Soul Evolution System

Chapter 389 Exploring Sect 7 Mountains 2

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"This is the sect's library."

"…I see"

After walking around the 7 Mountains Sect for a while, we returned to the core disciple zone. Apart from the dwellings of the disciples, instructors, Mayors, and Elders, the only other facilities that this place had was an area with several arenas or quadrilaterals where it seemed that the disciple tournament would take place, something which looked like a large auditorium for do things like ceremonies or gatherings large enough to accommodate a few thousand people, and lastly this library.

Apparently, the quadrilaterals or arenas were also used to carry out duels between members of the sect to resolve any disagreement, quarrels, or hatred that could not be solved by just arguing.

…Hearing about this, I was a bit surprised that the siscon prince didn't ask that we have a duel to the death here instead of waiting until the tournament. Maybe he was just a vain guy who wanted to kill me in front of the whole sect and take the applause of the spectators while doing it.

There wasn't much to see in that place, so we quickly moved to what looked like an auditorium, and likewise, we quickly moved to this library for the same reason as before.

In fact, I was certainly much more interested in this place. So we quickly entered the place and as the name indicated, it was filled with shelves with a large number of books while some disciples and instructors of the sect walked through the corridors.

I couldn't help but feel a bit excited since perhaps I could find things similar to the techniques that I bought on the system for free here! But…

"... you seem a bit disappointed, little one"


Quickly those thoughts are shattered when I start to pick up some books and peruse them… what can I say? Yes, there were some techniques, but... every book I took had very basic things! It was like reading some Karate or other martial art manual! No, it could even be worse than that!!

...while I reading some books, things like "you just have to punch with all your might to make it effective!" Or books with the name “Killing kick technique! " Or" death punch" in which is illustrated as kicking or punching in a good way abounded in place... comparing the movement in the books it was not of the whole wrong with some things I was taught in the Ryozanpaku, but ... it just was books that taught you how to kick or hit with a fist with a title too exaggerated!

The worst thing was that these books did not even talk about the control of internal energy... no, it seems that there were some who did, but... they only mentioned things like "Inside your body you have an energy that you can use to strike harder", but it is not that they mentioned how to do that!

…well, having fought with the prince who was the main disciple of this sect and seeing his ability, I think I should have expected something like that. By the skill of the other disciples maybe I should even praise the person who wrote that there was at least one internal energy in the body? At least it's better than other books with exaggerated names...

“…Well, if you compare the techniques he used when fought with Velrut before, then it's probably normal that Alexander- kun is disappointed by this.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say, most of these books were written by those who were disciples of the sect and who are now instructors or Elders... and since this sect could be considered to be quite new since it has only had a generation of Master of sect so far and has developed for about just 100 years, this is normal.

In addition, these books are so that all the disciples of the sect can see them without any restrictions... it is normal that the knowledge that people have gained during their years of life only want to pass it on to people with whom they are more united.

The knowledge and experiences of the instructors, Mayors, and elders are usually passed on to direct disciples who they take. "

"…I see"

Well... that makes sense. If they put amazing techniques in plain view of all the disciples, that would probably be even weirder than these books here. Still, I can't seem to expect much that even the knowledge that instructors, Seniors, and Elders have is so good...

[Yes… since the previous King Delna said that this sect was about only 100 years, the knowledge gained in that time cannot be compared to the techniques of the Ryozanpaku Masters who are probably millennial techniques…]

It's true, Aurora. If we think of it that way, then disciplines like Karate, Mue Thai, Chinese Kenpo, Jiujitsu that have been passed down for many, many generations in that world cannot be compared with those from here. 

“ Well, don't be discouraged boy, there are two techniques that might get your attention to motivate you to fight in the Tournament! These are only those who need the Master of the sect gives permission to learn!"


…Honestly, after my little discussion with Aurora, I was no longer so interested in those techniques that Turla's grandfather was talking about. Or rather, I no longer had much hope of finding something that interests me here...

"This is…"

After going to the top floor of this building that unlike others was guarded by 7 Mayors, there were only two scrolls in this room. One looked pretty new, but… the other looked pretty old.

