Soul Evolution System

Chapter 40 The Hospital (Part 2)[Edited]

"T-that's ... I-I beg you, if I tell you don't kill me!"

It seems that I was not mistaken, they did not come with good intentions, otherwise, he would not have to plead for his life before speaking. When the others hear it, they also seem to think the same, frowning at the man’s words.

"Speak, I will not kill you as long as you tell the truth"

"The boss told us that we had to capture all the women in your group alive... he would probably do what he did so far with any woman that he has captured. He would offer them protection in exchange for them to do everything he asked.

Those who refused had it much worse ... he and his henchmen ended up forcing them to obey them by taking away their food or throwing them near the zombies so they succumb with the fear ... if they still did not submit to them, he killed these women.

When they got bored of them, they sent them to the group of workers ... as you can think they did not end well in a group of men who lived constantly fearing for their lives. Those with a stronger mentality accepted their destiny and tried to get some food by offering sexual services ... but those that did not, simply succumb to madness or become dolls without their own mind.

So, if they manage to put their hands on you all, those are the things that await you ... especially for the blonde, he gave us many warnings of what would happen to us if we touched her”

With his explanation, the women of my group turn pale at the thought of a destiny equal to the one he describes ... that was worse than hell for any woman. The policewomen were speechless hearing what the guys said, maybe they didn't thought the world would be so bad.


Shisuka, observing among all the women here and seeing that she was the only blonde, points her finger at herself while asking. Well, I can understand why their leader target her directly, but that does not calm the fury that rises within me, before I can even think, the words come out of my mouth.

"Hahaha ... that damn guy has guts! The mere fact of having illusions with my woman is enough to condemn him to a life worse than death!"

"Hehehe, Alex-kun is jealous for me ~"


[Shisuka Affection +5]

While Shisuka showed joy due to my reaction, the others felt somewhat nervous because my fury seemed to influence my domain increasing the pressure, the one who took the worst part was the man who I was staring, trembling uncontrollably and breathing agitatedly.

At that moment a warm hand takes mine, when looking for its owner, I see Saeko smiling at me, then I hold her a little harder while sighing to calm down. When the environment returns to normal, Asami asks the man.

"You also participated in those illegal acts?"

"Emm… I was scared too, I thought that I could die at any moment… b-besides watching everyone do it, I…"



Rei condemns him screaming and Saeko looks disgusted at the man while saying softly, the guy just lowers his eyes, then Matsushima approaches him walking between Rei and Komuro who had been watching the two female police officers.

"You will be judged for your actions before the law, you have the right-"

"Hey, stop that nonsense ... if you want to judge him, just put a bullet in his head"

I was a little surprised when she started telling him his rights, she should realize in the situation we are in.

"What are you talking about!? We can't take justice into our own hands! Besides, you also have to pay for what you did."

"Hahaha, really? Do you think there is a court with a judge still working? Living people will be more worried about surviving than being the jury in a judgment. You must accept the reality, the only thing useful in your police uniforms are the weapons with which you can defend yourself, your police badge is a simple ornament”

"... There may still be places that the government has control of, maybe not everywhere has become anarchy."

"Well, I will not contradict that, but those places have their own problems now. It probably cannot extend its perimeter of help much, besides without being able to communicate with the central government, they will be autonomous places, with their new rules and laws."


"S-senpai ..."

Matsushima remains silent and Asami worries about what I say, perhaps they hoped that institutions or groups such as those which they represent could regain control of the things, it is a pity that with problems of this magnitude even those can disappear to be part of history.

"If you don't want all the women here to end up like this guy said, then shut up and let me handle the things in my way. You, tell me how many men are in your group"

Matsushima passes her eyes to all the women in this place, in the end she sighs and takes off a side. I ask the man for the information of his group and he immediately responds, being one of the people subjected by fear by his leader, he does not hesitate to betray him.

"Yes! They are the boss and there were 6 men who stayed closest to him ... now there are only 5 left, of us the workers are 15, although half stayed outside the hospital to watch the doors and not allow anyone to escape."

"What are we going to do Alexander-kun?"

"... If we are careful, everyone with the exception of the leader who is armed is not a threat. Since most were subjected to fear of weapons, probably just aiming at them and telling them to drop the objects that have in their hands should be enough for them to give up”

"Do you think it will work?"

"I think Alex-san is right, they don't seem to be very brave men."

