that, Alexander!! I-It's  still… (T-It's still too early for something like having children) "

" Hahaha!"

“…I can understand the attraction that you have on those matters since you are still quite young, Alexander, but you shouldn't forget to focus on your training either."

“Don't worry, Grandpa Delna. I also focus on training every day "

"That is good"

These two old men… well, although I say old, they seemed quite jovial for their age. Only their faces showed that they were men who had lived for several years.

[When a person raises the level of their soul, their lifespan almost doubles. Although since reaching a higher level involves going through various difficulties, then it's also true very few manage to live that long due to the wounds of their bodies.

But at least I don't think it's difficult for these two to live to be 150]

…Yes, I remember you told me a little about that before. It seems that the advantages of getting strong are only greater.

Well, back to the topic of those two now, they both seemed to be quite lively people and easy to get along with. In fact, I think they are much more open than a certain King with a daughter complex. So I was actually quite happy about the attitude of these two. At least that made my opinion of them quite favorable.

On the other hand, one has to strive in everything one does, Turla! It's bad to just leave things half done!! So we should take the advice of the elders~

"Well then let's go and show you the sect a bit."


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After leaving our residence, the former King of Delna and Turla's grandfather begin to show me the sect.  It seems that for the girls who came with me, Turla and Cleirsa will take on the role of these two and do the same after.

…It's kind of sad that these two are my guides now, and not those girls. But since I had promised to do this with these grandpas the day before, then it can't be helped. Also, it seems like they wanted to talk to me about some other things.

The outer part of the sect where the normal disciples reside was more like a small town. There were the houses of the disciples, shops of these or other organizations that had a good relationship with the 7 mountains sect, and also a branch of the world guild.

The atmosphere was quite peculiar. The surroundings had predominant features as if it were medieval times or an era that was a little more advanced, but they also coexisted with some modern things. Such as lighting, drainage, transportation vehicles, and some things similar to the household appliances of everyday life in the modern world. 

Of course, the only difference between this was that instead of electricity, they used the energy of the crystals to function.

…Well, it wasn't much different from what I saw in the Delna Kingdom. If anything, it seemed that such things were more widespread here. Surely it is because people have more strength to obtain crystals here. I think that if the place was an agricultural village as the birthplace of Milene but in this area, then the two should not be very different.

Perhaps the only thing that puzzled me a little was that it did not seem that people on Gaia used the crystals or other things to create Earth-like weapons.  I can understand that since something like monster crystals and materials existed, technology would take a different path to implement the use of these instead of looking to create things like gunpowder, but... in the weapons stores that I saw, I did not see that there were things like guns that used the energy of the crystals to fire something like the arrow from Cleirsa's bow.

If such an arc existed, then the logical thing to do was to develop something more efficient. That was my thought, but by asking these two who were accompanying me, I understood the reason for this a bit.

It's not that things like that don't exist on Gaia, after all, I remember the girls repositioning some kind of energy cannon when they fought some guilds on Delna. But it seems that there are several reasons why its use did not spread too much.

The first was the cost of these and the number of people capable of creating them. Cleirsa's bow had a [F] rank, which meant it wasn't cheap and few people could create it. There is no such thing as automated assembly machines here after all.

That was already a major inconvenience, but there was still something worse. It was simple, but this influence people's minds too much. It was about the pride of strong people.

How to say it... it simply cannot be avoided that in a place where personal strength matters a lot, developing weapons that when used by someone weaker can take the life of strong people is not very pleasant for the latter ones. If I had just came to this world recently and they told me that, then I probably wouldn't be able to understand it. Now, I can't deny that even I felt a little that way when I went into Revy's world… it would really bother me that just one bullet could kill me inadvertently after trying to strengthen myself!

So just the mentality of most people on Gaia is somewhat rejecting the ideology of creating weapons like those on earth. Although, as always, there are exceptions and there are people who do not mind being looked down upon by others. I can't let my guard down and think that there are no weapons similar to assault rifles that use crystals.

Although the possibility is probably not very high. 

One of the downsides to those types of weapons is that they don't offer as much personal development as sharp weapons do that rely more on personal skills. So in a world where people seek to be strong themselves, those weapons are not designed to be very popular.

Also, with the abilities of people who have a Soul level 2, these can be considered annoying, but they are certainly not impossible to deal with and evade.

Another thing that caught my attention was that the population of other races seemed to be larger than compared to Delna. I don't know if it's simply because that kingdom is predominantly human, or because the strength of other races is usually greater than that of a normal human and that's why there are more here in the sect.

It's probably the latter since Lena told me that her Race usually has an easier time reaching a Soul level 2. Although, if Delna 's population between races was approximately 90-10, here it had only increased to 80-20. There was a difference, but it wasn't that big either.

It truly seemed that the outer and inner disciples zone was not much different than a small town. The people here were trying to make a living for themselves, and they only had the advantage of being protected by the name of the sect and being able to learn a few things to become stronger.

On the other hand, the core disciple zone was a bit different. They could be considered to be the lucky people out of all of this area. Here he could see people training and concentrating on just getting stronger. After all, they could afford that as they had much greater support from the sect.

...although, it is not that they were free of responsibilities. Even perhaps they had to carry something heavier than the outer and inner disciples. In the words of Turla's grandfather, if there was a fight against another organization, they would be the ones who would have to step forward first, or they would probably be the first to be targeted by the enemies.

You might think that they were still quite lucky since they would only act if there was a fight, but… in this world fights between organizations to the death were very common things and not something that only happened on a few occasions! In fact, for an organization to have about ten years of peace could be considered very lucky on Gaia.

So, as if they understood this, I could see that they were seriously practicing their skills. After all the best thing they could depend on to ensure their survival was their own strength.

Of course, these fights were usually between organizations of similar strength. It was not so common that for example an organization with people at the peak of the strength of an Area simply decided to crush one that had just been founded in the place.

Usually for something like this to happen, it was because a weak organization had in its hands something that caught the attention of someone stronger... so many times instead of starting a fight, those organizations happily gave up what they had with such to have a good relationship with the strong side.

…Maybe it wasn't very pleasant to listen to, but that's the way this world was. The weak just can bow their heads and pray that they do not disturb the strong and these ignore them...

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