"On one of those scrolls is written the form and Ki control tips that the Sect Master received as an inheritance from his family."

Apparently, from what these grandparents explained to me, the master of the 7 mountains sect came from a family which for some generations had been martial artists but it seems that his clan fell into decline due to a monster that attacked the place where he lived and eliminated his family. In the end, it seems that he could avenge his family by killing the monster, and then began to roam the world to finally found the sect.

Probably the Ki control technique that was written on the newer-looking parchment than the other was surely much better than the other books I had seen, but… that wasn't what caught my attention.

While most of the sect's disciples would probably die from being able to have that scroll to read it, the truth is that for me it was not a big deal... it was probably still not something that could be compared to the disciplines I learned in Ryozanpaku. Or at best, maybe it could only be the same. 

Of course, I wasn't going to say that either as it would be troublesome if they think I'm making fun of one of the most important things in this sect...

My eyes were riveted on the older parchment... this seemed a much more interesting thing!

"The other scroll was found in one of the expeditions of the sect in some special place... the Master considered that it was a pretty good technique, but... unfortunately to perform it an excellent Ki control was needed, and also had some requirement or compatibility that even he could not reach...

Although, it seems that from the name of this [ Metal Skeleton Technique ] "


Yes, just seeing the name of the technique caught my attention! From what Elder Delna begins to explain after Turla's grandfather, it seems that although the Sect Master regards it as a good technique, not many were interested in it because it only focused on strengthening the bones of the person who practiced it... well, besides of course that this one seems to have strong requirements to carry it out.

The vast majority would choose the technique belonging to the Sect Master's Clan over this if given a choice, and it also became even less popular when those who tried to practice it ended up failing.

...It really must be disappointing that after spending too much to obtain one of those two techniques you end up failing. So the others must have learned from those unfortunates without wanting to waste their valuable opportunity.

But for me, this technique represented one of my dreams after being reborn! It was the first step to having an indestructible body!! Well... I still had to see if I could practice this one. But I had enough confidence to do so! After all, Cross told me that my body was a little different from normal humans!!

Therefore, I think the probability that I could have success was higher than the others who tried!

" Can I see the [ Metal Skeleton technique] ?"

“That… I'm sorry, Alexander- kun. In order for you to read them, you would first have to make a large contribution to the sect or be recognized by all the Elders and be allowed by the sect master… sadly, he is now in seclusion.

The only way to do it faster is for you to win the Disciples Tournament and get the prize that is the right to choose one of these two techniques. Or become the main disciple since he is allowed to choose a technique to practice as well when he is elected"

"…I see. So I guess Prince Siscon chose the technique that is an inheritance from the Sect Master's clan... "

“P- Principe Siscon… well, yes. He has been practicing the Master's Clan technique for some years "

"If you participate in the Tournament that will take place in about 3 months, then he will probably be your biggest obstacle if you want to learn that technique"

“It's true… if I were him, I would try to increase my current limit to defeat you more easily. You probably don't have a long time from having entered in the 9th Limit of a Soul Tier 1, do you? If so, then since it will take a while for you to advance to a level 2 soul, he should take advantage of the fact that it is easier to increase the limit than the Soul level.

Although, you don't have to worry much about participating in the tournament. Even if he tries to do something, you just have to give up when you feel like things are very bad and we will intervene.

It is a pity that you would lose the opportunity to get the right to get this technique that you want, but since you are quite young, you do not have to worry much. You'll just have to wait a bit and I'm sure you'll get over him… after all, I think you're more talented than Velrut"

" Hahaha, it's true! In a couple of years you will surely get over him! It is a pity that in the tournament the Tamers cannot use their Monsters, otherwise, you would surely win "

"...well, I think if Scythe and Vrana -chan fight together they could probably defeat the prince. "

“…No, even probably only one of those girls could defeat him. They are monsters after all. "

It seems these two wanted me to join the Tournament to just get a little more experience… I think they think the chances of me winning by myself are very slim. But, on the other hand, I was a bit surprised that they think so highly of those two girls.