Hirano asks me, so I answer. Komuro doubts that they would give up so easily, but Saeko having the same thoughts as me, points to the man who had peeing himself and trembles in fear of what would we decide to do with him.

At the sight of the guy, others are convinced of my words and then it’s settled, after thinking about it for a moment I returned the weapons to the policewomen, it is better to them to protect themselves, also that way we gain two skilled members for the group ... or at least one.

With that done, we go back out into the hallway, only Matsushima and Shisuka remain in the pharmacy, the former to monitor the guy and the later for safety. Among the two policewomen, she seemed the most appropriate, Asami seems a bit clumsy and I don't want that her losing her gun to that man because of a neglect making things worse.

We walked through a few corridors without finding anyone, when I thought that the other men might have left after considering that we would not be easy prey and witnessing the death of their partner, I hear sounds on the other side of where we were. their leader must have thought that the death of one of his men did not matter if in the end he could obtain Shisuka ... or perhaps he would sacrifice everyone without hesitation in order to achieve his goal.

"It will be clear to you!! Anyone who opposes us will end up dead, so it is better that you give up, if you do that you will have the opportunity to continue living !! ... Komuro, shoot in front"

I shout loudly for them to listen to me, waiting a few seconds and not getting an answer, I ask Komuro to open fire as a warning. The reason for this is because I think that among all our weapons, his shotgun is the one that has the loudest sound when firing, he takes a few steps forward so as not to hit someone of us by accident and pulls the trigger.


"Hiii ... I, I don't want to die !!. I surrender, please don't keep shooting!"

"I-I agree ... Why I have to die for women that I can't even touch? I also surrender !!"

"Me too!!"

"Wait damn cowards! All of you must follow the orders, otherwise, I will make the boss kill you !!"

"Fuck you and your boss !! Why doesn't he come and take the women for himself?"

"It's true! I want to see what he does now against people who also have weapons!"

As expected, upon hearing the shotgun shot they immediately begin to surrender, only one of them, surely one of the men close to the boss, being one of those who have privileges is perhaps more loyal and tries to stop them, but at doing so only earns others beginning to express their dissatisfaction.

Soon we hear the screams of a man on the other side of the hall, when we walk there, we find 3 men hitting another one.


Shouting at them they stop and look at us in fear, when I tell them to drop their weapons they do so obediently. Then I aim with my colt at the guy who lay on the ground writhing in pain.

"Then I must assume that you will follow your boss to death, right?"

"Nooo! Hic ... I was wrong, please don't kill me! Snif ... I'll tell you everything you want to know about the boss ... I'll also take you to the base so you can take everything he have! I'll do whatever ... I do ... I still want to keep living !! "

When I aim at him, between screams, tears and boogers he starts to supplicate. I say the same to others and they drop the stick with a knife at the end tied, then I tell all of them to stay stuck in the hallway, not to do anything silly or I would really kill them, they nod strongly and do just that.

We continue walking through the corridors and in the same way we subdue another 2 groups, with this we had treated all the men on the second floor. When I interrogate them to know the location of their Boss, it turns out that when hear the first shot he ran out of the hospital just leaving his men to deal with us.

With the floor clean of enemies, I decide to gather them in the same place to prevent them from escaping or doing some nonsense ... it would be a shame to lose our new pack donkeys that I just found. Therefore, we all return to the pharmacy.


(Boss POV)

We arrived at the hospital following the group of women that I had as a goal ... I will soon be able to put my hands on them, hahaha.

We got off the truck that I had, I was lucky to find a skilled man in mechanics, when the bombs dropped, he was one of the people who were most useful to me, so I promoted him to be part of our select group as my driver

"Boss, why do you think they came to the hospital?"

"How the hell do you want me to know? Maybe they have a sick person in their group, what do I know..."

Another of my faithful men asks me, does he think I'm a fortune teller or because are there zombies now I win a kind of super power? Also, if I had a power, why would I choose that? ... If I had to have one, it should be something like having two penises, it would be more ideal with all those women. Damn it, I want to put my hands on that big-breasted blonde.

If the world were as before, being able to be with such a woman would only be a dream within a dream ... but now I am the damn BOSS!! I can have the woman that I want, and as many as I want!! It would be good if some of the actresses I saw in programs and movies that I liked are still alive ... although they say that are not the same as they are seen on television.

"Boss, what do we do?"

"Hmn? ... Where did they go?"