But thinking about their words, I had to agree with them. Since they usually look like girls to me, I sometimes forget that they have the perks of the Monsters.

[Yes, monsters unlike humans can be said to be some limits ahead since they form a crystal from before the 5th limit. It's just that at first since the amount of energy these crystals can store grows very slowly at those levels, it doesn't show much difference.

That changes as the Soul level is higher and that difference becomes more obvious. Also, unlike humans, they learn to control their energy instinctively...

As these two say, If Vrana or Scythe fought that prince, probably either of them would win. Also, for a person with only a limit or two higher than them, it would still be quite difficult to deal with any of the two who have quite high intelligence.]

It's true. Although those two have not trained how to control their Ki, I have seen how Scythe could circulate her energy through the great scythe, and how Vrana- chan could control the wind around him to allow her to fly at a higher speed. When I asked them how they had managed to do that, their response was simply something like "I can do it somehow" ...

Also, Mary although she did not seem as good at controlling her energy as these two, she was not far behind them either. It seems that there are indeed races that have more affinity or instincts to use the skill [Ki Control].

Well, going back to the previous topic, the truth is that I did not put much thought into the siscon-prince since I thought that he was only a small step in my path. So it didn't make much sense to correct the thinking of the two elders.

Also, if I do, they'll probably just think I was too vain or too proud. I didn't want their image of me to be ruined. Well... they probably still think I'm a guy with a pretty big libido, but that doesn't bother me much.

With nothing else to see here, I have to suppress the urge to insist on reading that scroll, and then we go back down the building. 

Even though the other books and scrolls found here did not attract my attention much, it seemed that there were many disciples visiting this place... well, depending on people's standards, maybe these things weren't so bad.

Furthermore, apart from books with basic fighting techniques, there were also many that contained information about Monsters, other Areas, other organizations, and all kinds of useful information. In fact, I came across books similar to the ones I bought at Rozz's forest on creating magic scrolls… when I saw them, I thought I had spent a lot of money to no avail!

My only consolation is that I can think of this expense as something necessary and that thanks to it Emilia-chan was able to advance her learning for several months than if I had obtained it until now! Also, after flipping through them a bit, I think the ones I gave her explained things better on these topics.

…Yes, it was not an unnecessary expense at that time!

"Elders, I wanted to ask you something..."

"Oh? What is it? Things about the tournament? "

“Do you want us to tell you the weaknesses of that siscon-prince? Leave it to me! I'll tell you all the bad habits of that guy!! "

“No… about that, I want to defeat that guy by myself. What I wanted to ask was about something else. 

...How much do you know about the alchemists' guild [ Thousand cauldrons ]? "

“…The [Thousand Cauldrons] guild? That's it… it's a large organization here in this Area. This one has a very good relationship with a large number of other groups, including our sect. Since it is made of only Alchemists mostly, you might think that it is not very strong, but… that would be a very wrong assumption. "

"…It's true. Many organizations that focus more on the fight like ours, would be willing to solve some problems of that guild to have a good relationship and benefit from them. "

“ Furthermore, they are certainly not a weak group just by themselves. Even though they would not be at the level of the strongest organizations in this Area, the people who lead it probably have strength equal to or greater than the Master of this sect. "

"Lad... do you have a problem with that group of Alchemists?"

", I had only heard a little about them from someone else and I thought I should meet them at some point in the future."

"" ... ""

This was a more important matter to me than dealing with the siscon prince, so I decided to ask these elders a bit about this. Hearing them, it seems that things would be a bit more complicated than I had thought... haa~ It seems that during the time Lena left this place things kept moving forward and improving for that guild.

It was impossible for these two to have no doubts about why I suddenly mentioned the [Thousand Cauldrons] guild. When they saw that there was a feud with the prince they did not seem to care much, but now they had a slightly worried face.

"Speaking of alchemists, this will help you a bit to strengthen yourself, Alexander- kun. "

" Hmn? Pills? "

"Yes. All core disciples are given these pills every month. "

Seeing that I left that issue aside, they also did not decide to continue and the previous King Delna change the subject a bit and hands me a small bag with several pills while we return to the house where the girls were.

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