Because I was thinking about my great future got distracted and lost sight of them, one of my man then points to the second floor of the building and then I see my goddess through one of the windows ... fuck, those breasts even shake just by walking ... I'm getting hard

"Let's follow them"

To my words we advanced, inside we had the path almost clear of zombies, so we go ahead with great ease. Then someone asks me and when I hear him my feet stop abruptly.

"B-boss, don't you think we should make a plan or something? They have weapons ..."

"You're a jerk! Why don't you say that faster? Do you want us all to die? "

I scream at that annoying guy ... I'm really just surrounded by idiots. They cannot do anything for themselves and they want me to always do all the things.

"Someone think fast of something !!"


"W-what if we send someone pretending to be people who need help so that once they get close to them and gain their trust, later they can take away their weapons? ... I've seen that trick in many movies"

After a silence while considering a plan, someone proposes that, it seems the best option, and being women, they would probably feel pity for someone looking for help.

"Well then choose one of the workers and take him with you ... if you succeed, I'll let you choose one of the women apart from the blonde to be just for you"

"E-eh? Me? ... okay boss leave it to me !!"

Idiot, I'm just saying it to motivate you, as if you were able to have a woman like those in that group... all those beauties are only for someone big like me, you can use one of the boys who are with them.

He chooses one of the workers and climbs the stairs to carry out his plan, several of us follow them while leaving others to watch the doors. I don’t want them to scape when they are surprised, so after warning the workers what would happen to them if they put their dirty hands in any of them, especially in the blonde, we advanced through the halls.

"Help! Somebody, please!"

Then he begins to carry out his performance, it seems quite realistic... maybe he can succeed. When he does not get an answer he shouts again, this time as result a girl comes out asking what was happening to my subordinate.

Like I thought, they are naive, she thinks they came here because he is sick and here is a hospital? My subordinate is a bit surprised by the question, but manages to continue with his performance.

Suddenly things start to get weird ... I don't know if he is acting or really has a disease, but all of us who observe stand still with our eyes on the plot that is developing.

In the end it seems that the girl wants to cure him... is she some kind of genius who worked in this hospital before? ……..maybe they came for something she forgot. Now that I think about it, all the other women seem to follow this little girl, she must be someone famous.

"Well, then it is better that you close your eyes, that way you will not be afraid. You will feel a slight prick ... then the pain should disappear."


If I can put my hands on her, maybe the others in her group won’t be able to use their weapons. Fuck, I'm so smart...



When my subordinate closes his eyes following her instructions, the girl pulls out a gun, points to my subordinate’s head and shoots. That guy then collapses, but I see that he now has a new hole between his eyebrows ... the bastard even has a smile, he sure thought he would get healed ... did his tooth really hurt?

"Now he doesn't feel any pain ... this syringe that injects lead is certainly very effective, don't you think so?"


That was not a girl !! She was a demon in disguise ... when I saw her smile after killing my subordinate and calmly explaining things, my feet trembled. Although I must say that I am much braver than the guy who fell peeing on himself.

"B-boss, that girl is crazy ... boss ... you peeing on yourself?"

"W-what are you talking about ... I just been holding on all this time and seeing that guy do it I couldn't resist !!"


"Hiii ... y-you must capture them !! I will come down and make sure that none of them escape!"

Shit, I have to get out of here fast, that damned brat is crazy ... no, it's a demon, if there are zombies now there must also be demons. That is why she causes me so much fear, she is not normal ... besides, that hair like fire, it must be because she comes from hell.

I run out of the hospital and get to where my car is with my driver waiting. When they see me alarmed, doubting what was happening inside the hospital and then they ask me.

"B-boss? What happened in there, you had a face as if you had seen a ghost ... did you pee yourself?"

I take a breath to compose my agitated breathing and while doing so I also calm down. What am I thinking about? ... It is impossible for demons to exist, it must have been the fear of those useless ones that were transmitted to me.

"What the hell are you talking about? !! One of those morons urinated me because they saw someone was killed by a shot ... they are useless, guys without balls, they can't even catch a little girl"

Since in the first place it was his fault that I urinated myself, I don't hesitate to say that, it remain to see if those who stayed in the hospital are smarter than the guy who got a bullet in the head while smiling and manage to capture them somehow.

With that in mind I decide to wait for the results with those who are outside, some minutes pass and the sun continues to set, soon the darkness begins to fill the entire area, but none of those who stayed comes with news from inside.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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